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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/auto-refresh.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/markup.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/layout/utils.js");
const {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic.js");
// List of all DOM Events subscribed directly to the document from the
// Geometry Editor highlighter
const DOM_EVENTS = ["mousemove", "mouseup", "pagehide"];
const _dragging = Symbol("geometry/dragging");
* Element geometry properties helper that gives names of position and size
* properties.
var GeoProp = {
SIDES: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"],
SIZES: ["width", "height"],
allProps() {
return [...this.SIDES, ...this.SIZES];
isSide(name) {
return this.SIDES.includes(name);
isSize(name) {
return this.SIZES.includes(name);
containsSide(names) {
return names.some(name => this.SIDES.includes(name));
containsSize(names) {
return names.some(name => this.SIZES.includes(name));
isHorizontal(name) {
return name === "left" || name === "right" || name === "width";
isInverted(name) {
return name === "right" || name === "bottom";
mainAxisStart(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "left" : "top";
crossAxisStart(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "top" : "left";
mainAxisSize(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "width" : "height";
crossAxisSize(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "height" : "width";
axis(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "x" : "y";
crossAxis(name) {
return this.isHorizontal(name) ? "y" : "x";
* Get the provided node's offsetParent dimensions.
* Returns an object with the {parent, dimension} properties.
* Note that the returned parent will be null if the offsetParent is the
* default, non-positioned, body or html node.
* node.offsetParent returns the nearest positioned ancestor but if it is
* non-positioned itself, we just return null to let consumers know the node is
* actually positioned relative to the viewport.
* @return {Object}
function getOffsetParent(node) {
const win = node.ownerGlobal;
let offsetParent = node.offsetParent;
if (offsetParent && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static") {
offsetParent = null;
let width, height;
if (!offsetParent) {
height = win.innerHeight;
width = win.innerWidth;
} else {
height = offsetParent.offsetHeight;
width = offsetParent.offsetWidth;
return {
element: offsetParent,
dimension: { width, height },
* Get the list of geometry properties that are actually set on the provided
* node.
* @param {Node} node The node to analyze.
* @return {Map} A map indexed by property name and where the value is an
* object having the cssRule property.
function getDefinedGeometryProperties(node) {
const props = new Map();
if (!node) {
return props;
// Get the list of css rules applying to the current node.
const cssRules = getMatchingCSSRules(node);
for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
const rule = cssRules[i];
for (const name of GeoProp.allProps()) {
const value =;
if (value && value !== "auto") {
// getMatchingCSSRules returns rules ordered from least to most specific
// so just override any previous properties we have set.
props.set(name, {
cssRule: rule,
// Go through the inline styles last, only if the node supports inline style
// (e.g. pseudo elements don't have a style property)
if ( {
for (const name of GeoProp.allProps()) {
const value =;
if (value && value !== "auto") {
props.set(name, {
// There's no cssRule to store here, so store the node instead since
// exists.
cssRule: node,
// Post-process the list for invalid properties. This is done after the fact
// because of cases like relative positioning with both top and bottom where
// only top will actually be used, but both exists in css rules and computed
// styles.
const { position } = getComputedStyle(node);
for (const [name] of props) {
// Top/left/bottom/right on static positioned elements have no effect.
if (position === "static" && GeoProp.SIDES.includes(name)) {
// Bottom/right on relative positioned elements are only used if top/left
// are not defined.
const hasRightAndLeft = name === "right" && props.has("left");
const hasBottomAndTop = name === "bottom" && props.has("top");
if (position === "relative" && (hasRightAndLeft || hasBottomAndTop)) {
return props;
exports.getDefinedGeometryProperties = getDefinedGeometryProperties;
* The GeometryEditor highlights an elements's top, left, bottom, right, width
* and height dimensions, when they are set.
* To determine if an element has a set size and position, the highlighter lists
* the CSS rules that apply to the element and checks for the top, left, bottom,
* right, width and height properties.
* The highlighter won't be shown if the element doesn't have any of these
* properties set, but will be shown when at least 1 property is defined.
* The highlighter displays lines and labels for each of the defined properties
* in and around the element (relative to the offset parent when one exists).
* The highlighter also highlights the element itself and its offset parent if
* there is one.
* Note that the class name contains the word Editor because the aim is for the
* handles to be draggable in content to make the geometry editable.
class GeometryEditorHighlighter extends AutoRefreshHighlighter {
constructor(highlighterEnv) {
this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX = "geometry-editor-";
// The list of element geometry properties that can be set.
this.definedProperties = new Map();
this.markup = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(
this.isReady = this.initialize();
const { pageListenerTarget } = this.highlighterEnv;
// Register the geometry editor instance to all events we're interested in.
DOM_EVENTS.forEach(type => pageListenerTarget.addEventListener(type, this));
this.onWillNavigate = this.onWillNavigate.bind(this);
this.highlighterEnv.on("will-navigate", this.onWillNavigate);
async initialize() {
await this.markup.initialize();
// Register the mousedown event for each Geometry Editor's handler.
// Those events are automatically removed when the markup is destroyed.
const onMouseDown = this.handleEvent.bind(this);
for (const side of GeoProp.SIDES) {
this.getElement("handler-" + side).addEventListener(
_buildMarkup() {
const container = this.markup.createNode({
attributes: { class: "highlighter-container" },
const root = this.markup.createNode({
parent: container,
attributes: {
id: "root",
class: "root",
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
const svg = this.markup.createSVGNode({
nodeType: "svg",
parent: root,
attributes: {
id: "elements",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
// Offset parent node highlighter.
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
class: "offset-parent",
id: "offset-parent",
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
// Current node highlighter (margin box).
nodeType: "polygon",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
class: "current-node",
id: "current-node",
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
// Build the 4 side arrows, handlers and labels.
for (const name of GeoProp.SIDES) {
nodeType: "line",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
class: "arrow " + name,
id: "arrow-" + name,
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
nodeType: "circle",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
class: "handler-" + name,
id: "handler-" + name,
r: "4",
"data-side": name,
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
// Labels are positioned by using a translated <g>. This group contains
// a path and text that are themselves positioned using another translated
// <g>. This is so that the label arrow points at the 0,0 coordinates of
// parent <g>.
const labelG = this.markup.createSVGNode({
nodeType: "g",
parent: svg,
attributes: {
id: "label-" + name,
hidden: "true",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
const subG = this.markup.createSVGNode({
nodeType: "g",
parent: labelG,
attributes: {
transform: GeoProp.isHorizontal(name)
? "translate(-30 -30)"
: "translate(5 -10)",
nodeType: "path",
parent: subG,
attributes: {
class: "label-bubble",
d: GeoProp.isHorizontal(name)
? "M0 0 L60 0 L60 20 L35 20 L30 25 L25 20 L0 20z"
: "M5 0 L65 0 L65 20 L5 20 L5 15 L0 10 L5 5z",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
nodeType: "text",
parent: subG,
attributes: {
class: "label-text",
id: "label-text-" + name,
x: GeoProp.isHorizontal(name) ? "30" : "35",
y: "10",
prefix: this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX,
return container;
destroy() {
// Avoiding exceptions if `destroy` is called multiple times; and / or the
// highlighter environment was already destroyed.
if (!this.highlighterEnv) {
const { pageListenerTarget } = this.highlighterEnv;
if (pageListenerTarget) {
DOM_EVENTS.forEach(type =>
pageListenerTarget.removeEventListener(type, this)
this.definedProperties = null;
this.offsetParent = null;
handleEvent(event, id) {
// No event handling if the highlighter is hidden
if (this.getElement("root").hasAttribute("hidden")) {
const { target, type, pageX, pageY } = event;
switch (type) {
case "pagehide":
// If a page hide event is triggered for current window's highlighter, hide the
// highlighter.
if (target.defaultView === {
case "mousedown":
// The mousedown event is intended only for the handler
if (!id) {
const handlerSide = this.markup
if (handlerSide) {
const side = handlerSide;
const sideProp = this.definedProperties.get(side);
if (!sideProp) {
let value =;
const computedValue = this.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(side);
const [unit] = value.match(/[^\d]+$/) || [""];
value = parseFloat(value);
const ratio = value / parseFloat(computedValue) || 1;
const dir = GeoProp.isInverted(side) ? -1 : 1;
// Store all the initial values needed for drag & drop
this[_dragging] = {
x: pageX,
y: pageY,
inc: ratio * dir,
this.getElement("handler-" + side).classList.add("dragging");
this.getElement("root").setAttribute("dragging", "true");
case "mouseup":
// If we're dragging, drop it.
if (this[_dragging]) {
const { side } = this[_dragging];
this.getElement("handler-" + side).classList.remove("dragging");
this[_dragging] = null;
case "mousemove":
if (!this[_dragging]) {
const { side, x, y, value, unit, inc } = this[_dragging];
const sideProps = this.definedProperties.get(side);
if (!sideProps) {
const delta =
(GeoProp.isHorizontal(side) ? pageX - x : pageY - y) * inc;
// The inline style has usually the priority over any other CSS rule
// set in stylesheets. However, if a rule has `!important` keyword,
// it will override the inline style too. To ensure Geometry Editor
// will always update the element, we have to add `!important` as
// well.
value + delta + unit,
getElement(id) {
return this.markup.getElement(this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + id);
_show() {
this.computedStyle = getComputedStyle(this.currentNode);
const pos = this.computedStyle.position;
// XXX: sticky positioning is ignored for now. To be implemented next.
if (pos === "sticky") {
return false;
const hasUpdated = this._update();
if (!hasUpdated) {
return false;
return true;
_update() {
// At each update, the position or/and size may have changed, so get the
// list of defined properties, and re-position the arrows and highlighters.
this.definedProperties = getDefinedGeometryProperties(this.currentNode);
// We need the zoom factor to fix the original position of the node
// as well as the arrows.
this.zoomFactor = getCurrentZoom(this.currentNode);
if (!this.definedProperties.size) {
console.warn("The element does not have editable geometry properties");
return false;
// Update the highlighters and arrows.
// Avoid zooming the arrows when content is zoomed.
const node = this.currentNode;
this.markup.scaleRootElement(node, this.ID_CLASS_PREFIX + "root");
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.highlighterEnv.document.documentElement);
return true;
* Update the offset parent rectangle.
* There are 3 different cases covered here:
* - the node is absolutely/fixed positioned, and an offsetParent is defined
* (i.e. it's not just positioned in the viewport): the offsetParent node
* is highlighted (i.e. the rectangle is shown),
* - the node is relatively positioned: the rectangle is shown where the node
* would originally have been (because that's where the relative positioning
* is calculated from),
* - the node has no offset parent at all: the offsetParent rectangle is
* hidden.
updateOffsetParent() {
// Get the offsetParent, if any.
this.offsetParent = getOffsetParent(this.currentNode);
// And the offsetParent quads.
this.parentQuads = getAdjustedQuads(,
const el = this.getElement("offset-parent");
const isPositioned =
this.computedStyle.position === "absolute" ||
this.computedStyle.position === "fixed";
const isRelative = this.computedStyle.position === "relative";
let isHighlighted = false;
if (this.offsetParent.element && isPositioned) {
const { p1, p2, p3, p4 } = this.parentQuads[0];
const points =
p1.x +
"," +
p1.y +
" " +
p2.x +
"," +
p2.y +
" " +
p3.x +
"," +
p3.y +
" " +
p4.x +
"," +
el.setAttribute("points", points);
isHighlighted = true;
} else if (isRelative) {
const xDelta = parseFloat(this.computedStyle.left) * this.zoomFactor;
const yDelta = parseFloat( * this.zoomFactor;
if (xDelta || yDelta) {
const { p1, p2, p3, p4 } = this.currentQuads.margin[0];
const points =
p1.x -
xDelta +
"," +
(p1.y - yDelta) +
" " +
(p2.x - xDelta) +
"," +
(p2.y - yDelta) +
" " +
(p3.x - xDelta) +
"," +
(p3.y - yDelta) +
" " +
(p4.x - xDelta) +
"," +
(p4.y - yDelta);
el.setAttribute("points", points);
isHighlighted = true;
if (isHighlighted) {
} else {
el.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
updateCurrentNode() {
const box = this.getElement("current-node");
const { p1, p2, p3, p4 } = this.currentQuads.margin[0];
const attr =
p1.x +
"," +
p1.y +
" " +
p2.x +
"," +
p2.y +
" " +
p3.x +
"," +
p3.y +
" " +
p4.x +
"," +
box.setAttribute("points", attr);
_hide() {
this.getElement("root").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("current-node").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("offset-parent").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
setIgnoreLayoutChanges(false, this.highlighterEnv.document.documentElement);
hideArrows() {
for (const side of GeoProp.SIDES) {
this.getElement("arrow-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("label-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
this.getElement("handler-" + side).setAttribute("hidden", "true");
updateArrows() {
// Position arrows always end at the node's margin box.
const marginBox = this.currentQuads.margin[0].bounds;
// Position the side arrows which need to be visible.
// Arrows always start at the offsetParent edge, and end at the middle
// position of the node's margin edge.
// Note that for relative positioning, the offsetParent is considered to be
// the node itself, where it would have been originally.
// +------------------+----------------+
// | offsetparent | top |
// | or viewport | |
// | +--------+--------+ |
// | | node | |
// +---------+ +-------+
// | left | | right |
// | +--------+--------+ |
// | | bottom |
// +------------------+----------------+
const getSideArrowStartPos = side => {
// In case of relative positioning.
if (this.computedStyle.position === "relative") {
if (GeoProp.isInverted(side)) {
return (
marginBox[side] +
parseFloat(this.computedStyle[side]) * this.zoomFactor
return (
marginBox[side] -
parseFloat(this.computedStyle[side]) * this.zoomFactor
// In case an offsetParent exists and is highlighted.
if (this.parentQuads && this.parentQuads.length) {
return this.parentQuads[0].bounds[side];
// In case the element is positioned in the viewport.
if (GeoProp.isInverted(side)) {
return this.offsetParent.dimension[GeoProp.mainAxisSize(side)];
return (
-1 *
"scroll" + GeoProp.axis(side).toUpperCase()
for (const side of GeoProp.SIDES) {
const sideProp = this.definedProperties.get(side);
if (!sideProp) {
const mainAxisStartPos = getSideArrowStartPos(side);
const mainAxisEndPos = marginBox[side];
const crossAxisPos =
marginBox[GeoProp.crossAxisStart(side)] +
marginBox[GeoProp.crossAxisSize(side)] / 2;
updateArrow(side, mainStart, mainEnd, crossPos, labelValue) {
const arrowEl = this.getElement("arrow-" + side);
const labelEl = this.getElement("label-" + side);
const labelTextEl = this.getElement("label-text-" + side);
const handlerEl = this.getElement("handler-" + side);
// Position the arrow <line>.
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.axis(side) + "1", mainStart);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.crossAxis(side) + "1", crossPos);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.axis(side) + "2", mainEnd);
arrowEl.setAttribute(GeoProp.crossAxis(side) + "2", crossPos);
handlerEl.setAttribute("c" + GeoProp.axis(side), mainEnd);
handlerEl.setAttribute("c" + GeoProp.crossAxis(side), crossPos);
// Position the label <text> in the middle of the arrow (making sure it's
// not hidden below the fold).
const capitalize = str => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
const winMain =["inner" + capitalize(GeoProp.mainAxisSize(side))];
let labelMain = mainStart + (mainEnd - mainStart) / 2;
if (
(mainStart > 0 && mainStart < winMain) ||
(mainEnd > 0 && mainEnd < winMain)
) {
if (labelMain < GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE) {
} else if (labelMain > winMain - GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE) {
labelMain = winMain - GEOMETRY_LABEL_SIZE;
const labelCross = crossPos;
? "translate(" + labelMain + " " + labelCross + ")"
: "translate(" + labelCross + " " + labelMain + ")"
onWillNavigate({ isTopLevel }) {
if (isTopLevel) {
exports.GeometryEditorHighlighter = GeometryEditorHighlighter;