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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
accessibility: {
} = require("resource://devtools/shared/constants.js");
const {
* Check if the accessible is visible to the assistive technology.
* @param {nsIAccessible} accessible
* Accessible object to be tested for visibility.
* @returns {Boolean}
* True if accessible object is visible to assistive technology.
function isVisible(accessible) {
const state = {};
accessible.getState(state, {});
return !(state.value & Ci.nsIAccessibleStates.STATE_INVISIBLE);
* Get related accessible objects that are targets of labelled by relation e.g.
* labels.
* @param {nsIAccessible} accessible
* Accessible objects to get labels for.
* @returns {Array}
* A list of accessible objects that are labels for a given accessible.
function getLabels(accessible) {
const relation = accessible.getRelationByType(
return [...relation.getTargets().enumerate(Ci.nsIAccessible)];
* Get a trimmed name of the accessible object.
* @param {nsIAccessible} accessible
* Accessible objects to get a name for.
* @returns {null|String}
* Trimmed name of the accessible object if available.
function getAccessibleName(accessible) {
return &&;
* A text label rule for accessible objects that must have a non empty
* accessible name.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if accessible object has no or empty name, null
* otherwise.
const mustHaveNonEmptyNameRule = function (issue, accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
return name ? null : { score: FAIL, issue };
* A text label rule for accessible objects that should have a non empty
* accessible name as a best practice.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Best practices audit report if accessible object has no or empty
* name, null otherwise.
const shouldHaveNonEmptyNameRule = function (issue, accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
return name ? null : { score: BEST_PRACTICES, issue };
* A text label rule for accessible objects that can be activated via user
* action and must have a non-empty name.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if interactive accessible object has no or
* empty name, null otherwise.
const interactiveRule = mustHaveNonEmptyNameRule.bind(
* A text label rule for accessible objects that correspond to dialogs and thus
* should have a non-empty name.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Best practices audit report if dialog accessible object has no or
* empty name, null otherwise.
const dialogRule = shouldHaveNonEmptyNameRule.bind(null, DIALOG_NO_NAME);
* A text label rule for accessible objects that provide visual information
* (images, canvas, etc.) and must have a defined name (that can be empty, e.g.
* "").
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if interactive accessible object has no name,
* null otherwise.
const imageRule = function (accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
return name != null ? null : { score: FAIL, issue: IMAGE_NO_NAME };
* A text label rule for accessible objects that correspond to form elements.
* These objects must have a non-empty name and must have a visible label.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if form element accessible object has no name,
* warning if the name does not come from a visible label, null
* otherwise.
const formRule = function (accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
if (!name) {
return { score: FAIL, issue: FORM_NO_NAME };
const labels = getLabels(accessible);
const hasNameFromVisibleLabel = labels.some(label => isVisible(label));
return hasNameFromVisibleLabel
? null
: { score: WARNING, issue: FORM_NO_VISIBLE_NAME };
* A text label rule for elements that map to ROLE_GROUPING:
* * <OPTGROUP> must have a non-empty name and must be provided via the
* "label" attribute.
* * <FIELDSET> must have a non-empty name and must be provided via the
* corresponding <LEGEND> element.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if form grouping accessible object has no name,
* or has a name that is not derived from a required location, null
* otherwise.
const formGroupingRule = function (accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
const { DOMNode } = accessible;
switch (DOMNode.nodeName) {
case "OPTGROUP":
return name && DOMNode.label && DOMNode.label.trim() === name
? null
: {
score: FAIL,
case "FIELDSET":
if (!name) {
return { score: FAIL, issue: FORM_FIELDSET_NO_NAME };
const labels = getLabels(accessible);
const hasNameFromLegend = labels.some(
label =>
label.DOMNode.nodeName === "LEGEND" && && === name &&
return hasNameFromLegend
? null
: {
score: WARNING,
return null;
* A text label rule for elements that map to ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER:
* * <METER> mapps to ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER and must have a name provided via
* the visible label. Note: Will only work when bug 559770 is resolved (right
* now, unlabelled meters are not mapped to an accessible object).
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report depending on requirements for dialogs or form
* meter element, null otherwise.
const textContainerRule = function (accessible) {
const { DOMNode } = accessible;
switch (DOMNode.nodeName) {
case "DIALOG":
return dialogRule(accessible);
case "METER":
return formRule(accessible);
return null;
* A text label rule for elements that map to ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME:
* * <OBJECT> maps to ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME. Check the type attribute and whether
* it includes "image/" (e.g. image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif). If so, audit
* it the same way other image roles are audited.
* * <EMBED> maps to ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME and must have a non-empty name.
* * <FRAME> and <IFRAME> map to ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME and must have a non-empty
* title attribute.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if the internal frame accessible object name is
* not provided or if it is not derived from a required location, null
* otherwise.
const internalFrameRule = function (accessible) {
const { DOMNode } = accessible;
switch (DOMNode.nodeName) {
case "FRAME":
return mustHaveNonEmptyNameRule(FRAME_NO_NAME, accessible);
case "IFRAME":
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
const title = DOMNode.title && DOMNode.title.trim();
return title && title === name
? null
: { score: FAIL, issue: IFRAME_NO_NAME_FROM_TITLE };
case "OBJECT": {
const type = DOMNode.getAttribute("type");
if (!type || !type.startsWith("image/")) {
return null;
return imageRule(accessible);
case "EMBED": {
const type = DOMNode.getAttribute("type");
if (!type || !type.startsWith("image/")) {
return mustHaveNonEmptyNameRule(EMBED_NO_NAME, accessible);
return imageRule(accessible);
return null;
* A text label rule for accessible objects that represent documents and should
* have title element provided.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if document accessible object has no or empty
* title, null otherwise.
const documentRule = function (accessible) {
const title = accessible.DOMNode.title && accessible.DOMNode.title.trim();
return title ? null : { score: FAIL, issue: DOCUMENT_NO_TITLE };
* A text label rule for accessible objects that correspond to headings and thus
* must be non-empty.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if heading accessible object has no or
* empty name or if its text content is empty, null otherwise.
const headingRule = function (accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
if (!name) {
return { score: FAIL, issue: HEADING_NO_NAME };
const content =
accessible.DOMNode.textContent && accessible.DOMNode.textContent.trim();
return content ? null : { score: WARNING, issue: HEADING_NO_CONTENT };
* A text label rule for accessible objects that represent toolbars and must
* have a non-empty name if there is more than one toolbar present.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if toolbar accessible object is not the only
* toolbar in the document and has no or empty title, null otherwise.
const toolbarRule = function (accessible) {
const toolbars =
return toolbars.length > 1
? mustHaveNonEmptyNameRule(TOOLBAR_NO_NAME, accessible)
: null;
* A text label rule for accessible objects that represent link (anchors, areas)
* and must have a non-empty name.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if link accessible object has no or empty name,
* or in case when it's an <area> element with href attribute the name
* is not specified by an alt attribute, null otherwise.
const linkRule = function (accessible) {
const { DOMNode } = accessible;
if (DOMNode.nodeName === "AREA" && DOMNode.hasAttribute("href")) {
const alt = DOMNode.getAttribute("alt");
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
return alt && alt.trim() === name
? null
: { score: FAIL, issue: AREA_NO_NAME_FROM_ALT };
return interactiveRule(accessible);
* A text label rule for accessible objects that are used to display
* non-standard symbols where existing Unicode characters are not available and
* must have a non-empty name.
* @returns {null|Object}
* Failure audit report if mglyph accessible object has no or empty
* name, and no or empty alt attribute, null otherwise.
const mathmlGlyphRule = function (accessible) {
const name = getAccessibleName(accessible);
if (name) {
return null;
const { DOMNode } = accessible;
const alt = DOMNode.getAttribute("alt");
return alt && alt.trim()
? null
: { score: FAIL, issue: MATHML_GLYPH_NO_NAME };
const RULES = {
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_BUTTONMENU]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CANVAS]: imageRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECKBUTTON]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_CHECK_RICH_OPTION]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COLUMNHEADER]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COMBOBOX]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_DIAGRAM]: imageRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_DIALOG]: dialogRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_DOCUMENT]: documentRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_EDITCOMBOBOX]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_ENTRY]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_FIGURE]: shouldHaveNonEmptyNameRule.bind(
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_GRAPHIC]: imageRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_GROUPING]: formGroupingRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_HEADING]: headingRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_IMAGE_MAP]: imageRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME]: internalFrameRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_LINK]: linkRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_LISTBOX]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MATHML_GLYPH]: mathmlGlyphRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_MENUITEM]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_OPTION]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_OUTLINEITEM]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PAGETAB]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PROGRESSBAR]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_PUSHBUTTON]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_RADIOBUTTON]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_ROWHEADER]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_SLIDER]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_SPINBUTTON]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_SWITCH]: formRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER]: textContainerRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON]: interactiveRule,
[Ci.nsIAccessibleRole.ROLE_TOOLBAR]: toolbarRule,
* Perform audit for WCAG 1.1 criteria related to providing alternative text
* depending on the type of content.
* @param {nsIAccessible} accessible
* Accessible object to be tested to determine if it requires and has
* an appropriate text alternative.
* @return {null|Object}
* Null if accessible does not need or has the right text alternative,
* audit data otherwise. This data is used in the accessibility panel
* for its audit filters, audit badges, sidebar checks section and
* highlighter.
function auditTextLabel(accessible) {
const rule = RULES[accessible.role];
return rule ? rule(accessible) : null;
module.exports.auditTextLabel = auditTextLabel;