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// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty('Intl')||!this.Intl.Segmenter)
// Word boundaries are locale independent. Test with various locales to ensure
// we get the same results.
const locales = [
"en", "de", "fr", "ar", "ja", "zh", "th",
let strings = {
// Empty string
"": [],
// Ascii
"This is an English sentence.": [
"This", " ", "is", " ", "an", " ", "English", " ", "sentence", "."
"Moi? N'est-ce pas.": [
"Moi", "?", " ", "N'est", "-", "ce", " ", "pas", "."
// Latin-1
"Unnötig umständlich Wörter überlegen.": [
"Unnötig", " ", "umständlich", " ", "Wörter", " ", "überlegen", "."
// Two-Byte
"ラドクリフ、マラソン五輪代表に 1万メートル出場にも含み。": [
"ラドクリフ", "、", "マラソン", "五輪", "代表", "に", " ", "1", "万", "メートル", "出場", "に", "も", "含み", "。"
// From: Language Sense and Ambiguity in Thai
"ขนบนอก": [
// According to the paper this should instead be separated into ขน|บน|อก.
"ขนบ", "นอก"
"พนักงานนําโคลงเรือสามตัว": [
// Expected segmentation is พนักงาน|นํา|โค|ลง|เรือ|สาม|ตัว.
// ICU4C segmentation:
// "พนัก", "งาน", "นํา", "โคลง", "เรือ", "สาม", "ตัว"
// ICU4X segmentation:
"พ", "นัก", "งานนํา", "โคลง", "เรือ", "สาม", "ตัว"
"หมอหุงขาวสวยด": [
// Has three possible segmentations:
// หมอหงขาว|สวย|ด
// หมอ|หง|ขาวสวย|ด
// หมอ|หง|ขาว|สวย|ด
// ICU4C segmentation:
// "หมอ", "หุง", "ขาว", "สวย", "ด"
// ICU4X segmentation:
"หมอ", "หุง", "ขาว", "สวยด"
// From: Thoughts on Word and Sentence Segmentation in Thai
"หนังสือรวมบทความทางวิชาการในการประชุมสัมมนา": [
"หนังสือ", "รวม", "บทความ", "ทาง", "วิชาการ", "ใน", "การ", "ประชุม", "สัมมนา"
function assertIsSegmentDataObject(obj) {
// The prototype is %Object.prototype%.
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), Object.prototype);
// The Segment Data object has exactly four own properties.
let keys = Reflect.ownKeys(obj);
assertEq(keys.length, 4);
assertEq(keys[0], "segment");
assertEq(keys[1], "index");
assertEq(keys[2], "input");
assertEq(keys[3], "isWordLike");
// Ensure each property has the correct value type.
assertEq(typeof obj.segment, "string");
assertEq(typeof obj.index, "number");
assertEq(typeof obj.input, "string");
assertEq(typeof obj.isWordLike, "boolean");
// |index| is an integer index into |string|.
assertEq(Number.isInteger(obj.index), true);
assertEq(obj.index >= 0, true);
assertEq(obj.index < obj.input.length, true);
// Segments are non-empty.
assertEq(obj.segment.length > 0, true);
// Ensure the segment is present in the input at the correct position.
assertEq(obj.input.substr(obj.index, obj.segment.length), obj.segment);
// The non-word parts in the samples are either punctuators or space separators.
let expectedWordLike = !/^(\p{gc=P}|\p{gc=Zs})+$/u.test(obj.segment);
assertEq(obj.isWordLike, expectedWordLike, obj.segment);
function segmentsFromContaining(segmenter, string) {
let segments = segmenter.segment(string);
let result = [];
for (let index = 0, data; (data = segments.containing(index)); index += data.segment.length) {
return result;
for (let locale of locales) {
let segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter(locale, {granularity: "word"});
let resolved = segmenter.resolvedOptions();
assertEq(resolved.locale, locale);
assertEq(resolved.granularity, "word");
for (let [string, words] of Object.entries(strings)) {
let segments = [...segmenter.segment(string)];
// Assert each segment is a valid Segment Data object.
// Concatenating all segments should return the input.
assertEq(segments.reduce((acc, {segment}) => acc + segment, ""), string);
// The "input" property matches the original input string.
assertEq(segments.every(({input}) => input === string), true);
// The indices are sorted in ascending order.
assertEq(isNaN(segments.reduce((acc, {index}) => index > acc ? index : NaN, -Infinity)), false);
// The computed segments match the expected value.
assertEqArray({segment}) => segment), words);
// Segment iteration and %Segments.prototype%.containing return the same results.
assertDeepEq(segmentsFromContaining(segmenter, string), segments);
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(0, 0);