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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { Actor } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/style-rule.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/css/lexer.js");
const TrackChangeEmitter = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/track-change-emitter.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/utils/style-utils.js");
const {
style: { ELEMENT_STYLE },
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/constants.js");
const XHTML_NS = "";
* An actor that represents a CSS style object on the protocol.
* We slightly flatten the CSSOM for this actor, it represents
* both the CSSRule and CSSStyle objects in one actor. For nodes
* (which have a CSSStyle but no CSSRule) we create a StyleRuleActor
* with a special rule type (100).
class StyleRuleActor extends Actor {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {PageStyleActor} options.pageStyle
* @param {CSSStyleRule|Element} options.item
* @param {Boolean} options.userAdded: Optional boolean to distinguish rules added by the user.
* @param {String} options.pseudoElement An optional pseudo-element type in cases when
* the CSS rule applies to a pseudo-element.
constructor({ pageStyle, item, userAdded = false, pseudoElement = null }) {
super(pageStyle.conn, styleRuleSpec);
this.pageStyle = pageStyle;
this.rawStyle =;
this._userAdded = userAdded;
this._pseudoElement = pseudoElement;
this._parentSheet = null;
// Parsed CSS declarations from this.form().declarations used to check CSS property
// names and values before tracking changes. Using cached values instead of accessing
// this.form().declarations on demand because that would cause needless re-parsing.
this._declarations = [];
this._pendingDeclarationChanges = [];
this._failedToGetRuleText = false;
if (CSSRule.isInstance(item)) {
this.type = item.type;
this.ruleClassName = ChromeUtils.getClassName(item);
this.rawRule = item;
if (this.#isRuleSupported() && this.rawRule.parentStyleSheet) {
this.line = InspectorUtils.getRelativeRuleLine(this.rawRule);
this.column = InspectorUtils.getRuleColumn(this.rawRule);
this._parentSheet = this.rawRule.parentStyleSheet;
} else {
// Fake a rule
this.type = ELEMENT_STYLE;
this.ruleClassName = ELEMENT_STYLE;
this.rawNode = item;
this.rawRule = {
toString() {
return "[element rule " + + "]";
destroy() {
if (!this.rawStyle) {
this.rawStyle = null;
this.pageStyle = null;
this.rawNode = null;
this.rawRule = null;
this._declarations = null;
// Objects returned by this actor are owned by the PageStyleActor
// to which this rule belongs.
get marshallPool() {
return this.pageStyle;
// True if this rule supports as-authored styles, meaning that the
// rule text can be rewritten using setRuleText.
get canSetRuleText() {
if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
// Element styles are always editable.
return true;
if (!this._parentSheet) {
return false;
if (InspectorUtils.hasRulesModifiedByCSSOM(this._parentSheet)) {
// If a rule has been modified via CSSOM, then we should fall back to
// non-authored editing.
return false;
return true;
* Return an array with StyleRuleActor instances for each of this rule's ancestor rules
* (@media, @supports, @keyframes, etc) obtained by recursively reading rule.parentRule.
* If the rule has no ancestors, return an empty array.
* @return {Array}
get ancestorRules() {
const ancestors = [];
let rule = this.rawRule;
while (rule.parentRule) {
rule = rule.parentRule;
return ancestors;
* Return an object with information about this rule used for tracking changes.
* It will be decorated with information about a CSS change before being tracked.
* It contains:
* - the rule selector (or generated selectror for inline styles)
* - the rule's host stylesheet (or element for inline styles)
* - the rule's ancestor rules (@media, @supports, @keyframes), if any
* - the rule's position within its ancestor tree, if any
* @return {Object}
get metadata() {
const data = {}; = this.actorID;
// Collect information about the rule's ancestors (@media, @supports, @keyframes, parent rules).
// Used to show context for this change in the UI and to match the rule for undo/redo.
data.ancestors = => {
const ancestorData = {
id: rule.actorID,
// Array with the indexes of this rule and its ancestors within the CSS rule tree.
ruleIndex: rule._ruleIndex,
// Rule type as human-readable string (ex: "@media", "@supports", "@keyframes")
const typeName = SharedCssLogic.getCSSAtRuleTypeName(rule.rawRule);
if (typeName) {
ancestorData.typeName = typeName;
// Conditions of @container, @media and @supports rules (ex: "min-width: 1em")
if (rule.rawRule.conditionText !== undefined) {
ancestorData.conditionText = rule.rawRule.conditionText;
// Name of @keyframes rule; referenced by the animation-name CSS property.
if ( !== undefined) { =;
// Selector of individual @keyframe rule within a @keyframes rule (ex: 0%, 100%).
if (rule.rawRule.keyText !== undefined) {
ancestorData.keyText = rule.rawRule.keyText;
// Selector of the rule; might be useful in case for nested rules
if (rule.rawRule.selectorText !== undefined) {
ancestorData.selectorText = rule.rawRule.selectorText;
return ancestorData;
// For changes in element style attributes, generate a unique selector.
if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE && this.rawNode) {
// findCssSelector() fails on XUL documents. Catch and silently ignore that error.
try {
data.selector = SharedCssLogic.findCssSelector(this.rawNode);
} catch (err) {}
data.source = {
type: "element",
// Used to differentiate between elements which match the same generated selector
// but live in different documents (ex: host document and iframe).
href: this.rawNode.baseURI,
// Element style attributes don't have a rule index; use the generated selector.
index: data.selector,
// Whether the element lives in a different frame than the host document.
isFramed: this.rawNode.ownerGlobal !== this.pageStyle.ownerWindow,
const nodeActor = this.pageStyle.walker.getNode(this.rawNode);
if (nodeActor) { = nodeActor.actorID;
data.ruleIndex = 0;
} else {
data.selector =
this.ruleClassName === "CSSKeyframeRule"
? this.rawRule.keyText
: this.rawRule.selectorText;
// Used to differentiate between changes to rules with identical selectors.
data.ruleIndex = this._ruleIndex;
const sheet = this._parentSheet;
const inspectorActor = this.pageStyle.inspector;
const resourceId =
const styleSheetIndex =
data.source = {
// Inline stylesheets have a null href; Use window URL instead.
type: sheet.href ? "stylesheet" : "inline",
href: sheet.href || inspectorActor.window.location.toString(),
id: resourceId,
index: styleSheetIndex,
// Whether the stylesheet lives in a different frame than the host document.
isFramed: inspectorActor.window !==,
return data;
* StyleRuleActor is spawned once per CSS Rule, but will be refreshed based on the
* currently selected DOM Element, which is updated when PageStyleActor.getApplied
* is called.
get currentlySelectedElement() {
let { selectedElement } = this.pageStyle;
if (!this._pseudoElement) {
return selectedElement;
// Otherwise, we can be in one of two cases:
// - we are selecting a pseudo element, and that pseudo element is referenced
// by `selectedElement`
// - we are selecting the pseudo element "parent", we need to walk down the tree
// from `selectedElemnt` to find the pseudo element.
const pseudo = this._pseudoElement.replaceAll(":", "");
const nodeName = `_moz_generated_content_${pseudo}`;
if (selectedElement.nodeName !== nodeName) {
const walker = new DocumentWalker(
for (let next = walker.firstChild(); next; next = walker.nextSibling()) {
if (next.nodeName === nodeName) {
selectedElement = next;
return selectedElement;
get currentlySelectedElementComputedStyle() {
if (!this._pseudoElement) {
return this.pageStyle.cssLogic.computedStyle;
const { selectedElement } = this.pageStyle;
return selectedElement.ownerGlobal.getComputedStyle(
getDocument(sheet) {
if (!sheet.associatedDocument) {
throw new Error(
"Failed trying to get the document of an invalid stylesheet"
return sheet.associatedDocument;
toString() {
return "[StyleRuleActor for " + this.rawRule + "]";
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
form() {
const form = {
actor: this.actorID,
type: this.type,
line: this.line || undefined,
column: this.column,
traits: {
// Indicates whether StyleRuleActor implements and can use the setRuleText method.
// It cannot use it if the stylesheet was programmatically mutated via the CSSOM.
canSetRuleText: this.canSetRuleText,
// This rule was manually added by the user and may be automatically focused by the frontend.
if (this._userAdded) {
form.userAdded = true;
form.ancestorData = this._getAncestorDataForForm();
if (this._parentSheet) {
form.parentStyleSheet =
// One tricky thing here is that other methods in this actor must
// ensure that authoredText has been set before |form| is called.
// This has to be treated specially, for now, because we cannot
// synchronously compute the authored text, but |form| also cannot
// return a promise. See bug 1205868.
form.authoredText = this.authoredText;
switch (this.ruleClassName) {
case "CSSNestedDeclarations":
form.isNestedDeclarations = true;
form.selectors = [];
form.selectorsSpecificity = [];
form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
case "CSSStyleRule":
form.selectors = [];
form.selectorsSpecificity = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this.rawRule.selectorCount; i < len; i++) {
/* desugared, so we get the actual specificity */ true
// Only add the property when there are elements in the array to save up on serialization.
const selectorWarnings = this.rawRule.getSelectorWarnings();
if (selectorWarnings.length) {
form.selectorWarnings = selectorWarnings;
form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
// Elements don't have a parent stylesheet, and therefore
// don't have an associated URI. Provide a URI for
// those.
const doc = this.rawNode.ownerDocument;
form.href = doc.location ? doc.location.href : "";
form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
form.authoredText = this.rawNode.getAttribute("style");
case "CSSCharsetRule":
form.encoding = this.rawRule.encoding;
case "CSSImportRule":
form.href = this.rawRule.href;
case "CSSKeyframesRule":
form.cssText = this.rawRule.cssText; =;
case "CSSKeyframeRule":
form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
form.keyText = this.rawRule.keyText || "";
// Parse the text into a list of declarations so the client doesn't have to
// and so that we can safely determine if a declaration is valid rather than
// have the client guess it.
if (form.authoredText || form.cssText) {
// authoredText may be an empty string when deleting all properties; it's ok to use.
const cssText =
typeof form.authoredText === "string"
? form.authoredText
: form.cssText;
const declarations = parseNamedDeclarations(
const el = this.currentlySelectedElement;
const style = this.currentlySelectedElementComputedStyle;
// Whether the stylesheet is a user-agent stylesheet. This affects the
// validity of some properties and property values.
const userAgent =
this._parentSheet &&
// Whether the stylesheet is a chrome stylesheet. Ditto.
// Note that chrome rules are also enabled in user sheets, see
// ParserContext::chrome_rules_enabled().
const chrome = (() => {
if (!this._parentSheet) {
return false;
if (SharedCssLogic.isUserStylesheet(this._parentSheet)) {
return true;
if (this._parentSheet.href) {
return this._parentSheet.href.startsWith("chrome:");
return el && el.ownerDocument.documentURI.startsWith("chrome:");
// Whether the document is in quirks mode. This affects whether stuff
// like `width: 10` is valid.
const quirks =
!userAgent && el && el.ownerDocument.compatMode == "BackCompat";
const supportsOptions = { userAgent, chrome, quirks };
const targetDocument =
let registeredProperties;
form.declarations = => {
// InspectorUtils.supports only supports the 1-arg version, but that's
// what we want to do anyways so that we also accept !important in the
// value.
decl.isValid = InspectorUtils.supports(
// TODO: convert from Object to Boolean. See Bug 1574471
decl.isUsed = isPropertyUsed(el, style, this.rawRule,;
// Check property name. All valid CSS properties support "initial" as a value.
decl.isNameValid = InspectorUtils.supports(
if (SharedCssLogic.isCssVariable( {
decl.isCustomProperty = true;
decl.computedValue = style.getPropertyValue(;
// If the variable is a registered property, we check if the variable is
// invalid at computed-value time (e.g. if the declaration value matches
// the `syntax` defined in the registered property)
if (!registeredProperties) {
registeredProperties =
const registeredProperty = registeredProperties.find(
prop => ===
if (
registeredProperty &&
// For now, we don't handle variable based on top of other variables. This would
// require to build some kind of dependency tree and check the validity for
// all the leaves.
!decl.value.includes("var(") &&
) {
// if the value doesn't match the syntax, it's invalid
decl.invalidAtComputedValueTime = true;
// pass the syntax down to the client so it can easily be used in a warning message
decl.syntax = registeredProperty.syntax;
// We only compute `inherits` for css variable declarations.
// For "regular" declaration, we use `CssPropertiesFront.isInherited`,
// which doesn't depend on the state of the document (a given property will
// always have the same isInherited value).
// CSS variables on the other hand can be registered custom properties (e.g.,
// `@property`/`CSS.registerProperty`), with a `inherits` definition that can
// be true or false.
// As such custom properties can be registered at any time during the page
// lifecycle, we always recompute the `inherits` information for CSS variables.
decl.inherits = InspectorUtils.isInheritedProperty(
return decl;
// We have computed the new `declarations` array, before forgetting about
// the old declarations compute the CSS changes for pending modifications
// applied by the user. Comparing the old and new declarations arrays
// ensures we only rely on values understood by the engine and not authored
// values. See Bug 1590031.
this._pendingDeclarationChanges.forEach(change =>
this.logDeclarationChange(change, declarations, this._declarations)
this._pendingDeclarationChanges = [];
// Cache parsed declarations so we don't needlessly re-parse authoredText every time
// we need to check previous property names and values when tracking changes.
this._declarations = declarations;
return form;
* @returns {Array<Object>} ancestorData: An array of ancestor item data
_getAncestorDataForForm() {
const ancestorData = [];
// We don't want to compute ancestor rules for keyframe rule, as they can only be
// in @keyframes rules.
if (this.ruleClassName === "CSSKeyframeRule") {
return ancestorData;
// Go through all ancestor so we can build an array of all the media queries and
// layers this rule is in.
for (const ancestorRule of this.ancestorRules) {
const rawRule = ancestorRule.rawRule;
const ruleClassName = ChromeUtils.getClassName(rawRule);
const type = SharedCssLogic.CSSAtRuleClassNameType[ruleClassName];
if (ruleClassName === "CSSMediaRule" && {
value: Array.from(", "),
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSLayerBlockRule") {
// we need the actorID so we can uniquely identify nameless layers on the client
actorID: ancestorRule.actorID,
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSContainerRule") {
// Send containerName and containerQuery separately (instead of conditionText)
// so the client has more flexibility to display the information.
containerName: rawRule.containerName,
containerQuery: rawRule.containerQuery,
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSSupportsRule") {
conditionText: rawRule.conditionText,
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSScopeRule") {
start: rawRule.start,
end: rawRule.end,
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSStartingStyleRule") {
} else if (rawRule.selectorText) {
// All the previous cases where about at-rules; this one is for regular rule
// that are ancestors because CSS nesting was used.
// In such case, we want to return the selectorText so it can be displayed in the UI.
const ancestor = {
selectors: CssLogic.getSelectors(rawRule),
// Only add the property when there are elements in the array to save up on serialization.
const selectorWarnings = rawRule.getSelectorWarnings();
if (selectorWarnings.length) {
ancestor.selectorWarnings = selectorWarnings;
if (this._parentSheet) {
// Loop through all parent stylesheets to get the whole list of @import rules.
let rule = this.rawRule;
while ((rule = rule.parentStyleSheet?.ownerRule)) {
// If the rule is in a imported stylesheet with a specified layer
if (rule.layerName !== null) {
// Put the item at the top of the ancestor data array, as we're going up
// in the stylesheet hierarchy, and we want to display ancestor rules in the
// orders they're applied.
type: "layer",
value: rule.layerName,
// If the rule is in a imported stylesheet with specified media/supports conditions
if ( || rule.supportsText) {
const parts = [];
if (rule.supportsText) {
if ( {
// Put the item at the top of the ancestor data array, as we're going up
// in the stylesheet hierarchy, and we want to display ancestor rules in the
// orders they're applied.
type: "import",
value: parts.join(" "),
return ancestorData;
* Send an event notifying that the location of the rule has
* changed.
* @param {Number} line the new line number
* @param {Number} column the new column number
_notifyLocationChanged(line, column) {
this.emit("location-changed", line, column);
* Compute the index of this actor's raw rule in its parent style
* sheet. The index is a vector where each element is the index of
* a given CSS rule in its parent. A vector is used to support
* nested rules.
_computeRuleIndex() {
const index = InspectorUtils.getRuleIndex(this.rawRule);
this._ruleIndex = index.length ? index : null;
* Get the rule corresponding to |this._ruleIndex| from the given
* style sheet.
* @param {DOMStyleSheet} sheet
* The style sheet.
* @return {CSSStyleRule} the rule corresponding to
* |this._ruleIndex|
_getRuleFromIndex(parentSheet) {
let currentRule = null;
for (const i of this._ruleIndex) {
if (currentRule === null) {
currentRule = parentSheet.cssRules[i];
} else {
currentRule = currentRule.cssRules.item(i);
return currentRule;
* Called from PageStyle actor _onStylesheetUpdated.
onStyleApplied(kind) {
if (kind === UPDATE_GENERAL) {
// A general change means that the rule actors are invalidated, nothing
// to do here.
if (this._ruleIndex) {
// The sheet was updated by this actor, in a way that preserves
// the rules. Now, recompute our new rule from the style sheet,
// so that we aren't left with a reference to a dangling rule.
const oldRule = this.rawRule;
const oldActor = this.pageStyle.refMap.get(oldRule);
this.rawRule = this._getRuleFromIndex(this._parentSheet);
if (oldActor) {
// Also tell the page style so that future calls to _styleRef
// return the same StyleRuleActor.
this.pageStyle.updateStyleRef(oldRule, this.rawRule, this);
const line = InspectorUtils.getRelativeRuleLine(this.rawRule);
const column = InspectorUtils.getRuleColumn(this.rawRule);
if (line !== this.line || column !== this.column) {
this._notifyLocationChanged(line, column);
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
#isRuleSupported() {
// this.rawRule might not be an actual CSSRule (e.g. when this represent an element style),
// and in such case, ChromeUtils.getClassName will throw
try {
const ruleClassName = ChromeUtils.getClassName(this.rawRule);
return this.#SUPPORTED_RULES_CLASSNAMES.has(ruleClassName);
} catch (e) {}
return false;
* Return a promise that resolves to the authored form of a rule's
* text, if available. If the authored form is not available, the
* returned promise simply resolves to the empty string. If the
* authored form is available, this also sets |this.authoredText|.
* The authored text will include invalid and otherwise ignored
* properties.
* @param {Boolean} skipCache
* If a value for authoredText was previously found and cached,
* ignore it and parse the stylehseet again. The authoredText
* may be outdated if a descendant of this rule has changed.
async getAuthoredCssText(skipCache = false) {
if (!this.canSetRuleText || !this.#isRuleSupported()) {
return "";
if (!skipCache) {
if (this._failedToGetRuleText) {
return "";
if (typeof this.authoredText === "string") {
return this.authoredText;
try {
if (this.ruleClassName == "CSSNestedDeclarations") {
throw new Error("getRuleText doesn't deal well with bare declarations");
const resourceId =
const cssText = await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.getText(
const text = getRuleText(cssText, this.line, this.column);
// Cache the result on the rule actor to avoid parsing again next time
this._failedToGetRuleText = false;
this.authoredText = text;
} catch (e) {
this._failedToGetRuleText = true;
this.authoredText = undefined;
return "";
return this.authoredText;
* Return a promise that resolves to the complete cssText of the rule as authored.
* Unlike |getAuthoredCssText()|, which only returns the contents of the rule, this
* method includes the CSS selectors and at-rules (@media, @supports, @keyframes, etc.)
* If the rule type is unrecongized, the promise resolves to an empty string.
* If the rule is an element inline style, the promise resolves with the generated
* selector that uniquely identifies the element and with the rule body consisting of
* the element's style attribute.
* @return {String}
async getRuleText() {
// Bail out if the rule is not supported or not an element inline style.
if (!this.#isRuleSupported(true) && this.type !== ELEMENT_STYLE) {
return "";
let ruleBodyText;
let selectorText;
// For element inline styles, use the style attribute and generated unique selector.
if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
ruleBodyText = this.rawNode.getAttribute("style");
selectorText = this.metadata.selector;
} else {
// Get the rule's authored text and skip any cached value.
ruleBodyText = await this.getAuthoredCssText(true);
const resourceId =
const stylesheetText = await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.getText(
const [start, end] = getSelectorOffsets(
selectorText = stylesheetText.substring(start, end);
const text = `${selectorText} {${ruleBodyText}}`;
const { result } = SharedCssLogic.prettifyCSS(text);
return result;
* Set the contents of the rule. This rewrites the rule in the
* stylesheet and causes it to be re-evaluated.
* @param {String} newText
* The new text of the rule
* @param {Array} modifications
* Array with modifications applied to the rule. Contains objects like:
* {
* type: "set",
* index: <number>,
* name: <string>,
* value: <string>,
* priority: <optional string>
* }
* or
* {
* type: "remove",
* index: <number>,
* name: <string>,
* }
* @returns the rule with updated properties
async setRuleText(newText, modifications = []) {
if (!this.canSetRuleText) {
throw new Error("invalid call to setRuleText");
if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
// For element style rules, set the node's style attribute.
this.rawNode.setAttributeDevtools("style", newText);
} else {
const resourceId =
const sheetText = await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.getText(
const cssText = InspectorUtils.replaceBlockRuleBodyTextInStylesheet(
if (typeof cssText !== "string") {
throw new Error(
"Error in InspectorUtils.replaceBlockRuleBodyTextInStylesheet"
// setStyleSheetText will parse the stylesheet which can be costly, so only do it
// if the text has actually changed.
if (sheetText !== newText) {
await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.setStyleSheetText(
this.authoredText = newText;
await this.updateAncestorRulesAuthoredText();
// Add processed modifications to the _pendingDeclarationChanges array,
// they will be emitted as CSS_CHANGE resources once `declarations` have
// been re-computed in `form`.
// Returning this updated actor over the protocol will update its corresponding front
// and any references to it.
return this;
* Update the authored text of the ancestor rules. This should be called when setting
* the authored text of a (nested) rule, so all the references are properly updated.
async updateAncestorRulesAuthoredText() {
return Promise.all( => rule.getAuthoredCssText(true))
* Modify a rule's properties. Passed an array of modifications:
* {
* type: "set",
* index: <number>,
* name: <string>,
* value: <string>,
* priority: <optional string>
* }
* or
* {
* type: "remove",
* index: <number>,
* name: <string>,
* }
* @returns the rule with updated properties
modifyProperties(modifications) {
// Use a fresh element for each call to this function to prevent side
// effects that pop up based on property values that were already set on the
// element.
let document;
if (this.rawNode) {
document = this.rawNode.ownerDocument;
} else {
let parentStyleSheet = this._parentSheet;
while (parentStyleSheet.ownerRule) {
parentStyleSheet = parentStyleSheet.ownerRule.parentStyleSheet;
document = this.getDocument(parentStyleSheet);
const tempElement = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
for (const mod of modifications) {
if (mod.type === "set") {, mod.value, mod.priority || "");
mod.priority || ""
} else if (mod.type === "remove" || mod.type === "disable") {
// Add processed modifications to the _pendingDeclarationChanges array,
// they will be emitted as CSS_CHANGE resources once `declarations` have
// been re-computed in `form`.
return this;
* Helper function for modifySelector, inserts the new
* rule with the new selector into the parent style sheet and removes the
* current rule. Returns the newly inserted css rule or null if the rule is
* unsuccessfully inserted to the parent style sheet.
* @param {String} value
* The new selector value
* @param {Boolean} editAuthored
* True if the selector should be updated by editing the
* authored text; false if the selector should be updated via
* @returns {CSSRule}
* The new CSS rule added
async _addNewSelector(value, editAuthored) {
const rule = this.rawRule;
const parentStyleSheet = this._parentSheet;
// We know the selector modification is ok, so if the client asked
// for the authored text to be edited, do it now.
if (editAuthored) {
const document = this.getDocument(this._parentSheet);
try {
} catch (e) {
return null;
const resourceId =
let authoredText = await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.getText(
const [startOffset, endOffset] = getSelectorOffsets(
authoredText =
authoredText.substring(0, startOffset) +
value +
await this.pageStyle.styleSheetsManager.setStyleSheetText(
} else {
// We retrieve the parent of the rule, which can be a regular stylesheet, but also
// another rule, in case the underlying rule is nested.
// If the rule is nested in another rule, we need to use its parent rule to "edit" it.
// If the rule has no parent rules, we can simply use the stylesheet.
const parent = this.rawRule.parentRule || parentStyleSheet;
const cssRules = parent.cssRules;
const cssText = rule.cssText;
const selectorText = rule.selectorText;
for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
if (rule === cssRules.item(i)) {
try {
// Inserts the new style rule into the current style sheet and
// delete the current rule
const ruleText = cssText.slice(selectorText.length).trim();
parent.insertRule(value + " " + ruleText, i);
parent.deleteRule(i + 1);
} catch (e) {
// The selector could be invalid, or the rule could fail to insert.
return null;
await this.updateAncestorRulesAuthoredText();
return this._getRuleFromIndex(parentStyleSheet);
* Take an object with instructions to modify a CSS declaration and log an object with
* normalized metadata which describes the change in the context of this rule.
* @param {Object} change
* Data about a modification to a declaration. @see |modifyProperties()|
* @param {Object} newDeclarations
* The current declarations array to get the latest values, names...
* @param {Object} oldDeclarations
* The previous declarations array to use to fetch old values, names...
logDeclarationChange(change, newDeclarations, oldDeclarations) {
// Position of the declaration within its rule.
const index = change.index;
// Destructure properties from the previous CSS declaration at this index, if any,
// to new variable names to indicate the previous state.
let {
value: prevValue,
name: prevName,
priority: prevPriority,
} = oldDeclarations[index] || {};
const { value: currentValue, name: currentName } =
newDeclarations[index] || {};
// A declaration is disabled if it has a `commentOffsets` array.
// Here we type coerce the value to a boolean with double-bang (!!)
const prevDisabled = !!commentOffsets;
// Append the "!important" string if defined in the previous priority flag.
prevValue =
prevValue && prevPriority ? `${prevValue} !important` : prevValue;
const data = this.metadata;
switch (change.type) {
case "set":
data.type = prevValue ? "declaration-add" : "declaration-update";
// If `change.newName` is defined, use it because the property is being renamed.
// Otherwise, a new declaration is being created or the value of an existing
// declaration is being updated. In that case, use the currentName computed
// by the engine.
const changeName = currentName ||;
const name = change.newName ? change.newName : changeName;
// Append the "!important" string if defined in the incoming priority flag.
const changeValue = currentValue || change.value;
const newValue = change.priority
? `${changeValue} !important`
: changeValue;
// Reuse the previous value string, when the property is renamed.
// Otherwise, use the incoming value string.
const value = change.newName ? prevValue : newValue;
data.add = [{ property: name, value, index }];
// If there is a previous value, log its removal together with the previous
// property name. Using the previous name handles the case for renaming a property
// and is harmless when updating an existing value (the name stays the same).
if (prevValue) {
data.remove = [{ property: prevName, value: prevValue, index }];
} else {
data.remove = null;
// When toggling a declaration from OFF to ON, if not renaming the property,
// do not mark the previous declaration for removal, otherwise the add and
// remove operations will cancel each other out when tracked. Tracked changes
// have no context of "disabled", only "add" or remove, like diffs.
if (prevDisabled && !change.newName && prevValue === newValue) {
data.remove = null;
case "remove":
data.type = "declaration-remove";
data.add = null;
data.remove = [{ property:, value: prevValue, index }];
case "disable":
data.type = "declaration-disable";
data.add = null;
data.remove = [{ property:, value: prevValue, index }];
* Helper method for tracking CSS changes. Logs the change of this rule's selector as
* two operations: a removal using the old selector and an addition using the new one.
* @param {String} oldSelector
* This rule's previous selector.
* @param {String} newSelector
* This rule's new selector.
logSelectorChange(oldSelector, newSelector) {
type: "selector-remove",
add: null,
remove: null,
selector: oldSelector,
type: "selector-add",
add: null,
remove: null,
selector: newSelector,
* Modify the current rule's selector by inserting a new rule with the new
* selector value and removing the current rule.
* Returns information about the new rule and applied style
* so that consumers can immediately display the new rule, whether or not the
* selector matches the current element without having to refresh the whole
* list.
* @param {DOMNode} node
* The current selected element
* @param {String} value
* The new selector value
* @param {Boolean} editAuthored
* True if the selector should be updated by editing the
* authored text; false if the selector should be updated via
* @returns {Object}
* Returns an object that contains the applied style properties of the
* new rule and a boolean indicating whether or not the new selector
* matches the current selected element
modifySelector(node, value, editAuthored = false) {
if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE || this.rawRule.selectorText === value) {
return { ruleProps: null, isMatching: true };
// The rule's previous selector is lost after calling _addNewSelector(). Save it now.
const oldValue = this.rawRule.selectorText;
let selectorPromise = this._addNewSelector(value, editAuthored);
if (editAuthored) {
selectorPromise = selectorPromise.then(newCssRule => {
if (newCssRule) {
this.logSelectorChange(oldValue, value);
const style = this.pageStyle._styleRef(newCssRule);
// See the comment in |form| to understand this.
return style.getAuthoredCssText().then(() => newCssRule);
return newCssRule;
return selectorPromise.then(newCssRule => {
let entries = null;
let isMatching = false;
if (newCssRule) {
const ruleEntry = this.pageStyle.findEntryMatchingRule(
if (ruleEntry.length === 1) {
entries = this.pageStyle.getAppliedProps(node, ruleEntry, {
matchedSelectors: true,
} else {
entries = this.pageStyle.getNewAppliedProps(node, newCssRule);
isMatching = entries.some(
ruleProp => !!ruleProp.matchedSelectorIndexes.length
const result = { isMatching };
if (entries) {
result.ruleProps = { entries };
return result;
* Get the eligible query container for a given @container rule and a given node
* @param {Number} ancestorRuleIndex: The index of the @container rule in this.ancestorRules
* @param {NodeActor} nodeActor: The nodeActor for which we want to retrieve the query container
* @returns {Object} An object with the following properties:
* - node: {NodeActor|null} The nodeActor representing the query container,
* null if none were found
* - containerType: {string} The computed `containerType` value of the query container
* - inlineSize: {string} The computed `inlineSize` value of the query container (e.g. `120px`)
* - blockSize: {string} The computed `blockSize` value of the query container (e.g. `812px`)
getQueryContainerForNode(ancestorRuleIndex, nodeActor) {
const ancestorRule = this.ancestorRules[ancestorRuleIndex];
if (!ancestorRule) {
`Couldn't not find an ancestor rule at index ${ancestorRuleIndex}`
return { node: null };
const containerEl = ancestorRule.rawRule.queryContainerFor(
// queryContainerFor returns null when the container name wasn't find in any ancestor.
// In practice this shouldn't happen, as if the rule is applied, it means that an
// elligible container was found.
if (!containerEl) {
return { node: null };
const computedStyle = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(containerEl);
return {
node: this.pageStyle.walker.getNode(containerEl),
containerType: computedStyle.containerType,
inlineSize: computedStyle.inlineSize,
blockSize: computedStyle.blockSize,
* Using the latest computed style applicable to the selected element,
* check the states of declarations in this CSS rule.
* If any have changed their used/unused state, potentially as a result of changes in
* another rule, fire a "rule-updated" event with this rule actor in its latest state.
* @param {Boolean} forceRefresh: Set to true to emit "rule-updated", even if the state
* of the declarations didn't change.
maybeRefresh(forceRefresh) {
let hasChanged = false;
const el = this.currentlySelectedElement;
const style = this.currentlySelectedElementComputedStyle;
for (const decl of this._declarations) {
// TODO: convert from Object to Boolean. See Bug 1574471
const isUsed = isPropertyUsed(el, style, this.rawRule,;
if (decl.isUsed.used !== isUsed.used) {
decl.isUsed = isUsed;
hasChanged = true;
if (hasChanged || forceRefresh) {
// ⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️
// When an event is emitted via the protocol with the StyleRuleActor as payload, the
// corresponding StyleRuleFront will be automatically updated under the hood.
// Therefore, when the client looks up properties on the front reference it already
// has, it will get the latest values set on the actor, not the ones it originally
// had when the front was created. The client is not required to explicitly replace
// its previous front reference to the one it receives as this event's payload.
// The client doesn't even need to explicitly listen for this event.
// The update of the front happens automatically.
this.emit("rule-updated", this);
exports.StyleRuleActor = StyleRuleActor;
* Compute the start and end offsets of a rule's selector text, given
* the CSS text and the line and column at which the rule begins.
* @param {String} initialText
* @param {Number} line (1-indexed)
* @param {Number} column (1-indexed)
* @return {array} An array with two elements: [startOffset, endOffset].
* The elements mark the bounds in |initialText| of
* the CSS rule's selector.
function getSelectorOffsets(initialText, line, column) {
if (typeof line === "undefined" || typeof column === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Location information is missing");
const { offset: textOffset, text } = getTextAtLineColumn(
const lexer = new InspectorCSSParserWrapper(text);
// Search forward for the opening brace.
let endOffset;
let token;
while ((token = lexer.nextToken())) {
if (token.tokenType === "CurlyBracketBlock") {
if (endOffset === undefined) {
return [textOffset, textOffset + endOffset];
// Preserve comments and whitespace just before the "{".
if (token.tokenType !== "Comment" && token.tokenType !== "WhiteSpace") {
endOffset = token.endOffset;
throw new Error("could not find bounds of rule");