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Test Info:
- Manifest: layout/reftests/svg/smil/reftest.list
<title>Test animation of the "operator" enum attribute on the "feComposite" element</title>
<script xlink:href="smil-util.js" type="text/javascript"/>
<filter id="composite_filter_1" x="-100%" y="0%" width="200%" height="100%">
<feFlood flood-color="lime" result="lime"/>
<feComposite in="lime" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="out">
<!-- this should turn the referencing element red at 1.25s -->
<animate attributeName="operator"
begin="0s" dur="2.5s"
from="out" to="in"
<filter id="composite_filter_2" x="0%" y="0%" width="200%" height="100%">
<feFlood flood-color="lime" result="lime"/>
<feComposite in="lime" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="out">
<!-- this should turn the referencing element lime at 1s -->
<animate attributeName="operator"
begin="0s" dur="2s"
from="out" to="in"
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="lime"/>
<!-- 40% through discrete animation simple duration - test animation doesn't affect the element too early -->
<rect width="100" height="100" fill="red"/>
<rect x="100" width="100" height="100" fill="red" filter="url(#composite_filter_1)"/>
<!-- 50% through discrete animation simple duration - test animation affects the element now -->
<rect y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="red"/>
<rect y="100" width="100" height="100" fill="red" filter="url(#composite_filter_2)"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doTest() {
setTimeAndSnapshot(1, true);
window.addEventListener("MozReftestInvalidate", doTest, false);