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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// Map from csu => set of immediate subclasses
var subclasses = new Map();
// Map from csu => set of immediate superclasses
var superclasses = new Map();
// Map from "" => set of full method name
var virtualDefinitions = new Map();
// Every virtual method declaration, anywhere.
// Map from csu => Set of function-info.
// function-info: {
// name : simple string
// typedfield : "name:nargs" ("mangled" field name)
// field: full Field datastructure
// annotations : Set of [annotation-name, annotation-value] 2-element arrays
// inherited : whether the method is inherited from a base class
// pureVirtual : whether the method is pure virtual on this CSU
// dtor : if this is a virtual destructor with a definition in this class or
// a superclass, then the full name of the definition as if it were defined
// in this class. This is weird, but it's how gcc emits it. We will add a
// synthetic call from this function to its immediate base classes' dtors,
// so even if the function does not actually exist and is inherited from a
// base class, we will get a path to the inherited function. (Regular
// virtual methods are *not* claimed to exist when they don't.)
// }
var virtualDeclarations = new Map();
var virtualResolutionsSeen = new Set();
var ID = {
jscode: 1,
anyfunc: 2,
nogcfunc: 3,
gc: 4,
// map is a map from names to sets of entries.
function addToNamedSet(map, name, entry)
if (!map.has(name))
map.set(name, new Set());
const s = map.get(name);
return s;
// CSU is "Class/Struct/Union"
function processCSU(csuName, csu)
if (!("FunctionField" in csu))
for (const {Base} of (csu.CSUBaseClass || [])) {
addToNamedSet(subclasses, Base, csuName);
addToNamedSet(superclasses, csuName, Base);
for (const {Field, Variable} of csu.FunctionField) {
// Virtual method
const info = Field[0];
const name = info.Name[0];
const annotations = new Set();
const funcInfo = {
typedfield: typedField(info),
field: info,
inherited: (info.FieldCSU.Type.Name != csuName), // Always false for virtual dtors
pureVirtual: Boolean(Variable),
dtor: false,
if (Variable && isSyntheticVirtualDestructor(name)) {
// This is one of gcc's artificial dtors.
funcInfo.dtor = Variable.Name[0];
funcInfo.pureVirtual = false;
addToNamedSet(virtualDeclarations, csuName, funcInfo);
if ('Annotation' in info) {
for (const {Name: [annType, annValue]} of info.Annotation) {
annotations.add([annType, annValue]);
if (Variable) {
// Note: not dealing with overloading correctly.
const name = Variable.Name[0];
addToNamedSet(virtualDefinitions, fieldKey(csuName, Field[0]), name);
// Return a list of all callees that the given edge might be a call to. Each
// one is represented by an object with a 'kind' field that is one of
// ('direct', 'field', 'resolved-field', 'indirect', 'unknown'), though note
// that 'resolved-field' is really a global record of virtual method
// resolutions, indepedent of this particular edge.
function translateCallees(edge)
if (edge.Kind != "Call")
return [];
const callee = edge.Exp[0];
if (callee.Kind == "Var") {
assert(callee.Variable.Kind == "Func");
return [{'kind': 'direct', 'name': callee.Variable.Name[0]}];
// At some point, we were intentionally invoking invalid function pointers
// (as in, a small integer cast to a function pointer type) to convey a
// small amount of information in the crash address.
if (callee.Kind == "Int")
return []; // Intentional crash
assert(callee.Kind == "Drf");
let called = callee.Exp[0];
let indirection = 1;
if (called.Kind == "Drf") {
// This is probably a reference to a function pointer (`func*&`). It
// would be possible to determine that for certain by looking up the
// variable's type, which is doable but unnecessary. Indirect calls
// are assumed to call anything (any function in the codebase) unless they
// are annotated otherwise, and the `funkyName` annotation applies to
// `(**funkyName)(args)` as well as `(*funkyName)(args)`, it's ok.
called = called.Exp[0];
indirection += 1;
if (called.Kind == "Var") {
// indirect call through a variable. Note that the `indirection` field is
// currently unused by the later analysis. It is the number of dereferences
// applied to the variable before invoking the resulting function.
// The variable name passed through is the simplified one, since that is
// what annotations.js uses and we don't want the annotation to be missed
// if eg there is another variable of the same name in a sibling scope such
// that the fully decorated name no longer matches.
const [decorated, bare] = called.Variable.Name;
return [{'kind': "indirect", 'variable': bare, indirection}];
if (called.Kind != "Fld") {
// unknown call target.
return [{'kind': "unknown"}];
// Return one 'field' callee record giving the full description of what's
// happening here (which is either a virtual method call, or a call through
// a function pointer stored in a field), and then boil the call down to a
// synthetic function that incorporates both the name of the field and the
// static type of whatever you're calling the method on. Both refer to the
// same call; they're just different ways of describing it.
const callees = [];
const field = called.Field;
const staticCSU = getFieldCallInstanceCSU(edge, field);
callees.push({'kind': "field", 'csu': field.FieldCSU.Type.Name, staticCSU,
'field': field.Name[0], 'fieldKey': fieldKey(staticCSU, field),
'isVirtual': ("FieldInstanceFunction" in field)});
callees.push({'kind': "direct", 'name': fieldKey(staticCSU, field)});
return callees;
function getCallees(body, edge, scopeAttrs, functionBodies) {
const calls = [];
// getCallEdgeProperties can set the ATTR_REPLACED attribute, which
// means that the call in the edge has been replaced by zero or
// more edges to other functions. This is used when the original
// edge will end up calling through a function pointer or something
// (eg ~shared_ptr<T> calls a function pointer that can only be
// T::~T()). The original call edges are left in the graph in case
// they are useful for other purposes.
for (const callee of translateCallees(edge)) {
if (callee.kind != "direct") {
calls.push({ callee, attrs: scopeAttrs });
} else {
const edgeInfo = getCallEdgeProperties(body, edge,, functionBodies);
for (const extra of (edgeInfo.extraCalls || [])) {
calls.push({ attrs: scopeAttrs | extra.attrs, callee: { name:, 'kind': "direct", } });
calls.push({ callee, attrs: scopeAttrs | edgeInfo.attrs});
return calls;
function loadTypes(type_xdb_filename) {
const xdb = xdbLibrary();;
const minStream = xdb.min_data_stream();
const maxStream = xdb.max_data_stream();
for (var csuIndex = minStream; csuIndex <= maxStream; csuIndex++) {
const csu = xdb.read_key(csuIndex);
const data = xdb.read_entry(csu);
const json = JSON.parse(data.readString());
processCSU(csu.readString(), json[0]);
function loadTypesWithCache(type_xdb_filename, cache_filename) {
try {
const cacheAB = os.file.readFile(cache_filename, "binary");
const cb = serialize();
cb.clonebuffer = cacheAB.buffer;
const cacheData = deserialize(cb);
subclasses = cacheData.subclasses;
superclasses = cacheData.superclasses;
virtualDefinitions = cacheData.virtualDefinitions;
} catch (e) {
const cb = serialize({subclasses, superclasses, virtualDefinitions});
new Uint8Array(cb.arraybuffer));