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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* globals browser */
"use strict";
* Test helpers shared by the devtools server xpcshell tests related to webextensions.
const { FileUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { ExtensionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/commands-factory.js");
* Loads and starts up a test extension given the provided extension configuration.
* @param {Object} extConfig - The extension configuration object
* @return {ExtensionWrapper} extension - Resolves with an extension object once the
* extension has started up.
async function startupExtension(extConfig) {
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extConfig);
await extension.startup();
return extension;
exports.startupExtension = startupExtension;
* Initializes the extensionStorage actor for a given extension. This is effectively
* what happens when the addon storage panel is opened in the browser.
* @param {String} - id, The addon id
* @return {Object} - Resolves with the DevTools "commands" objact and the extensionStorage
* resource/front.
async function openAddonStoragePanel(id) {
const commands = await CommandsFactory.forAddon(id);
await commands.targetCommand.startListening();
// Fetch the EXTENSION_STORAGE resource.
// Unfortunately, we can't use resourceCommand.waitForNextResource as it would destroy
// the actor by immediately unwatching for the resource type.
const extensionStorage = await new Promise(resolve => {
onAvailable(resources) {
return { commands, extensionStorage };
exports.openAddonStoragePanel = openAddonStoragePanel;
* Builds the extension configuration object passed into ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension
* @param {Object} options - Options, if any, to add to the configuration
* @param {Function} options.background - A function comprising the test extension's
* background script if provided
* @param {Object} options.files - An object whose keys correspond to file names and
* values map to the file contents
* @param {Object} options.manifest - An object representing the extension's manifest
* @return {Object} - The extension configuration object
function getExtensionConfig(options = {}) {
const { manifest, ...otherOptions } = options;
const baseConfig = {
manifest: {
permissions: ["storage"],
useAddonManager: "temporary",
return {
exports.getExtensionConfig = getExtensionConfig;
* Shared files for a test extension that has no background page but adds storage
* items via a transient extension page in a tab
const ext_no_bg = {
files: {
"extension_page_in_tab.html": `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Extension Page in a Tab</h1>
<script src="extension_page_in_tab.js"></script>
"extension_page_in_tab.js": extensionScriptWithMessageListener,
exports.ext_no_bg = ext_no_bg;
* An extension script that can be used in any extension context (e.g. as a background
* script or as an extension page script loaded in a tab).
async function extensionScriptWithMessageListener() {
let fireOnChanged = false; => {
if (fireOnChanged) {
// Do not fire it again until explicitly requested again using the "storage-local-fireOnChanged" test message.
fireOnChanged = false;
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, ...args) => {
let item = null;
switch (msg) {
case "storage-local-set":
case "storage-local-get":
item = await[0]);
case "storage-local-remove":
case "storage-local-clear":
case "storage-local-fireOnChanged": {
// Allow the storage.onChanged listener to send a test event
// message when onChanged is being fired.
fireOnChanged = true;
// Do not fire fireOnChanged:done.
default:`Unexpected test message: ${msg}`);
browser.test.sendMessage(`${msg}:done`, item);
// window is available in background scripts
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
browser.test.sendMessage("extension-origin", window.location.origin);
exports.extensionScriptWithMessageListener = extensionScriptWithMessageListener;
* Shutdown procedure common to all tasks.
* @param {Object} extension - The test extension
* @param {Object} commands - The web extension commands used by the DevTools to interact with the backend
async function shutdown(extension, commands) {
if (commands) {
await commands.destroy();
await extension.unload();
exports.shutdown = shutdown;
* Mocks the missing 'storage/permanent' directory needed by the "indexedDB"
* storage actor's 'populateStoresForHosts' method. This
* directory exists in a full browser i.e. mochitest.
function createMissingIndexedDBDirs() {
const dir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).clone();
if (!dir.exists()) {
dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
if (!dir.exists()) {
dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
return dir;
exports.createMissingIndexedDBDirs = createMissingIndexedDBDirs;