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Test Info: Errors

// Import this in order to use `triggerPictureInPicture()`.
const testVideoId = "video";
add_task(async function setupTestingPref() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["media.mediacontrol.testingevents.enabled", true]],
* This test is used to check in different situaition if we can determine the
* main controller correctly that is the controller which can receive media
* control keys and show its metadata on the virtual control interface.
* We will assign different metadata for each tab and know which tab is the main
* controller by checking main controller's metadata.
* We will always choose the last tab which plays media as the main controller,
* and maintain a list by the order of playing media. If the top element in the
* list has been removed, then we will use the last element in the list as the
* main controller.
* Eg. tab1 plays first, then tab2 plays, then tab3 plays, the list would be
* like [tab1, tab2, tab3] and the main controller would be tab3. If tab3 has
* been closed, then the list would become [tab1, tab2] and the tab2 would be
* the main controller.
add_task(async function testDeterminingMainController() {
info(`open three different tabs`);
const tab0 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab1 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab2 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
* part1 : [] -> [tab0] -> [tab0, tab1] -> [tab0, tab1, tab2]
info(`# [] -> [tab0] -> [tab0, tab1] -> [tab0, tab1, tab2] #`);
info(`set different metadata for each tab`);
await setMediaMetadataForTabs([tab0, tab1, tab2]);
info(`start media for tab0, main controller should become tab0`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab0);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`start media for tab1, main controller should become tab1`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab1);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab1's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab1.metadata);
info(`start media for tab2, main controller should become tab2`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab2);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab2's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab2.metadata);
* part2 : [tab0, tab1, tab2] -> [tab0, tab2, tab1] -> [tab2, tab1, tab0]
info(`# [tab0, tab1, tab2] -> [tab0, tab2, tab1] -> [tab2, tab1, tab0] #`);
info(`start media for tab1, main controller should become tab1`);
await makeTabBecomeMainController(tab1);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab1's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab1.metadata);
info(`start media for tab0, main controller should become tab0`);
await makeTabBecomeMainController(tab0);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
* part3 : [tab2, tab1, tab0] -> [tab2, tab1] -> [tab2] -> []
info(`# [tab2, tab1, tab0] -> [tab2, tab1] -> [tab2] -> [] #`);
info(`remove tab0 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab0.close()]);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab1's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab1.metadata);
info(`remove tab1 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab1.close()]);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab2's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab2.metadata);
info(`remove tab2 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab2.close()]);
add_task(async function testPIPControllerWontBeReplacedByNormalController() {
info(`open two different tabs`);
const tab0 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab1 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
info(`set different metadata for each tab`);
await setMediaMetadataForTabs([tab0, tab1]);
info(`start media for tab0, main controller should become tab0`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab0);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`trigger Picture-in-Picture mode for tab0`);
const winPIP = await triggerPictureInPicture(tab0.linkedBrowser, testVideoId);
info(`start media for tab1, main controller should still be tab0`);
await playMediaAndWaitUntilRegisteringController(tab1, testVideoId);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`remove tab0 and wait until main controller changes`);
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(winPIP);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab0.close()]);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab1's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab1.metadata);
info(`remove tab1 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab1.close()]);
async function testFullscreenControllerWontBeReplacedByNormalController() {
info(`open two different tabs`);
const tab0 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab1 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
info(`set different metadata for each tab`);
await setMediaMetadataForTabs([tab0, tab1]);
info(`start media for tab0, main controller should become tab0`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab0);
info(`current metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`video in tab0 enters fullscreen`);
await switchTabToForegroundAndEnableFullScreen(tab0, testVideoId);
`normal controller won't become the main controller, ` +
`which is still fullscreen controller`
await playMediaAndWaitUntilRegisteringController(tab1, testVideoId);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`remove tabs`);
await Promise.all([tab0.close(), tab1.close()]);
add_task(async function testFullscreenAndPIPControllers() {
info(`open three different tabs`);
const tab0 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab1 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
const tab2 = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY);
info(`set different metadata for each tab`);
await setMediaMetadataForTabs([tab0, tab1, tab2]);
* Current controller list : [tab0 (fullscreen)]
info(`start media for tab0, main controller should become tab0`);
await makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab0);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
info(`video in tab0 enters fullscreen`);
await switchTabToForegroundAndEnableFullScreen(tab0, testVideoId);
* Current controller list : [tab1, tab0 (fullscreen)]
info(`start media for tab1, main controller should still be tab0`);
await playMediaAndWaitUntilRegisteringController(tab1, testVideoId);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
* Current controller list : [tab0 (fullscreen), tab1 (PIP)]
info(`tab1 enters PIP so tab1 should become new main controller`);
const mainControllerChange = waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged();
const winPIP = await triggerPictureInPicture(tab1.linkedBrowser, testVideoId);
await mainControllerChange;
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab1's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab1.metadata);
* Current controller list : [tab2, tab0 (fullscreen), tab1 (PIP)]
info(`play video from tab2 which shouldn't affect main controller`);
await playMediaAndWaitUntilRegisteringController(tab2, testVideoId);
* Current controller list : [tab2, tab0 (fullscreen)]
info(`remove tab1 and wait until main controller changes`);
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(winPIP);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab1.close()]);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab0.metadata);
* Current controller list : [tab2]
info(`remove tab0 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab0.close()]);
info(`currrent metadata should be equal to tab0's metadata`);
await isCurrentMetadataEqualTo(tab2.metadata);
* Current controller list : []
info(`remove tab2 and wait until main controller changes`);
await Promise.all([waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged(), tab2.close()]);
* The following are helper functions
async function setMediaMetadataForTabs(tabs) {
for (let idx = 0; idx < tabs.length; idx++) {
const tabName = "tab" + idx;
info(`create metadata for ${tabName}`);
tabs[idx].metadata = {
title: tabName,
artist: tabName,
album: tabName,
artwork: [{ src: tabName, sizes: "128x128", type: "image/jpeg" }],
const spawn = SpecialPowers.spawn(
data => {
content.navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new content.MediaMetadata(
// As those controller hasn't been activated yet, we can't listen to
// `mediacontroll.onmetadatachange`, which would only be notified after a
// controller becomes active.
await Promise.all([spawn, waitUntilControllerMetadataChanged()]);
function makeTabBecomeMainController(tab) {
const playPromise = SpecialPowers.spawn(
async Id => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
// If media has been started, we would stop media first and then start it
// again, which would make controller's playback state change to `playing`
// again and result in updating new main controller.
if (!video.paused) {
info(`wait until media stops`);
await new Promise(r => (video.onpause = r));
info(`start media`);
return Promise.all([playPromise, waitUntilMainMediaControllerChanged()]);
function makeTabBecomeMainControllerAndWaitForMetadataChange(tab) {
return Promise.all([
new Promise(r => (tab.controller.onmetadatachange = r)),
function playMediaAndWaitUntilRegisteringController(tab, elementId) {
const playPromise = SpecialPowers.spawn(
Id => {
const video = content.document.getElementById(Id);
if (!video) {
ok(false, `can't get the media element!`);
return Promise.all([waitUntilMediaControllerAmountChanged(), playPromise]);
async function switchTabToForegroundAndEnableFullScreen(tab, elementId) {
// Fullscreen can only be allowed to enter from a focus tab.
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab.tabElement);
await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], elementId => {
return new Promise(r => {
const element = content.document.getElementById(elementId);
element.onfullscreenchange = () => {
element.onfullscreenchange = null;
element.onfullscreenerror = null;
element.onfullscreenerror = () => {
// Retry until the element successfully enters fullscreen.