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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file contains tests checking Wasm functions with throwing functions and
// try-catch code involving more complex control flow, testing that multiple
// values returned from calls in try code are not affected by multiple branching
// towards the landing pad, as well as making sure exceptions carrying multiple
// values of any Wasm numtype transport the exception values correctly across
// calls.
// There are tests for local direct calls, for imported direct calls, for
// indirect calls in a local table with local functions, for indirect calls in a
// local table of imported functions, and for indirect calls in an imported
// table of imported functions.
// - TODO: Add reftype values, when support for reftypes in exceptions is
// implemented.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
load(libdir + "eqArrayHelper.js");
// All individual tests take a string 'localThrow' as argument, and will be run
// with each element of the result of the following function.
function generateLocalThrows(types, baseThrow) {
// Arguments:
// - 'types': A string of space separated Wasm types.
// - 'baseThrow': A string with a Wasm instruction sequence of Wasm functype
// `[${types}]-> [t*], which takes `types` arguments and ends
// up throwing the tag '$exn'.
// Result:
// - A JS array of strings, each representing a Wasm instruction sequence
// which is like `baseThrow', i.e., a Wasm instruction sequence of Wasm
// functype `[${types}]-> [t*], which takes `types` arguments and ends up
// throwing the tag '$exn'. The result does not include 'baseThrow'.
// All strings in Wasm text format.
// Basic throws;
let catchlessTryThrow =
`try (param ${types})
let catchlessThrowExnref =
`try_table (param ${types})
let catchAndThrow =
`try (param ${types})
catch $exn
let catchAndThrowExnref =
`(block $join (param ${types})
(block $catch (param ${types}) (result ${types})
(block $catchAll (param ${types})
try_table (param ${types}) (catch $exn $catch) (catch_all $catchAll)
br $join
let blockThrow =
`(block (param ${types})
// This Wasm code requires that the function it appears in has an i32 local
// with name "$ifPredicate".
let conditionalThrow =
`(if (param ${types})
(local.get $ifPredicate)
(then ${baseThrow})
(else ${baseThrow}))`;
// Including try-delegate.
let baseDelegate =
`try (param ${types})
delegate 0`;
// Delegate just outside the block.
let nestedDelegate1InBlock =
`(block $label1 (param ${types})
try (param ${types})
delegate $label1)`;
let basicThrows = [catchlessTryThrow, blockThrow, conditionalThrow,
baseDelegate, nestedDelegate1InBlock];
if (wasmExnRefEnabled()) {
basicThrows = basicThrows.concat(catchlessThrowExnref, catchAndThrowExnref);
// Secondary throws (will end up inside a catch block).
let baseRethrow =
`(rethrow 0)`;
let nestedRethrow =
`try (param ${types})
catch $exn
(rethrow 1)
(rethrow 0)
let catchAllRethrowOriginal =
`try (param ${types})
(rethrow 1)
let secondaryThrows =
[baseRethrow, nestedRethrow, catchAllRethrowOriginal]);
// Nestings.
function basicNesting (basicThrow, secondaryThrow) {
return `try (param ${types})
catch $exn
let result = [];
for (let basicThrow of basicThrows) {
let isExnref = basicThrow == catchlessThrowExnref || basicThrow == catchAndThrowExnref;
for (let secondaryThrow of secondaryThrows) {
let isRethrow = secondaryThrow == baseRethrow || secondaryThrow == nestedRethrow || secondaryThrow == catchAllRethrowOriginal;
if (isExnref && isRethrow) {
result.push(basicNesting(basicThrow, secondaryThrow));
return result;
// Some variables to be used in all tests.
let typesJS = ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64", "externref"];
let types = typesJS.join(" ");
// The following depend on whether simd is enabled or not. We write it like
// this so we can run this test also when SIMD is not enabled.
let exntype = "";
let wrongV128 = "";
let throwV128 = "";
let checkV128Value = "";
if (wasmSimdEnabled()) {
exntype = types + " v128";
wrongV128 = `(v128.const i32x4 11 22 33 44)`;
throwV128 = `(v128.const i32x4 55 66 77 88)`;
checkV128Value = `;; Check the V128 value
} else {
exntype = types + " i32";
wrongV128 = "(i32.const 0)";
throwV128 = "(i32.const 1)";
checkV128Value = "";
let exnTypeDef = `(type $exnType (func (param ${exntype})))`;
let throwValues =
`;; Values to throw.
(i32.const 2)
(i64.const 3)
(f32.const 4)
(f64.const 13.37)
(local.get $correctRef)
// The last 1 is the result of the test that the v128 value is correct, done
// in wasm code (if simd is enabled).
let correctResultsJS = [2, 3n, 4, 13.37, "foo", 1];
let wrongValues =
`;; Wrong values
(i32.const 5)
(i64.const 6)
(f32.const 0.1)
(f64.const 0.6437)
(local.get $wrongRef)
// The individual tests. -----------------------------------------------------
function testDirectCallsThrowing(localThrow) {
// Test direct function calls throwing any numeric value.
let throwifTypeInline =
// The result of the "throwif" function will be used as an argument the
// second time "throwif" is called.
`(param $ifPredicate i32) (param $correctRef externref) (result i32)`;
let moduleHeaderThrowif =
(tag $exn (export "exn") (type $exnType))
(func $throwif (export "throwif") ${throwifTypeInline}
(local.get $ifPredicate)
(i32.const 1))`;
let testModuleRest =
`(tag $notThrownExn)
(func $doNothing)
(func (export "testFunc") (param $correctRef externref)
(param $wrongRef externref)
(result ${types} i32)
(local $ifPredicate i32)
(local.get $ifPredicate)
try (param i32) (result ${exntype})
(local.get $wrongRef)
(call $throwif) ;; Returns 1.
(call $doNothing) ;; Does nothing.
(local.get $correctRef)
(call $throwif) ;; Throws $exn.
${wrongValues} ;; Won't reach this point.
catch $notThrownExn
catch $exn
function testDirectLocalCallsThrowing() {
let mod = moduleHeaderThrowif + testModuleRest;
// console.log("DIRECT LOCAL MOD = " + mod); // Uncomment for debugging.
assertEqArray(wasmEvalText(mod).exports.testFunc("foo", "bar"),
function testDirectImportedCallsThrowing() {
let exports = wasmEvalText(moduleHeaderThrowif + `)`).exports;
// Uncomment for debugging.
//console.log("DIRECT EXPORTS = " + moduleHeaderThrowif + ")");
let mod =
(import "m" "exn" (tag $exn (type $exnType)))
(import "m" "throwif" (func $throwif ${throwifTypeInline}))` +
// console.log("DIRECT IMPORT MOD = " + mod); // Uncomment for debugging.
wasmEvalText(mod, { m : exports}).exports.testFunc("foo", "bar"),
function testIndirectCallsThrowing(localThrow) {
// Test indirect calls throwing exceptions.
let indirectFunctypeInline = `(param ${exntype})
(result ${exntype})`;
let getIndirectArgs = `(local.get 0) ;; i32
(local.get 1) ;; i64
(local.get 2) ;; f32
(local.get 3) ;; f64
(local.get 4) ;; ref
;; v128
(local.get 5)`;
let testFunctypeInline = `(param $correctRef externref)
(param $wrongRef externref)
;; The last i32 result is the v128 check.
(result ${types} i32)`;
let moduleHeader =
(type $indirectFunctype (func ${indirectFunctypeInline}))
(tag $exn (export "exn") (type $exnType))
(tag $emptyExn (export "emptyExn"))
(func $throwExn (export "throwExn") ${indirectFunctypeInline}
(local $ifPredicate i32)
(func $throwEmptyExn (export "throwEmptyExn")
(throw $emptyExn)
(func $returnArgs (export "returnArgs") ${indirectFunctypeInline}
(table (export "tab") funcref (elem $throwExn ;; 0
$throwEmptyExn ;; 1
$returnArgs)) ;; 2
// The main test function happens to have the same Wasm functype as the
// indirect calls.
let testFuncHeader = `(func (export "testFunc") ${testFunctypeInline}
(local $ifPredicate i32)
// To test indirect calls to a local table of local functions
function moduleIndirectLocalLocal(functionBody) {
return moduleHeader + testFuncHeader + functionBody + `))`;
let exports = wasmEvalText(moduleHeader + ")").exports;
// Uncomment for debugging.
//console.log("INDIRECT EXPORTS = " + moduleHeader + ")");
let moduleHeaderImporting =
(type $indirectFunctype (func ${indirectFunctypeInline}))
(import "m" "exn" (tag $exn (type $exnType)))
(import "m" "emptyExn" (tag $emptyExn))
(import "m" "throwExn" (func $throwExn (type $indirectFunctype)))
(import "m" "throwEmptyExn"
(func $throwEmptyExn (type $indirectFunctype)))
(import "m" "returnArgs"
(func $returnArgs (type $indirectFunctype)))`;
// To test indirect calls to a local table of imported functions.
function moduleIndirectLocalImport(functionBody) {
return moduleHeaderImporting +
`(table funcref (elem $throwExn $throwEmptyExn $returnArgs))` +
testFuncHeader + functionBody + `))`;
// To test indirect calls to an imported table of imported functions.
function moduleIndirectImportImport(functionBody) {
return moduleHeaderImporting +
`(import "m" "tab" (table 3 funcref))` +
testFuncHeader + functionBody + `))`;
function getModuleTextsForFunctionBody(functionBody) {
return [moduleIndirectLocalLocal(functionBody),
// The function bodies for the tests.
// Three indirect calls, the middle of which throws and will be caught. The
// results of the first and second indirect calls are used by the next
// indirect call. This should be called from try code, to check that the
// pad-branches don't interfere with the results of each call.
let indirectThrow = `${throwValues}
(call_indirect (type $indirectFunctype) (i32.const 2)) ;; returnArgs
(call_indirect (type $indirectFunctype) (i32.const 0)) ;; throwExn
drop drop ;; Drop v128 and externref to do trivial and irrelevant ops.
(f64.const 5)
(local.get $wrongRef)
;; throwEmptyExn
(call_indirect (type $indirectFunctype) (i32.const 1))
// Simple try indirect throw and catch.
let simpleTryIndirect = `
try (result ${exntype})
catch $emptyExn
catch $exn
// Indirect throw/catch_all, with a simple try indirect throw nested in the
// catch_all.
let nestedTryIndirect =
`try (result ${types} i32)
;; throwEmptyExn
(call_indirect (type $indirectFunctype) (i32.const 1))
drop ;; Drop the last v128 value.
(i32.const 0)
let functionBodies = [simpleTryIndirect, nestedTryIndirect];
// Test throwing from indirect calls.
for (let functionBody of functionBodies) {
// console.log("functionBody = : " + functionBody); // Uncomment for debugging.
for (let mod of getModuleTextsForFunctionBody(functionBody)) {
//console.log("mod = : " + mod); // Uncomment for debugging.
let testFunction = wasmEvalText(mod, { m : exports}).exports.testFunc;
assertEqArray(testFunction("foo", "bar"),
// Run all tests. ------------------------------------------------------------
let localThrows =
["(throw $exn)"].concat(generateLocalThrows(exntype, "(throw $exn)"));
for (let localThrow of localThrows) {
// Uncomment for debugging.
// console.log("Testing with localThrow = " + localThrow);