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if (getBuildConfiguration("debug") &&
(getBuildConfiguration("arm-simulator") || getBuildConfiguration("arm64-simulator") ||
getBuildConfiguration("mips32-simulator") || getBuildConfiguration("mips64-simulator")))
// Will timeout, so just quit early.
// Sundry test cases for the "partial write" bounds checking semantics.
const PAGESIZE = 65536;
// memory.fill: out of bounds, should not perform writes
// Arithmetic overflow of memory offset + len should not affect the behavior, we
// should still fill up to the limit.
function mem_fill(min, max, shared, backup, write=backup*2) {
if (shared == "shared" && !sharedMemoryEnabled())
let ins = wasmEvalText(
(memory (export "mem") ${min} ${max} ${shared})
(func (export "run") (param $offs i32) (param $val i32) (param $len i32)
(memory.fill (local.get $offs) (local.get $val) (local.get $len))))`);
// A fill past the end should throw *and* not have filled all the way up to
// the end
let offs = min*PAGESIZE - backup;
let val = 37;
assertErrorMessage(() =>, val, write),
/index out of bounds/);
let v = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
for (let i=0; i < backup; i++)
assertEq(v[offs+i], 0);
for (let i=0; i < offs; i++)
assertEq(v[i], 0);
mem_fill(1, 1, "", 256);
mem_fill(1, 1, "", 257);
mem_fill(1, 1, "", 257, 0xFFFFFFFF); // offs + len overflows 32-bit
mem_fill(2, 4, "shared", 256);
mem_fill(2, 4, "shared", 257);
mem_fill(2, 4, "shared", 257, 0xFFFFFFFF); // offs + len overflows 32-bit
// memory.init: out of bounds of the memory or the segment, and should not perform
// the operation at all.
// Arithmetic overflow of memoffset + len or of bufferoffset + len should not
// affect the behavior.
// Note, the length of the data segment is 16.
const mem_init_len = 16;
function mem_init(min, max, shared, backup, write) {
if (shared == "shared" && !sharedMemoryEnabled())
let ins = wasmEvalText(
(memory (export "mem") ${min} ${max} ${shared})
(data "\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42\\42")
(func (export "run") (param $offs i32) (param $len i32)
(memory.init 0 (local.get $offs) (i32.const 0) (local.get $len))))`);
// A fill writing past the end of the memory should throw *and* not have filled
// all the way up to the end.
// A fill reading past the end of the segment should throw *and* not have filled
// memory with as much data as was available.
let offs = min*PAGESIZE - backup;
assertErrorMessage(() =>, write),
/index out of bounds/);
let v = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
for (let i=0; i < min; i++)
assertEq(v[offs + i], 0);
// We exceed the bounds of the memory but not of the data segment
mem_init(1, 1, "", Math.floor(mem_init_len/2), mem_init_len);
mem_init(1, 1, "", Math.floor(mem_init_len/2)+1, mem_init_len);
mem_init(2, 4, "shared", Math.floor(mem_init_len/2), mem_init_len);
mem_init(2, 4, "shared", Math.floor(mem_init_len/2)+1, mem_init_len);
// We exceed the bounds of the data segment but not the memory
mem_init(1, 1, "", mem_init_len*4, mem_init_len*2-2);
mem_init(1, 1, "", mem_init_len*4-1, mem_init_len*2-1);
mem_init(2, 4, "shared", mem_init_len*4, mem_init_len*2-2);
mem_init(2, 4, "shared", mem_init_len*4-1, mem_init_len*2-1);
// We arithmetically overflow the memory limit but not the segment limit
mem_init(1, "", "", Math.floor(mem_init_len/2), 0xFFFFFF00);
// We arithmetically overflow the segment limit but not the memory limit
mem_init(1, "", "", PAGESIZE, 0xFFFFFFFC);
// memory.copy: out of bounds of the memory for the source or target, and should
// not perform at all. Major cases:
// - non-overlapping regions
// - overlapping regions with src >= dest
// - overlapping regions with src == dest
// - overlapping regions with src < dest
// - arithmetic overflow on src addresses
// - arithmetic overflow on target addresses
// for each of those,
// - src address oob
// - target address oob
// - both oob
function mem_copy(min, max, shared, srcOffs, targetOffs, len) {
if (shared == "shared" && !sharedMemoryEnabled())
let ins = wasmEvalText(
(memory (export "mem") ${min} ${max} ${shared})
(func (export "run") (param $targetOffs i32) (param $srcOffs i32) (param $len i32)
(memory.copy (local.get $targetOffs) (local.get $srcOffs) (local.get $len))))`);
let v = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
let copyDown = srcOffs < targetOffs;
let targetAvail = v.length - targetOffs;
let srcAvail = v.length - srcOffs;
let srcLim = srcOffs + Math.min(len, targetAvail, srcAvail);
for (let i=srcOffs, j=0; i < srcLim; i++, j++)
v[i] = j;
assertErrorMessage(() =>, srcOffs, len),
/index out of bounds/);
for (var i=0, s=0; i < v.length; i++ ) {
if (i >= srcOffs && i < srcLim) {
assertEq(v[i], (s++) & 0xFF);
assertEq(v[i], 0);
// OOB target address, nonoverlapping
mem_copy(1, 1, "", 0, PAGESIZE-20, 40);
mem_copy(1, 1, "", 0, PAGESIZE-21, 39);
mem_copy(2, 4, "shared", 0, 2*PAGESIZE-20, 40);
mem_copy(2, 4, "shared", 0, 2*PAGESIZE-21, 39);
// OOB source address, nonoverlapping
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-20, 0, 40);
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-21, 0, 39);
mem_copy(2, 4, "shared", 2*PAGESIZE-20, 0, 40);
mem_copy(2, 4, "shared", 2*PAGESIZE-21, 0, 39);
// OOB target address, overlapping, src < target
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-50, PAGESIZE-20, 40);
// OOB source address, overlapping, target < src
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-20, PAGESIZE-50, 40);
// OOB both, overlapping, including target == src
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-30, PAGESIZE-20, 40);
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-20, PAGESIZE-30, 40);
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-20, PAGESIZE-20, 40);
// Arithmetic overflow on source address.
mem_copy(1, "", "", PAGESIZE-20, 0, 0xFFFFF000);
// Arithmetic overflow on target adddress is an overlapping case.
mem_copy(1, 1, "", PAGESIZE-0x1000, PAGESIZE-20, 0xFFFFFF00);