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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* @param {String} groupID
* @param {String} eventType
* @param {Function} condition: Optional function that takes a Window as parameter. When
* passed, the event will only be included if the result of the function
* call is `true` (See `getAvailableEventBreakpoints`).
* @returns {Object}
function generalEvent(groupID, eventType, condition) {
return {
id: `event.${groupID}.${eventType}`,
type: "event",
name: eventType,
message: `DOM '${eventType}' event`,
// DOM Events which may fire on the global object, or on DOM Elements
targetTypes: ["global", "node"],
function nodeEvent(groupID, eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent(groupID, eventType),
targetTypes: ["node"],
function mediaNodeEvent(groupID, eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent(groupID, eventType),
targetTypes: ["node"],
// Media events need some specific handling in `eventBreakpointForNotification()`
// to ensure that the event is fired on either <video> or <audio> tags.
isMediaEvent: true,
function globalEvent(groupID, eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent(groupID, eventType),
message: `Global '${eventType}' event`,
// DOM Events which are only fired on the global object
targetTypes: ["global"],
function xhrEvent(groupID, eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent(groupID, eventType),
message: `XHR '${eventType}' event`,
targetTypes: ["xhr"],
function webSocketEvent(groupID, eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent(groupID, eventType),
message: `WebSocket '${eventType}' event`,
targetTypes: ["websocket"],
function workerEvent(eventType) {
return {
...generalEvent("worker", eventType),
message: `Worker '${eventType}' event`,
targetTypes: ["worker"],
function timerEvent(type, operation, name, notificationType) {
return {
id: `timer.${type}.${operation}`,
type: "simple",
message: name,
function animationEvent(operation, name, notificationType) {
return {
id: `animationframe.${operation}`,
type: "simple",
message: name,
id: "script.source.firstStatement",
type: "script",
name: "Script First Statement",
message: "Script First Statement",
name: "Animation",
items: [
"Request Animation Frame",
"Cancel Animation Frame",
"Animation Frame fired",
name: "Clipboard",
items: [
generalEvent("clipboard", "copy"),
generalEvent("clipboard", "cut"),
generalEvent("clipboard", "paste"),
generalEvent("clipboard", "beforecopy"),
generalEvent("clipboard", "beforecut"),
generalEvent("clipboard", "beforepaste"),
name: "Control",
items: [
// The condition should be removed when "dom.element.popover.enabled" is removed
generalEvent("control", "beforetoggle", () =>
// Services.prefs isn't available on worker targets
generalEvent("control", "blur"),
generalEvent("control", "change"),
generalEvent("control", "focus"),
generalEvent("control", "focusin"),
generalEvent("control", "focusout"),
// The condition should be removed when "dom.element.invokers.enabled" is removed
global => global && "InvokeEvent" in global
generalEvent("control", "reset"),
generalEvent("control", "resize"),
generalEvent("control", "scroll"),
generalEvent("control", "scrollend"),
generalEvent("control", "select"),
generalEvent("control", "toggle"),
generalEvent("control", "submit"),
generalEvent("control", "zoom"),
name: "DOM Mutation",
items: [
// Deprecated DOM events.
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMActivate"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMFocusIn"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMFocusOut"),
// Standard DOM mutation events.
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMAttrModified"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMCharacterDataModified"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMNodeInserted"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMNodeRemoved"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMNodeRemovedIntoDocument"),
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMSubtreeModified"),
// DOM load events.
nodeEvent("dom-mutation", "DOMContentLoaded"),
name: "Device",
items: [
globalEvent("device", "deviceorientation"),
globalEvent("device", "devicemotion"),
name: "Drag and Drop",
items: [
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "drag"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "dragstart"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "dragend"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "dragenter"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "dragover"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "dragleave"),
generalEvent("drag-and-drop", "drop"),
name: "Keyboard",
items: [
generalEvent("keyboard", "beforeinput"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "input"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "textInput", () =>
// Services.prefs isn't available on worker targets
generalEvent("keyboard", "keydown"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "keyup"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "keypress"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "compositionstart"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "compositionupdate"),
generalEvent("keyboard", "compositionend"),
name: "Load",
items: [
globalEvent("load", "load"),
globalEvent("load", "beforeunload"),
globalEvent("load", "unload"),
globalEvent("load", "abort"),
globalEvent("load", "error"),
globalEvent("load", "hashchange"),
globalEvent("load", "popstate"),
name: "Media",
items: [
mediaNodeEvent("media", "play"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "pause"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "playing"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "canplay"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "canplaythrough"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "seeking"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "seeked"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "timeupdate"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "ended"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "ratechange"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "durationchange"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "volumechange"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "loadstart"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "progress"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "suspend"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "abort"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "error"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "emptied"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "stalled"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "loadedmetadata"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "loadeddata"),
mediaNodeEvent("media", "waiting"),
name: "Mouse",
items: [
generalEvent("mouse", "auxclick"),
generalEvent("mouse", "click"),
generalEvent("mouse", "dblclick"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mousedown"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mouseup"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mouseover"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mousemove"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mouseout"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mouseenter"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mouseleave"),
generalEvent("mouse", "mousewheel"),
generalEvent("mouse", "wheel"),
generalEvent("mouse", "contextmenu"),
name: "Pointer",
items: [
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerover"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerout"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerenter"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerleave"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerdown"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointerup"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointermove"),
generalEvent("pointer", "pointercancel"),
generalEvent("pointer", "gotpointercapture"),
generalEvent("pointer", "lostpointercapture"),
name: "Script",
name: "Timer",
items: [
timerEvent("timeout", "set", "setTimeout", "setTimeout"),
timerEvent("timeout", "clear", "clearTimeout", "clearTimeout"),
timerEvent("timeout", "fire", "setTimeout fired", "setTimeoutCallback"),
timerEvent("interval", "set", "setInterval", "setInterval"),
timerEvent("interval", "clear", "clearInterval", "clearInterval"),
"setInterval fired",
name: "Touch",
items: [
generalEvent("touch", "touchstart"),
generalEvent("touch", "touchmove"),
generalEvent("touch", "touchend"),
generalEvent("touch", "touchcancel"),
name: "WebSocket",
items: [
webSocketEvent("websocket", "open"),
webSocketEvent("websocket", "message"),
webSocketEvent("websocket", "error"),
webSocketEvent("websocket", "close"),
name: "Worker",
items: [
// Service Worker events.
globalEvent("serviceworker", "fetch"),
name: "XHR",
items: [
xhrEvent("xhr", "readystatechange"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "load"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "loadstart"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "loadend"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "abort"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "error"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "progress"),
xhrEvent("xhr", "timeout"),
const FLAT_EVENTS = [];
for (const category of AVAILABLE_BREAKPOINTS) {
for (const event of category.items) {
const EVENTS_BY_ID = {};
for (const event of FLAT_EVENTS) {
if (EVENTS_BY_ID[]) {
throw new Error("Duplicate event ID detected: " +;
EVENTS_BY_ID[] = event;
const SIMPLE_EVENTS = {};
const DOM_EVENTS = {};
for (const eventBP of FLAT_EVENTS) {
if (eventBP.type === "simple") {
const { notificationType } = eventBP;
if (SIMPLE_EVENTS[notificationType]) {
throw new Error("Duplicate simple event");
SIMPLE_EVENTS[notificationType] =;
} else if (eventBP.type === "event") {
const { eventType, targetTypes } = eventBP;
if (!Array.isArray(targetTypes) || !targetTypes.length) {
throw new Error("Expect a targetTypes array for each event definition");
for (const targetType of targetTypes) {
let byEventType = DOM_EVENTS[targetType];
if (!byEventType) {
byEventType = {};
DOM_EVENTS[targetType] = byEventType;
if (byEventType[eventType]) {
throw new Error("Duplicate dom event: " + eventType);
byEventType[eventType] =;
} else if (eventBP.type === "script") {
// Nothing to do.
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown type: " + eventBP.type);
exports.eventBreakpointForNotification = eventBreakpointForNotification;
function eventBreakpointForNotification(dbg, notification) {
const notificationType = notification.type;
if (notification.type === "domEvent") {
const domEventNotification = DOM_EVENTS[notification.targetType];
if (!domEventNotification) {
return null;
// The 'event' value is a cross-compartment wrapper for the DOM Event object.
// While we could use that directly in the main thread as an Xray wrapper,
// when debugging workers we can't, because it is an opaque wrapper.
// To make things work, we have to always interact with the Event object via
// the Debugger.Object interface.
const evt = dbg
const eventType = evt.getProperty("type").return;
const id = domEventNotification[eventType];
if (!id) {
return null;
const eventBreakpoint = EVENTS_BY_ID[id];
// Does some additional checks for media events to ensure the DOM Event
// was fired on either <audio> or <video> tags.
if (eventBreakpoint.isMediaEvent) {
const currentTarget = evt.getProperty("currentTarget").return;
if (!currentTarget) {
return null;
const nodeType = currentTarget.getProperty("nodeType").return;
const namespaceURI = currentTarget.getProperty("namespaceURI").return;
if (
nodeType !== 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ ||
namespaceURI !== ""
) {
return null;
const nodeName = currentTarget
if (nodeName !== "audio" && nodeName !== "video") {
return null;
return id;
return SIMPLE_EVENTS[notificationType] || null;
exports.makeEventBreakpointMessage = makeEventBreakpointMessage;
function makeEventBreakpointMessage(id) {
return EVENTS_BY_ID[id].message;
exports.firstStatementBreakpointId = firstStatementBreakpointId;
function firstStatementBreakpointId() {
exports.eventsRequireNotifications = eventsRequireNotifications;
function eventsRequireNotifications(ids) {
for (const id of ids) {
const eventBreakpoint = EVENTS_BY_ID[id];
// Script events are implemented directly in the server and do not require
// notifications from Gecko, so there is no need to watch for them.
if (eventBreakpoint && eventBreakpoint.type !== "script") {
return true;
return false;
exports.getAvailableEventBreakpoints = getAvailableEventBreakpoints;
* Get all available event breakpoints
* @param {Window|WorkerGlobalScope} global
* @returns {Array<Object>} An array containing object with a few properties :
* - {String} id: unique identifier
* - {String} name: Description for the event to be displayed in UI (no translated)
* - {String} type: Either "simple" or "event"
* Only for type="simple":
* - {String} notificationType: platform name of the event
* Only for type="event":
* - {String} eventType: platform name of the event
* - {Array<String>} targetTypes: List of potential target on which the event is fired.
* Can be "global", "node", "xhr", "worker",...
function getAvailableEventBreakpoints(global) {
const available = [];
for (const { name, items } of AVAILABLE_BREAKPOINTS) {
events: items
.filter(item => !item.condition || item.condition(global))
.map(item => ({
// The name to be displayed in UI
// The type of event: either simple or event
type: item.type,
// For type=simple
notificationType: item.notificationType,
// For type=event
eventType: item.eventType,
targetTypes: item.targetTypes,
return available;
exports.validateEventBreakpoint = validateEventBreakpoint;
function validateEventBreakpoint(id) {
return !!EVENTS_BY_ID[id];