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// Generated by DO NOT EDIT.
* The list of currently supported simple unit identifiers.
* Intl.NumberFormat Unified API Proposal
// prettier-ignore
var sanctionedSimpleUnitIdentifiers = {
"acre": true,
"bit": true,
"byte": true,
"celsius": true,
"centimeter": true,
"day": true,
"degree": true,
"fahrenheit": true,
"fluid-ounce": true,
"foot": true,
"gallon": true,
"gigabit": true,
"gigabyte": true,
"gram": true,
"hectare": true,
"hour": true,
"inch": true,
"kilobit": true,
"kilobyte": true,
"kilogram": true,
"kilometer": true,
"liter": true,
"megabit": true,
"megabyte": true,
"meter": true,
"microsecond": true,
"mile": true,
"mile-scandinavian": true,
"milliliter": true,
"millimeter": true,
"millisecond": true,
"minute": true,
"month": true,
"nanosecond": true,
"ounce": true,
"percent": true,
"petabyte": true,
"pound": true,
"second": true,
"stone": true,
"terabit": true,
"terabyte": true,
"week": true,
"yard": true,
"year": true