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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { throttle } = require("resource://devtools/shared/throttle.js");
let gLastResourceId = 0;
function cacheKey(resourceType, resourceId) {
return `${resourceType}:${resourceId}`;
class ResourceCommand {
* This class helps retrieving existing and listening to resources.
* A resource is something that:
* - the target you are debugging exposes
* - can be created as early as the process/worker/page starts loading
* - can already exist, or will be created later on
* - doesn't require any user data to be fetched, only a type/category
* @param object commands
* The commands object with all interfaces defined from devtools/shared/commands/
constructor({ commands }) {
this.targetCommand = commands.targetCommand;
// Public attribute set by tests to disable throttling
this.throttlingDisabled = false;
this._onTargetAvailable = this._onTargetAvailable.bind(this);
this._onTargetDestroyed = this._onTargetDestroyed.bind(this);
// Array of all the currently registered watchers, which contains object with attributes:
// - {String} resources: list of all resource watched by this one watcher
// - {Function} onAvailable: watcher's function to call when a new resource is available
// - {Function} onUpdated: watcher's function to call when a resource has been updated
// - {Function} onDestroyed: watcher's function to call when a resource is destroyed
this._watchers = [];
// Set of watchers currently going through watchResources, only used to handle
// early calls to unwatchResources. Using a Set instead of an array for easier
// delete operations.
this._pendingWatchers = new Set();
// Caches for all resources by the order that the resource was taken.
this._cache = new Map();
this._listenedResources = new Set();
// WeakMap used to avoid starting a legacy listener twice for the same
// target + resource-type pair. Legacy listener creation can be subject to
// race conditions.
// Maps a target front to an array of resource types.
this._existingLegacyListeners = new WeakMap();
this._processingExistingResources = new Set();
// List of targetFront event listener unregistration functions keyed by target front.
// These are called when unwatching resources, so if a consumer starts watching resources again,
// we don't have listeners registered twice.
this._offTargetFrontListeners = new Map();
// Bug 1914386: We used to throttle the resource on client and should try to remove it entirely.
const throttleDelay = 0;
this._notifyWatchers = this._notifyWatchers.bind(this);
this._throttledNotifyWatchers = throttle(
get watcherFront() {
return this.targetCommand.watcherFront;
addResourceToCache(resource) {
const { resourceId, resourceType } = resource;
if (TRANSIENT_RESOURCE_TYPES.includes(resourceType)) {
this._cache.set(cacheKey(resourceType, resourceId), resource);
* Clear all the resources related to specifed resource types.
* Should also trigger clearing of the caches that exists on the related
* serverside resource watchers.
* @param {Array:string} resourceTypes
* A list of all the resource types whose
* resources shouled be cleared.
async clearResources(resourceTypes) {
if (!Array.isArray(resourceTypes)) {
throw new Error("clearResources expects a list of resources types");
// Clear the cached resources of the type.
for (const [key, resource] of this._cache) {
if (resourceTypes.includes(resource.resourceType)) {
// NOTE: To anyone paranoid like me, yes it is okay to delete from a Map while iterating it.
const resourcesToClear = resourceTypes.filter(resourceType =>
if (resourcesToClear.length) {
* Return all specified resources cached in this watcher.
* @param {String} resourceType
* @return {Array} resources cached in this watcher
getAllResources(resourceType) {
const result = [];
for (const resource of this._cache.values()) {
if (resource.resourceType === resourceType) {
return result;
* Return the specified resource cached in this watcher.
* @param {String} resourceType
* @param {String} resourceId
* @return {Object} resource cached in this watcher
getResourceById(resourceType, resourceId) {
return this._cache.get(cacheKey(resourceType, resourceId));
* Request to start retrieving all already existing instances of given
* type of resources and also start watching for the one to be created after.
* @param {Array:string} resources
* List of all resources which should be fetched and observed.
* @param {Object} options
* - {Function} onAvailable: This attribute is mandatory.
* Function which will be called with an array of resources
* each time resource(s) are created.
* A second dictionary argument with `areExistingResources` boolean
* attribute helps knowing if that's live resources, or some coming
* from ResourceCommand cache.
* - {Function} onUpdated: This attribute is optional.
* Function which will be called with an array of updates resources
* each time resource(s) are updated.
* These resources were previously notified via onAvailable.
* - {Function} onDestroyed: This attribute is optional.
* Function which will be called with an array of deleted resources
* each time resource(s) are destroyed.
* - {boolean} ignoreExistingResources:
* This attribute is optional. Default value is false.
* If set to true, onAvailable won't be called with
* existing resources.
async watchResources(resources, options) {
const {
ignoreExistingResources = false,
} = options;
if (typeof onAvailable !== "function") {
throw new Error(
"ResourceCommand.watchResources expects an onAvailable function as argument"
for (const type of resources) {
if (!this._isValidResourceType(type)) {
throw new Error(
`ResourceCommand.watchResources invoked with an unknown type: "${type}"`
// Copy the array in order to avoid the callsite to modify the list of watched resources by mutating the array.
// You have to call (un)watchResources to update the list of resources being watched!
resources = [...resources];
// Pending watchers are used in unwatchResources to remove watchers which
// are not fully registered yet. Store `onAvailable` which is the unique key
// for a watcher, as well as the resources array, so that unwatchResources
// can update the array if we stop watching a specific resource.
const pendingWatcher = {
// Bug 1675763: Watcher actor is not available in all situations yet.
if (!this._listenerRegistered && this.watcherFront) {
this._listenerRegistered = true;
// Resources watched from the parent process will be emitted on the Watcher Actor.
// So that we also have to listen for this event on it, in addition to all targets.
this._onResourceAvailableArray.bind(this, {
watcherFront: this.watcherFront,
this._onResourceUpdatedArray.bind(this, {
watcherFront: this.watcherFront,
this._onResourceDestroyedArray.bind(this, {
watcherFront: this.watcherFront,
const promises = [];
for (const resource of resources) {
await Promise.all(promises);
// The resource cache is immediately filled when receiving the sources, but they are
// emitted with a delay due to throttling. Since the cache can contain resources that
// will soon be emitted, we have to flush it before adding the new listeners.
// Otherwise _forwardExistingResources might emit resources that will also be emitted by
// the next `_notifyWatchers` call done when calling `_startListening`, which will pull the
// "already existing" resources.
// Update the _pendingWatchers set before adding the watcher to _watchers.
// If unwatchResources was called in the meantime, use pendingWatcher's
// resources to get the updated list of watched resources.
const watchedResources = pendingWatcher.resources;
// If no resource needs to be watched anymore, do not add an empty watcher
// to _watchers, and do not notify about cached resources.
if (!watchedResources.length) {
// Register the watcher just after calling _startListening in order to avoid it being called
// for already existing resources, which will optionally be notified via _forwardExistingResources
resources: watchedResources,
pendingEvents: [],
if (!ignoreExistingResources) {
await this._forwardExistingResources(watchedResources, onAvailable);
* Stop watching for given type of resources.
* See `watchResources` for the arguments as both methods receive the same.
* Note that `onUpdated` and `onDestroyed` attributes of `options` aren't used here.
* Only `onAvailable` attribute is looked up and we unregister all the other registered callbacks
* when a matching available callback is found.
unwatchResources(resources, options) {
const { onAvailable } = options;
if (typeof onAvailable !== "function") {
throw new Error(
"ResourceCommand.unwatchResources expects an onAvailable function as argument"
for (const type of resources) {
if (!this._isValidResourceType(type)) {
throw new Error(
`ResourceCommand.unwatchResources invoked with an unknown type: "${type}"`
// Unregister the callbacks from the watchers registries.
// Check _watchers for the fully initialized watchers, as well as
// `_pendingWatchers` for new watchers still being created by `watchResources`
const allWatchers = [...this._watchers, ...this._pendingWatchers];
for (const watcherEntry of allWatchers) {
// onAvailable is the only mandatory argument which ends up being used to match
// the right watcher entry.
if (watcherEntry.onAvailable == onAvailable) {
// Remove all resources that we stop watching. We may still watch for some others.
watcherEntry.resources = watcherEntry.resources.filter(resourceType => {
return !resources.includes(resourceType);
this._watchers = this._watchers.filter(entry => {
// Remove entries entirely if it isn't watching for any resource type
return !!entry.resources.length;
// Stop listening to all resources for which we removed the last watcher
for (const resource of resources) {
const isResourceWatched = allWatchers.some(watcherEntry =>
// Also check in _listenedResources as we may call unwatchResources
// for resources that we haven't started watching for.
if (!isResourceWatched && this._listenedResources.has(resource)) {
// Stop watching for targets if we removed the last listener.
if (this._listenedResources.size == 0) {
* Wait for a single resource of the provided resourceType.
* @param {String} resourceType
* One of ResourceCommand.TYPES, type of the expected resource.
* @param {Object} additional options
* - {Boolean} ignoreExistingResources: ignore existing resources or not.
* - {Function} predicate: if provided, will wait until a resource makes
* predicate(resource) return true.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* Return a promise which resolves once we fully settle the resource listener.
* You should await for its resolution before doing the action which may fire
* your resource.
* This promise will expose an object with `onResource` attribute,
* itself being a promise, which will resolve once a matching resource is received.
async waitForNextResource(
{ ignoreExistingResources = false, predicate } = {}
) {
// If no predicate was provided, convert to boolean to avoid resolving for
// empty `resources` arrays.
predicate = predicate || (resource => !!resource);
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise(r => (resolve = r));
const onAvailable = async resources => {
const matchingResource = resources.find(resource => predicate(resource));
if (matchingResource) {
this.unwatchResources([resourceType], { onAvailable });
await this.watchResources([resourceType], {
return { onResource: promise };
* Check if there are any watchers for the specified resource.
* @param {String} resourceType
* One of ResourceCommand.TYPES
* @return {Boolean}
* If the resources type is beibg watched.
isResourceWatched(resourceType) {
return this._listenedResources.has(resourceType);
* Start watching for all already existing and future targets.
* We are using ALL_TYPES, but this won't force listening to all types.
* It will only listen for types which are defined by `TargetCommand.startListening`.
async _watchAllTargets() {
if (!this._watchTargetsPromise) {
// If this is the very first listener registered, of all kind of resource types:
// * we want to start observing targets via TargetCommand
// * _onTargetAvailable will be called for each already existing targets and the next one to come
this._watchTargetsPromise = this.targetCommand.watchTargets({
types: this.targetCommand.ALL_TYPES,
onAvailable: this._onTargetAvailable,
onDestroyed: this._onTargetDestroyed,
return this._watchTargetsPromise;
_unwatchAllTargets() {
if (!this._watchTargetsPromise) {
for (const offList of this._offTargetFrontListeners.values()) {
offList.forEach(off => off());
this._watchTargetsPromise = null;
types: this.targetCommand.ALL_TYPES,
onAvailable: this._onTargetAvailable,
onDestroyed: this._onTargetDestroyed,
* For a given resource type, start the legacy listeners for all already existing targets.
* Do that only if we have to. If this resourceType requires legacy listeners.
async _startLegacyListenersForExistingTargets(resourceType) {
// If we were already listening to targets, we want to start the legacy listeners
// for all already existing targets.
// Only try instantiating the legacy listener, if this resource type:
// - has legacy listener implementation
// (new resource types may not be supported by old runtime and just not be received without breaking anything)
// - isn't supported by the server, or, the target type requires the a legacy listener implementation.
const shouldRunLegacyListeners =
resourceType in LegacyListeners &&
(!this.hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType) ||
if (shouldRunLegacyListeners) {
const promises = [];
const targets = this.targetCommand.getAllTargets(
for (const targetFront of targets) {
// We disable warning in case we already registered the legacy listener for this target
// as this code may race with the call from onTargetAvailable if we end up having multiple
// calls to _startListening in parallel.
disableWarning: true,
await Promise.all(promises);
* Method called by the TargetCommand for each already existing or target which has just been created.
* @param {Object} arg
* @param {Front} arg.targetFront
* The Front of the target that is available.
* This Front inherits from TargetMixin and is typically
* composed of a WindowGlobalTargetFront or ContentProcessTargetFront.
* @param {Boolean} arg.isTargetSwitching
* true when the new target was created because of a target switching.
async _onTargetAvailable({ targetFront, isTargetSwitching }) {
const resources = [];
if (isTargetSwitching) {
// WatcherActor currently only watches additional frame targets and
// explicitely ignores top level one that may be created when navigating
// to a new process.
// In order to keep working resources that are being watched via the
// Watcher actor, we have to unregister and re-register the resource
// types. This will force calling `Resources.watchResources` on the new top
// level target.
for (const resourceType of Object.values(ResourceCommand.TYPES)) {
// ...which has at least one listener...
if (!this._listenedResources.has(resourceType)) {
if (this._shouldRestartListenerOnTargetSwitching(resourceType)) {
this._stopListening(resourceType, {
bypassListenerCount: true,
if (targetFront.isDestroyed()) {
// If we are target switching, we already stop & start listening to all the
// currently monitored resources.
if (!isTargetSwitching) {
// For each resource type...
for (const resourceType of Object.values(ResourceCommand.TYPES)) {
// ...which has at least one listener...
if (!this._listenedResources.has(resourceType)) {
// ...request existing resource and new one to come from this one target
// *but* only do that for backward compat, where we don't have the watcher API
// (See bug 1626647)
await this._watchResourcesForTarget({ targetFront, resourceType });
// Compared to the TargetCommand and Watcher.watchTargets,
// We do call Watcher.watchResources, but the events are fired on the target.
// That's because the Watcher runs in the parent process/main thread, while resources
// are available from the target's process/thread.
const offResourceAvailableArray = targetFront.on(
this._onResourceAvailableArray.bind(this, { targetFront })
const offResourceUpdatedArray = targetFront.on(
this._onResourceUpdatedArray.bind(this, { targetFront })
const offResourceDestroyedArray = targetFront.on(
this._onResourceDestroyedArray.bind(this, { targetFront })
const offList = this._offTargetFrontListeners.get(targetFront) || [];
if (isTargetSwitching) {
await Promise.all( =>
this._startListening(resourceType, {
bypassListenerCount: true,
// DOCUMENT_EVENT's will-navigate should replace target actor's will-navigate event,
// but only for targets provided by the watcher actor.
// Emit a fake DOCUMENT_EVENT's "will-navigate" out of target actor's will-navigate
// until watcher actor is supported by all descriptors (bug 1675763).
if (!this.targetCommand.hasTargetWatcherSupport()) {
const offWillNavigate = targetFront.on(
({ url, isFrameSwitching }) => {
targetFront.emit("resource-available-form", [
resourceType: this.TYPES.DOCUMENT_EVENT,
name: "will-navigate",
time:, // will-navigate was not passing any timestamp
newURI: url,
this._offTargetFrontListeners.set(targetFront, offList);
_shouldRestartListenerOnTargetSwitching(resourceType) {
// Note that we aren't using isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled, nor checking the
// server side target switching preference as we may have server side targets
// even when this is false/disabled.
// This will happen for bfcache navigations, even with server side targets disabled.
// `followWindowGlobalLifeCycle` will be false for the first top level target
// and only become true when doing a bfcache navigation.
// (only server side targets follow the WindowGlobal lifecycle)
// When server side targets are enabled, this will always be true.
const isServerSideTarget =
if (isServerSideTarget) {
// For top-level targets created from the server, only restart legacy
// listeners.
return !this.hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType);
// For top-level targets created from the client we should always restart
// listeners.
return true;
* Method called by the TargetCommand when a target has just been destroyed
* @param {Object} arg
* @param {Front} arg.targetFront
* The Front of the target that was destroyed
* @param {Boolean} arg.isModeSwitching
* true when this is called as the result of a change to the devtools.browsertoolbox.scope pref.
_onTargetDestroyed({ targetFront, isModeSwitching }) {
// Clear the map of legacy listeners for this target.
this._existingLegacyListeners.set(targetFront, []);
// Purge the cache from any resource related to the destroyed target.
// Top level BrowsingContext target will be purge via DOCUMENT_EVENT will-navigate events.
// If we were to clean resources from target-destroyed, we will clear resources
// happening between will-navigate and target-destroyed. Typically the navigation request
// At the moment, isModeSwitching can only be true when targetFront.isTopLevel isn't true,
// so we don't need to add a specific check for isModeSwitching.
if (!targetFront.isTopLevel || !targetFront.isBrowsingContext) {
for (const [key, resource] of this._cache) {
if (resource.targetFront === targetFront) {
// NOTE: To anyone paranoid like me, yes it is okay to delete from a Map while iterating it.
// Purge "available" pendingEvents for resources from the destroyed target when switching
// mode as we want to ignore those.
if (isModeSwitching) {
for (const watcherEntry of this._watchers) {
for (const pendingEvent of watcherEntry.pendingEvents) {
if (pendingEvent.callbackType == "available") {
pendingEvent.updates = pendingEvent.updates.filter(
update => update.targetFront !== targetFront
async _onResourceAvailableArray({ targetFront, watcherFront }, array) {
let includesDocumentEventWillNavigate = false;
let includesDocumentEventDomLoading = false;
for (const [resourceType, resources] of array) {
const isAlreadyExistingResource =
const transformer = ResourceTransformers[resourceType];
for (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
let resource = resources[i];
if (!("resourceType" in resource)) {
resource.resourceType = resourceType;
if (watcherFront) {
targetFront = await this._getTargetForWatcherResource(resource);
// When we receive resources from the Watcher actor,
// there is no guarantee that the target front is fully initialized.
// The Target Front is initialized by the TargetCommand, by calling TargetFront.attachAndInitThread.
// We have to wait for its completion as resources watchers are expecting it to be completed.
// But when navigating, we may receive resources packets for a destroyed target.
// Or, in the context of the browser toolbox, they may not relate to any target.
if (targetFront) {
await targetFront.initialized;
// Put the targetFront on the resource for easy retrieval.
// (Resources from the legacy listeners may already have the attribute set)
if (!resource.targetFront) {
resource.targetFront = targetFront;
if (transformer) {
resource = transformer({
targetCommand: this.targetCommand,
watcherFront: this.watcherFront,
resources[i] = resource;
// isAlreadyExistingResource indicates that the resources already existed before
// the resource command started watching for this type of resource.
resource.isAlreadyExistingResource = isAlreadyExistingResource;
if (!resource.resourceId) {
resource.resourceId = `auto:${++gLastResourceId}`;
// Only consider top level document, and ignore remote iframes top document
let isWillNavigate = false;
if (resourceType == DOCUMENT_EVENT) {
isWillNavigate = === "will-navigate";
if (isWillNavigate && resource.targetFront.isTopLevel) {
includesDocumentEventWillNavigate = true;
if ( === "dom-loading" &&
) {
includesDocumentEventDomLoading = true;
// Avoid storing will-navigate resource and consider it as a transcient resource.
// We do that to prevent leaking this resource (and its target) on navigation.
// We do clear the cache in _onWillNavigate, that we call a few lines before this.
if (!isWillNavigate) {
this._queueResourceEvent("available", resourceType, resources);
// If we receive the DOCUMENT_EVENT for:
// - will-navigate
// - dom-loading + we're using the service worker legacy listener
// then flush immediately the resources to notify about the navigation sooner than later.
// (this is especially useful for tests, even if they should probably avoid depending on this...)
if (
includesDocumentEventWillNavigate ||
(includesDocumentEventDomLoading &&
!this.targetCommand.hasTargetWatcherSupport("service_worker")) ||
) {
} else {
async _onResourceUpdatedArray(context, array) {
for (const [resourceType, resources] of array) {
for (const resource of resources) {
if (!("resourceType" in resource)) {
resource.resourceType = resourceType;
await this._onResourceUpdated(context, resources);
async _onResourceDestroyedArray(context, array) {
const resources = [];
for (const [resourceType, resourceIds] of array) {
for (const resourceId of resourceIds) {
resources.push({ resourceType, resourceId });
await this._onResourceDestroyed(context, resources);
* Called every time a resource is updated in the remote target.
* Method called either by:
* - the backward compatibility code (LegacyListeners)
* - target actors RDP events
* @param {Object} source
* A dictionary object with only one of these two attributes:
* - targetFront: a Target Front, if the resource is watched from the
* target process or thread.
* - watcherFront: a Watcher Front, if the resource is watched from
* the parent process.
* @param {Array<Object>} updates
* Depending on the listener.
* Among the element in the array, the following attributes are given special handling.
* - resourceType {String}:
* The type of resource to be updated.
* - resourceId {String}:
* The id of resource to be updated.
* - resourceUpdates {Object}:
* If resourceUpdates is in the element, a cached resource specified by resourceType
* and resourceId is updated by Object.assign(cachedResource, resourceUpdates).
* - nestedResourceUpdates {Object}:
* If `nestedResourceUpdates` is passed, update one nested attribute with a new value
* This allows updating one attribute of an object stored in a resource's attribute,
* as well as adding new elements to arrays.
* `path` is an array mentioning all nested attribute to walk through.
* `value` is the new nested attribute value to set.
* And also, the element is passed to the listener as it is as “update” object.
* So if we don't want to update a cached resource but have information want to
* pass on to the listener, can pass it on using attributes other than the ones
* listed above.
* For example, if the element consists of like
* "{ resourceType:… resourceId:…, testValue: “test”, }”,
* the listener can receive the value as follows.
* onResourceUpdate({ update }) {
* console.log(update.testValue); // “test” should be displayed
* }
async _onResourceUpdated({ targetFront, watcherFront }, updates) {
for (const update of updates) {
const {
} = update;
if (!resourceId) {
console.warn(`Expected resource ${resourceType} to have a resourceId`);
// See _onResourceAvailableArray()
// We also need to wait for the related targetFront to be initialized
// otherwise we would notify about the update *before* it's available
// and the resource won't be in _cache.
if (watcherFront) {
targetFront = await this._getTargetForWatcherResource(update);
// When we receive the navigation request, the target front has already been
// destroyed, but this is fine. The cached resource has the reference to
// the (destroyed) target front and it is fully initialized.
if (targetFront) {
await targetFront.initialized;
const existingResource = this._cache.get(
cacheKey(resourceType, resourceId)
if (!existingResource) {
if (resourceUpdates) {
Object.assign(existingResource, resourceUpdates);
if (nestedResourceUpdates) {
for (const { path, value } of nestedResourceUpdates) {
let target = existingResource;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
target = target[path[i]];
target[path[path.length - 1]] = value;
this._queueResourceEvent("updated", resourceType, [
resource: existingResource,
* Called every time a resource is destroyed in the remote target.
* @param {Object} source
* A dictionary object with only one of these two attributes:
* - targetFront: a Target Front, if the resource is watched from the
* target process or thread.
* - watcherFront: a Watcher Front, if the resource is watched from
* the parent process.
* @param {Array<json/Front>} resources
* Depending on the resource Type, it can be an Array composed of
* either JSON objects or Fronts, which describes the resource.
async _onResourceDestroyed({ targetFront }, resources) {
for (const resource of resources) {
const { resourceType, resourceId } = resource;
this._cache.delete(cacheKey(resourceType, resourceId));
if (!resource.targetFront) {
resource.targetFront = targetFront;
this._queueResourceEvent("destroyed", resourceType, [resource]);
_queueResourceEvent(callbackType, resourceType, updates) {
for (const { resources, pendingEvents } of this._watchers) {
// This watcher doesn't listen to this type of resource
if (!resources.includes(resourceType)) {
// Avoid trying to coalesce with last pending event as mutating `updates` may have side effects
// with other watchers as this array is shared between all the watchers.
* Flush the pending event and notify all the currently registered watchers
* about all the available, updated and destroyed events that have been accumulated in
* `_watchers`'s `pendingEvents` arrays.
_notifyWatchers() {
for (const watcherEntry of this._watchers) {
const { onAvailable, onUpdated, onDestroyed, pendingEvents } =
// Immediately clear the buffer in order to avoid possible races, where an event listener
// would end up somehow adding a new throttled resource
watcherEntry.pendingEvents = [];
for (const { callbackType, updates } of pendingEvents) {
try {
if (callbackType == "available") {
onAvailable(updates, { areExistingResources: false });
} else if (callbackType == "updated" && onUpdated) {
} else if (callbackType == "destroyed" && onDestroyed) {
} catch (e) {
"Exception while calling a ResourceCommand",
// Compute the target front if the resource comes from the Watcher Actor.
// (`targetFront` will be null as the watcher is in the parent process
// and targets are in distinct processes)
_getTargetForWatcherResource(resource) {
const { browsingContextID, innerWindowId, resourceType } = resource;
// Some privileged resources aren't related to any BrowsingContext
// and so aren't bound to any Target Front.
// Server watchers should pass an explicit "-1" value in order to prevent
// silently ignoring an undefined browsingContextID attribute.
if (browsingContextID == -1) {
return null;
if (innerWindowId && this.targetCommand.isServerTargetSwitchingEnabled()) {
return this.watcherFront.getWindowGlobalTargetByInnerWindowId(
} else if (browsingContextID) {
return this.watcherFront.getWindowGlobalTarget(browsingContextID);
`Resource of ${resourceType} is missing a browsingContextID or innerWindowId attribute`
return null;
_onWillNavigate() {
// Special case for toolboxes debugging a document,
// purge the cache entirely when we start navigating to a new document.
// Other toolboxes and additional target for remote iframes or content process
// will be purge from onTargetDestroyed.
// NOTE: we could `clear` the cache here, but technically if anything is
// currently iterating over resources provided by getAllResources, that
// would interfere with their iteration. We just assign a new Map here to
// leave those iterators as is.
this._cache = new Map();
* Tells if the server supports listening to the given resource type
* via the watcher actor's watchResources method.
* @return {Boolean} True, if the server supports this type.
hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType) {
return this.watcherFront?.traits?.resources?.[resourceType];
* Tells if the server supports listening to the given resource type
* via the watcher actor's watchResources method, and that, for a specific
* target.
* @return {Boolean} True, if the server supports this type.
_hasResourceCommandSupportForTarget(resourceType, targetFront) {
// First check if the watcher supports this target type.
// If it doesn't, no resource type can be listened via the Watcher actor for this target.
if (!this.targetCommand.hasTargetWatcherSupport(targetFront.targetType)) {
return false;
return this.hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType);
_isValidResourceType(type) {
return this.ALL_TYPES.includes(type);
* Start listening for a given type of resource.
* For backward compatibility code, we register the legacy listeners on
* each individual target
* @param {String} resourceType
* One string of ResourceCommand.TYPES, which designates the types of resources
* to be listened.
* @param {Object}
* - {Boolean} bypassListenerCount
* Pass true to avoid checking/updating the listenersCount map.
* Exclusively used when target switching, to stop & start listening
* to all resources.
async _startListening(resourceType, { bypassListenerCount = false } = {}) {
if (!bypassListenerCount) {
if (this._listenedResources.has(resourceType)) {
// Ensuring enabling listening to targets.
// This will be a no-op expect for the very first call to `_startListening`,
// where it is going to call `onTargetAvailable` for all already existing targets,
// as well as for those who will be created later.
// Do this *before* calling WatcherActor.watchResources in order to register "resource-available"
// listeners on targets before these events start being emitted.
await this._watchAllTargets(resourceType);
// When we are calling _startListening for the first time, _watchAllTargets
// will register legacylistener when it will call onTargetAvailable for all existing targets.
// But for any next calls to _startListening, _watchAllTargets will be a no-op,
// and nothing will start legacy listener for each already registered targets.
await this._startLegacyListenersForExistingTargets(resourceType);
// If the server supports the Watcher API and the Watcher supports
// this resource type, use this API
if (this.hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType)) {
await this.watcherFront.watchResources([resourceType]);
* Return true if the resource should be watched via legacy listener,
* even when watcher supports this resource type.
* Bug 1678385: In order to support watching for JS Source resource
* for service workers and parent process workers, which aren't supported yet
* by the watcher actor, we do not bail out here and allow to execute
* the legacy listener for these targets.
* Once bug 1608848 is fixed, we can remove this and never trigger
* the legacy listeners codepath for these resource types.
* If this isn't fixed soon, we may add other resources we want to see
* being fetched from these targets.
_shouldRunLegacyListenerEvenWithWatcherSupport(resourceType) {
return WORKER_RESOURCE_TYPES.includes(resourceType);
async _forwardExistingResources(resourceTypes, onAvailable) {
const existingResources = [];
for (const resource of this._cache.values()) {
if (resourceTypes.includes(resource.resourceType)) {
if (existingResources.length) {
await onAvailable(existingResources, { areExistingResources: true });
* Call backward compatibility code from `LegacyListeners` in order to listen for a given
* type of resource from a given target.
async _watchResourcesForTarget({
disableWarning = false,
}) {
if (this._hasResourceCommandSupportForTarget(resourceType, targetFront)) {
// This resource / target pair should already be handled by the watcher,
// no need to start legacy listeners.
// All workers target types are still not supported by the watcher
// so that we have to spawn legacy listener for all their resources.
// But some resources are irrelevant to workers, like network events.
// And we removed the related legacy listener as they are no longer used.
if (
targetFront.targetType.endsWith("worker") &&
) {
if (targetFront.isDestroyed()) {
const onAvailableArray = this._onResourceAvailableArray.bind(this, {
const onUpdatedArray = this._onResourceUpdatedArray.bind(this, {
const onDestroyedArray = this._onResourceDestroyedArray.bind(this, {
if (!(resourceType in LegacyListeners)) {
throw new Error(`Missing legacy listener for ${resourceType}`);
const legacyListeners =
this._existingLegacyListeners.get(targetFront) || [];
if (legacyListeners.includes(resourceType)) {
if (!disableWarning) {
`Already started legacy listener for ${resourceType} on ${targetFront.actorID}`
try {
await LegacyListeners[resourceType]({
targetCommand: this.targetCommand,
} catch (e) {
// Swallow the error to avoid breaking calls to watchResources which will
// loop on all existing targets to create legacy listeners.
// If a legacy listener fails to handle a target for some reason, we
// should still try to process other targets as much as possible.
// See Bug 1687645.
`Failed to start [${resourceType}] legacy listener for target ${targetFront.actorID}`,
* Reverse of _startListening. Stop listening for a given type of resource.
* For backward compatibility, we unregister from each individual target.
* See _startListening for parameters description.
_stopListening(resourceType, { bypassListenerCount = false } = {}) {
if (!bypassListenerCount) {
if (!this._listenedResources.has(resourceType)) {
throw new Error(
`Stopped listening for resource '${resourceType}' that isn't being listened to`
// Clear the cached resources of the type.
for (const [key, resource] of this._cache) {
if (resource.resourceType == resourceType) {
// NOTE: To anyone paranoid like me, yes it is okay to delete from a Map while iterating it.
// If the server supports the Watcher API and the Watcher supports
// this resource type, use this API
if (this.hasResourceCommandSupport(resourceType)) {
if (!this.watcherFront.isDestroyed()) {
const shouldRunLegacyListeners =
if (!shouldRunLegacyListeners) {
// Otherwise, fallback on backward compat mode and use LegacyListeners.
// If this was the last listener, we should stop watching these events from the actors
// and the actors should stop watching things from the platform
const targets = this.targetCommand.getAllTargets(
for (const target of targets) {
this._unwatchResourcesForTarget(target, resourceType);
* Backward compatibility code, reverse of _watchResourcesForTarget.
_unwatchResourcesForTarget(targetFront, resourceType) {
if (this._hasResourceCommandSupportForTarget(resourceType, targetFront)) {
// This resource / target pair should already be handled by the watcher,
// no need to stop legacy listeners.
// Is there really a point in:
// - unregistering `onAvailable` RDP event callbacks from target-scoped actors?
// - calling `stopListeners()` as we are most likely closing the toolbox and destroying everything?
// It is important to keep this method synchronous and do as less as possible
// in the case of toolbox destroy.
// We are aware of one case where that might be useful.
// When a panel is disabled via the options panel, after it has been opened.
// Would that justify doing this? Is there another usecase?
// XXX: This is most likely only needed to avoid growing the Map infinitely.
// Unless in the "disabled panel" use case mentioned in the comment above,
// we should not see the same target actorID again.
const listeners = this._existingLegacyListeners.get(targetFront);
if (listeners && listeners.includes(resourceType)) {
const remainingListeners = listeners.filter(l => l !== resourceType);
this._existingLegacyListeners.set(targetFront, remainingListeners);
const DOCUMENT_EVENT = "document-event";
ResourceCommand.TYPES = ResourceCommand.prototype.TYPES = {
CONSOLE_MESSAGE: "console-message",
CSS_CHANGE: "css-change",
CSS_MESSAGE: "css-message",
CSS_REGISTERED_PROPERTIES: "css-registered-properties",
ERROR_MESSAGE: "error-message",
PLATFORM_MESSAGE: "platform-message",
ROOT_NODE: "root-node",
STYLESHEET: "stylesheet",
NETWORK_EVENT: "network-event",
WEBSOCKET: "websocket",
COOKIE: "cookies",
LOCAL_STORAGE: "local-storage",
SESSION_STORAGE: "session-storage",
EXTENSION_STORAGE: "extension-storage",
INDEXED_DB: "indexed-db",
NETWORK_EVENT_STACKTRACE: "network-event-stacktrace",
REFLOW: "reflow",
SOURCE: "source",
THREAD_STATE: "thread-state",
JSTRACER_TRACE: "jstracer-trace",
JSTRACER_STATE: "jstracer-state",
SERVER_SENT_EVENT: "server-sent-event",
LAST_PRIVATE_CONTEXT_EXIT: "last-private-context-exit",
ResourceCommand.ALL_TYPES = ResourceCommand.prototype.ALL_TYPES = Object.values(
module.exports = ResourceCommand;
// This is the list of resource types supported by workers.
// We need such list to know when forcing to run the legacy listeners
// and when to avoid try to spawn some unsupported ones for workers.
// List of resource types which aren't stored in the internal ResourceCommand cache.
// Only the first `watchResources()` call for a given resource type may receive already existing
// resources. All subsequent call to `watchResources()` for the same resource type will
// only receive future resource, and not the one already notified in the past.
// This is typically used for resources with very high throughput.
// Backward compat code for each type of resource.
// Each section added here should eventually be removed once the equivalent server
// code is implement in Firefox, in its release channel.
const LegacyListeners = {
async [ResourceCommand.TYPES.DOCUMENT_EVENT]({ targetFront, onAvailable }) {
// DocumentEventsListener of webconsole handles only top level document.
if (!targetFront.isTopLevel) {
const webConsoleFront = await targetFront.getFront("console");
webConsoleFront.on("documentEvent", event => {
event.resourceType = ResourceCommand.TYPES.DOCUMENT_EVENT;
await webConsoleFront.startListeners(["DocumentEvents"]);
// Optional transformers for each type of resource.
// Each module added here should be a function that will receive the resource, the target, …
// and perform some transformation on the resource before it will be emitted.
// This is a good place to handle backward compatibility and manual resource marshalling.
const ResourceTransformers = {};