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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js");
const BROWSERTOOLBOX_SCOPE_PREF = "devtools.browsertoolbox.scope";
// Possible values of the previous pref:
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/reject-some-requires
const createStore = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/redux/create-store.js");
const reducer = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/target/reducers/targets.js");
["refreshTargets", "registerTarget", "unregisterTarget"],
class TargetCommand extends EventEmitter {
* This class helps managing, iterating over and listening for Targets.
* It exposes:
* - the top level target, typically the main process target for the browser toolbox
* or the browsing context target for a regular web toolbox
* - target of remoted iframe, in case Fission is enabled and some <iframe>
* are running in a distinct process
* - target switching. If the top level target changes for a new one,
* all the targets are going to be declared as destroyed and the new ones
* will be notified to the user of this API.
* @fires target-tread-wrong-order-on-resume : An event that is emitted when resuming
* the thread throws with the "wrongOrder" error.
* @param {DescriptorFront} descriptorFront
* The context to inspector identified by this descriptor.
* @param {WatcherFront} watcherFront
* If available, a reference to the related Watcher Front.
* @param {Object} commands
* The commands object with all interfaces defined from devtools/shared/commands/
constructor({ descriptorFront, watcherFront, commands }) {
this.commands = commands;
this.descriptorFront = descriptorFront;
this.watcherFront = watcherFront;
this.rootFront = descriptorFront.client.mainRoot; = createStore(reducer);
// Name of the store used when calling createProvider.
this.storeId = "target-store";
this._updateBrowserToolboxScope =
// Until Watcher actor notify about new top level target when navigating to another process
// we have to manually switch to a new target from the client side
this.onLocalTabRemotenessChange =
if (this.descriptorFront.isTabDescriptor) {
if (this.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled()) {
// XXX: Will only be used for local tab server side target switching if
// the first target is generated from the server.
this._onFirstTarget = new Promise(r => (this._resolveOnFirstTarget = r));
// Reports if we have at least one listener for the given target type
this._listenersStarted = new Set();
// List of all the target fronts
this._targets = new Set();
// {Map<Function, Set<targetFront>>} A Map keyed by `onAvailable` function passed to
// `watchTargets`, whose initial value is a Set of the existing target fronts at the
// time watchTargets is called.
this._pendingWatchTargetInitialization = new Map();
// Listeners for target creation, destruction and selection
this._createListeners = new EventEmitter();
this._destroyListeners = new EventEmitter();
this._selectListeners = new EventEmitter();
this._onTargetAvailable = this._onTargetAvailable.bind(this);
this._onTargetDestroyed = this._onTargetDestroyed.bind(this);
this._onTargetSelected = this._onTargetSelected.bind(this);
// Bug 1675763: Watcher actor is not available in all situations yet.
if (this.watcherFront) {
this.watcherFront.on("target-available", this._onTargetAvailable);
this.watcherFront.on("target-destroyed", this._onTargetDestroyed);
this.legacyImplementation = {};
// Public flag to allow listening for workers even if the fission pref is off
// This allows listening for workers in the content toolbox outside of fission contexts
// For now, this is only toggled by tests.
this.listenForWorkers =
this.rootFront.traits.workerConsoleApiMessagesDispatchedToMainThread ===
this.listenForServiceWorkers = false;
// Tells us if we received the first top level target.
// If target switching is done on:
// * client side, this is done from startListening => _createFirstTarget
// and pull from the Descriptor front.
// * server side, this is also done from startListening,
// but we wait for the watcher actor to notify us about it
// via target-available-form avent.
this._gotFirstTopLevelTarget = false;
this._onResourceAvailable = this._onResourceAvailable.bind(this);
get selectedTargetFront() {
return this.#selectedTargetFront || this.targetFront;
* Called fired when BROWSERTOOLBOX_SCOPE_PREF pref changes.
* This will enable/disable the full multiprocess debugging.
* When enabled we will watch for content process targets and debug all the processes.
* When disabled we will only watch for FRAME and WORKER and restrict ourself to parent process resources.
_updateBrowserToolboxScope() {
const browserToolboxScope = Services.prefs.getCharPref(
// Force listening to new additional target types
} else if (browserToolboxScope == BROWSERTOOLBOX_SCOPE_PARENTPROCESS) {
const disabledTargetTypes = [
// Force unwatching for additional targets types
// (we keep listening to workers)
// The related targets will be destroyed by the server
// and reported as destroyed to the frontend.
for (const type of disabledTargetTypes) {
this.stopListeningForType(type, {
isTargetSwitching: false,
isModeSwitching: true,
// Called whenever a new Target front is available.
// Either because a target was already available as we started calling startListening
// or if it has just been created
async _onTargetAvailable(targetFront) {
// We put the `commands` on the targetFront so it can be retrieved from any front easily.
// Without this, protocol.js fronts won't have any easy access to it.
// Ideally, Fronts would all be migrated to commands and we would no longer need this hack.
targetFront.commands = this.commands;
// If the new target is a top level target, we are target switching.
// Target-switching is only triggered for "local-tab" browsing-context
// targets which should always have the topLevelTarget flag initialized
// on the server.
const isTargetSwitching = targetFront.isTopLevel;
const isFirstTarget =
targetFront.isTopLevel && !this._gotFirstTopLevelTarget;
if (this._targets.has(targetFront)) {
// The top level target front can be reported via listProcesses in the
// case of the BrowserToolbox. For any other target, log an error if it is
// already registered.
if (targetFront != this.targetFront) {
"Target is already registered in the TargetCommand",
if (this.isDestroyed() || targetFront.isDestroyedOrBeingDestroyed()) {
// Handle top level target switching
// Note that, for now, `_onTargetAvailable` isn't called for the *initial* top level target.
// i.e. the one that is passed to TargetCommand constructor.
if (targetFront.isTopLevel) {
// First report that all existing targets are destroyed
if (!isFirstTarget) {
// Update the reference to the memoized top level target
this.targetFront = targetFront;
this.#selectedTargetFront = null;
if (isFirstTarget && this.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled()) {
this._gotFirstTopLevelTarget = true;
// Map the descriptor typeName to a target type.
const targetType = this.getTargetType(targetFront);
try {
await targetFront.attachAndInitThread(this);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error when attaching target:", e);
for (const targetFrontsSet of this._pendingWatchTargetInitialization.values()) {
if (this.isDestroyed() || targetFront.isDestroyedOrBeingDestroyed()) {
// Then, once the target is attached, notify the target front creation listeners
await this._createListeners.emitAsync(targetType, {
// Re-register the listeners as the top level target changed
// and some targets are fetched from it
if (targetFront.isTopLevel && !isFirstTarget) {
await this.startListening({ isTargetSwitching: true });
// These two events are used by tests using the production codepath (i.e. disabling flags.testing)
// To be consumed by tests triggering frame navigations, spawning workers...
this.emit("processed-available-target", targetFront);
if (isTargetSwitching) {
this.emit("switched-target", targetFront);
_destroyExistingTargetsOnTargetSwitching() {
const destroyedTargets = [];
for (const target of this._targets) {
// We only consider the top level target to be switched
const isDestroyedTargetSwitching = target == this.targetFront;
const isServiceWorker = target.targetType === this.TYPES.SERVICE_WORKER;
const isPopup = target.targetForm.isPopup;
// Never destroy the popup targets when the top level target is destroyed
// as the popup follow a different lifecycle.
// Also avoid destroying service worker targets for similar reason.
if (!isPopup && !isServiceWorker) {
this._onTargetDestroyed(target, {
isTargetSwitching: isDestroyedTargetSwitching,
// Do not destroy service worker front as we may want to keep using it.
shouldDestroyTargetFront: !isServiceWorker,
// Stop listening to legacy listeners as we now have to listen
// on the new target.
this.stopListening({ isTargetSwitching: true });
// Remove destroyed target from the cached target list. We don't simply clear the
// Map as SW targets might not have been destroyed.
for (const target of destroyedTargets) {
* Function fired everytime a target is destroyed.
* This is called either:
* - via target-destroyed event fired by the WatcherFront,
* event which is a simple translation of the target-destroyed-form emitted by the WatcherActor.
* Watcher Actor emits this is various condition when the debugged target is meant to be destroyed:
* - the related target context is destroyed (tab closed, worker shut down, content process destroyed, ...),
* - when the DevToolsServerConnection used on the server side to communicate to the client is closed.
* - by TargetCommand._onTargetAvailable, when a top level target switching happens and all previously
* registered target fronts should be destroyed.
* - by the legacy Targets listeners, calling this method directly.
* This usecase is meant to be removed someday when all target targets are supported by the Watcher.
* @param {TargetFront} targetFront
* The target that just got destroyed.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} [options.isTargetSwitching]
* To be set to true when this is about the top level target which is being replaced
* by a new one.
* The passed target should be still the one store in TargetCommand.targetFront
* and will be replaced via a call to onTargetAvailable with a new target front.
* @param {Boolean} [options.isModeSwitching]
* To be set to true when the target was destroyed was called as the result of a
* change to the devtools.browsertoolbox.scope pref.
* @param {Boolean} [options.shouldDestroyTargetFront]
* By default, the passed target front will be destroyed. But in some cases like
* legacy listeners for service workers we want to keep the front alive.
isModeSwitching = false,
isTargetSwitching = false,
shouldDestroyTargetFront = true,
} = {}
) {
// The watcher actor may notify us about the destruction of the top level target.
// But second argument to this method, isTargetSwitching is only passed from the frontend.
// So automatically toggle the isTargetSwitching flag for server side destructions
// only if that's about the existing top level target.
if (targetFront == this.targetFront) {
isTargetSwitching = true;
this._destroyListeners.emit(targetFront.targetType, {
// If the destroyed target was the selected one, we need to do some cleanup
if (this.#selectedTargetFront == targetFront) {
// If we're doing a targetSwitch, simply nullify #selectedTargetFront
if (isTargetSwitching) {
this.#selectedTargetFront = null;
} else {
// Otherwise we want to select the top level target
if (shouldDestroyTargetFront) {
// When calling targetFront.destroy(), we will first call TargetFrontMixin.destroy,
// which will try to call `detach` RDP method.
// Unfortunately, this request will never complete in some cases like bfcache navigations.
// Because of that, the target front will never be completely destroy as it will prevent
// calling super.destroy and Front.destroy.
// Workaround that by manually calling Front class destroy method:
// Delete the attribute we set from _onTargetAvailable so that we avoid leaking commands
// if any target front is leaked.
delete targetFront.commands;
* @param {TargetFront} targetFront
async _onTargetSelected(targetFront) {
if (this.#selectedTargetFront == targetFront) {
// Target is already selected, we can bail out.
this.#selectedTargetFront = targetFront;
const targetType = this.getTargetType(targetFront);
await this._selectListeners.emitAsync(targetType, {
_setListening(type, value) {
if (value) {
} else {
_isListening(type) {
return this._listenersStarted.has(type);
* Check if the watcher is currently supported.
* When no typeOrTrait is provided, we will only check that the watcher is
* available.
* When a typeOrTrait is provided, we will check for an explicit trait on the
* watcherFront that indicates either that:
* - a target type is supported
* - or that a custom trait is true
* @param {String} [targetTypeOrTrait]
* Optional target type or trait.
* @return {Boolean} true if the watcher is available and supports the
* optional targetTypeOrTrait
hasTargetWatcherSupport(targetTypeOrTrait) {
if (targetTypeOrTrait) {
// Target types are also exposed as traits, where resource types are
// exposed under traits.resources (cf hasResourceWatcherSupport
// implementation).
return !!this.watcherFront?.traits[targetTypeOrTrait];
return !!this.watcherFront;
* Start listening for targets from the server
* Interact with the actors in order to start listening for new types of targets.
* This will fire the _onTargetAvailable function for all already-existing targets,
* as well as the next one to be created. It will also call _onTargetDestroyed
* everytime a target is reported as destroyed by the actors.
* By the time this function resolves, all the already-existing targets will be
* reported to _onTargetAvailable.
* @param Object options
* @param Boolean options.isTargetSwitching
* Set to true when this is called while a target switching happens. In such case,
* we won't register listener set on the Watcher Actor, but still register listeners
* set via Legacy Listeners.
async startListening({ isTargetSwitching = false } = {}) {
// The first time we call this method, we pull the current top level target from the descriptor
if (
!this.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled() &&
) {
await this._createFirstTarget();
// If no pref are set to true, nor is listenForWorkers set to true,
// we won't listen for any additional target. Only the top level target
// will be managed. We may still do target-switching.
const types = this._computeTargetTypes();
for (const type of types) {
if (this._isListening(type)) {
this._setListening(type, true);
// Only a few top level targets support the watcher actor at the moment (see WatcherActor
// traits in the _form method). Bug 1675763 tracks watcher actor support for all targets.
if (this.hasTargetWatcherSupport(type)) {
// When we switch to a new top level target, we don't have to stop and restart
// Watcher listener as it is independant from the top level target.
// This isn't the case for some Legacy Listeners, which fetch targets from the top level target
if (!isTargetSwitching) {
await this.watcherFront.watchTargets(type);
} else if (LegacyTargetWatchers[type]) {
// Instantiate the legacy listener only once for each TargetCommand, and reuse it if we stop and restart listening
if (!this.legacyImplementation[type]) {
this.legacyImplementation[type] = new LegacyTargetWatchers[type](
await this.legacyImplementation[type].listen();
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported target type '${type}'`);
if (!this._watchingDocumentEvent && !this.isDestroyed()) {
// We want to watch DOCUMENT_EVENT in order to update the url and title of target fronts,
// as the initial value that is set in them might be erroneous (if the target was
// created so early that the document url is still pointing to about:blank and the
// html hasn't be parsed yet, so we can't know the <title> content).
this._watchingDocumentEvent = true;
await this.commands.resourceCommand.watchResources(
onAvailable: this._onResourceAvailable,
if (this.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled()) {
await this._onFirstTarget;
async _createFirstTarget() {
// Note that this is a public attribute, used outside of this class
// and helps knowing what is the current top level target we debug.
this.targetFront = await this.descriptorFront.getTarget();
this._gotFirstTopLevelTarget = true;
// See _onTargetAvailable. As this target isn't going through that method
// we have to replicate doing that here.
this.targetFront.commands = this.commands;
// Add the top-level target to the list of targets.
_computeTargetTypes() {
let types = [];
// We also check for watcher support as some xpcshell tests uses legacy APIs and don't support frames.
if (
this.descriptorFront.isTabDescriptor &&
) {
types = [TargetCommand.TYPES.FRAME];
} else if (this.descriptorFront.isBrowserProcessDescriptor) {
const browserToolboxScope = Services.prefs.getCharPref(
types = TargetCommand.ALL_TYPES;
if (this.listenForWorkers && !types.includes(TargetCommand.TYPES.WORKER)) {
if (
this.listenForWorkers &&
) {
if (
this.listenForServiceWorkers &&
) {
return types;
* Stop listening for targets from the server
* @param Object options
* @param Boolean options.isTargetSwitching
* Set to true when this is called while a target switching happens. In such case,
* we won't unregister listener set on the Watcher Actor, but still unregister
* listeners set via Legacy Listeners.
stopListening({ isTargetSwitching = false } = {}) {
// As DOCUMENT_EVENT isn't using legacy listener,
// there is no need to stop and restart it in case of target switching.
if (this._watchingDocumentEvent && !isTargetSwitching) {
onAvailable: this._onResourceAvailable,
this._watchingDocumentEvent = false;
for (const type of TargetCommand.ALL_TYPES) {
this.stopListeningForType(type, { isTargetSwitching });
* Stop listening for targets of a given type from the server
* @param String type
* target type we want to stop listening for
* @param Object options
* @param Boolean options.isTargetSwitching
* Set to true when this is called while a target switching happens. In such case,
* we won't unregister listener set on the Watcher Actor, but still unregister
* listeners set via Legacy Listeners.
* @param Boolean options.isModeSwitching
* Set to true when this is called as the result of a change to the
* devtools.browsertoolbox.scope pref.
stopListeningForType(type, { isTargetSwitching, isModeSwitching }) {
if (!this._isListening(type)) {
this._setListening(type, false);
// Only a few top level targets support the watcher actor at the moment (see WatcherActor
// traits in the _form method). Bug 1675763 tracks watcher actor support for all targets.
if (this.hasTargetWatcherSupport(type)) {
// When we switch to a new top level target, we don't have to stop and restart
// Watcher listener as it is independant from the top level target.
// This isn't the case for some Legacy Listeners, which fetch targets from the top level target
// Also, TargetCommand.destroy may be called after the client is closed.
// So avoid calling the RDP method in that situation.
if (!isTargetSwitching && !this.watcherFront.isDestroyed()) {
this.watcherFront.unwatchTargets(type, { isModeSwitching });
} else if (this.legacyImplementation[type]) {
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported target type '${type}'`);
getTargetType(target) {
const { typeName } = target;
if (typeName == "windowGlobalTarget") {
return TargetCommand.TYPES.FRAME;
if (
typeName == "contentProcessTarget" ||
typeName == "parentProcessTarget"
) {
return TargetCommand.TYPES.PROCESS;
if (typeName == "workerDescriptor" || typeName == "workerTarget") {
if (target.isSharedWorker) {
return TargetCommand.TYPES.SHARED_WORKER;
if (target.isServiceWorker) {
return TargetCommand.TYPES.SERVICE_WORKER;
return TargetCommand.TYPES.WORKER;
throw new Error("Unsupported target typeName: " + typeName);
_matchTargetType(type, target) {
return type === target.targetType;
_onResourceAvailable(resources) {
for (const resource of resources) {
if (
resource.resourceType ===
) {
const { targetFront } = resource;
if (resource.title !== undefined && targetFront?.setTitle) {
if (resource.url !== undefined && targetFront?.setUrl) {
if (
!resource.isFrameSwitching &&
// `url` is set on the targetFront when we receive dom-loading, and `title` when
// `dom-interactive` is received. Here we're only updating the window title in
// the "newer" event. === "dom-interactive"
) {
// We just updated the targetFront title and url, force a refresh
// so that the EvaluationContext selector update them.;
* Listen for the creation and/or destruction of target fronts matching one of the provided types.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<String>} options.types
* The type of target to listen for. Constant of TargetCommand.TYPES.
* @param {Function} options.onAvailable
* Mandatory callback fired when a target has been just created or was already available.
* The function is called with a single object argument containing the following properties:
* - {TargetFront} targetFront: The target Front
* - {Boolean} isTargetSwitching: Is this target relates to a navigation and
* this replaced a previously available target, this flag will be true
* @param {Function} options.onDestroyed
* Optional callback fired in case of target front destruction.
* The function is called with the same arguments than onAvailable.
* @param {Function} options.onSelected
* Optional callback fired when a given target is selected from the iframe picker
* The function is called with a single object argument containing the following properties:
* - {TargetFront} targetFront: The target Front
async watchTargets(options = {}) {
const availableOptions = [
const unsupportedKeys = Object.keys(options).filter(
key => !availableOptions.includes(key)
if (unsupportedKeys.length) {
throw new Error(
`TargetCommand.watchTargets does not expect the following options: ${unsupportedKeys.join(
", "
const { types, onAvailable, onDestroyed, onSelected } = options;
if (typeof onAvailable != "function") {
throw new Error(
"TargetCommand.watchTargets expects a function for the onAvailable option"
for (const type of types) {
if (!this._isValidTargetType(type)) {
throw new Error(
`TargetCommand.watchTargets invoked with an unknown type: "${type}"`
// Notify about already existing target of these types
const targetFronts = [...this._targets].filter(targetFront =>
new Set(targetFronts)
const promises = targetFront => {
// Attach the targets that aren't attached yet (e.g. the initial top-level target),
// and wait for the other ones to be fully attached.
try {
await targetFront.attachAndInitThread(this);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error when attaching target:", e);
// It can happen that onAvailable was already called with this targetFront at
// this time (via _onTargetAvailable). If that's the case, we don't want to call
// onAvailable a second time.
if (
this._pendingWatchTargetInitialization &&
this._pendingWatchTargetInitialization.has(onAvailable) &&
) {
try {
// Ensure waiting for eventual async create listeners
// which may setup things regarding the existing targets
// and listen callsite may care about the full initialization
await onAvailable({
isTargetSwitching: false,
} catch (e) {
// Prevent throwing when onAvailable handler throws on one target
// so that it can try to register the other targets
"Exception when calling onAvailable handler",
for (const type of types) {
this._createListeners.on(type, onAvailable);
if (onDestroyed) {
this._destroyListeners.on(type, onDestroyed);
if (onSelected) {
this._selectListeners.on(type, onSelected);
await Promise.all(promises);
* Stop listening for the creation and/or destruction of a given type of target fronts.
* See `watchTargets()` for documentation of the arguments.
unwatchTargets(options = {}) {
const availableOptions = [
const unsupportedKeys = Object.keys(options).filter(
key => !availableOptions.includes(key)
if (unsupportedKeys.length) {
throw new Error(
`TargetCommand.unwatchTargets does not expect the following options: ${unsupportedKeys.join(
", "
const { types, onAvailable, onDestroyed, onSelected } = options;
if (typeof onAvailable != "function") {
throw new Error(
"TargetCommand.unwatchTargets expects a function for the onAvailable option"
for (const type of types) {
if (!this._isValidTargetType(type)) {
throw new Error(
`TargetCommand.unwatchTargets invoked with an unknown type: "${type}"`
}, onAvailable);
if (onDestroyed) {, onDestroyed);
if (onSelected) {, onSelected);
* Retrieve all the current target fronts of a given type.
* @param {Array<String>} types
* The types of target to retrieve. Array of TargetCommand.TYPES
* @return {Array<TargetFront>} Array of target fronts matching any of the
* provided types.
getAllTargets(types) {
if (!types?.length) {
throw new Error("getAllTargets expects a non-empty array of types");
const targets = [...this._targets].filter(target =>
types.some(type => this._matchTargetType(type, target))
return targets;
* Retrieve all the target fronts in the selected target tree (including the selected
* target itself).
* @param {Array<String>} types
* The types of target to retrieve. Array of TargetCommand.TYPES
* @return {Promise<Array<TargetFront>>} Promise that resolves to an array of target fronts.
async getAllTargetsInSelectedTargetTree(types) {
const allTargets = this.getAllTargets(types);
if (this.isTopLevelTargetSelected()) {
return allTargets;
const targets = [this.selectedTargetFront];
for (const target of allTargets) {
const isInSelectedTree = await target.isTargetAnAncestor(
if (isInSelectedTree) {
return targets;
* For all the target fronts of given types, retrieve all the target-scoped fronts of the given types.
* @param {Array<String>} targetTypes
* The types of target to iterate over. Constant of TargetCommand.TYPES.
* @param {String} frontType
* The type of target-scoped front to retrieve. It can be "inspector", "console", "thread",...
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} options.onlyInSelectedTargetTree
* Set to true to only get the fronts for targets who are in the "targets tree"
* of the selected target.
async getAllFronts(
{ onlyInSelectedTargetTree = false } = {}
) {
if (!Array.isArray(targetTypes) || !targetTypes?.length) {
throw new Error("getAllFronts expects a non-empty array of target types");
const promises = [];
const targets = !onlyInSelectedTargetTree
? this.getAllTargets(targetTypes)
: await this.getAllTargetsInSelectedTargetTree(targetTypes);
for (const target of targets) {
// For still-attaching worker targets, the thread or console front may not yet be available,
// whereas TargetMixin.getFront will throw if the actorID isn't available in targetForm.
// Also ignore destroyed targets. For some reason the previous methods fetching targets
// can sometime return destroyed targets.
if (
(frontType == "thread" && !target.targetForm.threadActor) ||
(frontType == "console" && !target.targetForm.consoleActor) ||
) {
return Promise.all(promises);
* This function is triggered by an event sent by the TabDescriptor when
* the tab navigates to a distinct process.
* @param TargetFront targetFront
* The WindowGlobalTargetFront instance that navigated to another process
async onLocalTabRemotenessChange(targetFront) {
if (this.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled()) {
// For server-side target switching, everything will be handled by the
// _onTargetAvailable callback.
// TabDescriptor may emit the event with a null targetFront, interpret that as if the previous target
// has already been destroyed
if (targetFront) {
// Wait for the target to be destroyed so that LocalTabCommandsFactory clears its memoized target for this tab
await targetFront.once("target-destroyed");
// Fetch the new target from the descriptor.
const newTarget = await this.descriptorFront.getTarget();
// If a navigation happens while we try to get the target for the page that triggered
// the remoteness change, `getTarget` will return null. In such case, we'll get the
// "next" target through onTargetAvailable so it's safe to bail here.
if (!newTarget) {
`Couldn't get the target for descriptor ${this.descriptorFront.actorID}`
* Reload the current top level target.
* This only works for targets inheriting from WindowGlobalTarget.
* @param {Boolean} bypassCache
* If true, the reload will be forced to bypass any cache.
async reloadTopLevelTarget(bypassCache = false) {
if (!this.descriptorFront.traits.supportsReloadDescriptor) {
throw new Error("The top level target doesn't support being reloaded");
// Wait for the next DOCUMENT_EVENT's dom-complete event
// Wait for waitForNextResource completion before reloading, otherwise we might miss the dom-complete event.
// This can happen if `ResourceCommand.watchResources` made by `waitForNextResource` is still pending
// while the reload already started and finished loading the document early.
const { onResource: onReloaded } =
await this.commands.resourceCommand.waitForNextResource(
ignoreExistingResources: true,
predicate(resource) {
return == "dom-complete";
await this.descriptorFront.reloadDescriptor({ bypassCache });
await onReloaded;
* Called when the top level target is replaced by a new one.
* Typically when we navigate to another domain which requires to be loaded in a distinct process.
* @param {TargetFront} newTarget
* The new top level target to debug.
async switchToTarget(newTarget) {
// Notify about this new target to creation listeners
// _onTargetAvailable will also destroy all previous target before notifying about this new one.
await this._onTargetAvailable(newTarget);
* Called when the user selects a frame in the iframe picker.
* @param {WindowGlobalTargetFront} targetFront
* The target front we want the toolbox to focus on.
selectTarget(targetFront) {
return this._onTargetSelected(targetFront);
* Returns true if the top-level frame is the selected one
* @returns {Boolean}
isTopLevelTargetSelected() {
return this.selectedTargetFront === this.targetFront;
* Returns true if a non top-level frame is the selected one in the iframe picker.
* @returns {Boolean}
isNonTopLevelTargetSelected() {
return this.selectedTargetFront !== this.targetFront;
isTargetRegistered(targetFront) {
return this._targets.has(targetFront);
getParentTarget(targetFront) {
// Note that there are edgecases:
// * Until bug 1741927 is fixed and we remove non-EFT codepath entirely,
// we may receive a `parentInnerWindowId` that doesn't relate to any target.
// This happens when the parent document of the targetFront is a document loaded in the
// same process as its parent document. In such scenario, and only when EFT is disabled,
// we won't instantiate a target for the parent document of the targetFront.
// * `parentInnerWindowId` could be null in some case like for tabs in the MBT
// we should report the top level target as parent. That's what `getParentWindowGlobalTarget` does.
// Once we can stop using getParentWindowGlobalTarget for the other edgecase we will be able to
// replace it with such fallback: `return this.targetFront;`.
// browser_target_command_frames.js will help you get things right.
const { parentInnerWindowId } = targetFront.targetForm;
if (parentInnerWindowId) {
const targets = this.getAllTargets([TargetCommand.TYPES.FRAME]);
const parent = targets.find(
target => target.innerWindowId == parentInnerWindowId
// Until EFT is the only codepath supported (bug 1741927), we will fallback to `getParentWindowGlobalTarget`
// as we may not have a target if the parent is an iframe running in the same process as its parent.
if (parent) {
return parent;
// Note that all callsites which care about FRAME additional target
// should all have a toolbox using the watcher actor.
// It should be: MBT, regular tab toolbox and web extension.
// The others which still don't support watcher don't spawn FRAME targets:
// browser content toolbox and service workers.
return this.watcherFront.getParentWindowGlobalTarget(
isDestroyed() {
return this._isDestroyed;
isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled() {
if (this.descriptorFront.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled) {
return this.descriptorFront.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled();
return false;
_isValidTargetType(type) {
return this.ALL_TYPES.includes(type);
destroy() {
this.#selectedTargetFront = null;
this._isDestroyed = true;
* All types of target:
TargetCommand.TYPES = TargetCommand.prototype.TYPES = {
PROCESS: "process",
FRAME: "frame",
WORKER: "worker",
SHARED_WORKER: "shared_worker",
SERVICE_WORKER: "service_worker",
TargetCommand.ALL_TYPES = TargetCommand.prototype.ALL_TYPES = Object.values(
const LegacyTargetWatchers = {};
module.exports = TargetCommand;