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// |jit-test| heavy; allow-oom; skip-if: !canRunHugeMemoryTests()
var S = (function () {
let s = "";
for ( let i=0; i < 16; i++ )
s += "0123456789abcdef"
return s;
for (let shared of ['', 'shared']) {
try {
var ins = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`
(memory (export "mem") i64 65537 65537 ${shared})
(data $d "${S}")
(func (export "f") (param $p i64) (param $o i32) (param $n i32)
(memory.init $d (local.get $p) (local.get $o) (local.get $n))))`)));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError && String(e).match(/too many memory pages/)) {
throw e;
var mem = new Uint8Array(ins.exports.mem.buffer);
// Init above 4GB
doit(mem, 0x1_0000_1000, 1, S.length-1);
// Init above 4GB with OOM
assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.f(0x1_0000_ff80n, 0, 256),
/out of bounds/);
// Init across 4GB
doit(mem, 0xffff_ff80, 3, 200);
function doit(mem, addr, offs, n) {
ins.exports.f(BigInt(addr), offs, n);
for (let i=0; i < n; i++) {
assertEq(mem[addr+i], S.charCodeAt(offs+i));