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Test Info: Warnings

  • This test gets skipped with pattern: http3 OR http2 OR os == 'linux' && os_version == '18.04' && processor == 'x86_64' OR win11_2009 && debug OR win10_2009 && debug OR os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.15' && processor == 'x86_64' && debug
  • Manifest: devtools/client/netmonitor/test/browser.toml
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
* Test basic request blocking functionality for patterns
* Ensures that request blocking unblocks a relevant pattern and not just
* an exact URL match
add_task(async function () {
await pushPref("devtools.netmonitor.features.requestBlocking", true);
const { tab, monitor } = await initNetMonitor(HTTPS_CUSTOM_GET_URL, {
requestCount: 1,
info("Starting test... ");
const { document, store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin;
// Action should be processed synchronously in tests
const Actions = windowRequire("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index");
// Open the request blocking panel
// Add patterns which should block some of the requests
await addBlockedRequest("test1", monitor);
await addBlockedRequest("test/*/test3", monitor);
// Close the blocking panel to ensure it's opened by the context menu later
// Execute two XHRs (the same URL) and wait till they're finished
const TEST_URL_1 = HTTPS_SEARCH_SJS + "?value=test1";
const TEST_URL_2 = HTTPS_SEARCH_SJS + "?value=test2";
const TEST_URL_3 = HTTPS_SEARCH_SJS + "test/something/test3";
const TEST_URL_4 = HTTPS_SEARCH_SJS + "test/something/test4";
let wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 4);
await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_1, async function (url) {
content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(1, url);
await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_2, async function (url) {
content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(1, url);
await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_3, async function (url) {
content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(1, url);
await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_4, async function (url) {
content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(1, url);
await wait;
// Wait till there are four resources rendered in the results
await waitForDOMIfNeeded(document, ".request-list-item", 4);
let requestItems = document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item");
// Ensure that test1 item was blocked and test2 item wasn't
"The first request was blocked"
"The second request was not blocked"
// Ensure that test3 item was blocked and test4 item wasn't
"The third request was blocked"
"The fourth request was not blocked"
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, requestItems[0]);
// Right-click test1, select "Unblock URL" from its context menu
await toggleBlockedUrl(requestItems[0], monitor, store, "unblock");
// Ensure that the request blocking panel is now open and the item is unchecked
!document.querySelector(".request-blocking-list .devtools-checkbox")
"The blocking pattern is disabled from context menu"
// Request the unblocked URL again, ensure the URL was not blocked
wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1);
await ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_1, async function (url) {
content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(1, url);
await wait;
await waitForDOMIfNeeded(document, ".request-list-item", 5);
requestItems = document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item");
"The fifth request was not blocked"
await teardown(monitor);