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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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"use strict";
// Test that internal DBs are hidden in the regular toolbox,but visible in the
// Browser Toolbox
add_task(async function () {
await openTabAndSetupStorage(
MAIN_DOMAIN_SECURED + "storage-empty-objectstores.html"
const doc = gPanelWindow.document;
// check regular toolbox
info("Check indexedDB tree in toolbox");
const hosts = getDBHostsInTree(doc);
is(hosts.length, 1, "There is only one host for indexedDB storage");
is(hosts[0], "", "Host is");
// check browser toolbox
info("awaiting to open browser toolbox");
const ToolboxTask = await initBrowserToolboxTask();
await ToolboxTask.importFunctions({ getDBHostsInTree });
await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => {
info("Selecting storage panel");
await gToolbox.selectTool("storage");
info("Check indexedDB tree in browser toolbox");
const browserToolboxDoc = gToolbox.getCurrentPanel().panelWindow.document;
const browserToolboxHosts = getDBHostsInTree(browserToolboxDoc);
// In the spawn task, we don't have access to Assert:
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok
ok(browserToolboxHosts.length > 1, "There are more than 1 indexedDB hosts");
"about:devtools-toolbox host is present"
ok(browserToolboxHosts.includes("chrome"), "chrome host is present");
"fx-devtools host is present"
info("Destroying browser toolbox");
await ToolboxTask.destroy();
function getDBHostsInTree(doc) {
const treeId = JSON.stringify(["indexedDB"]);
const items = doc.querySelectorAll(
`[data-id='${treeId}'] > .tree-widget-children > *`
// the host is located at the 2nd element of the array in data-id
return [...items].map(x => JSON.parse([1]);