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Test Info:

"use strict";
const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var httpserver = new HttpServer();
var index = 0;
var tests = [
// Initial request. Cached variant will have no cookie
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "0", expected: "0", cookie: null },
// Cache now contains a variant with no value for cookie. If we don't
// set cookie we expect to receive the cached variant
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "1", expected: "0", cookie: null },
// Cache still contains a variant with no value for cookie. If we
// set a value for cookie we expect a fresh value
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "2", expected: "2", cookie: "c=2" },
// Cache now contains a variant with cookie "c=2". If the request
// also set cookie "c=2", we expect to receive the cached variant.
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "3", expected: "2", cookie: "c=2" },
// Cache still contains a variant with cookie "c=2". When setting
// cookie "c=4" in the request we expect a fresh value
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "4", expected: "4", cookie: "c=4" },
// Cache now contains a variant with cookie "c=4". When setting
// cookie "c=4" in the request we expect the cached variant
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "5", expected: "4", cookie: "c=4" },
// Cache still contains a variant with cookie "c=4". When setting
// no cookie in the request we expect a fresh value
{ url: "/bug468426", server: "6", expected: "6", cookie: null },
function setupChannel(suffix, value, cookie) {
var chan = NetUtil.newChannel({
uri: "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort + suffix,
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
var httpChan = chan.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
httpChan.requestMethod = "GET";
httpChan.setRequestHeader("x-request", value, false);
if (cookie != null) {
httpChan.setRequestHeader("Cookie", cookie, false);
return httpChan;
function triggerNextTest() {
var channel = setupChannel(
channel.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(checkValueAndTrigger, null));
function checkValueAndTrigger(request, data) {
Assert.equal(tests[index].expected, data);
if (index < tests.length - 1) {
// This call happens in onStopRequest from the channel. Opening a new
// channel to the same url here is no good idea! Post it instead...
do_timeout(1, triggerNextTest);
} else {
function run_test() {
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/bug468426", handler);
// Clear cache and trigger the first test
function handler(metadata, response) {
var body = "unset";
try {
body = metadata.getHeader("x-request");
} catch (e) {}
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "Ok");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
response.setHeader("Last-Modified", getDateString(-1), false);
response.setHeader("Vary", "Cookie", false);
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function getDateString(yearDelta) {
var months = [
var days = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
var d = new Date();
return (
days[d.getUTCDay()] +
", " +
d.getUTCDate() +
" " +
months[d.getUTCMonth()] +
" " +
(d.getUTCFullYear() + yearDelta) +
" " +
d.getUTCHours() +
":" +
d.getUTCMinutes() +
":" +
d.getUTCSeconds() +
" UTC"