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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* About the objects defined in this file:
* - CssLogic contains style information about a view context. It provides
* access to 2 sets of objects: Css[Sheet|Rule|Selector] provide access to
* information that does not change when the selected element changes while
* Css[Property|Selector]Info provide information that is dependent on the
* selected element.
* Its key methods are highlight(), getPropertyInfo() and forEachSheet(), etc
* - CssSheet provides a more useful API to a DOM CSSSheet for our purposes,
* including shortSource and href.
* - CssRule a more useful API to a DOM CSSRule including access to the group
* of CssSelectors that the rule provides properties for
* - CssSelector A single selector - i.e. not a selector group. In other words
* a CssSelector does not contain ','. This terminology is different from the
* standard DOM API, but more inline with the definition in the spec.
* - CssPropertyInfo contains style information for a single property for the
* highlighted element.
* - CssSelectorInfo is a wrapper around CssSelector, which adds sorting with
* reference to the selected element.
"use strict";
const nodeConstants = require("resource://devtools/shared/dom-node-constants.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic.js");
BOOLEAN: "bool",
INTEGER: "int",
class CssLogic {
constructor() {
this._propertyInfos = {};
// Both setup by highlight().
viewedElement = null;
viewedDocument = null;
// The cache of the known sheets.
_sheets = null;
// Have the sheets been cached?
_sheetsCached = false;
// The total number of rules, in all stylesheets, after filtering.
_ruleCount = 0;
// The computed styles for the viewedElement.
_computedStyle = null;
// Source filter. Only display properties coming from the given source
_sourceFilter = FILTER.USER;
// Used for tracking unique CssSheet/CssRule/CssSelector objects, in a run of
// processMatchedSelectors().
_passId = 0;
// Used for tracking matched CssSelector objects.
_matchId = 0;
_matchedRules = null;
_matchedSelectors = null;
// Cached keyframes rules in all stylesheets
_keyframesRules = null;
* Reset various properties
reset() {
this._propertyInfos = {};
this._ruleCount = 0;
this._sheetIndex = 0;
this._sheets = {};
this._sheetsCached = false;
this._matchedRules = null;
this._matchedSelectors = null;
this._keyframesRules = [];
* Focus on a new element - remove the style caches.
* @param {Element} aViewedElement the element the user has highlighted
* in the Inspector.
highlight(viewedElement) {
if (!viewedElement) {
this.viewedElement = null;
this.viewedDocument = null;
this._computedStyle = null;
if (viewedElement === this.viewedElement) {
this.viewedElement = viewedElement;
const doc = this.viewedElement.ownerDocument;
if (doc != this.viewedDocument) {
// New document: clear/rebuild the cache.
this.viewedDocument = doc;
// Hunt down top level stylesheets, and cache them.
} else {
// Clear cached data in the CssPropertyInfo objects.
this._propertyInfos = {};
this._matchedRules = null;
this._matchedSelectors = null;
this._computedStyle = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(this.viewedElement);
* Get the values of all the computed CSS properties for the highlighted
* element.
* @returns {object} The computed CSS properties for a selected element
get computedStyle() {
return this._computedStyle;
* Get the source filter.
* @returns {string} The source filter being used.
get sourceFilter() {
return this._sourceFilter;
* Source filter. Only display properties coming from the given source (web
* address). Note that in order to avoid information overload we DO NOT show
* unmatched system rules.
* @see FILTER.*
set sourceFilter(value) {
const oldValue = this._sourceFilter;
this._sourceFilter = value;
let ruleCount = 0;
// Update the CssSheet objects.
this.forEachSheet(function (sheet) {
if (sheet.authorSheet && sheet.sheetAllowed) {
ruleCount += sheet.ruleCount;
}, this);
this._ruleCount = ruleCount;
// Full update is needed because the this.processMatchedSelectors() method
// skips UA stylesheets if the filter does not allow such sheets.
const needFullUpdate = oldValue == FILTER.UA || value == FILTER.UA;
if (needFullUpdate) {
this._matchedRules = null;
this._matchedSelectors = null;
this._propertyInfos = {};
} else {
// Update the CssPropertyInfo objects.
for (const property in this._propertyInfos) {
this._propertyInfos[property].needRefilter = true;
* Return a CssPropertyInfo data structure for the currently viewed element
* and the specified CSS property. If there is no currently viewed element we
* return an empty object.
* @param {string} property The CSS property to look for.
* @return {CssPropertyInfo} a CssPropertyInfo structure for the given
* property.
getPropertyInfo(property) {
if (!this.viewedElement) {
return {};
let info = this._propertyInfos[property];
if (!info) {
info = new CssPropertyInfo(this, property);
this._propertyInfos[property] = info;
return info;
* Cache all the stylesheets in the inspected document
* @private
_cacheSheets() {
// styleSheets isn't an array, but forEach can work on it anyway
const styleSheets = InspectorUtils.getAllStyleSheets(
);, this._cacheSheet, this);
this._sheetsCached = true;
* Cache a stylesheet if it falls within the requirements: if it's enabled,
* and if the @media is allowed. This method also walks through the stylesheet
* cssRules to find @imported rules, to cache the stylesheets of those rules
* as well. In addition, the @keyframes rules in the stylesheet are cached.
* @private
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} domSheet the CSSStyleSheet object to cache.
_cacheSheet(domSheet) {
if (domSheet.disabled) {
// Only work with stylesheets that have their media allowed.
if (!this.mediaMatches(domSheet)) {
// Cache the sheet.
const cssSheet = this.getSheet(domSheet, this._sheetIndex++);
if (cssSheet._passId != this._passId) {
cssSheet._passId = this._passId;
// Find import and keyframes rules. We loop through all the stylesheet recursively,
// so we can go through nested rules.
const traverseRules = ruleList => {
for (const aDomRule of ruleList) {
const ruleClassName = ChromeUtils.getClassName(aDomRule);
if (
ruleClassName === "CSSImportRule" &&
aDomRule.styleSheet &&
) {
} else if (ruleClassName === "CSSKeyframesRule") {
if (aDomRule.cssRules) {
* Retrieve the list of stylesheets in the document.
* @return {array} the list of stylesheets in the document.
get sheets() {
if (!this._sheetsCached) {
const sheets = [];
this.forEachSheet(function (sheet) {
if (sheet.authorSheet) {
}, this);
return sheets;
* Retrieve the list of keyframes rules in the document.
* @ return {array} the list of keyframes rules in the document.
get keyframesRules() {
if (!this._sheetsCached) {
return this._keyframesRules;
* Retrieve a CssSheet object for a given a CSSStyleSheet object. If the
* stylesheet is already cached, you get the existing CssSheet object,
* otherwise the new CSSStyleSheet object is cached.
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} domSheet the CSSStyleSheet object you want.
* @param {number} index the index, within the document, of the stylesheet.
* @return {CssSheet} the CssSheet object for the given CSSStyleSheet object.
getSheet(domSheet, index) {
let cacheId = "";
if (domSheet.href) {
cacheId = domSheet.href;
} else if (domSheet.associatedDocument) {
cacheId = domSheet.associatedDocument.location;
let sheet = null;
let sheetFound = false;
if (cacheId in this._sheets) {
for (sheet of this._sheets[cacheId]) {
if (sheet.domSheet === domSheet) {
if (index != -1) {
sheet.index = index;
sheetFound = true;
if (!sheetFound) {
if (!(cacheId in this._sheets)) {
this._sheets[cacheId] = [];
sheet = new CssSheet(this, domSheet, index);
if (sheet.sheetAllowed && sheet.authorSheet) {
this._ruleCount += sheet.ruleCount;
return sheet;
* Process each cached stylesheet in the document using your callback.
* @param {function} callback the function you want executed for each of the
* CssSheet objects cached.
* @param {object} scope the scope you want for the callback function. scope
* will be the this object when callback executes.
forEachSheet(callback, scope) {
for (const cacheId in this._sheets) {
const sheets = this._sheets[cacheId];
for (let i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
// We take this as an opportunity to clean dead sheets
try {
const sheet = sheets[i];
// If accessing domSheet raises an exception, then the style
// sheet is a dead object.
sheet.domSheet;, sheet, i, sheets);
} catch (e) {
sheets.splice(i, 1);
* Get the number CSSRule objects in the document, counted from all of
* the stylesheets. System sheets are excluded. If a filter is active, this
* tells only the number of CSSRule objects inside the selected
* CSSStyleSheet.
* WARNING: This only provides an estimate of the rule count, and the results
* could change at a later date. Todo remove this
* @return {number} the number of CSSRule (all rules).
get ruleCount() {
if (!this._sheetsCached) {
return this._ruleCount;
* Process the CssSelector objects that match the highlighted element and its
* parent elements. scope.callback() is executed for each CssSelector
* object, being passed the CssSelector object and the match status.
* This method also includes all of the properties, for each
* highlighted element parent and for the highlighted element itself.
* Note that the matched selectors are cached, such that next time your
* callback is invoked for the cached list of CssSelector objects.
* @param {function} callback the function you want to execute for each of
* the matched selectors.
* @param {object} scope the scope you want for the callback function. scope
* will be the this object when callback executes.
processMatchedSelectors(callback, scope) {
if (this._matchedSelectors) {
if (callback) {
this._matchedSelectors.forEach(function (value) {, value[0], value[1]);
value[0].cssRule._passId = this._passId;
}, this);
if (!this._matchedRules) {
this._matchedSelectors = [];
for (const matchedRule of this._matchedRules) {
const [rule, status, distance] = matchedRule;
rule.selectors.forEach(function (selector) {
if (
selector._matchId !== this._matchId &&
(selector.inlineStyle ||
this.selectorMatchesElement(rule.domRule, selector.selectorIndex))
) {
selector._matchId = this._matchId;
this._matchedSelectors.push([selector, status, distance]);
if (callback) {, selector, status, distance);
}, this);
rule._passId = this._passId;
* Check if the given selector matches the highlighted element or any of its
* parents.
* @private
* @param {DOMRule} domRule
* The DOM Rule containing the selector.
* @param {Number} idx
* The index of the selector within the DOMRule.
* @return {boolean}
* true if the given selector matches the highlighted element or any
* of its parents, otherwise false is returned.
selectorMatchesElement(domRule, idx) {
let element = this.viewedElement;
do {
if (domRule.selectorMatchesElement(idx, element)) {
return true;
} while (
// Loop on flattenedTreeParentNode instead of parentNode to reach the
// shadow host from the shadow dom.
(element = element.flattenedTreeParentNode) &&
element.nodeType === nodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE
return false;
* Check if the highlighted element or its parents have matched selectors.
* @param {Array<String>} properties: The list of properties you want to check if they
* have matched selectors or not. For CSS variables, this will check if the variable
* is set OR used in a matching rule.
* @return {Set<String>} A Set containing the properties that do have matched selectors.
hasMatchedSelectors(properties) {
if (!this._matchedRules) {
const result = new Set();
for (const [rule, status] of this._matchedRules) {
// Getting the rule cssText can be costly, so cache it
let cssText;
const getCssText = () => {
if (cssText === undefined) {
cssText = rule.domRule.cssText;
return cssText;
// Loop through properties in reverse as we're removing items from it and we don't
// want to mess with the iteration.
for (let i = properties.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const property = properties[i];
// We just need to find if a rule has this property while it matches
// the viewedElement (or its parents).
if (
// check if the property is assigned
(rule.getPropertyValue(property) ||
// or if this is a css variable, if it's being used in the rule.
(property.startsWith("--") &&
// we may have false positive for dashed ident or the variable being
// used in comment/string, but the tradeoff seems okay, as we would have
// to parse the value of each declaration, which could be costly.
new RegExp(`${property}[^A-Za-z0-9_-]`).test(getCssText()))) &&
(status == STATUS.MATCHED ||
) {
// Once the property has a matched selector, we can remove it from the array
properties.splice(i, 1);
if (!properties.length) {
return result;
return result;
* Build the array of matched rules for the currently highlighted element.
* The array will hold rules that match the viewedElement and its parents.
* @private
_buildMatchedRules() {
let domRules;
let element = this.viewedElement;
const filter = this.sourceFilter;
let sheetIndex = 0;
// distance is used to tell us how close an ancestor is to an element e.g.
// 0: The rule is directly applied to the current element.
// -1: The rule is inherited from the current element's first parent.
// -2: The rule is inherited from the current element's second parent.
// etc.
let distance = 0;
this._matchedRules = [];
if (!element) {
do {
const status =
this.viewedElement === element ? STATUS.MATCHED : STATUS.PARENT_MATCH;
try {
domRules = getMatchingCSSRules(element);
} catch (ex) {
console.log("CL__buildMatchedRules error: " + ex);
// Add information. Order matters here, and style attribute wins over
// other rules, so we need to add it in `this._matchesRules` before the regular rules.
if ( && {
const rule = new CssRule(null, { style: }, element);
rule._matchId = this._matchId;
rule._passId = this._passId;
this._matchedRules.push([rule, status, distance]);
// getMatchingCSSRules can return null with a shadow DOM element.
if (domRules !== null) {
// getMatchingCSSRules returns ordered from least-specific to most-specific,
// but we do want them from most-specific to least specific, so we need to loop
// through the rules backward.
for (let i = domRules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const domRule = domRules[i];
const sheet = this.getSheet(domRule.parentStyleSheet, -1);
if (sheet._passId !== this._passId) {
sheet.index = sheetIndex++;
sheet._passId = this._passId;
if (filter === FILTER.USER && !sheet.authorSheet) {
const rule = sheet.getRule(domRule);
if (rule._passId === this._passId) {
rule._matchId = this._matchId;
rule._passId = this._passId;
this._matchedRules.push([rule, status, distance]);
} while (
// Loop on flattenedTreeParentNode instead of parentNode to reach the
// shadow host from the shadow dom.
(element = element.flattenedTreeParentNode) &&
element.nodeType === nodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE
* Tells if the given DOM CSS object matches the current view media.
* @param {object} domObject The DOM CSS object to check.
* @return {boolean} True if the DOM CSS object matches the current view
* media, or false otherwise.
mediaMatches(domObject) {
const mediaText =;
return (
!mediaText ||
* If the element has an id, return '#id'. Otherwise return 'tagname[n]' where
* n is the index of this element in its siblings.
* <p>A technically more 'correct' output from the no-id case might be:
* 'tagname:nth-of-type(n)' however this is unlikely to be more understood
* and it is longer.
* @param {Element} element the element for which you want the short name.
* @return {string} the string to be displayed for element.
CssLogic.getShortName = function (element) {
if (!element) {
return "null";
if ( {
return "#" +;
let priorSiblings = 0;
let temp = element;
while ((temp = temp.previousElementSibling)) {
return element.tagName + "[" + priorSiblings + "]";
* Get a string list of selectors for a given DOMRule.
* @param {DOMRule} domRule
* The DOMRule to parse.
* @param {Boolean} desugared
* Set to true to get the desugared selector (see
* @return {Array}
* An array of string selectors.
CssLogic.getSelectors = function (domRule, desugared = false) {
if (ChromeUtils.getClassName(domRule) !== "CSSStyleRule") {
// Return empty array since CSSRule#selectorCount assumes only STYLE_RULE type.
return [];
const selectors = [];
const len = domRule.selectorCount;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
selectors.push(domRule.selectorTextAt(i, desugared));
return selectors;
* Given a node, check to see if it is a ::before or ::after element.
* If so, return the node that is accessible from within the document
* (the parent of the anonymous node), along with which pseudo element
* it was. Otherwise, return the node itself.
* @returns {Object}
* - {DOMNode} node The non-anonymous node
* - {string} pseudo One of ':marker', ':before', ':after', or null.
CssLogic.getBindingElementAndPseudo = getBindingElementAndPseudo;
* Get the computed style on a node. Automatically handles reading
* computed styles on a ::before/::after element by reading on the
* parent node with the proper pseudo argument.
* @param {Node}
* @returns {CSSStyleDeclaration}
CssLogic.getComputedStyle = function (node) {
if (
!node ||
Cu.isDeadWrapper(node) ||
node.nodeType !== nodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE ||
) {
return null;
const { bindingElement, pseudo } = CssLogic.getBindingElementAndPseudo(node);
// For reasons that still escape us, pseudo-elements can sometimes be "unattached" (i.e.
// not have a parentNode defined). This seems to happen when a page is reloaded while
// the inspector is open. Bailing out here ensures that the inspector does not fail at
// presenting DOM nodes and CSS styles when this happens. This is a temporary measure.
// See bug 1506792.
if (!bindingElement) {
return null;
return node.ownerGlobal.getComputedStyle(bindingElement, pseudo);
* Get a source for a stylesheet, taking into account embedded stylesheets
* for which we need to use document.defaultView.location.href rather than
* sheet.href
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} sheet the DOM object for the style sheet.
* @return {string} the address of the stylesheet.
CssLogic.href = function (sheet) {
return sheet.href || sheet.associatedDocument.location;
* Returns true if the given node has visited state.
CssLogic.hasVisitedState = hasVisitedState;
class CssSheet {
* A safe way to access cached bits of information about a stylesheet.
* @constructor
* @param {CssLogic} cssLogic pointer to the CssLogic instance working with
* this CssSheet object.
* @param {CSSStyleSheet} domSheet reference to a DOM CSSStyleSheet object.
* @param {number} index tells the index/position of the stylesheet within the
* main document.
constructor(cssLogic, domSheet, index) {
this._cssLogic = cssLogic;
this.domSheet = domSheet;
this.index = this.authorSheet ? index : -100 * index;
// Cache of the sheets href. Cached by the getter.
this._href = null;
// Short version of href for use in select boxes etc. Cached by getter.
this._shortSource = null;
// null for uncached.
this._sheetAllowed = null;
// Cached CssRules from the given stylesheet.
this._rules = {};
this._ruleCount = -1;
_passId = null;
_agentSheet = null;
_authorSheet = null;
_userSheet = null;
* Check if the stylesheet is an agent stylesheet (provided by the browser).
* @return {boolean} true if this is an agent stylesheet, false otherwise.
get agentSheet() {
if (this._agentSheet === null) {
this._agentSheet = isAgentStylesheet(this.domSheet);
return this._agentSheet;
* Check if the stylesheet is an author stylesheet (provided by the content page).
* @return {boolean} true if this is an author stylesheet, false otherwise.
get authorSheet() {
if (this._authorSheet === null) {
this._authorSheet = isAuthorStylesheet(this.domSheet);
return this._authorSheet;
* Check if the stylesheet is a user stylesheet (provided by userChrome.css or
* userContent.css).
* @return {boolean} true if this is a user stylesheet, false otherwise.
get userSheet() {
if (this._userSheet === null) {
this._userSheet = isUserStylesheet(this.domSheet);
return this._userSheet;
* Check if the stylesheet is disabled or not.
* @return {boolean} true if this stylesheet is disabled, or false otherwise.
get disabled() {
return this.domSheet.disabled;
* Get a source for a stylesheet, using CssLogic.href
* @return {string} the address of the stylesheet.
get href() {
if (this._href) {
return this._href;
this._href = CssLogic.href(this.domSheet);
return this._href;
* Create a shorthand version of the href of a stylesheet.
* @return {string} the shorthand source of the stylesheet.
get shortSource() {
if (this._shortSource) {
return this._shortSource;
this._shortSource = shortSource(this.domSheet);
return this._shortSource;
* Tells if the sheet is allowed or not by the current CssLogic.sourceFilter.
* @return {boolean} true if the stylesheet is allowed by the sourceFilter, or
* false otherwise.
get sheetAllowed() {
if (this._sheetAllowed !== null) {
return this._sheetAllowed;
this._sheetAllowed = true;
const filter = this._cssLogic.sourceFilter;
if (filter === FILTER.USER && !this.authorSheet) {
this._sheetAllowed = false;
if (filter !== FILTER.USER && filter !== FILTER.UA) {
this._sheetAllowed = filter === this.href;
return this._sheetAllowed;
* Retrieve the number of rules in this stylesheet.
* @return {number} the number of CSSRule objects in this stylesheet.
get ruleCount() {
try {
return this._ruleCount > -1 ? this._ruleCount : this.getCssRules().length;
} catch (e) {
return 0;
* Retrieve the array of css rules for this stylesheet.
* Accessing cssRules on a stylesheet that is not completely loaded can throw a
* DOMException (Bug 625013). This wrapper will return an empty array instead.
* @return {Array} array of css rules.
getCssRules() {
try {
return this.domSheet.cssRules;
} catch (e) {
return [];
* Retrieve a CssRule object for the given CSSStyleRule. The CssRule object is
* cached, such that subsequent retrievals return the same CssRule object for
* the same CSSStyleRule object.
* @param {CSSStyleRule} aDomRule the CSSStyleRule object for which you want a
* CssRule object.
* @return {CssRule} the cached CssRule object for the given CSSStyleRule
* object.
getRule(domRule) {
const cacheId = domRule.type + domRule.selectorText;
let rule = null;
let ruleFound = false;
if (cacheId in this._rules) {
for (rule of this._rules[cacheId]) {
if (rule.domRule === domRule) {
ruleFound = true;
if (!ruleFound) {
if (!(cacheId in this._rules)) {
this._rules[cacheId] = [];
rule = new CssRule(this, domRule);
return rule;
toString() {
return "CssSheet[" + this.shortSource + "]";
class CssRule {
* Information about a single CSSStyleRule.
* @param {CSSStyleSheet|null} cssSheet the CssSheet object of the stylesheet that
* holds the CSSStyleRule. If the rule comes from, set this
* argument to null.
* @param {CSSStyleRule|object} domRule the DOM CSSStyleRule for which you want
* to cache data. If the rule comes from, then provide
* an object of the form: {style:}.
* @param {Element} [element] If the rule comes from, then this
* argument must point to the element.
* @constructor
constructor(cssSheet, domRule, element) {
this._cssSheet = cssSheet;
this.domRule = domRule;
if (this._cssSheet) {
// parse domRule.selectorText on call to this.selectors
this._selectors = null;
this.line = InspectorUtils.getRelativeRuleLine(this.domRule);
this.column = InspectorUtils.getRuleColumn(this.domRule);
this.href = this._cssSheet.href;
this.authorRule = this._cssSheet.authorSheet;
this.userRule = this._cssSheet.userSheet;
this.agentRule = this._cssSheet.agentSheet;
} else if (element) {
this._selectors = [new CssSelector(this, "", 0)];
this.line = -1;
this.href = "#";
this.authorRule = true;
this.userRule = false;
this.agentRule = false;
this.sourceElement = element;
_passId = null;
* Check if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the CssLogic.sourceFilter.
* @return {boolean} true if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the current
* sourceFilter, or false otherwise.
get sheetAllowed() {
return this._cssSheet ? this._cssSheet.sheetAllowed : true;
* Retrieve the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed document.
* @return {number} the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed
* document.
get sheetIndex() {
return this._cssSheet ? this._cssSheet.index : 0;
* Retrieve the style property value from the current CSSStyleRule.
* @param {string} property the CSS property name for which you want the
* value.
* @return {string} the property value.
getPropertyValue(property) {
* Retrieve the style property priority from the current CSSStyleRule.
* @param {string} property the CSS property name for which you want the
* priority.
* @return {string} the property priority.
getPropertyPriority(property) {
* Retrieve the list of CssSelector objects for each of the parsed selectors
* of the current CSSStyleRule.
* @return {array} the array hold the CssSelector objects.
get selectors() {
if (this._selectors) {
return this._selectors;
// Parse the CSSStyleRule.selectorText string.
this._selectors = [];
if (!this.domRule.selectorText) {
return this._selectors;
const selectors = CssLogic.getSelectors(this.domRule);
for (let i = 0, len = selectors.length; i < len; i++) {
this._selectors.push(new CssSelector(this, selectors[i], i));
return this._selectors;
toString() {
return "[CssRule " + this.domRule.selectorText + "]";
class CssSelector {
* The CSS selector class allows us to document the ranking of various CSS
* selectors.
* @constructor
* @param {CssRule} cssRule the CssRule instance from where the selector comes.
* @param {string} selector The selector that we wish to investigate.
* @param {Number} index The index of the selector within it's rule.
constructor(cssRule, selector, index) {
this.cssRule = cssRule;
this.text = selector;
this.inlineStyle = this.text == "";
this._specificity = null;
this.selectorIndex = index;
_matchId = null;
* Retrieve the CssSelector source element, which is the source of the CssRule
* owning the selector. This is only available when the CssSelector comes from
* an
* @return {string} the source element selector.
get sourceElement() {
return this.cssRule.sourceElement;
* Retrieve the address of the CssSelector. This points to the address of the
* CssSheet owning this selector.
* @return {string} the address of the CssSelector.
get href() {
return this.cssRule.href;
* Check if the selector comes from an agent stylesheet (provided by the browser).
* @return {boolean} true if this is an agent stylesheet, false otherwise.
get agentRule() {
return this.cssRule.agentRule;
* Check if the selector comes from an author stylesheet (provided by the content page).
* @return {boolean} true if this is an author stylesheet, false otherwise.
get authorRule() {
return this.cssRule.authorRule;
* Check if the selector comes from a user stylesheet (provided by userChrome.css or
* userContent.css).
* @return {boolean} true if this is a user stylesheet, false otherwise.
get userRule() {
return this.cssRule.userRule;
* Check if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the CssLogic.sourceFilter.
* @return {boolean} true if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the current
* sourceFilter, or false otherwise.
get sheetAllowed() {
return this.cssRule.sheetAllowed;
* Retrieve the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed document.
* @return {number} the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed
* document.
get sheetIndex() {
return this.cssRule.sheetIndex;
* Retrieve the line of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent CSSStyleSheet.
* @return {number} the line of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent
* stylesheet.
get ruleLine() {
return this.cssRule.line;
* Retrieve the column of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent CSSStyleSheet.
* @return {number} the column of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent
* stylesheet.
get ruleColumn() {
return this.cssRule.column;
* Retrieve specificity information for the current selector.
* @return {Number} The selector's specificity.
get specificity() {
if (this.inlineStyle) {
// We can't ask specificity from DOMUtils as element styles don't provide
// CSSStyleRule interface DOMUtils expect. However, specificity of element
// style is constant, 1,0,0,0 or 0x40000000, just return the constant
return 0x40000000;
if (typeof this._specificity !== "number") {
this._specificity = this.cssRule.domRule.selectorSpecificityAt(
return this._specificity;
toString() {
return this.text;
class CssPropertyInfo {
* A cache of information about the matched rules, selectors and values attached
* to a CSS property, for the highlighted element.
* The heart of the CssPropertyInfo object is the _findMatchedSelectors()
* method. This are invoked when the PropertyView tries to access the
* .matchedSelectors array.
* Results are cached, for later reuse.
* @param {CssLogic} cssLogic Reference to the parent CssLogic instance
* @param {string} property The CSS property we are gathering information for
* @constructor
constructor(cssLogic, property) {
this._cssLogic = cssLogic; = property;
this._value = "";
// An array holding CssSelectorInfo objects for each of the matched selectors
// that are inside a CSS rule. Only rules that hold the are
// counted. This includes rules that come from filtered stylesheets (those
// that have sheetAllowed = false).
this._matchedSelectors = null;
* Retrieve the computed style value for the current property, for the
* highlighted element.
* @return {string} the computed style value for the current property, for the
* highlighted element.
get value() {
if (!this._value && this._cssLogic.computedStyle) {
try {
this._value = this._cssLogic.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(
} catch (ex) {
console.log("Error reading computed style for " +;
return this._value;
* Retrieve the array holding CssSelectorInfo objects for each of the matched
* selectors, from each of the matched rules. Only selectors coming from
* allowed stylesheets are included in the array.
* @return {array} the list of CssSelectorInfo objects of selectors that match
* the highlighted element and its parents.
get matchedSelectors() {
if (!this._matchedSelectors) {
} else if (this.needRefilter) {
return this._matchedSelectors;
* Find the selectors that match the highlighted element and its parents.
* Uses CssLogic.processMatchedSelectors() to find the matched selectors,
* passing in a reference to CssPropertyInfo._processMatchedSelector() to
* create CssSelectorInfo objects, which we then sort
* @private
_findMatchedSelectors() {
this._matchedSelectors = [];
this.needRefilter = false;
this._cssLogic.processMatchedSelectors(this._processMatchedSelector, this);
// Sort the selectors by how well they match the given element.
this._matchedSelectors.sort((selectorInfo1, selectorInfo2) =>
selectorInfo1.compareTo(selectorInfo2, this._matchedSelectors)
// Now we know which of the matches is best, we can mark it BEST_MATCH.
if (
this._matchedSelectors.length &&
this._matchedSelectors[0].status > STATUS.UNMATCHED
) {
this._matchedSelectors[0].status = STATUS.BEST;
* Process a matched CssSelector object.
* @private
* @param {CssSelector} selector: the matched CssSelector object.
* @param {STATUS} status: the CssSelector match status.
* @param {Int} distance: See CssLogic._buildMatchedRules for definition.
_processMatchedSelector(selector, status, distance) {
const cssRule = selector.cssRule;
const value = cssRule.getPropertyValue(;
if (
value &&
(status == STATUS.MATCHED ||
) {
const selectorInfo = new CssSelectorInfo(
* Refilter the matched selectors array when the CssLogic.sourceFilter
* changes. This allows for quick filter changes.
* @private
_refilterSelectors() {
const passId = ++this._cssLogic._passId;
const iterator = function (selectorInfo) {
const cssRule = selectorInfo.selector.cssRule;
if (cssRule._passId != passId) {
cssRule._passId = passId;
if (this._matchedSelectors) {
this.needRefilter = false;
toString() {
return "CssPropertyInfo[" + + "]";
class CssSelectorInfo {
* A class that holds information about a given CssSelector object.
* Instances of this class are given to CssHtmlTree in the array of matched
* selectors. Each such object represents a displayable row in the PropertyView
* objects. The information given by this object blends data coming from the
* CssSheet, CssRule and from the CssSelector that own this object.
* @param {CssSelector} selector The CssSelector object for which to
* present information.
* @param {string} property The property for which information should
* be retrieved.
* @param {string} value The property value from the CssRule that owns
* the selector.
* @param {STATUS} status The selector match status.
* @param {number} distance See CssLogic._buildMatchedRules for definition.
* @constructor
constructor(selector, property, value, status, distance) {
this.selector = selector; = property;
this.status = status;
this.distance = distance;
this.value = value;
const priority = this.selector.cssRule.getPropertyPriority(;
this.important = priority === "important";
// Array<string|CSSLayerBlockRule>
this.parentLayers = [];
// Go through all parent rules to populate this.parentLayers
let rule = selector.cssRule.domRule;
while (rule) {
const className = ChromeUtils.getClassName(rule);
if (className == "CSSLayerBlockRule") {
// If the layer has a name, it's enough to uniquely identify it
// If the layer does not have a name. We put the actual rule here, so we'll
// be able to compare actual rule instances in `compareTo`
this.parentLayers.push( || rule);
} else if (className == "CSSImportRule" && rule.layerName !== null) {
// Same reasoning for @import rule + layer
this.parentLayers.push(rule.layerName || rule);
// Get the parent rule (could be the parent stylesheet owner rule
// for `@import url(path/to/file.css) layer`)
rule = rule.parentRule || rule.parentStyleSheet?.ownerRule;
* Retrieve the CssSelector source element, which is the source of the CssRule
* owning the selector. This is only available when the CssSelector comes from
* an
* @return {string} the source element selector.
get sourceElement() {
return this.selector.sourceElement;
* Retrieve the address of the CssSelector. This points to the address of the
* CssSheet owning this selector.
* @return {string} the address of the CssSelector.
get href() {
return this.selector.href;
* Check if the CssSelector comes from or not.
* @return {boolean} true if the CssSelector comes from, or
* false otherwise.
get inlineStyle() {
return this.selector.inlineStyle;
* Retrieve specificity information for the current selector.
* @return {object} an object holding specificity information for the current
* selector.
get specificity() {
return this.selector.specificity;
* Retrieve the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed document.
* @return {number} the parent stylesheet index/position in the viewed
* document.
get sheetIndex() {
return this.selector.sheetIndex;
* Check if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the CssLogic.sourceFilter.
* @return {boolean} true if the parent stylesheet is allowed by the current
* sourceFilter, or false otherwise.
get sheetAllowed() {
return this.selector.sheetAllowed;
* Retrieve the line of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent CSSStyleSheet.
* @return {number} the line of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent
* stylesheet.
get ruleLine() {
return this.selector.ruleLine;
* Retrieve the column of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent CSSStyleSheet.
* @return {number} the column of the parent CSSStyleRule in the parent
* stylesheet.
get ruleColumn() {
return this.selector.ruleColumn;
* Check if the selector comes from a browser-provided stylesheet.
* @return {boolean} true if the selector comes from a browser-provided
* stylesheet, or false otherwise.
get agentRule() {
return this.selector.agentRule;
* Check if the selector comes from a webpage-provided stylesheet.
* @return {boolean} true if the selector comes from a webpage-provided
* stylesheet, or false otherwise.
get authorRule() {
return this.selector.authorRule;
* Check if the selector comes from a user stylesheet (userChrome.css or
* userContent.css).
* @return {boolean} true if the selector comes from a webpage-provided
* stylesheet, or false otherwise.
get userRule() {
return this.selector.userRule;
* Compare the current CssSelectorInfo instance to another instance.
* Since selectorInfos is computed from `InspectorUtils.getMatchingCSSRules`,
* it's already sorted for regular cases. We only need to handle important values.
* @param {CssSelectorInfo} that
* The instance to compare ourselves against.
* @param {Array<CssSelectorInfo>} selectorInfos
* The list of CssSelectorInfo we are currently ordering
* @return {Number}
* -1, 0, 1 depending on how that compares with this.
compareTo(that, selectorInfos) {
const originalOrder =
selectorInfos.indexOf(this) < selectorInfos.indexOf(that) ? -1 : 1;
// If both properties are not important, we can keep the original order
if (!this.important && !that.important) {
return originalOrder;
// If one of the property is important and the other is not, the important one wins
if (this.important !== that.important) {
return this.important ? -1 : 1;
// At this point, this and that are both important
const thisIsInLayer = !!this.parentLayers.length;
const thatIsInLayer = !!that.parentLayers.length;
// If they're not in layers, we can keep the original rule order
if (!thisIsInLayer && !thatIsInLayer) {
return originalOrder;
// If one of the rule is the style attribute, it wins
if (this.selector.inlineStyle || that.selector.inlineStyle) {
return this.selector.inlineStyle ? -1 : 1;
// If one of the rule is not in a layer, then the rule in a layer wins.
if (!thisIsInLayer || !thatIsInLayer) {
return thisIsInLayer ? -1 : 1;
const inSameLayers =
this.parentLayers.length === that.parentLayers.length &&
this.parentLayers.every((layer, i) => layer === that.parentLayers[i]);
// If both rules are in the same layer, we keep the original order
if (inSameLayers) {
return originalOrder;
// When comparing declarations that belong to different layers, then for
// important rules the declaration whose cascade layer is first wins.
// We get the rules in the most-specific to least-specific order, meaning we'll have
// rules in layers in the reverse order of the order of declarations of layers.
// We can reverse that again to get the order of declarations of layers.
return originalOrder * -1;
compare(that, propertyName, type) {
switch (type) {
if (this[propertyName] && !that[propertyName]) {
return -1;
if (!this[propertyName] && that[propertyName]) {
return 1;
if (this[propertyName] > that[propertyName]) {
return -1;
if (this[propertyName] < that[propertyName]) {
return 1;
return 0;
toString() {
return this.selector + " -> " + this.value;
exports.CssLogic = CssLogic;
exports.CssSelector = CssSelector;