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* This function would create a new foreround tab and load the url for it. In
* addition, instead of returning a tab element, we return a tab wrapper that
* helps us to automatically detect if the media controller of that tab
* dispatches the first (activated) and the last event (deactivated) correctly.
* @ param url
* the page url which tab would load
* @ param input window (optional)
* if it exists, the tab would be created from the input window. If not,
* then the tab would be created in current window.
* @ param needCheck (optional)
* it decides if we would perform the check for the first and last event
* on the media controller. It's default true.
async function createLoadedTabWrapper(
{ inputWindow = window, needCheck = true } = {}
) {
class tabWrapper {
constructor(tab, needCheck) {
this._tab = tab;
this._controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController;
this._firstEvent = "";
this._lastEvent = "";
this._events = [
this._needCheck = needCheck;
if (this._needCheck) {
_registerAllEvents() {
for (let event of this._events) {
this._controller.addEventListener(event, this._handleEvent.bind(this));
_unregisterAllEvents() {
for (let event of this._events) {
_handleEvent(event) {
info(`handle event=${event.type}`);
if (this._firstEvent === "") {
this._firstEvent = event.type;
this._lastEvent = event.type;
get linkedBrowser() {
return this._tab.linkedBrowser;
get controller() {
return this._controller;
get tabElement() {
return this._tab;
async close() {
info(`wait until finishing close tab wrapper`);
const deactivationPromise = this._controller.isActive
? new Promise(r => (this._controller.ondeactivated = r))
: Promise.resolve();
await deactivationPromise;
if (this._needCheck) {
is(this._firstEvent, "activated", "First event should be 'activated'");
"Last event should be 'deactivated'"
const browser = inputWindow ? inputWindow.gBrowser : window.gBrowser;
let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(browser, url);
return new tabWrapper(tab, needCheck);
* Returns a promise that resolves when generated media control keys has
* triggered the main media controller's corresponding method and changes its
* playback state.
* @param {string} event
* The event name of the media control key
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the main controller receives the media control key event
* and change its playback state.
function generateMediaControlKeyEvent(event) {
const playbackStateChanged = waitUntilDisplayedPlaybackChanged();
return playbackStateChanged;
* Play the specific media and wait until it plays successfully and the main
* controller has been updated.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would play
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would play
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the media has been starting playing and the main
* controller has been updated.
async function playMedia(tab, elementId) {
const playbackStatePromise = waitUntilDisplayedPlaybackChanged();
await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], async Id => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
_ => true,
_ => false
"video started playing"
return playbackStatePromise;
* Pause the specific media and wait until it pauses successfully and the main
* controller has been updated.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would pause
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would pause
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the media has been paused and the main controller has
* been updated.
function pauseMedia(tab, elementId) {
const pausePromise = SpecialPowers.spawn(
Id => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
ok(!video.paused, `video is playing before calling pause`);
return Promise.all([pausePromise, waitUntilDisplayedPlaybackChanged()]);
* Returns a promise that resolves when the specific media starts playing.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would check
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would check
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the media has been starting playing.
function checkOrWaitUntilMediaStartedPlaying(tab, elementId) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], Id => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
if (!video.paused) {
ok(true, `media started playing`);
} else {
info(`wait until media starts playing`);
video.onplaying = () => {
video.onplaying = null;
ok(true, `media started playing`);
* Set the playback rate on a media element.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would check
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would check
* @param {number} rate
* The playback rate to set
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the playback rate has been set
function setPlaybackRate(tab, elementId, rate) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
[elementId, rate],
(Id, rate) => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
video.playbackRate = rate;
* Set the time on a media element.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would check
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would check
* @param {number} currentTime
* The time to set
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the time has been set
function setCurrentTime(tab, elementId, currentTime) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
[elementId, currentTime],
(Id, currentTime) => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
video.currentTime = currentTime;
* Returns a promise that resolves when the specific media stops playing.
* @param {tab} tab
* The tab that contains the media which we would check
* @param {string} elementId
* The element Id of the media which we would check
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when the media has been stopped playing.
function checkOrWaitUntilMediaStoppedPlaying(tab, elementId) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], Id => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
if (video.paused) {
ok(true, `media stopped playing`);
} else {
info(`wait until media stops playing`);
video.onpause = () => {
video.onpause = null;
ok(true, `media stopped playing`);
* Check if the active metadata is empty.
function isCurrentMetadataEmpty() {
const current = MediaControlService.getCurrentActiveMediaMetadata();
is(current.title, "", `current title should be empty`);
is(current.artist, "", `current title should be empty`);
is(current.album, "", `current album should be empty`);
is(current.artwork.length, 0, `current artwork should be empty`);
* Check if the active metadata is equal to the given metadata.artwork
* @param {object} metadata
* The metadata that would be compared with the active metadata
function isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(metadata) {
const current = MediaControlService.getCurrentActiveMediaMetadata();
`tile '${current.title}' is equal to ${metadata.title}`
`artist '${current.artist}' is equal to ${metadata.artist}`
`album '${current.album}' is equal to ${metadata.album}`
`artwork length '${current.artwork.length}' is equal to ${metadata.artwork.length}`
for (let idx = 0; idx < metadata.artwork.length; idx++) {
// the current src we got would be a completed path of the image, so we do
// not check if they are equal, we check if the current src includes the
`artwork src '${current.artwork[idx].src}' includes ${metadata.artwork[idx].src}`
`artwork sizes '${current.artwork[idx].sizes}' is equal to ${metadata.artwork[idx].sizes}`
`artwork type '${current.artwork[idx].type}' is equal to ${metadata.artwork[idx].type}`
* Check if the given tab is using the default metadata. If the tab is being
* used in the private browsing mode, `isPrivateBrowsing` should be definded in
* the `options`.
async function isGivenTabUsingDefaultMetadata(tab, options = {}) {
const localization = new Localization([
const fallbackTitle = await localization.formatValue(
ok(fallbackTitle.length, "l10n fallback title is not empty");
const metadata =
await SpecialPowers.spawn(
[metadata.title, fallbackTitle, options.isPrivateBrowsing],
(title, fallbackTitle, isPrivateBrowsing) => {
if (isPrivateBrowsing || !content.document.title.length) {
is(title, fallbackTitle, "Using a generic default fallback title");
} else {
"Using website title as a default title"
is(metadata.artwork.length, 1, "Default metada contains one artwork");
"Using default favicon as a default art work"
* Wait until the main media controller changes its playback state, we would
* observe that by listening for `media-displayed-playback-changed`
* notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `media-displayed-playback-changed`
function waitUntilDisplayedPlaybackChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("media-displayed-playback-changed");
* Wait until the metadata that would be displayed on the virtual control
* interface changes. we would observe that by listening for
* `media-displayed-metadata-changed` notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `media-displayed-metadata-changed`
function waitUntilDisplayedMetadataChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("media-displayed-metadata-changed");
* Wait until the main media controller has been changed, we would observe that
* by listening for the `main-media-controller-changed` notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `main-media-controller-changed`
function waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("main-media-controller-changed");
* Wait until any media controller updates its metadata even if it's not the
* main controller. The difference between this function and
* `waitUntilDisplayedMetadataChanged()` is that the changed metadata might come
* from non-main controller so it won't be show on the virtual control
* interface. we would observe that by listening for
* `media-session-controller-metadata-changed` notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `media-session-controller-metadata-changed`
function waitUntilControllerMetadataChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved(
* Wait until media controller amount changes, we would observe that by
* listening for `media-controller-amount-changed` notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `media-controller-amount-changed`
function waitUntilMediaControllerAmountChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("media-controller-amount-changed");
* Wait until the position state that would be displayed on the virtual control
* interface changes. we would observe that by listening for
* `media-position-state-changed` notification.
* @return {Promise}
* Resolve when observing `media-position-state-changed`
function waitUntilPositionStateChanged() {
return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("media-position-state-changed");
* check if the media controll from given tab is active. If not, return a
* promise and resolve it when controller become active.
async function checkOrWaitUntilControllerBecomeActive(tab) {
const controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController;
if (controller.isActive) {
await new Promise(r => (controller.onactivated = r));
* Logs all `positionstatechange` events in a tab.
function logPositionStateChangeEvents(tab) {
event =>
`got position state: ${JSON.stringify({
duration: event.duration,
playbackRate: event.playbackRate,
position: event.position,