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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const NET_STRINGS_URI = "devtools/client/locales/";
const SVG_NS = "";
const PI = Math.PI;
const TAU = PI * 2;
const EPSILON = 0.0000001;
const EventEmitter = require("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js");
const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js");
const L10N = new LocalizationHelper(NET_STRINGS_URI);
* A factory for creating charts.
* Example usage: let myChart = Chart.Pie(document, { ... });
var Chart = {
Pie: createPieChart,
Table: createTableChart,
PieTable: createPieTableChart,
* A simple pie chart proxy for the underlying view.
* Each item in the `slices` property represents a [data, node] pair containing
* the data used to create the slice and the Node displaying it.
* @param Node node
* The node representing the view for this chart.
function PieChart(node) {
this.node = node;
this.slices = new WeakMap();
* A simple table chart proxy for the underlying view.
* Each item in the `rows` property represents a [data, node] pair containing
* the data used to create the row and the Node displaying it.
* @param Node node
* The node representing the view for this chart.
function TableChart(node) {
this.node = node;
this.rows = new WeakMap();
* A simple pie+table chart proxy for the underlying view.
* @param Node node
* The node representing the view for this chart.
* @param PieChart pie
* The pie chart proxy.
* @param TableChart table
* The table chart proxy.
function PieTableChart(node, pie, table) {
this.node = node;
this.pie = pie;
this.table = table;
* Creates the DOM for a pie+table chart.
* @param Document document
* The document responsible with creating the DOM.
* @param object
* An object containing all or some of the following properties:
* - title: a string displayed as the table chart's (description)/local
* - diameter: the diameter of the pie chart, in pixels
* - data: an array of items used to display each slice in the pie
* and each row in the table;
* @see `createPieChart` and `createTableChart` for details.
* - strings: @see `createTableChart` for details.
* - totals: @see `createTableChart` for details.
* - sorted: a flag specifying if the `data` should be sorted
* ascending by `size`.
* @return PieTableChart
* A pie+table chart proxy instance, which emits the following events:
* - "mouseover", when the mouse enters a slice or a row
* - "mouseout", when the mouse leaves a slice or a row
* - "click", when the mouse enters a slice or a row
function createPieTableChart(
{ title, diameter, data, strings, totals, sorted, header }
) {
if (data && sorted) {
data = data.slice().sort((a, b) => +(a.size < b.size));
const pie = Chart.Pie(document, {
width: diameter,
const table = Chart.Table(document, {
const container = document.createElement("div");
container.className = "pie-table-chart-container";
const proxy = new PieTableChart(container, pie, table);
pie.on("click", item => {
proxy.emit("click", item);
table.on("click", item => {
proxy.emit("click", item);
pie.on("mouseover", item => {
proxy.emit("mouseover", item);
if (table.rows.has(item)) {
table.rows.get(item).setAttribute("focused", "");
pie.on("mouseout", item => {
proxy.emit("mouseout", item);
if (table.rows.has(item)) {
table.on("mouseover", item => {
proxy.emit("mouseover", item);
if (pie.slices.has(item)) {
pie.slices.get(item).setAttribute("focused", "");
table.on("mouseout", item => {
proxy.emit("mouseout", item);
if (pie.slices.has(item)) {
return proxy;
* Creates the DOM for a pie chart based on the specified properties.
* @param Document document
* The document responsible with creating the DOM.
* @param object
* An object containing all or some of the following properties:
* - data: an array of items used to display each slice; all the items
* should be objects containing a `size` and a `label` property.
* e.g: [{
* size: 1,
* label: "foo"
* }, {
* size: 2,
* label: "bar"
* }];
* - width: the width of the chart, in pixels
* - height: optional, the height of the chart, in pixels.
* - centerX: optional, the X-axis center of the chart, in pixels.
* - centerY: optional, the Y-axis center of the chart, in pixels.
* - radius: optional, the radius of the chart, in pixels.
* @return PieChart
* A pie chart proxy instance, which emits the following events:
* - "mouseover", when the mouse enters a slice
* - "mouseout", when the mouse leaves a slice
* - "click", when the mouse clicks a slice
function createPieChart(
{ data, width, height, centerX, centerY, radius }
) {
height = height || width;
centerX = centerX || width / 2;
centerY = centerY || height / 2;
radius = radius || (width + height) / 4;
let isPlaceholder = false;
// If there's no data available, display an empty placeholder.
if (!data) {
data = loadingPieChartData();
isPlaceholder = true;
if (!data.length) {
data = emptyPieChartData();
isPlaceholder = true;
const container = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "svg");
"generic-chart-container pie-chart-container"
container.setAttribute("width", width);
container.setAttribute("height", height);
container.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height);
container.setAttribute("slices", data.length);
container.setAttribute("placeholder", isPlaceholder);
container.setAttribute("role", "group");
container.setAttribute("aria-label", L10N.getStr("pieChart.ariaLabel"));
const slicesGroup = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "g");
slicesGroup.setAttribute("role", "list");
const proxy = new PieChart(container);
const total = data.reduce((acc, e) => acc + e.size, 0);
const angles = => (e.size / total) * (TAU - EPSILON));
const largest = data.reduce((a, b) => (a.size > b.size ? a : b));
const smallest = data.reduce((a, b) => (a.size < b.size ? a : b));
const textDistance = radius / NAMED_SLICE_TEXT_DISTANCE_RATIO;
const translateDistance = radius / HOVERED_SLICE_TRANSLATE_DISTANCE_RATIO;
let startAngle = TAU;
let endAngle = 0;
let midAngle = 0;
radius -= translateDistance;
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const sliceInfo = data[i];
const sliceAngle = angles[i];
const sliceNode = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "g");
sliceNode.setAttribute("role", "listitem");
const interactiveNodeId = `${sliceInfo.label}-slice`;
const textNodeId = `${sliceInfo.label}-slice-label`;
// The only way to make this keyboard accessible is to have a link
const interactiveNode = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "a");
interactiveNode.setAttribute("id", interactiveNodeId);
interactiveNode.setAttribute("xlink:href", `#${interactiveNodeId}`);
interactiveNode.setAttribute("tabindex", `0`);
interactiveNode.setAttribute("role", `button`);
if (!isPlaceholder) {
new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
style: "unit",
unit: "percent",
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
}).format((sliceInfo.size / total) * 100)
endAngle = startAngle - sliceAngle;
midAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2;
const x1 = centerX + radius * Math.sin(startAngle);
const y1 = centerY - radius * Math.cos(startAngle);
const x2 = centerX + radius * Math.sin(endAngle);
const y2 = centerY - radius * Math.cos(endAngle);
const largeArcFlag = Math.abs(startAngle - endAngle) > PI ? 1 : 0;
const pathNode = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "path");
pathNode.setAttribute("data-statistic-name", sliceInfo.label);
" M " +
centerX +
"," +
centerY +
" L " +
x2 +
"," +
y2 +
" A " +
radius +
"," +
radius +
" 0 " +
largeArcFlag +
" 1 " +
x1 +
"," +
y1 +
" Z"
if (sliceInfo == largest) {
pathNode.setAttribute("largest", "");
if (sliceInfo == smallest) {
pathNode.setAttribute("smallest", "");
const hoverX = translateDistance * Math.sin(midAngle);
const hoverY = -translateDistance * Math.cos(midAngle);
const hoverTransform =
"transform: translate(" + hoverX + "px, " + hoverY + "px)";
pathNode.setAttribute("style", data.length > 1 ? hoverTransform : "");
proxy.slices.set(sliceInfo, pathNode);
["click", "mouseover", "mouseout", "focus"],
const textX = centerX + textDistance * Math.sin(midAngle);
const textY = centerY - textDistance * Math.cos(midAngle);
// Don't add the label if the slice isn't large enough so it doesn't look cramped.
if (sliceAngle >= NAMED_SLICE_MIN_ANGLE) {
const label = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "text");
label.setAttribute("id", textNodeId);
// A label is already set on `interactiveNode`, so hide this from the accessibility tree
// to avoid duplicating text.
label.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
label.setAttribute("class", "pie-chart-label");
label.setAttribute("style", data.length > 1 ? hoverTransform : "");
label.setAttribute("x", data.length > 1 ? textX : centerX);
label.setAttribute("y", data.length > 1 ? textY : centerY);
startAngle = endAngle;
return proxy;
* Creates the DOM for a table chart based on the specified properties.
* @param Document document
* The document responsible with creating the DOM.
* @param object
* An object containing all or some of the following properties:
* - title: a string displayed as the chart's (description)/local
* - data: an array of items used to display each row; all the items
* should be objects representing columns, for which the
* properties' values will be displayed in each cell of a row.
* e.g: [{
* label1: 1,
* label2: 3,
* label3: "foo"
* }, {
* label1: 4,
* label2: 6,
* label3: "bar
* }];
* - strings: an object specifying for which rows in the `data` array
* their cell values should be stringified and localized
* based on a predicate function;
* e.g: {
* label1: value => l10n.getFormatStr("...", value)
* }
* - totals: an object specifying for which rows in the `data` array
* the sum of their cells is to be displayed in the chart;
* e.g: {
* label1: total => l10n.getFormatStr("...", total), // 5
* label2: total => l10n.getFormatStr("...", total), // 9
* }
* - header: an object specifying strings to use for table column
* headers
* e.g. {
* label1: l10n.getStr(...),
* label2: l10n.getStr(...),
* }
* @return TableChart
* A table chart proxy instance, which emits the following events:
* - "mouseover", when the mouse enters a row
* - "mouseout", when the mouse leaves a row
* - "click", when the mouse clicks a row
function createTableChart(document, { title, data, strings, totals, header }) {
strings = strings || {};
totals = totals || {};
header = header || {};
let isPlaceholder = false;
// If there's no data available, display an empty placeholder.
if (!data) {
data = loadingTableChartData();
isPlaceholder = true;
if (!data.length) {
data = emptyTableChartData();
isPlaceholder = true;
const container = document.createElement("div");
container.className = "generic-chart-container table-chart-container";
container.setAttribute("placeholder", isPlaceholder);
const proxy = new TableChart(container);
const titleNode = document.createElement("span");
titleNode.className = "table-chart-title";
titleNode.textContent = title;
const tableNode = document.createElement("table");
tableNode.className = "table-chart-grid";
const headerNode = document.createElement("thead");
headerNode.className = "table-chart-row";
const bodyNode = document.createElement("tbody");
const headerBoxNode = document.createElement("tr");
headerBoxNode.className = "table-chart-row-box";
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(header)) {
const headerLabelNode = document.createElement("th");
headerLabelNode.className = "table-chart-row-label";
headerLabelNode.setAttribute("name", key);
headerLabelNode.textContent = value;
if (key == "count") {
tableNode.append(headerNode, bodyNode);
for (const rowInfo of data) {
const rowNode = document.createElement("tr");
rowNode.className = "table-chart-row";
rowNode.setAttribute("data-statistic-name", rowInfo.label);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rowInfo)) {
// Don't render the "cached" column. We only have it in here so it can be displayed
// in the `totals` section.
if (key == "cached") {
const index = data.indexOf(rowInfo);
const stringified = strings[key] ? strings[key](value, index) : value;
const labelNode = document.createElement("td");
labelNode.className = "table-chart-row-label";
labelNode.setAttribute("name", key);
labelNode.textContent = stringified;
proxy.rows.set(rowInfo, rowNode);
delegate(proxy, ["click", "mouseover", "mouseout"], rowNode, rowInfo);
const totalsNode = document.createElement("div");
totalsNode.className = "table-chart-totals";
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(totals)) {
const total = data.reduce((acc, e) => acc + e[key], 0);
const stringified = value ? value(total || 0) : total;
const labelNode = document.createElement("span");
labelNode.className = "table-chart-summary-label";
labelNode.setAttribute("name", key);
labelNode.textContent = stringified;
return proxy;
function loadingPieChartData() {
return [{ size: 1, label: L10N.getStr("pieChart.loading") }];
function emptyPieChartData() {
return [{ size: 1, label: L10N.getStr("pieChart.unavailable") }];
function loadingTableChartData() {
return [{ size: "", label: L10N.getStr("tableChart.loading") }];
function emptyTableChartData() {
return [{ size: "", label: L10N.getStr("tableChart.unavailable") }];
* Delegates DOM events emitted by a Node to an EventEmitter proxy.
* @param EventEmitter emitter
* The event emitter proxy instance.
* @param array events
* An array of events, e.g. ["mouseover", "mouseout"].
* @param Node node
* The element firing the DOM events.
* @param any args
* The arguments passed when emitting events through the proxy.
function delegate(emitter, events, node, args) {
for (const event of events) {
node.addEventListener(event, emitter.emit.bind(emitter, event, args));
exports.Chart = Chart;