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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test that the AnimationsActor emits events about changed animations on a
// node after getAnimationPlayersForNode was called on that node.
add_task(async function () {
const { target, walker, animations } = await initAnimationsFrontForUrl(
MAIN_DOMAIN + "animation.html"
info("Retrieve a non-animated node");
const node = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, ".not-animated");
info("Retrieve the animation player for the node");
const players = await animations.getAnimationPlayersForNode(node);
is(players.length, 0, "The node has no animation players");
info("Listen for new animations");
let onMutations = once(animations, "mutations");
info("Add a couple of animation on the node");
await node.modifyAttributes([
{ attributeName: "class", newValue: "multiple-animations" },
let changes = await onMutations;
ok(true, "The mutations event was emitted");
is(changes.length, 2, "There are 2 changes in the mutation event");
changes.every(({ type }) => type === "added"),
"Both changes are additions"
const names = =>;
is(names[0], "glow", "The animation 'glow' was added");
is(names[1], "move", "The animation 'move' was added");
info("Store the 2 new players for comparing later");
const p1 = changes[0].player;
const p2 = changes[1].player;
info("Listen for removed animations");
onMutations = once(animations, "mutations");
info("Remove the animation css class on the node");
await node.modifyAttributes([
{ attributeName: "class", newValue: "not-animated" },
changes = await onMutations;
ok(true, "The mutations event was emitted");
is(changes.length, 2, "There are 2 changes in the mutation event");
changes.every(({ type }) => type === "removed"),
"Both are removals"
changes[0].player === p1 || changes[0].player === p2,
"The first removed player was one of the previously added players"
changes[1].player === p1 || changes[1].player === p2,
"The second removed player was one of the previously added players"
await target.destroy();