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Test Info:

"use strict";
const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
add_task(async function() {
let scriptUrl ="file_simple_script.js")).spec;
let script1 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, {hasReturnValue: true});
let script2 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, {hasReturnValue: false});
equal(script1.url, scriptUrl, "Script URL is correct")
equal(script2.url, scriptUrl, "Script URL is correct")
equal(script1.hasReturnValue, true, "Script hasReturnValue property is correct")
equal(script2.hasReturnValue, false, "Script hasReturnValue property is correct")
// Test return-value version.
let sandbox1 = Cu.Sandbox("");
let sandbox2 = Cu.Sandbox("");
let obj = script1.executeInGlobal(sandbox1);
equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(obj).origin, "", "Return value origin is correct");
equal(, "\u00ae", "Return value has the correct charset");
obj = script1.executeInGlobal(sandbox2);
equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(obj).origin, "", "Return value origin is correct");
equal(, "\u00ae", "Return value has the correct charset");
// Test no-return-value version. = null;
equal(, null);
obj = script2.executeInGlobal(sandbox1);
equal(obj, undefined, "No-return script has no return value");
equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(, "", "Object value origin is correct");
equal(, "\u00ae", "Object value has the correct charset"); = null;
equal(, null);
obj = script2.executeInGlobal(sandbox2);
equal(obj, undefined, "No-return script has no return value");
equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(, "", "Object value origin is correct");
equal(, "\u00ae", "Object value has the correct charset");
add_task(async function test_syntaxError() {
// Generate an artificially large script to force off-main-thread
// compilation.
let scriptUrl = `data:,${";".repeat(1024 * 1024)}(`;
await Assert.rejects(
// Generate a small script to force main thread compilation.
scriptUrl = `data:,;(`;
await Assert.rejects(
add_task(async function test_Error_filename() {
// This function will be serialized as a data:-URL and called.
function getMyError() {
let err = new Error();
return {
fileName: err.fileName,
stackFirstLine: err.stack.split("\n")[0],
const scriptUrl = `data:,(${encodeURIComponent(getMyError)})()`;
const dummyFilename = "dummy filename";
let script1 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, { hasReturnValue: true });
let script2 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, { hasReturnValue: true, filename: dummyFilename });
equal(script1.url, scriptUrl, "Script URL is correct");
equal(script2.url, "dummy filename", "Script URL overridden");
let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox("");
let err1 = script1.executeInGlobal(sandbox);
equal(err1.fileName, scriptUrl, "fileName is original script URL");
equal(err1.stackFirstLine, `getMyError@${scriptUrl}:2:15`, "Stack has original URL");
let err2 = script2.executeInGlobal(sandbox);
equal(err2.fileName, dummyFilename, "fileName is overridden filename");
equal(err2.stackFirstLine, `getMyError@${dummyFilename}:2:15`, "Stack has overridden URL");
add_task(async function test_invalid_url() {
// In this test we want a URL that doesn't resolve to a valid file.
// Moreover, the name is chosen such that it does not trigger the
// CheckForBrokenChromeURL check.
await Assert.rejects(
/^Unable to load script: resource:\/\/\/invalid\.ftl$/
await Assert.rejects(
ChromeUtils.compileScript("resource:///invalid.ftl", { filename: "bye bye" }),
/^Unable to load script: bye bye$/
* Assert that executeInGlobal throws a special exception when the content script throws.
* And the content script exception is notified to the console.
add_task(async function test_exceptions_in_webconsole() {
const scriptUrl = `data:,throw new Error("foo")`;
const script = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl);
const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox("");
Assert.throws(() => script.executeInGlobal(sandbox),
/Error: foo/,
"Without reportException set to true, executeInGlobal throws an exception");
info("With reportException, executeInGlobal doesn't throw, but notifies the console");
const { messages } = await AddonTestUtils.promiseConsoleOutput(() => {
script.executeInGlobal(sandbox, { reportExceptions: true });
info("Wait for the console message related to the content script exception");
equal(messages.length, 1, "Got one console message");
equal(messages[0].errorMessage, "Error: foo", "We are notified about the plain content script exception via the console");
ok(messages[0].stack, "The message has a stack");