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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
set: [["security.allow_eval_with_system_principal", true]],
const PAGE =
let gListenerId = 0;
* Adds a content event listener on the given browser element. NOTE: this test
* is checking the behavior of pageshow and pagehide as seen by frame scripts,
* so it is specifically implemented using the message message manager.
* Similar to BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent, but the listener will fire
* until it is removed. A callable object is returned that, when called, removes
* the event listener. Note that this function works even if the browser's
* frameloader is swapped.
* @param {xul:browser} browser
* The browser element to listen for events in.
* @param {string} eventName
* Name of the event to listen to.
* @param {function} listener
* Function to call in parent process when event fires.
* Not passed any arguments.
* @param {function} checkFn [optional]
* Called with the Event object as argument, should return true if the
* event is the expected one, or false if it should be ignored and
* listening should continue. If not specified, the first event with
* the specified name resolves the returned promise. This is called
* within the content process and can have no closure environment.
* @returns function
* If called, the return value will remove the event listener.
function addContentEventListenerWithMessageManager(
) {
let id = gListenerId++;
let checkFnSource = checkFn
? encodeURIComponent(escape(checkFn.toSource()))
: "";
// To correctly handle frameloader swaps, we load a frame script
// into all tabs but ignore messages from the ones not related to
// |browser|.
/* eslint-disable no-eval */
function frameScript(innerId, innerEventName, innerCheckFnSource) {
let innerCheckFn;
if (innerCheckFnSource) {
innerCheckFn = eval(`(() => (${unescape(innerCheckFnSource)}))()`);
function innerListener(event) {
if (innerCheckFn && !innerCheckFn(event)) {
sendAsyncMessage("ContentEventListener:Run", innerId);
function removeListener(msg) {
if ( == innerId) {
removeMessageListener("ContentEventListener:Remove", removeListener);
removeEventListener(innerEventName, innerListener);
addMessageListener("ContentEventListener:Remove", removeListener);
addEventListener(innerEventName, innerListener);
/* eslint-enable no-eval */
let frameScriptSource = `data:,(${frameScript.toString()})(${id}, "${eventName}",
let mm =;
function runListener(msg) {
if ( == id && == browser) {
mm.addMessageListener("ContentEventListener:Run", runListener);
let needCleanup = true;
let unregisterFunction = function () {
if (!needCleanup) {
needCleanup = false;
mm.removeMessageListener("ContentEventListener:Run", runListener);
mm.broadcastAsyncMessage("ContentEventListener:Remove", id);
function cleanupObserver(subject, topic, data) {
if (subject == browser.messageManager) {
mm.loadFrameScript(frameScriptSource, true);
return unregisterFunction;
* Returns a Promise that resolves when it sees a pageshow and
* pagehide events in a particular order, where each event must
* have the persisted property set to true. Will cause a test
* failure to be logged if it sees an event out of order.
* @param browser (<xul:browser>)
* The browser to expect the events from.
* @param expectedOrder (array)
* An array of strings describing what order the pageshow
* and pagehide events should be in.
* Example:
* ["pageshow", "pagehide", "pagehide", "pageshow"]
* @returns Promise
function prepareForVisibilityEvents(browser, expectedOrder) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let order = [];
let rmvHide, rmvShow;
let checkSatisfied = () => {
if (order.length < expectedOrder.length) {
// We're still waiting...
for (let i = 0; i < expectedOrder.length; ++i) {
is(order[i], expectedOrder[i], "Got expected event");
let eventListener = type => {
let checkFn = e => e.persisted;
rmvHide = addContentEventListenerWithMessageManager(
() => eventListener("pagehide"),
rmvShow = addContentEventListenerWithMessageManager(
() => eventListener("pageshow"),
* Tests that frame scripts get pageshow / pagehide events when
* swapping browser frameloaders (which occurs when moving a tab
* into a different window).
add_task(async function test_swap_frameloader_pagevisibility_events() {
// Disable window occlusion. Bug 1733955
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["", false]],
// Load a new tab that we'll tear out...
let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, PAGE);
gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
let firstBrowser = tab.linkedBrowser;
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(firstBrowser);
// Swap the browser out to a new window
let newWindow = gBrowser.replaceTabWithWindow(tab);
// We have to wait for the window to load so we can get the selected browser
// to listen to.
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newWindow, "DOMContentLoaded");
let newWindowBrowser = newWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
// Wait for the expected pagehide and pageshow events on the initial browser
await prepareForVisibilityEvents(newWindowBrowser, ["pagehide", "pageshow"]);
// Now let's send the browser back to the original window
// First, create a new, empty browser tab to replace the window with
let newTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser);
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
let emptyBrowser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
// Wait for that initial doc to be visible because if its pageshow hasn't
// happened we don't confuse it with the other expected events.
await ContentTask.spawn(emptyBrowser, null, async () => {
if (content.document.visibilityState === "hidden") {
info("waiting for hidden emptyBrowser to be visible");
await ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(
info("emptyBrowser is shown now.");
// The empty tab we just added show now fire a pagehide as its replaced,
// and a pageshow once the swap is finished.
let emptyBrowserPromise = prepareForVisibilityEvents(emptyBrowser, [
gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, newWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab);
await emptyBrowserPromise;