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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
// protocol.js uses objects as exceptions in order to define
// error packets.
/* eslint-disable no-throw-literal */
* WindowGlobalTargetActor is an abstract class used by target actors that hold
* documents, such as frames, chrome windows, etc.
* This class is extended by ParentProcessTargetActor, itself being extented by WebExtensionTargetActor.
* See devtools/docs/backend/ for more details.
* For performance matters, this file should only be loaded in the targeted context's
* process. For example, it shouldn't be evaluated in the parent process until we try to
* debug a document living in the parent process.
var {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/actor-registry.js");
var DevToolsUtils = require("resource://devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.js");
var { assert } = DevToolsUtils;
var {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/sources-manager.js");
var makeDebugger = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/make-debugger.js");
const Targets = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/targets/index.js");
const { TargetActorRegistry } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
{ global: "shared" }
const { PrivateBrowsingUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
{ global: "contextual" }
const { Pool } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol/lazy-pool.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/targets/window-global.js");
const Resources = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/resources/index.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/targets/base-target-actor.js");
["ThreadActor", "unwrapDebuggerObjectGlobal"],
const lazy = {};
loader.lazyGetter(lazy, "ExtensionContent", () => {
return ChromeUtils.importESModule(EXTENSION_CONTENT_SYS_MJS, {
// ExtensionContent.sys.mjs is a singleton and must be loaded through the
// main loader. Note that the user of lazy.ExtensionContent elsewhere in
// this file (at webextensionsContentScriptGlobals) looks up the module
// via Cu.isESModuleLoaded, which also uses the main loader as desired.
global: "shared",
function getWindowID(window) {
return window.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId;
function getDocShellChromeEventHandler(docShell) {
let handler = docShell.chromeEventHandler;
if (!handler) {
try {
// Toplevel xul window's docshell doesn't have chromeEventHandler
// attribute. The chrome event handler is just the global window object.
handler = docShell.domWindow;
} catch (e) {
// ignore
return handler;
* Helper to retrieve all children docshells of a given docshell.
* Given that docshell interfaces can only be used within the same process,
* this only returns docshells for children documents that runs in the same process
* as the given docshell.
function getChildDocShells(parentDocShell) {
return parentDocShell.browsingContext
.filter(browsingContext => {
// Filter out browsingContext which don't expose any docshell (e.g. remote frame)
return browsingContext.docShell;
.map(browsingContext => {
// Map BrowsingContext to DocShell
return browsingContext.docShell;
exports.getChildDocShells = getChildDocShells;
* Browser-specific actors.
function getInnerId(window) {
return window.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId;
class WindowGlobalTargetActor extends BaseTargetActor {
* WindowGlobalTargetActor is the target actor to debug (HTML) documents.
* WindowGlobal's are the Gecko representation for a given document's window object.
* It relates to a given nsGlobalWindowInner instance.
* The main goal of this class is to expose the target-scoped actors being registered
* via `ActorRegistry.registerModule` and manage their lifetimes. In addition, this
* class also tracks the lifetime of the targeted window global.
* ### Main requests:
* `detach`:
* Stop document watching and cleanup everything that the target and its children actors created.
* It ultimately lead to destroy the target actor.
* `switchToFrame`:
* Change the targeted document of the whole actor, and its child target-scoped actors
* to an iframe or back to its original document.
* Most properties (like `chromeEventHandler` or `docShells`) are meant to be
* used by the various child target actors.
* ### RDP events:
* - `tabNavigated`:
* Sent when the window global is about to navigate or has just navigated
* to a different document.
* This event contains the following attributes:
* * url (string)
* The new URI being loaded.
* * state (string)
* `start` if we just start requesting the new URL
* `stop` if the new URL is done loading
* * isFrameSwitching (boolean)
* Indicates the event is dispatched when switching the actor context to a
* different frame. When we switch to an iframe, there is no document
* load. The targeted document is most likely going to be already done
* loading.
* * title (string)
* The document title being loaded. (sent only on state=stop)
* - `frameUpdate`:
* Sent when there was a change in the child frames contained in the document
* or when the actor's context was switched to another frame.
* This event can have four different forms depending on the type of change:
* * One or many frames are updated:
* { frames: [{ id, url, title, parentID }, ...] }
* * One frame got destroyed:
* { frames: [{ id, destroy: true }]}
* * All frames got destroyed:
* { destroyAll: true }
* * We switched the context of the actor to a specific frame:
* { selected: #id }
* ### Internal, non-rdp events:
* Various events are also dispatched on the actor itself without being sent to
* the client. They all relate to the documents tracked by this target actor
* (its main targeted document, but also any of its iframes):
* - will-navigate
* This event fires once navigation starts. All pending user prompts are
* dealt with, but it is fired before the first request starts.
* - navigate
* This event is fired once the document's readyState is "complete".
* - window-ready
* This event is fired in various distinct scenarios:
* * When a new Window object is crafted, equivalent of `DOMWindowCreated`.
* It is dispatched before any page script is executed.
* * We will have already received a window-ready event for this window
* when it was created, but we received a window-destroyed event when
* it was frozen into the bfcache, and now the user navigated back to
* this page, so it's now live again and we should resume handling it.
* * For each existing document, when an `attach` request is received.
* At this point scripts in the page will be already loaded.
* * When `swapFrameLoaders` is used, such as with moving window globals
* between windows or toggling Responsive Design Mode.
* - window-destroyed
* This event is fired in two cases:
* * When the window object is destroyed, i.e. when the related document
* is garbage collected. This can happen when the window global is
* closed or the iframe is removed from the DOM.
* It is equivalent of `inner-window-destroyed` event.
* * When the page goes into the bfcache and gets frozen.
* The equivalent of `pagehide`.
* - changed-toplevel-document
* This event fires when we switch the actor's targeted document
* to one of its iframes, or back to its original top document.
* It is dispatched between window-destroyed and window-ready.
* Note that *all* these events are dispatched in the following order
* when we switch the context of the actor to a given iframe:
* - will-navigate
* - window-destroyed
* - changed-toplevel-document
* - window-ready
* - navigate
* This class is subclassed by ParentProcessTargetActor and others.
* Subclasses are expected to implement a getter for the docShell property.
* @param conn DevToolsServerConnection
* The conection to the client.
* @param options Object
* Object with following attributes:
* - docShell nsIDocShell
* The |docShell| for the debugged frame.
* - followWindowGlobalLifeCycle Boolean
* If true, the target actor will only inspect the current WindowGlobal (and its children windows).
* But won't inspect next document loaded in the same BrowsingContext.
* The actor will behave more like a WindowGlobalTarget rather than a BrowsingContextTarget.
* This is always true for Tab debugging, but not yet for parent process/web extension.
* - isTopLevelTarget Boolean
* Should be set to true for all top-level targets. A top level target
* is the topmost target of a DevTools "session". For instance for a local
* tab toolbox, the WindowGlobalTargetActor for the content page is the top level target.
* For the Multiprocess Browser Toolbox, the parent process target is the top level
* target.
* At the moment this only impacts the WindowGlobalTarget `reconfigure`
* implementation. But for server-side target switching this flag will be exposed
* to the client and should be available for all target actor classes. It will be
* used to detect target switching. (Bug 1644397)
* - ignoreSubFrames Boolean
* If true, the actor will only focus on the passed docShell and not on the whole
* docShell tree. This should be enabled when we have targets for all documents.
* - sessionContext Object
* The Session Context to help know what is debugged.
* See devtools/server/actors/watcher/session-context.js
customSpec = windowGlobalTargetSpec,
) {
super(conn, Targets.TYPES.FRAME, customSpec);
this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle = followWindowGlobalLifeCycle;
this.isTopLevelTarget = !!isTopLevelTarget;
this.ignoreSubFrames = ignoreSubFrames;
this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
// A map of actor names to actor instances provided by extensions.
this._extraActors = {};
this._sourcesManager = null;
this._shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee =
this.makeDebugger = makeDebugger.bind(null, {
findDebuggees: () => {
const result = [];
const inspectUAWidgets = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
for (const win of {
// Only expose User Agent internal (like <video controls>) when the
// related pref is set.
if (inspectUAWidgets) {
const principal = win.document.nodePrincipal;
// We don't use UA widgets for the system principal.
if (!principal.isSystemPrincipal) {
return result.concat(this.webextensionsContentScriptGlobals);
shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee: this._shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee,
// Flag eventually overloaded by sub classes in order to watch new docshells
// Used by the ParentProcessTargetActor to list all frames in the Browser Toolbox
this.watchNewDocShells = false;
this._workerDescriptorActorList = null;
this._workerDescriptorActorPool = null;
this._onWorkerDescriptorActorListChanged =
this._onConsoleApiProfilerEvent =
// Start observing navigations as well as sub documents.
// (This is probably meant to disappear once EFT is the only supported codepath)
this._progressListener = new DebuggerProgressListener(this);
if (docShell) {
* Define the initial docshell.
* This is called from the constructor for WindowGlobalTargetActor,
* or from sub class constructors: WebExtensionTargetActor and ParentProcessTargetActor.
* This is to circumvent the fact that sub classes need to call inner method
* to compute the initial docshell and we can't call inner methods before calling
* the base class constructor...
setDocShell(docShell) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "docShell", {
value: docShell,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
// Save references to the original document we attached to
this._originalWindow = this.window;
// Update isPrivate as window is based on docShell
this.isPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(this.window);
// Instantiate the Thread Actor immediately.
// This is the only one actor instantiated right away by the target actor.
// All the others are instantiated lazily on first request made the client,
// via LazyPool API.
// Ensure notifying about the target actor first
// before notifying about new docshells.
// Otherwise we would miss these RDP event as the client hasn't
// yet received the target actor's form.
// (This is also probably meant to disappear once EFT is the only supported codepath)
this._docShellsObserved = false;
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => this._watchDocshells());
// The `watchedByDevTools` enables gecko behavior tied to this flag, such as:
// - reporting the contents of HTML loaded in the docshells,
// - or capturing stacks for the network monitor.
// This flag can only be set on top level BrowsingContexts.
if (!this.browsingContext.parent) {
this.browsingContext.watchedByDevTools = true;
get docShell() {
throw new Error(
"A docShell should be provided as constructor argument of WindowGlobalTargetActor, or redefined by the subclass"
// Optional console API listener options (e.g. used by the WebExtensionActor to
// filter console messages by addonID), set to an empty (no options) object by default.
consoleAPIListenerOptions = {};
* Return a Debugger instance or create one if there is none yet
get dbg() {
if (!this._dbg) {
this._dbg = this.makeDebugger();
return this._dbg;
* Try to locate the console actor if it exists.
get _consoleActor() {
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
return null;
const form = this.form();
return this.conn._getOrCreateActor(form.consoleActor);
get _memoryActor() {
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
return null;
const form = this.form();
return this.conn._getOrCreateActor(form.memoryActor);
_targetScopedActorPool = null;
* An object on which listen for DOMWindowCreated and pageshow events.
get chromeEventHandler() {
return getDocShellChromeEventHandler(this.docShell);
* Getter for the nsIMessageManager associated to the window global.
get messageManager() {
try {
return this.docShell.messageManager;
} catch (e) {
// In some cases we can't get a docshell. We just have no message manager
// then,
return null;
* Getter for the list of all `docShell`s in the window global.
* @return {Array}
get docShells() {
if (this.ignoreSubFrames) {
return [this.docShell];
return getChildDocShells(this.docShell);
* Getter for the window global's current DOM window.
get window() {
return this.docShell && !this.docShell.isBeingDestroyed()
? this.docShell.domWindow
: null;
get outerWindowID() {
if (this.docShell) {
return this.docShell.outerWindowID;
return null;
get browsingContext() {
return this.docShell?.browsingContext;
get browsingContextID() {
return this.browsingContext?.id;
get innerWindowId() {
return this.window?.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId;
get browserId() {
return this.browsingContext?.browserId;
get openerBrowserId() {
return this.browsingContext?.opener?.browserId;
* Getter for the WebExtensions ContentScript globals related to the
* window global's current DOM window.
get webextensionsContentScriptGlobals() {
// Only retrieve the content scripts globals if the ExtensionContent JSM module
// has been already loaded (which is true if the WebExtensions internals have already
// been loaded in the same content process).
return lazy.ExtensionContent.getContentScriptGlobals(this.window);
return [];
* Getter for the list of all content DOM windows in the window global.
* @return {Array}
get windows() {
const windows = [];
for (const docShell of this.docShells) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Ignore destroying docshells which may throw when accessing domWindow property.
return windows;
* Getter for the original docShell this actor got attached to in the first
* place.
* Note that your actor should normally *not* rely on this top level docShell
* if you want it to show information relative to the iframe that's currently
* being inspected in the toolbox.
get originalDocShell() {
if (!this._originalWindow) {
return this.docShell;
return this._originalWindow.docShell;
* Getter for the original window this actor got attached to in the first
* place.
* Note that your actor should normally *not* rely on this top level window if
* you want it to show information relative to the iframe that's currently
* being inspected in the toolbox.
get originalWindow() {
return this._originalWindow || this.window;
* Getter for the nsIWebProgress for watching this window.
get webProgress() {
return this.docShell
* Getter for the nsIWebNavigation for the target.
get webNavigation() {
return this.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
* Getter for the window global's document.
get contentDocument() {
return this.webNavigation.document;
* Getter for the window global's title.
get title() {
return this.contentDocument.title;
* Getter for the window global's URL.
get url() {
if (this.webNavigation.currentURI) {
return this.webNavigation.currentURI.spec;
// Abrupt closing of the browser window may leave callbacks without a
// currentURI.
return null;
get sourcesManager() {
if (!this._sourcesManager) {
this._sourcesManager = new SourcesManager(this.threadActor);
return this._sourcesManager;
getStyleSheetsManager() {
if (!this._styleSheetsManager) {
this._styleSheetsManager = new StyleSheetsManager(this);
return this._styleSheetsManager;
_createExtraActors() {
// Always use the same Pool, so existing actor instances
// (created in createExtraActors) are not lost.
if (!this._targetScopedActorPool) {
this._targetScopedActorPool = new LazyPool(this.conn);
// Walk over target-scoped actor factories and make sure they are all
// instantiated and added into the Pool.
return createExtraActors(
form() {
"form() shouldn't be called on destroyed browser actor."
assert(this.actorID, "Actor should have an actorID.");
// Note that we don't want the iframe dropdown to change our
// We only want to refer to the topmost original window we attached to
// as that's the one top document this target actor really represent.
// The iframe dropdown is just a hack that temporarily focus the scope
// of the target actor to a children iframe document.
// Also, for WebExtension, we want the target to represent the <browser> element
// created by DevTools, which always exists and help better connect resources to the target
// in the frontend. Otherwise all other <browser> element of webext may be reloaded or go away
// and then we would have troubles matching targets for resources.
const originalBrowsingContext = this
? this.devtoolsSpawnedBrowsingContextForWebExtension
: this.originalDocShell.browsingContext;
const browsingContextID =;
const innerWindowId =
const parentInnerWindowId =
// Doesn't only check `!!opener` as some iframe might have an opener
// if their location was loaded via `, "iframe-name")`.
// So also ensure that the document is opened in a distinct tab.
const isPopup =
!!originalBrowsingContext.opener &&
originalBrowsingContext.browserId !=
const response = {
actor: this.actorID,
processID: Services.appinfo.processID,
// True for targets created by JSWindowActors, see constructor JSDoc.
followWindowGlobalLifeCycle: this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle,
topInnerWindowId: this.browsingContext.topWindowContext.innerWindowId,
isTopLevelTarget: this.isTopLevelTarget,
ignoreSubFrames: this.ignoreSubFrames,
isPrivate: this.isPrivate,
traits: {
// @backward-compat { version 64 } Exposes a new trait to help identify
// BrowsingContextActor's inherited actors from the client side.
isBrowsingContext: true,
// Browsing context targets can compute the isTopLevelTarget flag on the
// server. But other target actors don't support this yet. See Bug 1709314.
supportsTopLevelTargetFlag: true,
// Supports frame listing via `listFrames` request and `frameUpdate` events
// as well as frame switching via `switchToFrame` request
frames: true,
// Supports the logInPage request.
logInPage: true,
// Supports watchpoints in the server. We need to keep this trait because target
// actors that don't extend WindowGlobalTargetActor (Worker, ContentProcess, …)
// might not support watchpoints.
watchpoints: true,
// Supports back and forward navigation
navigation: true,
// We may try to access window while the document is closing, then accessing window
// throws.
if (!this.docShell.isBeingDestroyed()) {
response.title = this.title;
response.url = this.url;
response.outerWindowID = this.outerWindowID;
// If the actor is already being destroyed, avoid re-registering the target scoped actors
if (this.destroying) {
return response;
const actors = this._createExtraActors();
Object.assign(response, actors);
// The thread actor is the only actor manually created by the target actor.
// It is not registered in targetScopedActorFactories and therefore needs
// to be added here manually.
if (this.threadActor) {
Object.assign(response, {
threadActor: this.threadActor.actorID,
return response;
* Called when the actor is removed from the connection.
* @params {Object} options
* @params {Boolean} options.isTargetSwitching: Set to true when this is called during
* a target switch.
* @params {Boolean} options.isModeSwitching: Set to true true when this is called as the
* result of a change to the devtools.browsertoolbox.scope pref.
destroy({ isTargetSwitching = false, isModeSwitching = false } = {}) {
// Avoid reentrancy. We will destroy the Transport when emitting "destroyed",
// which will force destroying all actors.
if (this.destroying) {
this.destroying = true;
// Force flushing pending resources if the actor isn't already destroyed.
// This helps notify the client about pending resources on navigation.
if (!this.isDestroyed()) {
// Tell the thread actor that the window global is closed, so that it may terminate
// instead of resuming the debuggee script.
// TODO: Bug 997119: Remove this coupling with thread actor
if (this.threadActor) {
this.threadActor._parentClosed = true;
if (this._touchSimulator) {
this._touchSimulator = null;
// The watchedByDevTools flag is only set on top level BrowsingContext
// (as it then cascades to all its children),
// and when destroying the target, we should tell the platform we no longer
// observe this BrowsingContext and set this attribute to false.
if (
this.browsingContext?.watchedByDevTools &&
) {
this.browsingContext.watchedByDevTools = false;
// Check for `docShell` availability, as it can be already gone during
// Firefox shutdown.
if (this.docShell) {
// If this target is being destroyed as part of a target switch or a mode switch,
// we don't need to restore the configuration (this might cause the content page to
// be focused again, causing issues in tests and disturbing the user when switching modes).
if (!isTargetSwitching && !isModeSwitching) {
if (this._styleSheetsManager) {
this._styleSheetsManager = null;
// Shut down actors that belong to this target's pool.
if (this._targetScopedActorPool) {
this._targetScopedActorPool = null;
// Make sure that no more workerListChanged notifications are sent.
if (this._workerDescriptorActorList !== null) {
this._workerDescriptorActorList = null;
if (this._workerDescriptorActorPool !== null) {
this._workerDescriptorActorPool = null;
if (this._dbg) {
this._dbg = null;
// Emit a last event before calling Actor.destroy
// which will destroy the EventEmitter API
this.emit("destroyed", { isTargetSwitching, isModeSwitching });
// Destroy BaseTargetActor before nullifying docShell in case any child actor queries the window/docShell.
this.docShell = null;
this._extraActors = null;
* Return true if the given global is associated with this window global and should
* be added as a debuggee, false otherwise.
_shouldAddNewGlobalAsDebuggee(wrappedGlobal) {
// Otherwise, check if it is a WebExtension content script sandbox
const global = unwrapDebuggerObjectGlobal(wrappedGlobal);
if (!global) {
return false;
// Check if the global is a sdk page-mod sandbox.
let metadata = {};
let id = "";
try {
id = getInnerId(this.window);
metadata = Cu.getSandboxMetadata(global);
} catch (e) {
// ignore
if (metadata?.["inner-window-id"] && metadata["inner-window-id"] == id) {
return true;
return false;
_watchDocshells() {
// If for some unexpected reason, the actor is immediately destroyed,
// avoid registering leaking observer listener.
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
// This method is called asynchronously and the document may have been destroyed in the meantime.
// In such case, automatically destroy the target actor.
if (this.docShell.isBeingDestroyed()) {
// In child processes, we watch all docshells living in the process.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webnavigation-create");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webnavigation-destroy");
this._docShellsObserved = true;
// We watch for all child docshells under the current document,;
// And list all already existing ones.
_unwatchDocshells() {
if (this._progressListener) {
this._progressListener = null;
this._originalWindow = null;
// Removes the observers being set in _watchDocshells, but only
// if _watchDocshells has been called. The target actor may be immediately destroyed
// and doesn't have time to register them.
// (Calling removeObserver without having called addObserver throws)
if (this._docShellsObserved) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "webnavigation-create");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "webnavigation-destroy");
this._docShellsObserved = false;
_unwatchDocShell(docShell) {
if (this._progressListener) {
switchToFrame(request) {
const windowId = request.windowId;
let win;
try {
win = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(windowId);
} catch (e) {
// ignore
if (!win) {
throw {
error: "noWindow",
message: "The related docshell is destroyed or not found",
} else if (win == this.window) {
return {};
// Reply first before changing the document
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => this._changeTopLevelDocument(win));
return {};
listFrames() {
const windows = this._docShellsToWindows(this.docShells);
return { frames: windows };
ensureWorkerDescriptorActorList() {
if (this._workerDescriptorActorList === null) {
this._workerDescriptorActorList = new WorkerDescriptorActorList(
type: Ci.nsIWorkerDebugger.TYPE_DEDICATED,
window: this.window,
return this._workerDescriptorActorList;
pauseWorkersUntilAttach(shouldPause) {
listWorkers() {
return this.ensureWorkerDescriptorActorList()
.then(actors => {
const pool = new Pool(this.conn, "worker-targets");
for (const actor of actors) {
// Do not destroy the pool before transfering ownership to the newly created
// pool, so that we do not accidently destroy actors that are still in use.
if (this._workerDescriptorActorPool) {
this._workerDescriptorActorPool = pool;
this._workerDescriptorActorList.onListChanged =
return {
workers: actors,
logInPage(request) {
const { text, category, flags } = request;
const scriptErrorClass = Cc[";1"];
const scriptError = scriptErrorClass.createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptError);
return {};
_onWorkerDescriptorActorListChanged() {
this._workerDescriptorActorList.onListChanged = null;
_onConsoleApiProfilerEvent() {
// TODO: We will receive console-api-profiler events for any browser running
// in the same process as this target. We should filter irrelevant events,
// but console-api-profiler currently doesn't emit any information to identify
// the origin of the event. See Bug 1731033.
// The new performance panel is not compatible with console.profile().
const warningFlag = 1;
"console.profile is not compatible with the new Performance recorder. " +
category: "console.profile unavailable",
flags: warningFlag,
observe(subject, topic) {
// Ignore any event that comes before/after the actor is attached.
// That typically happens during Firefox shutdown.
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
if (topic == "webnavigation-create") {
} else if (topic == "webnavigation-destroy") {
_onDocShellCreated(docShell) {
// (chrome-)webnavigation-create is fired very early during docshell
// construction. In new root docshells within child processes, involving
// BrowserChild, this event is from within this call:
// whereas the chromeEventHandler (and most likely other stuff) is set
// later:
// So wait a tick before watching it:
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => {
// Bug 1142752: sometimes, the docshell appears to be immediately
// destroyed, bailout early to prevent random exceptions.
if (docShell.isBeingDestroyed()) {
// In child processes, we have new root docshells,
// let's watch them and all their child docshells.
if (this._isRootDocShell(docShell) && this.watchNewDocShells) {;
_onDocShellDestroy(docShell) {
// Stop watching this docshell (the unwatch() method will check if we
// started watching it before).
const webProgress = docShell
if (webProgress.DOMWindow == this._originalWindow) {
// If the original top level document we connected to is removed,
// we try to switch to any other top level document
const rootDocShells = this.docShells.filter(d => {
// Ignore docshells without a working DOM Window.
// When we close firefox we have a chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml
// which is in process of being destroyed and we might try to fallback to it.
// Unfortunately docshell.isBeingDestroyed() doesn't return true...
return d != this.docShell && this._isRootDocShell(d) && d.DOMWindow;
if (rootDocShells.length) {
const newRoot = rootDocShells[0];
this._originalWindow = newRoot.DOMWindow;
} else {
// If for some reason (typically during Firefox shutdown), the original
// document is destroyed, and there is no other top level docshell,
// we detach the actor to unregister all listeners and prevent any
// exception.
// If the currently targeted window global is destroyed, and we aren't on
// the top-level document, we have to switch to the top-level one.
if (
webProgress.DOMWindow == this.window &&
this.window != this._originalWindow
) {
_isRootDocShell(docShell) {
// Should report as root docshell:
// - New top level window's docshells, when using ParentProcessTargetActor against a
// process. It allows tracking iframes of the newly opened windows
// like Browser console or new browser windows.
// - MozActivities or frames on B2G, where a new root docshell
// is spawn in the child process of the app.
return !docShell.parent;
_docShellToWindow(docShell) {
const webProgress = docShell
const window = webProgress.DOMWindow;
const id = docShell.outerWindowID;
let parentID = undefined;
// Ignore the parent of the original document on non-e10s firefox,
// as we get the xul window as parent and don't care about it.
// Furthermore, ignore setting parentID when parent window is same as
// current window in order to deal with front end. e.g. toolbox will be fall
// into infinite loop due to recursive search with by using parent id.
if (
window.parent &&
window.parent != window &&
window != this._originalWindow
) {
parentID = window.parent.docShell.outerWindowID;
return {
isTopLevel: window == this.originalWindow && this.isTopLevelTarget,
url: window.location.href,
title: window.document.title,
// Convert docShell list to windows objects list being sent to the client
_docShellsToWindows(docshells) {
return docshells
.filter(docShell => {
// Ensure docShell.document is available.
// don't include transient about:blank documents
if (docShell.document.isInitialDocument) {
return false;
return true;
.map(docShell => this._docShellToWindow(docShell));
_notifyDocShellsUpdate(docshells) {
// Only top level target uses frameUpdate in order to update the iframe dropdown.
// This may eventually be replaced by Target listening and target switching.
if (!this.isTopLevelTarget) {
const windows = this._docShellsToWindows(docshells);
// Do not send the `frameUpdate` event if the windows array is empty.
if (!windows.length) {
this.emit("frameUpdate", {
frames: windows,
_updateChildDocShells() {
_notifyDocShellDestroy(webProgress) {
// Only top level target uses frameUpdate in order to update the iframe dropdown.
// This may eventually be replaced by Target listening and target switching.
if (!this.isTopLevelTarget) {
webProgress = webProgress.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress);
const id = webProgress.DOMWindow.docShell.outerWindowID;
this.emit("frameUpdate", {
frames: [
destroy: true,
* Creates and manages the thread actor as part of the Browsing Context Target pool.
* This sets up the content window for being debugged
_createThreadActor() {
this.threadActor = new ThreadActor(this);
* Exits the current thread actor and removes it from the Browsing Context Target pool.
* The content window is no longer being debugged after this call.
_destroyThreadActor() {
if (this.threadActor) {
this.threadActor = null;
if (this._sourcesManager) {
this._sourcesManager = null;
// Protocol Request Handlers
detach() {
// Destroy the actor in the next event loop in order
// to ensure responding to the `detach` request.
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => {
return {};
* Bring the window global's window to front.
focus() {
if (this.window) {
return {};
goForward() {
// Wait a tick so that the response packet can be dispatched before the
// subsequent navigation event packet.
DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
// This won't work while the browser is shutting down and we don't really
// care.
if (Services.startup.shuttingDown) {
}, "WindowGlobalTargetActor.prototype.goForward's delayed body")
return {};
goBack() {
// Wait a tick so that the response packet can be dispatched before the
// subsequent navigation event packet.
DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
// This won't work while the browser is shutting down and we don't really
// care.
if (Services.startup.shuttingDown) {
}, "WindowGlobalTargetActor.prototype.goBack's delayed body")
return {};
* Reload the page in this window global.
* @backward-compat { legacy }
* reload is preserved for third party tools. See Bug 1717837.
* DevTools should use Descriptor::reloadDescriptor instead.
reload(request) {
const force = request?.options?.force;
// Wait a tick so that the response packet can be dispatched before the
// subsequent navigation event packet.
DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
// This won't work while the browser is shutting down and we don't really
// care.
if (Services.startup.shuttingDown) {
: Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE
}, "WindowGlobalTargetActor.prototype.reload's delayed body")
return {};
* Navigate this window global to a new location
navigateTo(request) {
// Wait a tick so that the response packet can be dispatched before the
// subsequent navigation event packet.
DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(() => {
this.window.location = request.url;
}, "WindowGlobalTargetActor.prototype.navigateTo's delayed body:" + request.url)
return {};
* For browsing-context targets which can't use the watcher configuration
* actor (eg webextension targets), the client directly calls `reconfigure`.
* Once all targets support the watcher, this method can be removed.
reconfigure(request) {
const options = request.options || {};
return this.updateTargetConfiguration(options);
* Apply target-specific options.
* This will be called by the watcher when the DevTools target-configuration
* is updated, or when a target is created via JSWindowActors.
updateTargetConfiguration(options = {}, calledFromDocumentCreation = false) {
if (!this.docShell) {
// The window global is already closed.
// Also update configurations which applies to all target types
super.updateTargetConfiguration(options, calledFromDocumentCreation);
let reload = false;
if (typeof options.touchEventsOverride !== "undefined") {
const enableTouchSimulator = options.touchEventsOverride === "enabled";
// We want to reload the document if it's an "existing" top level target on which
// the touch simulator will be toggled and the user has turned the
// "reload on touch simulation" setting on.
if (
enableTouchSimulator !== this.touchSimulator.enabled &&
options.reloadOnTouchSimulationToggle === true &&
this.isTopLevelTarget &&
) {
reload = true;
if (enableTouchSimulator) {
} else {
if (typeof options.customFormatters !== "undefined") {
this.customFormatters = options.customFormatters;
if (typeof options.useSimpleHighlightersForReducedMotion == "boolean") {
this._useSimpleHighlightersForReducedMotion =
if (!this.isTopLevelTarget) {
// Following DevTools target options should only apply to the top target and be
// propagated through the window global tree via the platform.
if (typeof options.restoreFocus == "boolean") {
this._restoreFocus = options.restoreFocus;
if (typeof options.recordAllocations == "object") {
const actor = this._memoryActor;
if (options.recordAllocations == null) {
} else {
if (reload) {
get touchSimulator() {
if (!this._touchSimulator) {
this._touchSimulator = new TouchSimulator(this.chromeEventHandler);
return this._touchSimulator;
* Opposite of the updateTargetConfiguration method, that resets document
* state when closing the toolbox.
_restoreTargetConfiguration() {
if (this._restoreFocus && this.browsingContext?.isActive) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// When closing devtools while navigating, focus() may throw NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO
throw e;
_changeTopLevelDocument(window) {
// In case of WebExtension, still using one WindowGlobalTarget instance for many document,
// when reloading the add-on we might not destroy the previous target and wait for the next
// one to come and destroy it.
if (this.window) {
// Fake a will-navigate on the previous document
// to let a chance to unregister it
window: this.window,
newURI: window.location.href,
request: null,
isFrameSwitching: true,
this._windowDestroyed(this.window, {
isFrozen: true,
isFrameSwitching: true,
// Immediately change the window as this window, if in process of unload
// may already be non working on the next cycle and start throwing
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => {
// No need to do anything more if the actor is destroyed.
// e.g. the client has been closed and the actors destroyed in the meantime.
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
// Then fake window-ready and navigate on the given document
this._windowReady(window, { isFrameSwitching: true });
DevToolsUtils.executeSoon(() => {
this._navigate(window, true);
_setWindow(window) {
// Here is the very important call where we switch the currently targeted
// window global (it will indirectly update this.window and many other
// attributes defined from docShell).
this.docShell = window.docShell;
this.emit("frameUpdate", {
selected: this.outerWindowID,
* Handle location changes, by clearing the previous debuggees and enabling
* debugging, which may have been disabled temporarily by the
* DebuggerProgressListener.
_windowReady(window, { isFrameSwitching, isBFCache } = {}) {
if (this.ignoreSubFrames) {
const isTopLevel = window == this.window;
// We just reset iframe list on WillNavigate, so we now list all existing
// frames when we load a new document in the original window
if (window == this._originalWindow && !isFrameSwitching) {
// If this follows WindowGlobal lifecycle, a new Target actor will be spawn for the top level
// target document. Only notify about in-process iframes.
// Note that OOP iframes won't emit window-ready and will also have their dedicated target.
// Also, we allow window-ready to be fired for iframe switching of top level documents,
// otherwise the iframe dropdown no longer works with server side targets.
if (this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle && isTopLevel && !isFrameSwitching) {
this.emit("window-ready", {
id: getWindowID(window),
{ id = null, isFrozen = false, isFrameSwitching = false }
) {
if (this.ignoreSubFrames) {
const isTopLevel = window == this.window;
// If this follows WindowGlobal lifecycle, this target will be destroyed, alongside its top level document.
// Only notify about in-process iframes.
// Note that OOP iframes won't emit window-ready and will also have their dedicated target.
// Also, we allow window-destroyed to be fired for iframe switching of top level documents,
// otherwise the iframe dropdown no longer works with server side targets.
if (this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle && isTopLevel && !isFrameSwitching) {
this.emit("window-destroyed", {
id: id || getWindowID(window),
* Start notifying server and client about a new document being loaded in the
* currently targeted window global.
isFrameSwitching = false,
}) {
if (this.ignoreSubFrames) {
let isTopLevel = window == this.window;
let reset = false;
if (window == this._originalWindow && !isFrameSwitching) {
// If the top level document changes and we are targeting an iframe, we
// need to reset to the upcoming new top level document. But for this
// will-navigate event, we will dispatch on the old window. (The inspector
// codebase expect to receive will-navigate for the currently displayed
// document in order to cleanup the markup view)
if (this.window != this._originalWindow) {
reset = true;
window = this.window;
isTopLevel = true;
// will-navigate event needs to be dispatched synchronously, by calling the
// listeners in the order or registration. This event fires once navigation
// starts, (all pending user prompts are dealt with), but before the first
// request starts.
this.emit("will-navigate", {
// We don't do anything for inner frames here.
// (we will only update thread actor on window-ready)
if (!isTopLevel) {
// When the actor acts as a WindowGlobalTarget, will-navigate won't fired.
// Instead we will receive a new top level target with isTargetSwitching=true.
if (!this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle) {
this.emit("tabNavigated", {
url: newURI,
state: "start",
if (reset) {
* Notify server and client about a new document done loading in the current
* targeted window global.
_navigate(window, isFrameSwitching = false) {
if (this.ignoreSubFrames) {
const isTopLevel = window == this.window;
// navigate event needs to be dispatched synchronously,
// by calling the listeners in the order or registration.
// This event is fired once the document is loaded,
// after the load event, it's document ready-state is 'complete'.
this.emit("navigate", {
// We don't do anything for inner frames here.
// (we will only update thread actor on window-ready)
if (!isTopLevel) {
// We may still significate when the document is done loading, via navigate.
// But as we no longer fire the "will-navigate", may be it is better to find
// other ways to get to our means.
// Listening to "navigate" is misleading as the document may already be loaded
// if we just opened the DevTools. So it is better to use "watch" pattern
// and instead have the actor either emit immediately resources as they are
// already available, or later on as the load progresses.
if (this.followWindowGlobalLifeCycle) {
this.emit("tabNavigated", {
url: this.url,
title: this.title,
state: "stop",
removeActorByName(name) {
if (name in this._extraActors) {
const actor = this._extraActors[name];
if (this._targetScopedActorPool.has(actor)) {
delete this._extraActors[name];
exports.WindowGlobalTargetActor = WindowGlobalTargetActor;
class DebuggerProgressListener {
* The DebuggerProgressListener class is an nsIWebProgressListener which
* handles onStateChange events for the targeted window global. If the user
* tries to navigate away from a paused page, the listener makes sure that the
* debuggee is resumed before the navigation begins.
* @param WindowGlobalTargetActor targetActor
* The window global target actor associated with this listener.
constructor(targetActor) {
this._targetActor = targetActor;
this._onWindowCreated = this.onWindowCreated.bind(this);
this._onWindowHidden = this.onWindowHidden.bind(this);
// Watch for windows destroyed (global observer that will need filtering)
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");
// XXX: for now we maintain the list of windows we know about in this instance
// so that we can discriminate windows we care about when observing
// inner-window-destroyed events. Bug 1016952 would remove the need for this.
this._knownWindowIDs = new Map();
this._watchedDocShells = new WeakSet();
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([
destroy() {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");
this._knownWindowIDs = null;
watch(docShell) {
// Add the docshell to the watched set. We're actually adding the window,
// because docShell objects are not wrappercached and would be rejected
// by the WeakSet.
const docShellWindow = docShell.domWindow;
const webProgress = docShell
const handler = getDocShellChromeEventHandler(docShell);
handler.addEventListener("DOMWindowCreated", this._onWindowCreated, true);
handler.addEventListener("pageshow", this._onWindowCreated, true);
handler.addEventListener("pagehide", this._onWindowHidden, true);
// Dispatch the _windowReady event on the targetActor for pre-existing windows
const windows = this._targetActor.ignoreSubFrames
? [docShellWindow]
: this._getWindowsInDocShell(docShell);
for (const win of windows) {
this._knownWindowIDs.set(getWindowID(win), win);
// Immediately enable CSS error reports on new top level docshells, if this was already enabled.
// This is specific to MBT and WebExtension targets (so the isRootActor check).
if (
this._targetActor.isRootActor &&
) {
docShell.cssErrorReportingEnabled = true;
unwatch(docShell) {
// If the docshell is being destroyed, we won't be able to retrieve its related window object,
// which is the key ingredient for all cleanup operations done in this method.
if (docShell.isBeingDestroyed()) {
const docShellWindow = docShell.domWindow;
if (!this._watchedDocShells.has(docShellWindow)) {
const webProgress = docShell
// During process shutdown, the docshell may already be cleaned up and throw
try {
} catch (e) {
// ignore
const handler = getDocShellChromeEventHandler(docShell);
handler.removeEventListener("pageshow", this._onWindowCreated, true);
handler.removeEventListener("pagehide", this._onWindowHidden, true);
const windows = this._targetActor.ignoreSubFrames
? [docShellWindow]
: this._getWindowsInDocShell(docShell);
for (const win of windows) {
_getWindowsInDocShell(docShell) {
return getChildDocShells(docShell).map(d => {
return d.domWindow;
onWindowCreated = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function (evt) {
if (this._targetActor.isDestroyed()) {
// If we're in a frame swap (which occurs when toggling RDM, for example), then we can
// ignore this event, as the window never really went anywhere for our purposes.
if (evt.inFrameSwap) {
const window =;
if (!window) {
// Some old UIs might emit unrelated events called pageshow/pagehide on
// elements which are not documents. Bail in this case. See Bug 1669666.
const innerID = getWindowID(window);
// This handler is called for two events: "DOMWindowCreated" and "pageshow".
// Bail out if we already processed this window.
if (this._knownWindowIDs.has(innerID)) {
this._knownWindowIDs.set(innerID, window);
// For a regular page navigation, "DOMWindowCreated" is fired before
// "pageshow". If the current event is "pageshow" but we have not processed
// the window yet, it means this is a BF cache navigation. In theory,
// `event.persisted` should be set for BF cache navigation events, but it is
// not always available, so we fallback on checking if "pageshow" is the
// first event received for a given window (see Bug 1378133).
const isBFCache = evt.type == "pageshow";
this._targetActor._windowReady(window, { isBFCache });
}, "DebuggerProgressListener.prototype.onWindowCreated");
onWindowHidden = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function (evt) {
if (this._targetActor.isDestroyed()) {
// If we're in a frame swap (which occurs when toggling RDM, for example), then we can
// ignore this event, as the window isn't really going anywhere for our purposes.
if (evt.inFrameSwap) {
// Only act as if the window has been destroyed if the 'pagehide' event
// was sent for a persisted window (persisted is set when the page is put
// and frozen in the bfcache). If the page isn't persisted, the observer's
// inner-window-destroyed event will handle it.
if (!evt.persisted) {
const window =;
if (!window) {
// Some old UIs might emit unrelated events called pageshow/pagehide on
// elements which are not documents. Bail in this case. See Bug 1669666.
this._targetActor._windowDestroyed(window, { isFrozen: true });
}, "DebuggerProgressListener.prototype.onWindowHidden");
observe = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function (subject) {
if (this._targetActor.isDestroyed()) {
// Because this observer will be called for all inner-window-destroyed in
// the application, we need to filter out events for windows we are not
// watching
const innerID = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
const window = this._knownWindowIDs.get(innerID);
if (window) {
this._targetActor._windowDestroyed(window, { id: innerID });
// Bug 1598364: when debugging browser.xhtml from the Browser Toolbox
// the DOMWindowCreated/pageshow/pagehide event listeners have to be
// re-registered against the next document when we reload browser.html
// (or navigate to another doc).
// That's because we registered the listener on docShell.domWindow as
// top level windows don't have a chromeEventHandler.
if (
this._watchedDocShells.has(window) &&
) {
// First cleanup all the existing listeners
// Re-register new ones. The docShell is already referencing the new document.;
}, "DebuggerProgressListener.prototype.observe");
onStateChange = DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function (
) {
if (this._targetActor.isDestroyed()) {
if (progress.isBeingDestroyed()) {
const isStart = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
const isStop = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
const isDocument = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT;
const isWindow = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW;
// Ideally, we would fetch navigationStart from window.performance.timing.navigationStart
// but as WindowGlobal isn't instantiated yet we don't have access to it.
// This is ultimately handed over to DocumentEventListener, which uses this.
// See its comment about WILL_NAVIGATE_TIME_SHIFT for more details about the related workaround.
const navigationStart =;
// Catch any iframe location change
if (isDocument && isStop) {
// Watch document stop to ensure having the new iframe url.
const window = progress.DOMWindow;
if (isDocument && isStart) {
// One of the earliest events that tells us a new URI
// is being loaded in this window.
const newURI = request instanceof Ci.nsIChannel ? request.URI.spec : null;
isFrameSwitching: false,
if (isWindow && isStop) {
// Don't dispatch "navigate" event just yet when there is a redirect to
// about:neterror page.
// Navigating to about:neterror will make `status` be something else than NS_OK.
// But for some error like NS_BINDING_ABORTED we don't want to emit any `navigate`
// event as the page load has been cancelled and the related page document is going
// to be a dead wrapper.
if (
request.status != Cr.NS_OK &&
request.status != Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED
) {
// Instead, listen for DOMContentLoaded as about:neterror is loaded
// with LOAD_BACKGROUND flags and never dispatches load event.
// That may be the same reason why there is no onStateChange event
// for about:neterror loads.
const handler = getDocShellChromeEventHandler(progress);
const onLoad = evt => {
// Ignore events from iframes
if ( === window.document) {
handler.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad, true);
handler.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad, true);
} else {
// Somewhat equivalent of load event.
// (window.document.readyState == complete)