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Test Info:
- Manifest: netwerk/test/unit/xpcshell.toml
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// test cookie database asynchronous read operation.
"use strict";
var CMAX = 1000; // # of cookies to create
add_task(async () => {
// Set up a profile.
let profile = do_get_profile();
// Allow all cookies.
Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault", false);
// Start the cookieservice, to force creation of a database.
// Get the sessionCookies to join the initialization in cookie thread
// Open a database connection now, after synchronous initialization has
// completed. We may not be able to open one later once asynchronous writing
// begins.
let db = new CookieDatabaseConnection(do_get_cookie_file(profile), 12);
let channel = NetUtil.newChannel({
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_DOCUMENT,
for (let i = 0; i < CMAX; ++i) {
uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://" + i + ".com/");
"oh=hai; max-age=1000",
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies(), CMAX);
// Wait until all CMAX cookies have been written out to the database.
while (do_count_cookies_in_db(db.db) < CMAX) {
await new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
// Check the WAL file size. We set it to 16 pages of 32k, which means it
// should be around 500k.
let file = db.db.databaseFile;
Assert.ok(file.fileSize < 1e6);
// fake a profile change
await promise_close_profile();
// test a few random cookies
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(""), 1);
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(""), 0);
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(""), 1);
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(""), 1);
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(""), 0);
// force synchronous load of everything
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies(), CMAX);
// check that everything's precisely correct
for (let i = 0; i < CMAX; ++i) {
let host = i.toString() + ".com";
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(host), 1);
// reload again, to make sure the additions were written correctly
await promise_close_profile();
// remove some of the cookies, in both reverse and forward order
for (let i = 100; i-- > 0; ) {
let host = i.toString() + ".com";
Services.cookies.remove(host, "oh", "/", {});
for (let i = CMAX - 100; i < CMAX; ++i) {
let host = i.toString() + ".com";
Services.cookies.remove(host, "oh", "/", {});
// check the count
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies(), CMAX - 200);
// reload again, to make sure the removals were written correctly
await promise_close_profile();
// check the count
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies(), CMAX - 200);
// reload again, but wait for async read completion
await promise_close_profile();
await promise_load_profile();
// check that everything's precisely correct
Assert.equal(do_count_cookies(), CMAX - 200);
for (let i = 100; i < CMAX - 100; ++i) {
let host = i.toString() + ".com";
Assert.equal(Services.cookies.countCookiesFromHost(host), 1);