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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* TS-TODO - Needs typing.
* This file contains type stubs for loading things from Gecko. All of these
* types should be used in the correct places eventually.
* Namespace anything that has its types mocked out here. These definitions are
* only "good enough" to get the type checking to pass in this directory.
* Eventually some more structured solution should be found. This namespace is
* global and makes sure that all the definitions inside do not clash with
* naming.
declare namespace MockedExports {
* This interface teaches ChromeUtils.import how to find modules.
interface KnownModules {
Services: typeof import("Services");
"resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs");
"resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs");
"resource:///modules/CustomizableWidgets.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource:///modules/CustomizableWidgets.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/symbolication.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/symbolication.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/shared/loader/browser-loader.sys.mjs": any;
"resource://devtools/client/performance-new/popup/menu-button.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/popup/menu-button.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/typescript-lazy-load.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/typescript-lazy-load.sys.mjs");
"resource://devtools/client/performance-new/popup/logic.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://devtools/client/performance-new/popup/logic.sys.mjs");
"resource:///modules/PanelMultiView.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource:///modules/PanelMultiView.sys.mjs");
"resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs": typeof import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs");
interface ChromeUtils {
* This function reads the KnownModules and resolves which import to use.
* If you are getting the TS2345 error:
* of type
* Then add the file path to the KnownModules above.
import: <S extends keyof KnownModules>(module: S) => KnownModules[S];
importESModule: <S extends keyof KnownModules>(
module: S
) => KnownModules[S];
defineModuleGetter: (target: any, variable: string, path: string) => void;
defineESModuleGetters: (target: any, mappings: any) => void;
interface MessageManager {
loadFrameScript(url: string, flag: boolean): void;
sendAsyncMessage: (event: string, data: any) => void;
addMessageListener: (event: string, listener: (event: any) => void) => void;
// This is the thing in window.gBrowser, defined in
interface Browser {
addWebTab: (url: string, options: any) => BrowserTab;
contentPrincipal: any;
selectedTab: BrowserTab;
selectedBrowser?: ChromeBrowser;
messageManager: MessageManager;
ownerDocument?: ChromeDocument;
// This is a tab in a browser, defined in
interface BrowserTab {
linkedBrowser: ChromeBrowser;
interface BrowserWindow extends Window {
gBrowser: Browser;
focus(): void;
// The thing created in
// This is linked to BrowserTab.
interface ChromeBrowser {
browsingContext?: BrowsingContext;
interface BrowsingContext {
* A unique identifier for the browser element that is hosting this
* BrowsingContext tree. Every BrowsingContext in the element's tree will
* return the same ID in all processes and it will remain stable regardless of
* process changes. When a browser element's frameloader is switched to
* another browser element this ID will remain the same but hosted under the
* under the new browser element.
* We are using this identifier for getting the active tab ID and passing to
* the profiler back-end. See `getActiveBrowserID` for the usage.
browserId: number;
type GetPref<T> = (prefName: string, defaultValue?: T) => T;
type SetPref<T> = (prefName: string, value?: T) => T;
type nsIPrefBranch = {
clearUserPref: (prefName: string) => void;
getStringPref: GetPref<string>;
setStringPref: SetPref<string>;
getCharPref: GetPref<string>;
setCharPref: SetPref<string>;
getIntPref: GetPref<number>;
setIntPref: SetPref<number>;
getBoolPref: GetPref<boolean>;
setBoolPref: SetPref<boolean>;
addObserver: (
aDomain: string,
aObserver: PrefObserver,
aHoldWeak?: boolean
) => void;
removeObserver: (aDomain: string, aObserver: PrefObserver) => void;
type PrefObserverFunction = (
aSubject: nsIPrefBranch,
aTopic: "nsPref:changed",
aData: string
) => unknown;
type PrefObserver = PrefObserverFunction | { observe: PrefObserverFunction };
interface nsIURI {}
interface SharedLibrary {
start: number;
end: number;
offset: number;
name: string;
path: string;
debugName: string;
debugPath: string;
breakpadId: string;
arch: string;
interface ProfileGenerationAdditionalInformation {
sharedLibraries: SharedLibrary[];
interface ProfileAndAdditionalInformation {
profile: ArrayBuffer;
additionalInformation?: ProfileGenerationAdditionalInformation;
type Services = {
env: {
set: (name: string, value: string) => void;
get: (name: string) => string;
exists: (name: string) => boolean;
prefs: nsIPrefBranch;
profiler: {
StartProfiler: (
entryCount: number,
interval: number,
features: string[],
filters?: string[],
activeTabId?: number,
duration?: number
) => void;
StopProfiler: () => void;
IsPaused: () => boolean;
Pause: () => void;
Resume: () => void;
IsSamplingPaused: () => boolean;
PauseSampling: () => void;
ResumeSampling: () => void;
GetFeatures: () => string[];
getProfileDataAsync: (sinceTime?: number) => Promise<object>;
getProfileDataAsArrayBuffer: (sinceTime?: number) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
getProfileDataAsGzippedArrayBuffer: (
sinceTime?: number
) => Promise<ProfileAndAdditionalInformation>;
IsActive: () => boolean;
sharedLibraries: SharedLibrary[];
platform: string;
obs: {
addObserver: (observer: object, type: string) => void;
removeObserver: (observer: object, type: string) => void;
wm: {
getMostRecentWindow: (name: string) => BrowserWindow;
getMostRecentNonPBWindow: (name: string) => BrowserWindow;
focus: {
activeWindow: BrowserWindow;
io: {
newURI(url: string): nsIURI;
scriptSecurityManager: any;
startup: {
quit: (optionsBitmask: number) => void;
eForceQuit: number;
eRestart: number;
const EventEmitter: {
decorate: (target: object) => void;
const AppConstantsSYSMJS: {
AppConstants: {
platform: string;
interface BrowsingContextStub {}
interface PrincipalStub {}
interface WebChannelTarget {
browsingContext: BrowsingContextStub;
browser: Browser;
eventTarget: null;
principal: PrincipalStub;
interface FaviconData {
uri: nsIURI;
dataLen: number;
data: number[];
mimeType: string;
size: number;
const PlaceUtilsSYSMJS: {
PlacesUtils: {
promiseFaviconData: (
pageUrl: string | URL | nsIURI,
preferredWidth?: number
) => Promise<FaviconData>;
// TS-TODO: Add the rest.
const CustomizableUISYSMJS: any;
const CustomizableWidgetsSYSMJS: any;
const PanelMultiViewSYSMJS: any;
const LoaderESM: {
require: (path: string) => any;
const Services: Services;
// This class is needed by the Cc importing mechanism. e.g.
// Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
class nsIFilePicker {}
interface FilePicker {
init: (
browsingContext: BrowsingContext,
title: string,
mode: number
) => void;
open: (callback: (rv: number) => unknown) => void;
// The following are enum values.
modeGetFolder: number;
returnOK: number;
file: {
path: string;
interface Cc {
";1": {
createInstance(instance: nsIFilePicker): FilePicker;
interface Ci {
nsIFilePicker: nsIFilePicker;
interface Cu {
* This function reads the KnownModules and resolves which import to use.
* If you are getting the TS2345 error:
* of type
* Then add the file path to the KnownModules above.
import: <S extends keyof KnownModules>(module: S) => KnownModules[S];
exportFunction: (fn: Function, scope: object, options?: object) => void;
cloneInto: (value: any, scope: object, options?: object) => void;
isInAutomation: boolean;
interface FluentLocalization {
* This function sets the attributes data-l10n-id and possibly data-l10n-args
* on the element.
target: Element,
id?: string,
args?: Record<string, string>
): void;
interface PathUtilsInterface {
split: (path: string) => string[];
isAbsolute: (path: string) => boolean;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js" {
import * as React from "react";
export = React;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js" {
import * as ReactDomFactories from "react-dom-factories";
export = ReactDomFactories;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/redux.js" {
import * as Redux from "redux";
export = Redux;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-redux.js" {
import * as ReactRedux from "react-redux";
export = ReactRedux;
export = MockedExports.EventEmitter;
declare module "Services" {
export = MockedExports.Services;
declare module "ChromeUtils" {
export = ChromeUtils;
declare module "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.AppConstantsSYSMJS;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.sys.mjs" {
import * as Background from "devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.sys.mjs";
export = Background;
declare module "resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/symbolication.sys.mjs" {
import * as PerfSymbolication from "devtools/client/performance-new/shared/symbolication.sys.mjs";
export = PerfSymbolication;
declare module "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.CustomizableUISYSMJS;
declare module "resource:///modules/CustomizableWidgets.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.CustomizableWidgetsSYSMJS;
declare module "resource:///modules/PanelMultiView.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.PanelMultiViewSYSMJS;
declare module "resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.LoaderESM;
declare module "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs" {
export = MockedExports.PlaceUtilsSYSMJS;
declare var ChromeUtils: MockedExports.ChromeUtils;
declare var PathUtils: PathUtilsInterface;
// These global objects can be used directly in JSM files only.
declare var Cu: MockedExports.Cu;
declare var Cc: MockedExports.Cc;
declare var Ci: MockedExports.Ci;
declare var Services: MockedExports.Services;
* This is a variant on the normal Document, as it contains chrome-specific properties.
declare interface ChromeDocument extends Document {
* Create a XUL element of a specific type. Right now this function
* only refines iframes, but more tags could be added.
createXULElement: ((type: "iframe") => XULIframeElement) &
((type: string) => XULElement);
* This is a fluent instance connected to this document.
l10n: MockedExports.FluentLocalization;
* This is a variant on the HTMLElement, as it contains chrome-specific properties.
declare interface ChromeHTMLElement extends HTMLElement {
ownerDocument: ChromeDocument;
declare interface XULElement extends HTMLElement {
ownerDocument: ChromeDocument;
declare interface XULIframeElement extends XULElement {
contentWindow: Window;
src: string;
// `declare interface Window` is TypeScript way to let us implicitely extend and
// augment the already existing Window interface defined in the TypeScript library.
// This makes it possible to define properties that exist in the window object
// while in a privileged context. We assume that all of the environments we run
// in this project will be pribileged, that's why we take this shortcut of
// globally extending the Window type.
// See the ChromeOnly attributes in
// openWebLinkIn and openTrustedLinkIn aren't in all privileged windows, but
// they're also defined in the privileged environments we're dealing with in
// this project, so they're defined here for convenience.
declare interface Window {
browsingContext: MockedExports.BrowsingContext;
openWebLinkIn: (
url: string,
where: "current" | "tab" | "tabshifted" | "window" | "save",
options?: Partial<{
// Not all possible options are present, please add more if/when needed.
userContextId: number;
forceNonPrivate: boolean;
relatedToCurrent: boolean;
resolveOnContentBrowserCreated: (
contentBrowser: MockedExports.ChromeBrowser
) => unknown;
) => void;
openTrustedLinkIn: (
url: string,
where: "current" | "tab" | "tabshifted" | "window" | "save",
options?: Partial<{
// Not all possible options are present, please add more if/when needed.
userContextId: number;
forceNonPrivate: boolean;
relatedToCurrent: boolean;
resolveOnContentBrowserCreated: (
contentBrowser: MockedExports.ChromeBrowser
) => unknown;
) => void;
declare class ChromeWorker extends Worker {}
declare interface MenuListElement extends XULElement {
value: string;
disabled: boolean;
declare interface XULCommandEvent extends Event {
target: XULElement;
declare interface XULElementWithCommandHandler {
addEventListener: (
type: "command",
handler: (event: XULCommandEvent) => void,
isCapture?: boolean
) => void;
removeEventListener: (
type: "command",
handler: (event: XULCommandEvent) => void,
isCapture?: boolean
) => void;
declare type nsIPrefBranch = MockedExports.nsIPrefBranch;
// chrome context-only DOM isInstance method
// XXX: This hackishly extends Function because there is no way to extend DOM constructors.
// Callers should manually narrow the type when needed.
interface Function {
isInstance(obj: any): boolean;