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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const INACTIVE_CSS_ENABLED = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
const TEXT_WRAP_BALANCE_LIMIT = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
const ALIGN_CONTENT_BLOCKS = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
const VISITED_INVALID_PROPERTIES = allCssPropertiesExcept([
// Set of node names which are always treated as replaced elements:
// Inputs are generally replaced elements. E.g. checkboxes and radios are replaced
// unless they have `appearance: none`. However unconditionally treating them
// as replaced is enough for our purpose here, and avoids extra complexity that
// will likely not be necessary in most cases.
// Select is a replaced element if it has `size<=1` or no size specified, but
// unconditionally treating it as replaced is enough for our purpose here, and
// avoids extra complexity that will likely not be necessary in most cases.
// Below are properties not yet implemented in Firefox (Bug 1694053)
class InactivePropertyHelper {
* A list of rules for when CSS properties have no effect.
* In certain situations, CSS properties do not have any effect. A common
* example is trying to set a width on an inline element like a <span>.
* There are so many properties in CSS that it's difficult to remember which
* ones do and don't apply in certain situations. Some are straight-forward
* like `flex-wrap` only applying to an element that has `display:flex`.
* Others are less trivial like setting something other than a color on a
* `:visited` pseudo-class.
* This file contains "rules" in the form of objects with the following
* properties:
* {
* invalidProperties:
* Set of CSS property names that are inactive if the rule matches.
* when:
* The rule itself, a JS function used to identify the conditions
* indicating whether a property is valid or not.
* fixId:
* A Fluent id containing a suggested solution to the problem that is
* causing a property to be inactive.
* msgId:
* A Fluent id containing an error message explaining why a property is
* inactive in this situation.
* }
* If you add a new rule, also add a test for it in:
* server/tests/chrome/test_inspector-inactive-property-helper.html
* The main export is `isPropertyUsed()`, which can be used to check if a
* property is used or not, and why.
* NOTE: We should generally *not* add rules here for any CSS properties that
* inherit by default, because it's hard for us to know whether such
* properties are truly "inactive". Web developers might legitimately set
* such a property on any arbitrary element, in order to concisely establish
* the default property-value throughout that element's subtree. For example,
* consider the "list-style-*" properties, which inherit by default and which
* only have a rendering effect on elements with "display:list-item"
* (e.g. <li>). It might superficially seem like we could add a rule here to
* warn about usages of these properties on non-"list-item" elements, but we
* shouldn't actually warn about that. A web developer may legitimately
* prefer to set these properties on an arbitrary container element (e.g. an
* <ol> element, or even the <html> element) in order to concisely adjust the
* rendering of a whole list (or all the lists in a document).
return [
// Flex container property used on non-flex container.
invalidProperties: ["flex-direction", "flex-flow", "flex-wrap"],
when: () => !this.flexContainer,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-flex-container",
// Flex item property used on non-flex item.
invalidProperties: ["flex", "flex-basis", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink"],
when: () => !this.flexItem,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-flex-item",
// Grid container property used on non-grid container.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => !this.gridContainer,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-container",
// Grid item property used on non-grid item.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => !this.gridItem && !this.isAbsPosGridElement(),
fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-item",
// Grid and flex item properties used on non-grid or non-flex item.
invalidProperties: ["align-self", "place-self", "order"],
when: () =>
!this.gridItem && !this.flexItem && !this.isAbsPosGridElement(),
fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-3",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item",
// Grid and flex container properties used on non-grid or non-flex container.
invalidProperties: [
// grid-*-gap are supported legacy shorthands for the corresponding *-gap properties.
when: () => !this.gridContainer && !this.flexContainer,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container",
// align-content is special as align-content:baseline does have an effect on all
// grid items, flex items and table cells, regardless of what type of box they are.
invalidProperties: ["align-content"],
when: () => {
if (["align-content"].includes("baseline")) {
return false;
const supportedDisplay = [
// Uncomment table-cell when Bug 1883357 is fixed.
// "table-cell"
supportedDisplay.push("block", "inline-block");
return !this.checkComputedStyle("display", supportedDisplay);
? "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-or-block-container-fix"
: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix",
? "inactive-css-property-because-of-display"
: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container",
// column-gap and shorthands used on non-grid or non-flex or non-multi-col container.
invalidProperties: [
// grid-*-gap are supported legacy shorthands for the corresponding *-gap properties.
when: () =>
!this.gridContainer && !this.flexContainer && !this.multiColContainer,
msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container",
// Multi-column related properties used on non-multi-column container.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => !this.multiColContainer,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-multicol-container-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-multicol-container",
// column-span used within non-multi-column container.
invalidProperties: ["column-span"],
when: () => !this.inMultiColContainer,
fixId: "inactive-css-column-span-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-column-span",
// Inline properties used on non-inline-level elements.
invalidProperties: ["vertical-align"],
when: () =>
!this.isInlineLevel() && !this.isFirstLetter && !this.isFirstLine,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell",
// Writing mode properties used on ::first-line pseudo-element.
invalidProperties: ["direction", "text-orientation", "writing-mode"],
when: () => this.isFirstLine,
fixId: "learn-more",
msgId: "inactive-css-first-line-pseudo-element-not-supported",
// Content modifying properties used on ::first-letter pseudo-element.
invalidProperties: ["content"],
when: () => this.isFirstLetter,
fixId: "learn-more",
msgId: "inactive-css-first-letter-pseudo-element-not-supported",
// Writing mode or inline properties used on ::placeholder pseudo-element.
invalidProperties: [
// Below are properties not yet implemented in Firefox (Bug 1312611)
when: () => {
const { selectorText } = this.cssRule;
return selectorText && selectorText.includes("::placeholder");
fixId: "learn-more",
msgId: "inactive-css-placeholder-pseudo-element-not-supported",
// (max-|min-)width used on inline elements, table rows, or row groups.
invalidProperties: ["max-width", "min-width", "width"],
when: () =>
this.nonReplacedInlineBox ||
this.horizontalTableTrack ||
fixId: "inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-property-because-of-display",
// (max-|min-)height used on inline elements, table columns, or column groups.
invalidProperties: ["max-height", "min-height", "height"],
when: () =>
this.nonReplacedInlineBox ||
this.verticalTableTrack ||
msgId: "inactive-css-property-because-of-display",
invalidProperties: ["display"],
when: () =>
this.isFloated &&
this.checkResolvedStyle("display", [
fixId: "inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-2",
// float property used on non-floating elements.
invalidProperties: ["float"],
when: () => this.gridItem || this.flexItem,
fixId: "inactive-css-only-non-grid-or-flex-item-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-only-non-grid-or-flex-item",
// clear property used on non-floating elements.
invalidProperties: ["clear"],
when: () => !this.isBlockLevel(),
fixId: "inactive-css-not-block-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-block",
// shape-image-threshold, shape-margin, shape-outside properties used on non-floated elements.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => !this.isFloated,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-floated-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-floated",
// The property is impossible to override due to :visited restriction.
when: () => this.isVisitedRule(),
fixId: "learn-more",
msgId: "inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited",
// top, right, bottom, left properties used on non positioned boxes.
invalidProperties: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"],
when: () => !this.isPositioned,
fixId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box",
// z-index property used on non positioned boxes that are not grid/flex items.
invalidProperties: ["z-index"],
when: () => !this.isPositioned && !this.gridItem && !this.flexItem,
fixId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box",
// object-fit or object-position property used on non-replaced elements.
invalidProperties: ["object-fit", "object-position"],
when: () => !this.replaced,
fixId: "inactive-css-only-replaced-elements-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-only-replaced-elements",
// text-overflow property used on elements for which 'overflow' is set to 'visible'
// (the initial value) in the inline axis. Note that this validator only checks if
// 'overflow-inline' computes to 'visible' on the element.
// In theory, we should also be checking if the element is a block as this doesn't
// normally work on inline element. However there are many edge cases that made it
// impossible for the JS code to determine whether the type of box would support
// text-overflow. So, rather than risking to show invalid warnings, we decided to
// only warn when 'overflow-inline: visible' was set. There is more information
// about this in this discussion and
invalidProperties: ["text-overflow"],
when: () => this.checkComputedStyle("overflow-inline", ["visible"]),
fixId: "inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix",
msgId: "inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow",
// margin properties used on table internal elements.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => this.internalTableElement,
fixId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements",
// padding properties used on table internal elements except table cells.
invalidProperties: [
when: () =>
this.internalTableElement &&
!this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["table-cell"]),
// table-related properties used on non-table elements.
invalidProperties: [
when: () =>
!this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["table", "inline-table"]),
fixId: "inactive-css-not-table-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-table",
// border-spacing property used on collapsed table borders.
invalidProperties: ["border-spacing"],
when: () => this.checkComputedStyle("border-collapse", ["collapse"]),
fixId: "inactive-css-collapsed-table-borders-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-collapsed-table-borders",
// empty-cells property used on non-table-cell elements.
invalidProperties: ["empty-cells"],
when: () => !this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["table-cell"]),
fixId: "inactive-css-not-table-cell-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-not-table-cell",
// scroll-padding-* properties used on non-scrollable elements.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => !this.isScrollContainer,
fixId: "inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container-fix",
msgId: "inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container",
// border-image properties used on internal table with border collapse.
invalidProperties: [
when: () =>
this.internalTableElement &&
fixId: "inactive-css-border-image-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-border-image",
// width & height properties used on ruby elements.
invalidProperties: [
when: () => this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["ruby", "ruby-text"]),
fixId: "inactive-css-ruby-element-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-ruby-element",
// resize property used on non-overflowing elements or replaced elements other than textarea.
invalidProperties: ["resize"],
when: () => !this.isScrollContainer && !this.isResizableReplacedElement,
fixId: "inactive-css-resize-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-resize",
// text-wrap: balance; used on elements exceeding the threshold line number
invalidProperties: ["text-wrap"],
when: () => {
if (!this.checkComputedStyle("text-wrap", ["balance"])) {
return false;
const blockLineCounts = InspectorUtils.getBlockLineCounts(this.node);
// We only check the number of lines within the first block
// because the text-wrap: balance; property only applies to
// the first block. And fragmented elements (with multiple
// blocks) are excluded from line balancing for the time being.
return (
blockLineCounts && blockLineCounts[0] > TEXT_WRAP_BALANCE_LIMIT
fixId: "inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-lines-exceeded-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-lines-exceeded",
// text-wrap: balance; used on fragmented elements
invalidProperties: ["text-wrap"],
when: () => {
if (!this.checkComputedStyle("text-wrap", ["balance"])) {
return false;
const blockLineCounts = InspectorUtils.getBlockLineCounts(this.node);
const isFragmented = blockLineCounts && blockLineCounts.length > 1;
return isFragmented;
fixId: "inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-fragmented-fix",
msgId: "inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-fragmented",
// box-sizing used on element ignoring width and height.
invalidProperties: ["box-sizing"],
when: () => this.nonReplacedInlineBox,
fixId: "learn-more",
msgId: "inactive-css-no-width-height",
* A list of rules for when CSS properties have no effect,
* based on an allow list of properties.
* We're setting this as a different array than INVALID_PROPERTIES_VALIDATORS as we
* need to check every properties, which we don't do for invalid properties ( see check
* on this.invalidProperties).
* This file contains "rules" in the form of objects with the following
* properties:
* {
* acceptedProperties:
* Array of CSS property names that are the only one accepted if the rule matches.
* when:
* The rule itself, a JS function used to identify the conditions
* indicating whether a property is valid or not.
* fixId:
* A Fluent id containing a suggested solution to the problem that is
* causing a property to be inactive.
* msgId:
* A Fluent id containing an error message explaining why a property is
* inactive in this situation.
* }
* If you add a new rule, also add a test for it in:
* server/tests/chrome/test_inspector-inactive-property-helper.html
* The main export is `isPropertyUsed()`, which can be used to check if a
* property is used or not, and why.
// Constrained set of properties on highlight pseudo-elements
acceptedProperties: new Set([
// At the moment, for shorthand we don't look into each properties it covers,
// and so, although `background` might hold inactive values (e.g. background-image)
// we don't want to mark it as inactive if it sets a background-color (e.g. background: red).
when: () => {
const { selectorText } = this.cssRule;
return (
selectorText && REGEXP_HIGHLIGHT_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS.test(selectorText)
msgId: "inactive-css-highlight-pseudo-elements-not-supported",
fixId: "learn-more",
// Constrained set of properties on ::cue pseudo-element
// Note that Gecko doesn't yet support the ::cue() pseudo-element
// taking a selector as argument. The properties accecpted by that
// partly differ from the ones accepted by the ::cue pseudo-element.
// dependencies for the implementation status.
acceptedProperties: new Set([
// The WebVTT spec. currently only allows all properties covered by
// the `background` shorthand and `background-blend-mode` is not
// part of that, though Gecko does support it, anyway.
// Therefore, there's also an issue pending to add it (and others)
when: () => {
const { selectorText } = this.cssRule;
return selectorText && selectorText.includes("::cue");
msgId: "inactive-css-cue-pseudo-element-not-supported",
fixId: "learn-more",
* Get a list of unique CSS property names for which there are checks
* for used/unused state.
* @return {Set}
* List of CSS properties
get invalidProperties() {
if (!this._invalidProperties) {
const allProps =
v => v.invalidProperties
this._invalidProperties = new Set(allProps);
return this._invalidProperties;
* Is this CSS property having any effect on this element?
* @param {DOMNode} el
* The DOM element.
* @param {Style} elStyle
* The computed style for this DOMNode.
* @param {DOMRule} cssRule
* The CSS rule the property is defined in.
* @param {String} property
* The CSS property name.
* @return {Object} object
* @return {String} object.display
* The element computed display value.
* @return {String} object.fixId
* A Fluent id containing a suggested solution to the problem that is
* causing a property to be inactive.
* @return {String} object.msgId
* A Fluent id containing an error message explaining why a property
* is inactive in this situation.
* @return {String}
* The inactive property name.
* @return {String} object.learnMoreURL
* An optional link if we need to open an other link than
* the default MDN property one.
* @return {Boolean} object.used
* true if the property is used.
isPropertyUsed(el, elStyle, cssRule, property) {
// Assume the property is used when the Inactive CSS pref is not enabled
return { used: true };
let fixId = "";
let msgId = "";
let learnMoreURL = null;
let lineCount = null;
let used = true;
const someFn = validator => {
// First check if this rule cares about this property.
let isRuleConcerned = false;
if (validator.invalidProperties) {
isRuleConcerned = validator.invalidProperties.includes(property);
} else if (validator.acceptedProperties) {
isRuleConcerned =
!validator.acceptedProperties.has(property) &&
// custom properties can always be set
if (!isRuleConcerned) {
return false;
}, elStyle, cssRule, property);
// And then run the validator, gathering the error message if the
// validator passes.
if (validator.when()) {
fixId = validator.fixId;
msgId = validator.msgId;
learnMoreURL = validator.learnMoreURL;
lineCount = validator.lineCount;
used = false;
// We can bail out as soon as a validator reported an issue.
return true;
return false;
// First run the accepted properties validators
const isNotAccepted = this.ACCEPTED_PROPERTIES_VALIDATORS.some(someFn);
// If the property is not in the list of properties to check and there was no issues
// in the accepted properties validators, assume the property is used.
if (!isNotAccepted && !this.invalidProperties.has(property)) {
return { used: true };
// Otherwise, if there was no issue from the accepted properties validators,
// run the invalid properties validators.
if (!isNotAccepted) {
// Accessing elStyle might throws, we wrap it in a try/catch block to avoid test
// failures.
let display;
try {
display = elStyle ? elStyle.display : null;
} catch (e) {}
return {
* Focus on a node.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* Node to focus on.
select(node, style, cssRule, property) {
this._node = node;
this._cssRule = cssRule;
this._property = property;
this._style = style;
* Clear references to avoid leaks.
unselect() {
this._node = null;
this._cssRule = null;
this._property = null;
this._style = null;
* Provide a public reference to node.
get node() {
return this._node;
* Cache and provide node's computed style.
get style() {
return this._style;
* Provide a public reference to the css rule.
get cssRule() {
return this._cssRule;
* Check if the current node's propName is set to one of the values passed in
* the values array.
* @param {String} propName
* Property name to check.
* @param {Array} values
* Values to compare against.
checkComputedStyle(propName, values) {
if (! {
return false;
return values.some(value =>[propName] === value);
* Check if a rule's propName is set to one of the values passed in the values
* array.
* @param {String} propName
* Property name to check.
* @param {Array} values
* Values to compare against.
checkResolvedStyle(propName, values) {
if (!(this.cssRule && {
return false;
const { style } = this.cssRule;
return values.some(value => style[propName] === value);
* Check if the current node is an block-level box.
isBlockLevel() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("display", [
* Check if the current node is an inline-level box.
isInlineLevel() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("display", [
* Check if the current node is a flex container i.e. a node that has a style
* of `display:flex` or `display:inline-flex`.
get flexContainer() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["flex", "inline-flex"]);
* Check if the current node is a flex item.
get flexItem() {
return this.isFlexItem(this.node);
* Check if the current node is a grid container i.e. a node that has a style
* of `display:grid` or `display:inline-grid`.
get gridContainer() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["grid", "inline-grid"]);
* Check if the current node is a grid item.
get gridItem() {
return this.isGridItem(this.node);
* Check if the current node is a multi-column container, i.e. a node element whose
* `column-width` or `column-count` property is not `auto`.
get multiColContainer() {
const autoColumnWidth = this.checkComputedStyle("column-width", ["auto"]);
const autoColumnCount = this.checkComputedStyle("column-count", ["auto"]);
return !autoColumnWidth || !autoColumnCount;
* Check if the current node is in a multi-column container, i.e. a node element
* that has an ancestor with `column-width` or `column-count` property set to a value.
get inMultiColContainer() {
return !!this.getParentMultiColElement(this.node);
* Check if the current node is a table row.
get tableRow() {
return && === "table-row";
* Check if the current node is a table column.
get tableColumn() {
return && === "table-column";
* Check if the current node is an internal table element.
get internalTableElement() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("display", [
* Check if the current node is a horizontal table track. That is: either a table row
* displayed in horizontal writing mode, or a table column displayed in vertical writing
* mode.
get horizontalTableTrack() {
if (!this.tableRow && !this.tableColumn) {
return false;
const tableTrackParent = this.getTableTrackParent();
return this.hasVerticalWritingMode(tableTrackParent)
? this.tableColumn
: this.tableRow;
* Check if the current node is a vertical table track. That is: either a table row
* displayed in vertical writing mode, or a table column displayed in horizontal writing
* mode.
get verticalTableTrack() {
if (!this.tableRow && !this.tableColumn) {
return false;
const tableTrackParent = this.getTableTrackParent();
return this.hasVerticalWritingMode(tableTrackParent)
? this.tableRow
: this.tableColumn;
* Check if the current node is a row group.
get rowGroup() {
return this.isRowGroup(this.node);
* Check if the current node is a table column group.
get columnGroup() {
return this.isColumnGroup(this.node);
* Check if the current node is a horizontal table track group. That is: either a table
* row group displayed in horizontal writing mode, or a table column group displayed in
* vertical writing mode.
get horizontalTableTrackGroup() {
if (!this.rowGroup && !this.columnGroup) {
return false;
const tableTrackParent = this.getTableTrackParent(true);
const isVertical = this.hasVerticalWritingMode(tableTrackParent);
const isHorizontalRowGroup = this.rowGroup && !isVertical;
const isHorizontalColumnGroup = this.columnGroup && isVertical;
return isHorizontalRowGroup || isHorizontalColumnGroup;
* Check if the current node is a vertical table track group. That is: either a table row
* group displayed in vertical writing mode, or a table column group displayed in
* horizontal writing mode.
get verticalTableTrackGroup() {
if (!this.rowGroup && !this.columnGroup) {
return false;
const tableTrackParent = this.getTableTrackParent(true);
const isVertical = this.hasVerticalWritingMode(tableTrackParent);
const isVerticalRowGroup = this.rowGroup && isVertical;
const isVerticalColumnGroup = this.columnGroup && !isVertical;
return isVerticalRowGroup || isVerticalColumnGroup;
* Returns whether this element uses CSS layout.
get hasCssLayout() {
return !this.isSvg && !this.isMathMl;
* Check if the current node is a non-replaced CSS inline box.
get nonReplacedInlineBox() {
return (
this.hasCssLayout &&
this.nonReplaced && && === "inline"
* Check if the current selector refers to a ::first-letter pseudo-element
get isFirstLetter() {
const { selectorText } = this.cssRule;
return selectorText && selectorText.includes("::first-letter");
* Check if the current selector refers to a ::first-line pseudo-element
get isFirstLine() {
const { selectorText } = this.cssRule;
return selectorText && selectorText.includes("::first-line");
* Check if the current node is a non-replaced element. See `replaced()` for
* a description of what a replaced element is.
get nonReplaced() {
return !this.replaced;
* Check if the current node is an absolutely-positioned element.
get isAbsolutelyPositioned() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("position", ["absolute", "fixed"]);
* Check if the current node is positioned (i.e. its position property has a value other
* than static).
get isPositioned() {
return this.checkComputedStyle("position", [
* Check if the current node is floated
get isFloated() {
return && !== "none";
* Check if the current node is scrollable
get isScrollContainer() {
// If `overflow` doesn't contain the values `visible` or `clip`, it is a scroll container.
// While `hidden` doesn't allow scrolling via a user interaction, the element can
// still be scrolled programmatically.
const overflow = computedStyle(this.node).overflow;
// `overflow` is a shorthand for `overflow-x` and `overflow-y`
// (and with that also for `overflow-inline` and `overflow-block`),
// so may hold two values.
const overflowValues = overflow.split(" ");
return !(
overflowValues.includes("visible") || overflowValues.includes("clip")
* Check if the current node is a replaced element that can be resized.
get isResizableReplacedElement() {
// There might be more replaced elements that can be resized in the future.
// (See bug 1280920 and its dependencies.)
return this.localName === "textarea";
* Check if the current node is a replaced element i.e. an element with
* content that will be replaced e.g. <img>, <audio>, <video> or <object>
* elements.
get replaced() {
if (REPLACED_ELEMENTS_NAMES.has(this.localName)) {
return true;
// img tags are replaced elements only when the image has finished loading.
if (this.localName === "img" && this.node.complete) {
return true;
return false;
* Return the current node's localName.
* @returns {String}
get localName() {
return this.node.localName;
* Return whether the node is a MathML element.
get isMathMl() {
return this.node.namespaceURI === "";
* Return whether the node is an SVG element.
get isSvg() {
return this.node.namespaceURI === "";
* Check if the current node is an absolutely-positioned grid element.
* @return {Boolean} whether or not the current node is absolutely-positioned by a
* grid container.
isAbsPosGridElement() {
if (!this.isAbsolutelyPositioned) {
return false;
const containingBlock = this.getContainingBlock();
return containingBlock !== null && this.isGridContainer(containingBlock);
* Check if a node is a flex item.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* The node to check.
isFlexItem(node) {
return !!node.parentFlexElement;
* Check if a node is a flex container.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* The node to check.
isFlexContainer(node) {
return !!node.getAsFlexContainer();
* Check if a node is a grid container.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* The node to check.
isGridContainer(node) {
return node.hasGridFragments();
* Check if a node is a grid item.
isGridItem() {
return !!this.getParentGridElement(this.node);
isVisitedRule() {
if (!CssLogic.hasVisitedState(this.node)) {
return false;
const selectors = CssLogic.getSelectors(this.cssRule);
if (!selectors.some(s => s.endsWith(":visited"))) {
return false;
const { bindingElement, pseudo } = CssLogic.getBindingElementAndPseudo(
for (let i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
if (
!selectors[i].endsWith(":visited") &&
this.cssRule.selectorMatchesElement(i, bindingElement, pseudo, true)
) {
// Match non :visited selector.
return false;
return true;
* Return the current node's ancestor that generates its containing block.
getContainingBlock() {
return this.node ? InspectorUtils.containingBlockOf(this.node) : null;
getParentGridElement(node) {
// The documentElement can't be a grid item, only a container, so bail out.
if (node.flattenedTreeParentNode === node.ownerDocument) {
return null;
if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const display = ? : null;
if (!display || display === "none" || display === "contents") {
// Doesn't generate a box, not a grid item.
return null;
if (this.isAbsolutelyPositioned) {
// Out of flow, not a grid item.
return null;
} else if (node.nodeType !== node.TEXT_NODE) {
return null;
for (
let p = node.flattenedTreeParentNode;
p = p.flattenedTreeParentNode
) {
if (this.isGridContainer(p)) {
// It's a grid item!
return p;
const style = computedStyle(p, node.ownerGlobal);
const display = style.display;
if (display !== "contents") {
return null; // Not a grid item, for sure.
// display: contents, walk to the parent
return null;
* Return the multi-column container for a node if it exists.
* @param {DOMNode} The node we want the container for
* @param {DOMNode|null} The container element, or null if there is none.
getParentMultiColElement(node) {
// The documentElement can't be an element in a multi-column container,
// only a container, so bail out.
if (node.flattenedTreeParentNode === node.ownerDocument) {
return null;
// Ignore nodes that are not elements nor text nodes
if (
node.nodeType !== node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
node.nodeType !== node.TEXT_NODE
) {
return null;
if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const display = ? : null;
if (!display || display === "none" || display === "contents") {
// Doesn't generate a box, not an element in a multi-column container.
return null;
if (this.isAbsolutelyPositioned) {
// Out of flow, not an element in a multi-column container.
return null;
// Walk up the tree to find the nearest multi-column container.
// Loop over flattenedTreeParentNode instead of parentNode to reach the
// shadow host from the shadow DOM.
for (
let p = node.flattenedTreeParentNode;
p && p !== node.ownerDocument;
p = p.flattenedTreeParentNode
) {
const style = computedStyle(p, node.ownerGlobal);
if (style.columnWidth !== "auto" || style.columnCount !== "auto") {
// It's a multi-column container!
return p;
return null;
isRowGroup(node) {
const style = node === this.node ? : computedStyle(node);
return (
style &&
(style.display === "table-row-group" ||
style.display === "table-header-group" ||
style.display === "table-footer-group")
isColumnGroup(node) {
const style = node === this.node ? : computedStyle(node);
return style && style.display === "table-column-group";
* Check if the given node's writing mode is vertical
hasVerticalWritingMode(node) {
// Only 'horizontal-tb' has a horizontal writing mode.
return computedStyle(node).writingMode !== "horizontal-tb";
* Assuming the current element is a table track (row or column) or table track group,
* get the parent table.
* This is either going to be the table element if there is one, or the parent element.
* If the current element is not a table track, this returns the current element.
* @param {Boolean} isGroup
* Whether the element is a table track group, instead of a table track.
* @return {DOMNode}
* The parent table, the parent element, or the element itself.
getTableTrackParent(isGroup) {
let current = this.node.parentNode;
// Skip over unrendered elements.
while (computedStyle(current).display === "contents") {
current = current.parentNode;
// Skip over groups if the initial element wasn't already one.
if (!isGroup && (this.isRowGroup(current) || this.isColumnGroup(current))) {
current = current.parentNode;
// Once more over unrendered elements above the group.
while (computedStyle(current).display === "contents") {
current = current.parentNode;
return current;
* Get the parent table element of the current element.
* @return {DOMNode|null}
* The closest table element or null if there are none.
getTableParent() {
let current = this.node.parentNode;
// Find the table parent
while (current && computedStyle(current).display !== "table") {
current = current.parentNode;
// If we reached the document element, stop.
if (current == this.node.ownerDocument.documentElement) {
return null;
return current;
* Assuming the current element is an internal table element,
* check wether its parent table element has `border-collapse` set to `collapse`.
* @returns {Boolean}
checkTableParentHasBorderCollapsed() {
const parent = this.getTableParent();
if (!parent) {
return false;
return computedStyle(parent).borderCollapse === "collapse";
* Returns all CSS property names except given properties.
* @param {Array} - propertiesToIgnore
* Array of property ignored.
* @return {Array}
* Array of all CSS property name except propertiesToIgnore.
function allCssPropertiesExcept(propertiesToIgnore) {
const properties = new Set(
InspectorUtils.getCSSPropertyNames({ includeAliases: true })
for (const name of propertiesToIgnore) {
return [];
* Helper for getting an element's computed styles.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* The node to get the styles for.
* @param {Window} window
* Optional window object. If omitted, will get the node's window.
* @return {Object}
function computedStyle(node, window = node.ownerGlobal) {
return window.getComputedStyle(node);
const inactivePropertyHelper = new InactivePropertyHelper();
// The only public method from this module is `isPropertyUsed`.
exports.isPropertyUsed = inactivePropertyHelper.isPropertyUsed.bind(