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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The tests in this file assert that any side effects that happened in try code
// before an exception was thrown, will be known to the landing pad. It checks
// local throws and throws from direct calls (of local and imported functions).
// Side effects checked are changes to locals, and to globals.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
load(libdir + "eqArrayHelper.js");
function testSideEffectsOnLocals() {
// Locals set before and after throwing instructions, either locally, or from
// a direct wasm function call, for locals of all Wasm numtype and a local of
// reftype (externref), and the thrown exception carrying a value from each
// Wasm numtype and one of Wasm vectype (Simd128). Testing to see if the state
// of the locals at the moment $exn is thrown, is known to the landing pad
// when $exn is caught.
let localThrow = "(throw $exn)";
// The following is taken from calls.js
// Some variables to be used in all tests.
let typesJS = ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"];
let types = typesJS.join(" ");
let exnTypeDef = `(type $exnType (func (param ${types})))`;
let correctLocalValues =
`;; Correct local values
(i32.const 2)
(i64.const 3)
(f32.const 4)
(f64.const 13.37)`;
let correctLocalValuesJS = [2, 3n, 4, 13.37];
let wrongValues =
`;; Wrong values.
(i32.const 5)
(i64.const 6)
(f32.const 0.1)
(f64.const 0.6437)`;
let wrongValuesJS = [5, 6n, 0.1, 0.6437];
// These variables are specific to the tests in this file.
let throwValues =
`;; Values to throw and catch.
(i32.const 7)
(i64.const 8)
(f32.const 9)
(f64.const 27.11)`;
let thrownValuesJS = [7, 8n, 9, 27.11];
let correctResultsJS = function(externref) {
return [].concat(thrownValuesJS,
[externref, 1]);
// Testing also locals of Wasm vectype.
// The following depend on whether simd is enabled or not. We write it like
// this so we can run this test also when SIMD is not enabled.
let wrongV128 = "";
let correctV128 = "";
let checkV128Value = "";
if (wasmSimdEnabled()) {
wrongV128 = `(v128.const i32x4 11 22 33 44)`;
correctV128 = `(v128.const i32x4 55 66 77 88)`;
checkV128Value =
` ${correctV128}
v128Type = " v128";
} else {
wrongV128 = "(i32.const 0)";
correctV128 = "(i32.const 1)";
v128Type = " i32";
let localTypes = types + " externref";
let resultTypes = types + " " + localTypes;
// The last i32 in the results is the v128 check.
let testFuncTypeInline =
`(param $argCorrectRef externref)
(param $argWrongRef externref)
(result ${resultTypes} i32)
(local $localI32 i32)
(local $localI64 i64)
(local $localF32 f32)
(local $localF64 f64)
(local $localExternref externref)
(local $localV128 ${v128Type})`;
let localsSet =
`;; Set locals.
(local.set $localV128)
(local.set $localExternref)
(local.set $localF64)
(local.set $localF32)
(local.set $localI64)
(local.set $localI32)`;
let localsGet =
`;; Get locals.
(local.get $localI32)
(local.get $localI64)
(local.get $localF32)
(local.get $localF64)
(local.get $localExternref)
(local.get $localV128)`;
// The test module parts. ----------------------------------------------------
let importsModule =
(type $exnType (func (param ${types})))
(tag $exn (export "exn") (type $exnType))
(func (export "throwif") (param $ifPredicate i32)
(if (local.get $ifPredicate)
let moduleHeader = `
(import "m" "exn" (tag $exn (type $exnType)))
(tag $emptyExn)
(import "m" "throwif" (func $throwif (param $ifPredicate i32)))
(func $wontThrow
(throw $emptyExn))
(func $localCallThrow
(func (export "testFunc") ${testFuncTypeInline}
try (result ${resultTypes} ${v128Type})
;; Locals not set.
(i32.const 0) ;; Predicate for $throwif.
(call $throwif) ;; So this doesn't throw.
;; Set correct locals before throw to be caught.
(local.get $argCorrectRef)
;; Next up should be $exn being thrown locally or via a call.`;
let moduleRest = ` ;; The above throw to $exn should be caught here --------.
;; Set wrong locals after throw to be caught. ;; |
${wrongValues} ;; |
(local.get $argWrongRef) ;; The wrong externref param. ;; |
${wrongV128} ;; |
${localsSet} ;; |
(call $wontThrow) ;; |
${wrongValues} ;; |
${localsGet} ;; End of try code. ;; |
catch $emptyExn ;; |
${wrongValues} ;; |
${localsGet} ;; |
catch $exn ;; <---------------------------------------------------'
;; Check if the local has the correct v128 value.
let localThrowValues = `
(throw $exn)`;
let directLocalCall = `
(call $localCallThrow)`;
let directImportCall = `
(i32.const 1)
(call $throwif)`;
// Run test for side effects on locals before throwing an exception locally,
// or from a direct call.
let callInstructions = [localThrowValues, directLocalCall, directImportCall];
for (let callThrow of callInstructions) {
console.log("callThrow = " + callThrow); // Uncomment for debugging.
moduleText = moduleHeader + callThrow + moduleRest;
console.log("moduleText = " + moduleText); // Uncomment for debugging.
{ m : wasmEvalText(importsModule).exports }
).exports.testFunc("foo", "wrongFoo"),
// Setting globals in try code, and testing to see if the changes are known to
// the landing pad.
function testGlobals() {
let test = function (type, initialValue, resultValue, wrongValue, coercion) {
let exports = wasmEvalText(
(tag (export "exn"))
(func (export "throws")
(throw 0)))`
(import "m" "exn" (tag $exn))
(tag $notThrownExn)
(import "m" "throws" (func $throws))
(global (mut ${type}) (${type}.const ${initialValue}))
(func (export "testFunc") (result ${type})
try (result ${type})
(global.set 0 (${type}.const ${resultValue}))
(call $throws)
(global.set 0 (${type}.const ${wrongValue}))
(global.get 0)
catch $notThrownExn
(${type}.const ${wrongValue})
catch $exn
(global.get 0)
{ m: exports }
).exports.testFunc(), coercion(resultValue));
test("i32", 2, 7, 27, x => x);
test("i64", 2n, 7n, 27n, x => x);
test("f32", 0.3, 0.1, 0.6, Math.fround);
test("f64", 13.37, 0.6437244242412325666666, 4, x => x);
// Run all tests.