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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// Check that async stacktraces are displayed as expected.
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = `data:text/html;charset=utf8,<!DOCTYPE html><script>
function timeout(cb, delay) {
setTimeout(cb, delay);
function promiseThen(cb) {
const onTimeout = () => {
console.trace("Trace message");
console.error("console error message");
throw new Error("Thrown error message");
const onPromiseThen = () => timeout(onTimeout, 1);
add_task(async function () {
await pushPref("javascript.options.asyncstack_capture_debuggee_only", false);
const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI);
// Cached messages stacktrace are missing "promise callback" frames, so we reload
// the page to get "live" messages instead. See Bug 1604428.
await reloadPage();
const expectedFrames = [
"(Async: setTimeout handler)",
"(Async: promise callback)",
const traceMsgNode = await waitFor(
() => findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "Trace message", ".trace"),
"Wait for the trace message to be logged"
let frames = await getSimplifiedStack(traceMsgNode);
is(frames, expectedFrames, "console.trace has expected frames");
const consoleErrorMsgNode = await waitFor(
() => findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "console error message", ".error"),
"Wait for the console error message to be logged"
frames = await getSimplifiedStack(consoleErrorMsgNode);
is(frames, expectedFrames, "console.error has expected frames");
const errorMsgNode = await waitFor(
() =>
"Uncaught Error: Thrown error message",
"Wait for the thrown error message to be logged"
frames = await getSimplifiedStack(errorMsgNode);
is(frames, expectedFrames, "thrown error has expected frames");
async function getSimplifiedStack(messageEl) {
const framesEl = await waitFor(() => {
const frames = messageEl.querySelectorAll(
".message-body-wrapper > .stacktrace .frame"
return frames.length ? frames : null;
}, "Couldn't find stacktrace");
return Array.from(framesEl)
.map(frameEl =>
el => el.textContent.trim()