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- Manifest: netwerk/test/unit/xpcshell.toml
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// HTTP Accept-Language header test
"use strict";
function run_test() {
let intlPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("intl.");
// Save old value of preference for later.
let oldPref = intlPrefs.getCharPref("accept_languages");
// Test different numbers of languages, to test different fractions.
let acceptLangTests = [
"qaa", // 1
"qaa,qab", // 2
"qaa,qab,qac,qad", // 4
"qaa,qab,qac,qad,qae,qaf,qag,qah", // 8
"qaa,qab,qac,qad,qae,qaf,qag,qah,qai,qaj", // 10
"qaa,qab,qac,qad,qae,qaf,qag,qah,qai,qaj,qak", // 11
"qaa,qab,qac,qad,qae,qaf,qag,qah,qai,qaj,qak,qal,qam,qan,qao,qap,qaq,qar,qas,qat,qau", // 21
oldPref, // Restore old value of preference (and test it).
let acceptLangTestsNum = acceptLangTests.length;
for (let i = 0; i < acceptLangTestsNum; i++) {
// Set preference to test value.
intlPrefs.setCharPref("accept_languages", acceptLangTests[i]);
// Test value.
function test_accepted_languages() {
let channel = setupChannel(testpath);
let AcceptLanguage = channel.getRequestHeader("Accept-Language");
let acceptedLanguages = AcceptLanguage.split(",");
let acceptedLanguagesLength = acceptedLanguages.length;
for (let i = 0; i < acceptedLanguagesLength; i++) {
let qualityValue;
try {
// The q-value must conform to the definition in HTTP/1.1 Section 3.9.
[, , qualityValue] = acceptedLanguages[i]
} catch (e) {
do_throw("Invalid language tag or quality value: " + e);
if (i == 0) {
// The first language shouldn't have a quality value.
Assert.equal(qualityValue, undefined);
} else {
let decimalPlaces;
// When the number of languages is small, we keep the quality value to only one decimal place.
// Otherwise, it can be up to two decimal places.
if (acceptedLanguagesLength < 10) {
Assert.ok(qualityValue.length == 3);
decimalPlaces = 1;
} else {
Assert.ok(qualityValue.length >= 3);
Assert.ok(qualityValue.length <= 4);
decimalPlaces = 2;
// All the other languages should have an evenly-spaced quality value.
(1.0 - (1 / acceptedLanguagesLength) * i).toFixed(decimalPlaces)
function setupChannel(path) {
let chan = NetUtil.newChannel({
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
return chan;