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setJitCompilerOption("ion.warmup.trigger", 50);
var f32 = new Float32Array(10);
function test(setup, f) {
if (f === undefined) {
f = setup;
setup = function(){};
for(var n = 200; n; --n) {
// Basic arithmetic
function setupBasicArith() {
f32[0] = -Infinity;
f32[1] = -1;
f32[2] = -0;
f32[3] = 0;
f32[4] = 1.337;
f32[5] = 42;
f32[6] = Infinity;
f32[7] = NaN;
function basicArith() {
for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
var opf = Math.fround(f32[i] + f32[i+1]);
var opd = (1 / (1 / f32[i])) + f32[i+1];
assertFloat32(opf, true);
assertFloat32(opd, false);
assertEq(opf, Math.fround(opd));
opf = Math.fround(f32[i] - f32[i+1]);
opd = (1 / (1 / f32[i])) - f32[i+1];
assertFloat32(opf, true);
assertFloat32(opd, false);
assertEq(opf, Math.fround(opd));
opf = Math.fround(f32[i] * f32[i+1]);
opd = (1 / (1 / f32[i])) * f32[i+1];
assertFloat32(opf, true);
assertFloat32(opd, false);
assertEq(opf, Math.fround(opd));
opf = Math.fround(f32[i] / f32[i+1]);
opd = (1 / (1 / f32[i])) / f32[i+1];
assertFloat32(opf, true);
assertFloat32(opd, false);
assertEq(opf, Math.fround(opd));
test(setupBasicArith, basicArith);
// MAbs
function setupAbs() {
f32[0] = -0;
f32[1] = 0;
f32[2] = -3.14159;
f32[3] = 3.14159;
f32[4] = -Infinity;
f32[5] = Infinity;
f32[6] = NaN;
function abs() {
for(var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
assertEq( Math.fround(Math.abs(f32[i])), Math.abs(f32[i]) );
test(setupAbs, abs);
// MSqrt
function setupSqrt() {
f32[0] = 0;
f32[1] = 1;
f32[2] = 4;
f32[3] = -1;
f32[4] = Infinity;
f32[5] = NaN;
f32[6] = 13.37;
function sqrt() {
for(var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
var sqrtf = Math.fround(Math.sqrt(f32[i]));
var sqrtd = 1 + Math.sqrt(f32[i]) - 1; // force no float32 by chaining arith ops
assertEq( sqrtf, Math.fround(sqrtd) );
test(setupSqrt, sqrt);
// MMinMax
function setupMinMax() {
f32[0] = -0;
f32[1] = 0;
f32[2] = 1;
f32[3] = 4;
f32[4] = -1;
f32[5] = Infinity;
f32[6] = NaN;
f32[7] = 13.37;
f32[8] = -Infinity;
f32[9] = Math.pow(2,31) - 1;
function minMax() {
for(var i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
for(var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
var minf = Math.fround(Math.min(f32[i], f32[j]));
var mind = 1 / (1 / Math.min(f32[i], f32[j])); // force no float32 by chaining arith ops
assertFloat32(minf, true);
assertFloat32(mind, false);
assertEq( minf, Math.fround(mind) );
var maxf = Math.fround(Math.max(f32[i], f32[j]));
var maxd = 1 / (1 / Math.max(f32[i], f32[j])); // force no float32 by chaining arith ops
assertFloat32(maxf, true);
assertFloat32(maxd, false);
assertEq( maxf, Math.fround(maxd) );
test(setupMinMax, minMax);
// MTruncateToInt32
// The only way to get a MTruncateToInt32 with a Float32 input is to use Math.imul
function setupTruncateToInt32() {
f32[0] = -1;
f32[1] = 4;
f32[2] = 5.13;
function truncateToInt32() {
assertEq( Math.imul(f32[0], f32[1]), Math.imul(-1, 4) );
assertEq( Math.imul(f32[1], f32[2]), Math.imul(4, 5) );
test(setupTruncateToInt32, truncateToInt32);
// MCompare
function comp() {
for(var i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
assertEq( f32[i] < f32[i+1], true );
function setupComp() {
f32[0] = -Infinity;
f32[1] = -1;
f32[2] = -0.01;
f32[3] = 0;
f32[4] = 0.01;
f32[5] = 1;
f32[6] = 10;
f32[7] = 13.37;
f32[8] = 42;
f32[9] = Infinity;
test(setupComp, comp);
// MNot
function setupNot() {
f32[0] = -0;
f32[1] = 0;
f32[2] = 1;
f32[3] = NaN;
f32[4] = Infinity;
f32[5] = 42;
f32[6] = -23;
function not() {
assertEq( !f32[0], true );
assertEq( !f32[1], true );
assertEq( !f32[2], false );
assertEq( !f32[3], true );
assertEq( !f32[4], false );
assertEq( !f32[5], false );
assertEq( !f32[6], false );
test(setupNot, not);
// MToNumberInt32
var str = "can haz cheezburger? okthxbye;";
function setupToInt32() {
f32[0] = 0;
f32[1] = 1;
f32[2] = 2;
f32[3] = 4;
f32[4] = 5;
function testToInt32() {
assertEq(str[f32[0]], 'c');
assertEq(str[f32[1]], 'a');
assertEq(str[f32[2]], 'n');
assertEq(str[f32[3]], 'h');
assertEq(str[f32[4]], 'a');
test(setupToInt32, testToInt32);
function setupBailoutToInt32() {
f32[0] = .5;
function testBailoutToInt32() {
assertEq(typeof str[f32[0]], 'undefined');
test(setupBailoutToInt32, testBailoutToInt32);
// MMath (no trigo - see also testFloat32-trigo.js
function assertNear(a, b) {
var r = (a != a && b != b) || Math.abs(a-b) < 1e-1 || a === b;
if (!r) {
print('Precision error: ');
print(new Error().stack);
print('Got', a, ', expected near', b);
assertEq(false, true);
function setupOtherMath() {
f32[8] = 4.2;
function otherMath() {
for (var i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
assertNear(Math.fround(Math.exp(f32[i])), Math.exp(f32[i]));
assertNear(Math.fround(Math.log(f32[i])), Math.log(f32[i]));
test(setupOtherMath, otherMath);
function setupFloor() {
f32[0] = -5.5;
f32[1] = -0.5;
f32[2] = 0;
f32[3] = 1.5;
function setupFloorDouble() {
f32[4] = NaN;
f32[5] = -0;
f32[6] = Infinity;
f32[7] = -Infinity;
f32[8] = Math.pow(2,31); // too big to fit into a int
function testFloor() {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var f = Math.floor(f32[i]);
assertFloat32(f, false); // f is an int32
var g = Math.floor(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(g, false);
assertEq(f, g);
function testFloorDouble() {
for (var i = 4; i < 9; ++i) {
var f = Math.fround(Math.floor(f32[i]));
assertFloat32(f, true);
var g = Math.floor(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(g, false);
assertEq(f, g);
test(setupFloor, testFloor);
test(setupFloorDouble, testFloorDouble);
function setupRound() {
f32[0] = -5.5;
f32[1] = -0.6;
f32[2] = 1.5;
f32[3] = 1;
function setupRoundDouble() {
f32[4] = NaN;
f32[5] = -0.49; // rounded to -0
f32[6] = Infinity;
f32[7] = -Infinity;
f32[8] = Math.pow(2,31); // too big to fit into a int
f32[9] = -0;
function testRound() {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var r32 = Math.round(f32[i]);
assertFloat32(r32, false); // r32 is an int32
var r64 = Math.round(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(r64, false);
assertEq(r32, r64);
function testRoundDouble() {
for (var i = 4; i < 10; ++i) {
var r32 = Math.fround(Math.round(f32[i]));
assertFloat32(r32, true);
var r64 = Math.round(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(r64, false);
assertEq(r32, r64);
test(setupRound, testRound);
test(setupRoundDouble, testRoundDouble);
function setupCeil() {
f32[0] = -5.5;
f32[1] = -1.5;
f32[2] = 0;
f32[3] = 1.5;
function setupCeilDouble() {
f32[4] = NaN;
f32[5] = -0;
f32[6] = Infinity;
f32[7] = -Infinity;
f32[8] = Math.pow(2,31); // too big to fit into a int
function testCeil() {
for(var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
var f = Math.ceil(f32[i]);
assertFloat32(f, false);
var g = Math.ceil(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(g, false);
assertEq(f, g);
function testCeilDouble() {
for(var i = 4; i < 9; ++i) {
var f = Math.fround(Math.ceil(f32[i]));
assertFloat32(f, true);
var g = Math.ceil(-0 + f32[i]);
assertFloat32(g, false);
assertEq(f, g);
test(setupCeil, testCeil);
test(setupCeilDouble, testCeilDouble);