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// Type conversion error should report its type.
load(libdir + 'asserts.js');
function test() {
// Note: js shell cannot handle the exception in return value.
// primitive
let func_type = ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t,
let f1 = func_type(function() {});
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { f1("foo"); },
/can't pass the string "foo" to argument 1 of ctypes\.FunctionType\(ctypes\.default_abi, ctypes\.voidptr_t, \[ctypes\.int32_t\]\)\.ptr\(ctypes\.UInt64\("[x0-9A-Fa-f]+"\)\)/);
// struct
let test_struct = ctypes.StructType("test_struct", [{ "x": ctypes.int32_t }]);
let func_type2 = ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int32_t,
let f2 = func_type2(function() {});
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { f2({ "x": "foo" }); },
/can't convert the string \"foo\" to the 'x' field \(int32_t\) of test_struct at argument 1 of ctypes\.FunctionType\(ctypes\.default_abi, ctypes.int32_t, \[test_struct\]\)\.ptr\(ctypes\.UInt64\(\"[x0-9A-Fa-f]+\"\)\)/);
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { f2({ "x": "foo", "y": "bar" }); },
/property count of the object \(\{x:\"foo\", y:\"bar\"\}\) does not match to field count of the type test_struct \(expected 1, got 2\) at argument 1 of ctypes\.FunctionType\(ctypes\.default_abi, ctypes\.int32_t, \[test_struct\]\)\.ptr\(ctypes\.UInt64\(\"[x0-9A-Fa-f]+\"\)\)/);
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { f2({ 0: "foo" }); },
/property name the number 0 of the object \(\{0:\"foo\"\}\) is not a string at argument 1 of ctypes\.FunctionType\(ctypes\.default_abi, ctypes\.int32_t, \[test_struct\]\)\.ptr\(ctypes\.UInt64\(\"[x0-9A-Fa-f]+\"\)\)/);
// error sentinel
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { func_type(function() {}, null, "foo"); },
"can't convert the string \"foo\" to the return type of ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t, [ctypes.int32_t])");
if (typeof ctypes === "object")