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// |reftest| shell-option(--enable-shadow-realms) skip-if(!
// The output of Function.prototype.toString must match the |NativeFunction| production.
// NativeFunction :
// function NativeFunctionAccessor? PropertyName[~Yield, ~Await]? ( FormalParameters[~Yield, ~Await] ) { [ native code ] }
// NativeFunctionAccessor :
// get
// set
function assertMatchesNativeFunction(f) {
var source = f.toString();
// Starts with "function".
assertEq(/^function\b/.test(source), true);
// Remove the optional |NativeFunctionAccessor| part.
var nativeAccesorRe = /^(?<start>\s*function)(?<accessor>\s+[gs]et)(?<end>\s+[^(].*)$/;
var match = nativeAccesorRe.exec(source);
if (match) {
source = match.groups.start + match.groups.end;
// The body must include the string "[native code".
var closeCurly = source.lastIndexOf("}");
var openCurly = source.lastIndexOf("{");
assertEq(openCurly < closeCurly, true);
var body = source.slice(openCurly + 1, closeCurly);
assertEq(/^\s*\[native code\]\s*$/.test(body), true);
// Verify |PropertyName| and |FormalParameters| are syntactically correct by parsing the source
// code. But we first need to replace the "[native code]" substring.
source = source.slice(0, openCurly) + "{}";
// Also prepend "void" to parse the function source code as a FunctionExpression, because we
// don't necessarily have a name part.
source = "void " + source;
try {
} catch {
assertEq(true, false, `${source} doesn't match NativeFunction`);
let sr = new ShadowRealm();
var f = sr.evaluate("function f() { }; f");
assertMatchesNativeFunction(f); = "koala"
Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { writable: true, value: "koala" });
assertMatchesNativeFunction(f); = "panda"
assertMatchesNativeFunction(f); = "has whitespace, therefore shouldn't match the PropertyName production";
assertMatchesNativeFunction(f); = 123;
Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { get() { throw new Error("unexpected side-effect"); } });
if (typeof reportCompare === 'function')
reportCompare(true, true);