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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test that calling unwatchResources before watchResources could resolve still
// removes watcher entries correctly.
const ResourceCommand = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/resource/resource-command.js");
const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,";
add_task(async function () {
const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI);
const { client, resourceCommand, targetCommand } = await initResourceCommand(
const { CONSOLE_MESSAGE, ROOT_NODE } = resourceCommand.TYPES;
info("Use console.log in the content page");
await logInTab(tab, "msg-1");
info("Call watchResources with various configurations");
// Watcher 1 only watches for CONSOLE_MESSAGE.
// For this call site, unwatchResource will be called before onAvailable has
// resolved.
const messages1 = [];
const onAvailable1 = createMessageCallback(messages1);
const onWatcher1Ready = resourceCommand.watchResources([CONSOLE_MESSAGE], {
onAvailable: onAvailable1,
resourceCommand.unwatchResources([CONSOLE_MESSAGE], {
onAvailable: onAvailable1,
"Calling unwatchResources for an already unregistered callback should be a no-op"
// and more importantly, it should not throw
resourceCommand.unwatchResources([CONSOLE_MESSAGE], {
onAvailable: onAvailable1,
// Watcher 2 watches for CONSOLE_MESSAGE & another resource (ROOT_NODE).
// Again unwatchResource will be called before onAvailable has resolved.
// But unwatchResource is only called for CONSOLE_MESSAGE, not for ROOT_NODE.
const messages2 = [];
const onAvailable2 = createMessageCallback(messages2);
const onWatcher2Ready = resourceCommand.watchResources(
onAvailable: onAvailable2,
resourceCommand.unwatchResources([CONSOLE_MESSAGE], {
onAvailable: onAvailable2,
// Watcher 3 watches for CONSOLE_MESSAGE, but we will not call unwatchResource
// explicitly for it before the end of test. Used as a reference.
const messages3 = [];
const onAvailable3 = createMessageCallback(messages3);
const onWatcher3Ready = resourceCommand.watchResources([CONSOLE_MESSAGE], {
onAvailable: onAvailable3,
info("Call unwatchResources for CONSOLE_MESSAGE on watcher 1 & 2");
info("Wait for all watchers `watchResources` to resolve");
await Promise.all([onWatcher1Ready, onWatcher2Ready, onWatcher3Ready]);
ok(!hasMessage(messages1, "msg-1"), "Watcher 1 did not receive msg-1");
ok(!hasMessage(messages2, "msg-1"), "Watcher 2 did not receive msg-1");
ok(hasMessage(messages3, "msg-1"), "Watcher 3 received msg-1");
info("Log a new message");
await logInTab(tab, "msg-2");
info("Wait until watcher 3 received the new message");
await waitUntil(() => hasMessage(messages3, "msg-2"));
ok(!hasMessage(messages1, "msg-2"), "Watcher 1 did not receive msg-2");
ok(!hasMessage(messages2, "msg-2"), "Watcher 2 did not receive msg-2");
await client.close();
function logInTab(tab, message) {
return ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, message, function (_message) {
function hasMessage(messageResources, text) {
return messageResources.find(resource => resource.arguments[0] === text);
// All resource command callbacks share the same pattern here: they add all
// console message resources to a provided `messages` array.
function createMessageCallback(messages) {
const { CONSOLE_MESSAGE } = ResourceCommand.TYPES;
return async resources => {
for (const resource of resources) {
if (resource.resourceType === CONSOLE_MESSAGE) {