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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
* This is a script to import Nimbus experiments from a given collection into
* browser/components/asrouter/tests/NimbusRolloutMessageProvider.sys.mjs. By
* default, it only imports messaging rollouts. This is done so that the content
* of off-train rollouts can be easily searched. That way, when we are cleaning
* up old assets (such as Fluent strings), we don't accidentally delete strings
* that live rollouts are using because it was too difficult to find whether
* they were in use.
* This works by fetching the message records from the Nimbus collection and
* then writing them to the file. The messages are converted from JSON to JS.
* The file is structured like this:
* export const NimbusRolloutMessageProvider = {
* getMessages() {
* return [
* { ...message1 },
* { ...message2 },
* ];
* },
* };
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const chalk = require("chalk");
const https = require("https");
const path = require("path");
const { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
const fs = require("fs");
const util = require("util");
const prettier = require("prettier");
const jsonschema = require("../../../../third_party/js/cfworker/json-schema.js");
const DEFAULT_COLLECTION_ID = "nimbus-desktop-experiments";
const BASE_URL =
const OUTPUT_PATH = "./tests/NimbusRolloutMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
const LICENSE_STRING = `/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */`;
function fetchJSON(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.get(url, resp => {
let data = "";
resp.on("data", chunk => {
data += chunk;
resp.on("end", () => resolve(JSON.parse(data)));
.on("error", reject);
function isMessageValid(validator, obj) {
if (validator) {
const result = validator.validate(obj);
return result.valid && result.errors.length === 0;
return true;
async function getMessageValidators(skipValidation) {
if (skipValidation) {
return { experimentValidator: null, messageValidators: {} };
async function getSchema(filePath) {
const file = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(filePath, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(file);
async function getValidator(filePath, { common = false } = {}) {
const schema = await getSchema(filePath);
const validator = new jsonschema.Validator(schema);
if (common) {
const commonSchema = await getSchema(
return validator;
const experimentValidator = await getValidator(
const messageValidators = {
bookmarks_bar_button: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
cfr_doorhanger: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
cfr_urlbar_chiclet: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
infobar: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
pb_newtab: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
spotlight: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
toast_notification: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
toolbar_badge: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
update_action: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
feature_callout: await getValidator(
// For now, Feature Callout and Spotlight share a common schema
{ common: true }
menu_message: await getValidator(
{ common: true }
messageValidators.milestone_message = messageValidators.cfr_doorhanger;
return { experimentValidator, messageValidators };
function annotateMessage({ message, slug, minVersion, maxVersion, url }) {
const comments = [];
if (slug) {
comments.push(`// Nimbus slug: ${slug}`);
let versionRange = "";
if (minVersion) {
versionRange = minVersion;
if (maxVersion) {
versionRange += `-${maxVersion}`;
} else {
versionRange += "+";
} else if (maxVersion) {
versionRange = `0-${maxVersion}`;
if (versionRange) {
comments.push(`// Version range: ${versionRange}`);
if (url) {
comments.push(`// Recipe: ${url}`);
return JSON.stringify(message, null, 2).replace(
`{ ${comments.join("\n")}`
async function format(content) {
const config = await prettier.resolveConfig("./.prettierrc.js");
return prettier.format(content, { ...config, filepath: OUTPUT_PATH });
async function main() {
const { default: meow } = await import("meow");
const fileUrl = pathToFileURL(__filename);
const cli = meow(
$ node bin/import-rollouts.js [options]
-c ID, --collection ID The Nimbus collection ID to import from
-e, --experiments Import all messaging experiments, not just rollouts
-s, --skip-validation Skip validation of experiments and messages
-h, --help Show this help message
$ node bin/import-rollouts.js --collection nimbus-preview
$ ./mach npm run import-rollouts --prefix=browser/components/newtab -- -e
description: false,
// `pkg` is a tiny optimization. It prevents meow from looking for a package
// that doesn't technically exist. meow searches for a package and changes
// the process name to the package name. It resolves to the newtab
// package.json, which would give a confusing name and be wasteful.
pkg: {
name: "import-rollouts",
version: "1.0.0",
// `importMeta` is required by meow 10+. It was added to support ESM, but
// meow now requires it, and no longer supports CJS style imports. But it
// only uses import.meta.url, which can be polyfilled like this:
importMeta: { url: fileUrl },
flags: {
collection: {
type: "string",
shortFlag: "c",
experiments: {
type: "boolean",
shortFlag: "e",
default: false,
skipValidation: {
type: "boolean",
shortFlag: "s",
default: false,
const RECORDS_URL = `${BASE_URL}${cli.flags.collection}/records`;
console.log(`Fetching records from ${chalk.underline.yellow(RECORDS_URL)}`);
const { data: records } = await fetchJSON(RECORDS_URL);
if (!Array.isArray(records)) {
throw new TypeError(
`Expected records to be an array, got ${typeof records}`
const recipes = records.filter(
record =>
record.application === "firefox-desktop" &&
record.featureIds.some(id =>
) &&
(record.isRollout || cli.flags.experiments)
const importItems = [];
const { experimentValidator, messageValidators } = await getMessageValidators(
for (const recipe of recipes) {
const { slug: experimentSlug, branches, targeting } = recipe;
if (!(experimentSlug && Array.isArray(branches) && branches.length)) {
`Processing ${recipe.isRollout ? "rollout" : "experiment"}: ${
branches.length > 1
? ` with ${chalk.underline(`${String(branches.length)} branches`)}`
: ""
const recipeUrl = `${EXPERIMENTER_URL}${experimentSlug}/summary`;
const [, minVersion] =
targeting?.match(/\(version\|versionCompare\(\'([0-9]+)\.!\'\) >= 0/) ||
const [, maxVersion] =
targeting?.match(/\(version\|versionCompare\(\'([0-9]+)\.\*\'\) <= 0/) ||
let branchIndex = branches.length > 1 ? 1 : 0;
for (const branch of branches) {
const { slug: branchSlug, features } = branch;
` Processing branch${
branchIndex > 0 ? ` ${branchIndex} of ${branches.length}` : ""
}: ${}`
branchIndex += 1;
const url = `${recipeUrl}#${branchSlug}`;
if (!Array.isArray(features)) {
for (const feature of features) {
if (
feature.enabled &&
feature.value &&
typeof feature.value === "object" &&
) {
if (!isMessageValid(experimentValidator, feature.value)) {
` ${
)} Skipping invalid value for branch: ${}`
const messages = (
feature.value.template === "multi" &&
? feature.value.messages
: [feature.value]
).filter(m => m &&;
let msgIndex = messages.length > 1 ? 1 : 0;
for (const message of messages) {
let messageLogString = `message${
msgIndex > 0 ? ` ${msgIndex} of ${messages.length}` : ""
}: ${}`;
if (!isMessageValid(messageValidators[message.template], message)) {
` ${"✗")} Skipping invalid ${messageLogString}`
console.log(` Importing ${messageLogString}`);
let slug = `${experimentSlug}:${branchSlug}`;
if (msgIndex > 0) {
slug += ` (message ${msgIndex} of ${messages.length})`;
msgIndex += 1;
importItems.push({ message, slug, minVersion, maxVersion, url });
const content = `${LICENSE_STRING}
* This file is generated by browser/components/asrouter/bin/import-rollouts.js
* Run the following from the repository root to regenerate it:
* ./mach npm run import-rollouts --prefix=browser/components/asrouter
export const NimbusRolloutMessageProvider = {
getMessages() {
return [${",\n")}];
const formattedContent = await format(content);
await util.promisify(fs.writeFile)(OUTPUT_PATH, formattedContent);
`${"✓")} Wrote ${
`${String(importItems.length)} ${
importItems.length === 1 ? "message" : "messages"
)} to ${chalk.underline.yellow(path.resolve(OUTPUT_PATH))}`