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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef ScriptPreloader_h
#define ScriptPreloader_h
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MaybeOneOf.h"
#include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/SPSCQueue.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Vector.h"
#include "mozilla/loader/AutoMemMap.h"
#include "MainThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsClassHashtable.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsIAsyncShutdown.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsIMemoryReporter.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIThread.h"
#include "nsITimer.h"
#include "js/CompileOptions.h" // JS::DecodeOptions, JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions
#include "js/experimental/JSStencil.h" // JS::Stencil
#include "js/GCAnnotations.h" // for JS_HAZ_NON_GC_POINTER
#include "js/RootingAPI.h" // for Handle, Heap
#include "js/Transcoding.h" // for TranscodeBuffer, TranscodeRange, TranscodeSource
#include "js/TypeDecls.h" // for HandleObject, HandleScript
#include <prio.h>
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class ContentParent;
namespace ipc {
class FileDescriptor;
namespace loader {
class InputBuffer;
class ScriptCacheChild;
enum class ProcessType : uint8_t {
template <typename T>
struct Matcher {
virtual bool Matches(T) = 0;
} // namespace loader
using namespace mozilla::loader;
class ScriptPreloader : public nsIObserver,
public nsIMemoryReporter,
public nsIRunnable,
public nsINamed,
public nsIAsyncShutdownBlocker,
public SingleWriterLockOwner {
friend class mozilla::loader::ScriptCacheChild;
static StaticRefPtr<ScriptPreloader> gScriptPreloader;
static StaticRefPtr<ScriptPreloader> gChildScriptPreloader;
static StaticAutoPtr<AutoMemMap> gCacheData;
static StaticAutoPtr<AutoMemMap> gChildCacheData;
static ScriptPreloader& GetSingleton();
static ScriptPreloader& GetChildSingleton();
static void DeleteSingleton();
static void DeleteCacheDataSingleton();
static ProcessType GetChildProcessType(const nsACString& remoteType);
// Fill some options that should be consistent across all scripts stored
// into preloader cache.
static void FillCompileOptionsForCachedStencil(JS::CompileOptions& options);
static void FillDecodeOptionsForCachedStencil(JS::DecodeOptions& options);
bool OnWritingThread() const override { return NS_IsMainThread(); }
// Retrieves the stencil with the given cache key from the cache.
// Returns null if the stencil is not cached.
already_AddRefed<JS::Stencil> GetCachedStencil(
JSContext* cx, const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& options,
const nsCString& path);
// Notes the execution of a script with the given URL and cache key.
// Depending on the stage of startup, the script may be serialized and
// stored to the startup script cache.
// If isRunOnce is true, this script is expected to run only once per
// process per browser session. A cached instance will not be kept alive
// for repeated execution.
void NoteStencil(const nsCString& url, const nsCString& cachePath,
JS::Stencil* stencil, bool isRunOnce = false);
// Notes the IPC arrival of the XDR data of a stencil compiled by some
// child process. See ScriptCacheChild::SendScriptsAndFinalize.
void NoteStencil(const nsCString& url, const nsCString& cachePath,
ProcessType processType, nsTArray<uint8_t>&& xdrData,
TimeStamp loadTime);
// Initializes the script cache from the startup script cache file.
Result<Ok, nsresult> InitCache(const nsAString& = u"scriptCache"_ns);
Result<Ok, nsresult> InitCache(const Maybe<ipc::FileDescriptor>& cacheFile,
ScriptCacheChild* cacheChild);
bool Active() const { return mCacheInitialized && !mStartupFinished; }
Result<Ok, nsresult> InitCacheInternal(JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope = nullptr);
already_AddRefed<JS::Stencil> GetCachedStencilInternal(
JSContext* cx, const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& options,
const nsCString& path);
static ProcessType CurrentProcessType() {
MOZ_ASSERT(sProcessType != ProcessType::Uninitialized);
return sProcessType;
static void InitContentChild(dom::ContentParent& parent);
virtual ~ScriptPreloader();
enum class ScriptStatus {
// Represents a cached script stencil, either initially read from the
// cache file, to be added to the next session's stencil cache file, or
// both.
// - Read from the cache, and being decoded off thread. In this case:
// - mReadyToExecute is false
// - mDecodingScripts contains the CachedStencil
// - mDecodedStencils have never contained the stencil
// - mStencil is null
// - Off-thread decode for the stencil has finished, but the stencil has not
// yet been dequeued nor executed. In this case:
// - mReadyToExecute is true
// - mDecodingScripts contains the CachedStencil
// - mDecodedStencils contains the decoded stencil
// - mStencil is null
// - Off-thread decode for the stencil has finished, and the stencil has
// been dequeued, but has not yet been executed. In this case:
// - mReadyToExecute is true
// - mDecodingScripts no longer contains the CachedStencil
// - mDecodedStencils no longer contains the decoded stencil
// - mStencil is non-null
// - Fully decoded, and ready to be added to the next session's cache
// file. In this case:
// - mReadyToExecute is true
// - mStencil is non-null
// A stencil to be added to the next session's cache file always has a
// non-null mStencil value. If it was read from the last session's cache
// file, it also has a non-empty mXDRRange range, which will be stored in
// the next session's cache file. If it was compiled in this session, its
// mXDRRange will initially be empty, and its mXDRData buffer will be
// populated just before it is written to the cache file.
class CachedStencil : public LinkedListElement<CachedStencil> {
CachedStencil(CachedStencil&&) = delete;
CachedStencil(ScriptPreloader& cache, const nsCString& url,
const nsCString& cachePath, JS::Stencil* stencil)
: mCache(cache),
mIsRunOnce(false) {}
inline CachedStencil(ScriptPreloader& cache, InputBuffer& buf);
~CachedStencil() = default;
ScriptStatus Status() const {
return mProcessTypes.isEmpty() ? ScriptStatus::Restored
: ScriptStatus::Saved;
// For use with nsTArray::Sort.
// Orders scripts by script load time, so that scripts which are needed
// earlier are stored earlier, and scripts needed at approximately the
// same time are stored approximately contiguously.
struct Comparator {
bool Equals(const CachedStencil* a, const CachedStencil* b) const {
return a->mLoadTime == b->mLoadTime;
bool LessThan(const CachedStencil* a, const CachedStencil* b) const {
return a->mLoadTime < b->mLoadTime;
struct StatusMatcher final : public Matcher<CachedStencil*> {
explicit StatusMatcher(ScriptStatus status) : mStatus(status) {}
virtual bool Matches(CachedStencil* script) override {
return script->Status() == mStatus;
const ScriptStatus mStatus;
void FreeData() {
// If the script data isn't mmapped, we need to release both it
// and the Range that points to it at the same time.
if (!IsMemMapped()) {
void UpdateLoadTime(const TimeStamp& loadTime) {
if (mLoadTime.IsNull() || loadTime < mLoadTime) {
mLoadTime = loadTime;
// Checks whether the cached JSScript for this entry will be needed
// again and, if not, drops it and returns true. This is the case for
// run-once scripts that do not still need to be encoded into the
// cache.
// If this method returns false, callers may set mScript to a cached
// JSScript instance for this entry. If it returns true, they should
// not.
bool MaybeDropStencil() {
if (mIsRunOnce && (HasRange() || !mCache.WillWriteScripts())) {
mStencil = nullptr;
return true;
return false;
// Encodes this script into XDR data, and stores the result in mXDRData.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool XDREncode(JSContext* cx);
// Encodes or decodes this script, in the storage format required by the
// script cache file.
template <typename Buffer>
void Code(Buffer& buffer) {
// Returns the XDR data generated for this script during this session. See
// mXDRData.
JS::TranscodeBuffer& Buffer() {
return mXDRData.ref<JS::TranscodeBuffer>();
bool HasBuffer() { return mXDRData.constructed<JS::TranscodeBuffer>(); }
// Returns the read-only XDR data for this script. See mXDRRange.
const JS::TranscodeRange& Range() {
return mXDRRange.ref();
bool HasRange() { return mXDRRange.isSome(); }
bool IsMemMapped() const { return mXDRData.empty(); }
nsTArray<uint8_t>& Array() {
return mXDRData.ref<nsTArray<uint8_t>>();
bool HasArray() { return mXDRData.constructed<nsTArray<uint8_t>>(); }
already_AddRefed<JS::Stencil> GetStencil(
JSContext* cx, const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& options);
size_t HeapSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
auto size = mallocSizeOf(this);
if (HasArray()) {
size += Array().ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
} else if (HasBuffer()) {
size += Buffer().sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
if (mStencil) {
size += JS::SizeOfStencil(mStencil, mallocSizeOf);
// Note: mURL and mCachePath use the same string for scripts loaded
// by the message manager. The following statement avoids
// double-measuring in that case.
size += (mURL.SizeOfExcludingThisIfUnshared(mallocSizeOf) +
return size;
ScriptPreloader& mCache;
// The URL from which this script was initially read and compiled.
nsCString mURL;
// A unique identifier for this script's filesystem location, used as a
// primary cache lookup value.
nsCString mCachePath;
// The offset of this script in the cache file, from the start of the XDR
// data block.
uint32_t mOffset = 0;
// The size of this script's encoded XDR data.
uint32_t mSize = 0;
TimeStamp mLoadTime{};
RefPtr<JS::Stencil> mStencil;
// True if this script is ready to be executed. This means that either the
// off-thread portion of an off-thread decode has finished, or the
// off-thread decode failed, and may be immediately decoded
// whenever it is first executed.
bool mReadyToExecute = false;
// True if this script is expected to run once per process. If so, its
// JSScript instance will be dropped as soon as the script has
// executed and been encoded into the cache.
bool mIsRunOnce = false;
// The set of processes in which this script has been used.
EnumSet<ProcessType> mProcessTypes{};
// The set of processes which the script was loaded into during the
// last session, as read from the cache file.
EnumSet<ProcessType> mOriginalProcessTypes{};
// The read-only XDR data for this script, which was either read from an
// existing cache file, or generated by encoding a script which was
// compiled during this session.
Maybe<JS::TranscodeRange> mXDRRange;
// XDR data which was generated from a script compiled during this
// session, and will be written to the cache file.
// The format is JS::TranscodeBuffer if the script was XDR'd as part
// of this process, or nsTArray<> if the script was transfered by IPC
// from a child process.
MaybeOneOf<JS::TranscodeBuffer, nsTArray<uint8_t>> mXDRData;
template <ScriptStatus status>
static Matcher<CachedStencil*>* Match() {
static CachedStencil::StatusMatcher matcher{status};
return &matcher;
// The maximum size of scripts to re-decode on the main thread if off-thread
// decoding hasn't finished yet. In practice, we don't hit this very often,
// but when we do, re-decoding some smaller scripts on the main thread gives
// the background decoding a chance to catch up without blocking the main
// thread for quite as long.
static constexpr int MAX_MAINTHREAD_DECODE_SIZE = 50 * 1024;
explicit ScriptPreloader(AutoMemMap* cacheData);
void Cleanup();
void FinishPendingParses(MonitorAutoLock& aMal);
void InvalidateCache();
// Opens the cache file for reading.
Result<Ok, nsresult> OpenCache();
// Writes a new cache file to disk. Must not be called on the main thread.
Result<Ok, nsresult> WriteCache() MOZ_REQUIRES(mSaveMonitor);
void StartCacheWrite();
// Prepares scripts for writing to the cache, serializing new scripts to
// XDR, and calculating their size-based offsets.
void PrepareCacheWrite();
void PrepareCacheWriteInternal();
void CacheWriteComplete();
void FinishContentStartup();
// Returns true if scripts added to the cache now will be encoded and
// written to the cache. If we've already encoded scripts for the cache
// write, or this is a content process which hasn't been asked to return
// script bytecode, this will return false.
bool WillWriteScripts();
// Returns a file pointer for the cache file with the given name in the
// current profile.
Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, nsresult> GetCacheFile(const nsAString& suffix);
// Waits for the given cached script to finish compiling off-thread, or
// decodes it synchronously on the main thread, as appropriate.
already_AddRefed<JS::Stencil> WaitForCachedStencil(
JSContext* cx, const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& options,
CachedStencil* script);
void StartDecodeTask(JS::Handle<JSObject*> scope);
bool StartDecodeTask(const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& decodeOptions,
Vector<JS::TranscodeSource>&& decodingSources);
class DecodeTask : public Runnable {
ScriptPreloader* mPreloader;
JS::OwningDecodeOptions mDecodeOptions;
Vector<JS::TranscodeSource> mDecodingSources;
DecodeTask(ScriptPreloader* preloader,
const JS::ReadOnlyDecodeOptions& decodeOptions,
Vector<JS::TranscodeSource>&& decodingSources)
: Runnable("ScriptPreloaderDecodeTask"),
mDecodingSources(std::move(decodingSources)) {
NS_IMETHOD Run() override;
friend class DecodeTask;
void onDecodedStencilQueued();
void OnDecodeTaskFinished();
void OnDecodeTaskFailed();
void FinishOffThreadDecode();
void DoFinishOffThreadDecode();
already_AddRefed<nsIAsyncShutdownClient> GetShutdownBarrier();
size_t ShallowHeapSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
return (mallocSizeOf(this) +
mScripts.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf) +
mallocSizeOf(mSaveThread.get()) + mallocSizeOf(mProfD.get()));
using ScriptHash = nsClassHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, CachedStencil>;
template <ScriptStatus status>
static size_t SizeOfHashEntries(ScriptHash& scripts,
mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
size_t size = 0;
for (auto elem : IterHash(scripts, Match<status>())) {
size += elem->HeapSizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
return size;
ScriptHash mScripts;
// True after we've shown the first window, and are no longer adding new
// scripts to the cache.
bool mStartupFinished = false;
bool mCacheInitialized = false;
bool mSaveComplete = false;
bool mDataPrepared = false;
// May only be changed on the main thread, while `mSaveMonitor` is held.
bool mCacheInvalidated MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mSaveMonitor) = false;
// The list of scripts currently being decoded in a background thread.
LinkedList<CachedStencil> mDecodingScripts;
// The result of the decode task.
// This is emplaced when starting the decode task, with the capacity equal
// to the number of sources.
// If the decode task failed, nullptr is enqueued.
Maybe<SPSCQueue<RefPtr<JS::Stencil>>> mDecodedStencils;
// True is main-thread is blocked and we should notify with Monitor. Access
// only while `mMonitor` is held.
bool mWaitingForDecode MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMonitor) = false;
// The process type of the current process.
static ProcessType sProcessType;
// The process types for which remote processes have been initialized, and
// are expected to send back script data.
EnumSet<ProcessType> mInitializedProcesses{};
RefPtr<ScriptPreloader> mChildCache;
ScriptCacheChild* mChildActor = nullptr;
nsString mBaseName;
nsCString mContentStartupFinishedTopic;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mProfD;
nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mSaveThread;
nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mSaveTimer;
// The mmapped cache data from this session's cache file.
// The instance is held by either `gCacheData` or `gChildCacheData` static
// fields, and its lifetime is guaranteed to be longer than ScriptPreloader
// instance.
AutoMemMap* mCacheData;
Monitor mMonitor;
MonitorSingleWriter mSaveMonitor MOZ_ACQUIRED_BEFORE(mMonitor);
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // ScriptPreloader_h