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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
"use strict";
const permissionError =
"error: NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed " +
"by the user agent or the platform in the current context.";
const PATH = "/browser/browser/base/content/test/webrtc/get_user_media.html";
const PATH2 = "/browser/browser/base/content/test/webrtc/get_user_media2.html";
const GRACE_PERIOD_MS = 3000;
// We're inherently testing timeouts (grace periods)
/* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const perms = SitePermissions;
// These tests focus on camera and microphone, so we define some helpers.
async function prompt(audio, video) {
let observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:request");
let promise = promisePopupNotificationShown("webRTC-shareDevices");
await promiseRequestDevice(audio, video);
await promise;
await observerPromise;
const expectedDeviceSelectorTypes = [
audio && "microphone",
video && "camera",
].filter(x => x);
async function allow(audio, video) {
let indicator = promiseIndicatorWindow();
let observerPromise1 = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:response:allow");
let observerPromise2 = expectObserverCalled("recording-device-events");
await promiseMessage("ok", () => {;
await observerPromise1;
await observerPromise2;
Object.assign({ audio: false, video: false }, await getMediaCaptureState()),
{ audio, video },
`expected ${video ? "camera " : ""} ${audio ? "microphone " : ""}shared`
await indicator;
await checkSharingUI({ audio, video });
async function deny(action) {
let observerPromise1 = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:response:deny");
let observerPromise2 = expectObserverCalled("recording-window-ended");
await promiseMessage(permissionError, () => {
await observerPromise1;
await observerPromise2;
await checkNotSharing();
async function noPrompt(audio, video) {
let observerPromises = [
let promise = promiseMessage("ok");
await promiseRequestDevice(audio, video);
await promise;
await Promise.all(observerPromises);
await promiseNoPopupNotification("webRTC-shareDevices");
Object.assign({ audio: false, video: false }, await getMediaCaptureState()),
{ audio, video },
`expected ${video ? "camera " : ""} ${audio ? "microphone " : ""}shared`
await checkSharingUI({ audio, video });
async function navigate(browser, url) {
await disableObserverVerification();
let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, url);
await SpecialPowers.spawn(
u => (content.document.location = u)
await loaded;
await enableObserverVerification();
var gTests = [
desc: "getUserMedia camera+mic survives track.stop but not past grace",
run: async function checkAudioVideoGracePastStop() {
await prompt(true, true);
await allow(true, true);
"After closing all streams, gUM(camera+mic) returns a stream " +
"without prompting within grace period."
await closeStream();
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, true);
"After closing all streams, gUM(mic) returns a stream " +
"without prompting within grace period."
await closeStream();
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, false);
"After closing all streams, gUM(camera) returns a stream " +
"without prompting within grace period."
await closeStream();
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(false, true);
info("gUM(screen) still causes a prompt.");
let observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:request");
let promise = promisePopupNotificationShown("webRTC-shareDevices");
await promiseRequestDevice(false, true, null, "screen");
await promise;
await observerPromise;
"anchored to device icon"
observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:response:deny");
await promiseMessage(permissionError, () => {
await observerPromise;
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "screen", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
await closeStream();
info("Closed stream. Waiting past grace period.");
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await wait(WAIT_PERIOD_MS);
await checkNotSharing();
info("After grace period expires, gUM(camera) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(false, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("After grace period expires, gUM(mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, false);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
desc: "getUserMedia camera+mic survives page reload but not past grace",
run: async function checkAudioVideoGracePastReload() {
await prompt(true, true);
await allow(true, true);
await closeStream();
await reloadFromContent();
"After page reload, gUM(camera+mic) returns a stream " +
"without prompting within grace period."
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, true);
await closeStream();
await reloadAsUser();
"After user page reload, gUM(camera+mic) returns a stream " +
"without prompting within grace period."
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, true);
info("gUM(screen) still causes a prompt.");
let observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:request");
let promise = promisePopupNotificationShown("webRTC-shareDevices");
await promiseRequestDevice(false, true, null, "screen");
await promise;
await observerPromise;
"anchored to device icon"
observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:response:deny");
await promiseMessage(permissionError, () => {
await observerPromise;
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "screen", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
await closeStream();
info("Closed stream. Waiting past grace period.");
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await wait(WAIT_PERIOD_MS);
await checkNotSharing();
info("After grace period expires, gUM(camera) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(false, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("After grace period expires, gUM(mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, false);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
desc: "getUserMedia camera+mic grace period does not carry over to new tab",
run: async function checkAudioVideoGraceEndsNewTab() {
await prompt(true, true);
await allow(true, true);
info("Open same page in a new tab");
await disableObserverVerification();
await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(SAME_ORIGIN + PATH, async () => {
info("In new tab, gUM(camera+mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, true);
info("Closed tab");
await enableObserverVerification();
await closeStream();
info("Closed stream. Waiting past grace period.");
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await wait(WAIT_PERIOD_MS);
await checkNotSharing();
info("After grace period expires, gUM(camera+mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
desc: "getUserMedia camera+mic survives navigation but not past grace",
run: async function checkAudioVideoGracePastNavigation(browser) {
// Use longer grace period in this test to accommodate navigation
const LONG_GRACE_PERIOD_MS = 9000;
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["privacy.webrtc.deviceGracePeriodTimeoutMs", LONG_GRACE_PERIOD_MS],
await prompt(true, true);
await allow(true, true);
await closeStream();
info("Navigate to a second same-origin page");
await navigate(browser, SAME_ORIGIN + PATH2);
"After navigating to second same-origin page, gUM(camera+mic) " +
"returns a stream without prompting within grace period."
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, true);
await closeStream();
info("Closed stream. Waiting past grace period.");
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await wait(LONG_WAIT_PERIOD_MS);
await checkNotSharing();
info("After grace period expires, gUM(camera+mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, true);
await allow(true, true);
info("Navigate to a different-origin page");
await navigate(browser, CROSS_ORIGIN + PATH2);
"After navigating to a different-origin page, gUM(camera+mic) " +
"causes a prompt."
await prompt(true, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Navigate back to the first page");
await navigate(browser, SAME_ORIGIN + PATH);
"After navigating back to the first page, gUM(camera+mic) " +
"returns a stream without prompting within grace period."
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await noPrompt(true, true);
await closeStream();
info("Closed stream. Waiting past grace period.");
await checkNotSharingWithinGracePeriod();
await wait(LONG_WAIT_PERIOD_MS);
await checkNotSharing();
info("After grace period expires, gUM(camera+mic) causes a prompt.");
await prompt(true, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
desc: "getUserMedia camera+mic grace period cleared on permission block",
run: async function checkAudioVideoGraceEndsNewTab() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["privacy.webrtc.deviceGracePeriodTimeoutMs", 10000]],
info("Set up longer camera grace period.");
await prompt(false, true);
await allow(false, true);
await closeStream();
let principal = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentPrincipal;
info("Request both to get prompted so we can block both.");
await prompt(true, true);
// We need to remember this decision to set a block permission here and not just 'Not now' the request, see Bug:1609578
await deny(kActionNever);
// Clear the block so we can prompt again.
perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Revoking permission clears camera grace period.");
await prompt(false, true);
await deny(kActionDeny);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Set up longer microphone grace period.");
await prompt(true, false);
await allow(true, false);
await closeStream();
info("Request both to get prompted so we can block both.");
await prompt(true, true);
// We need to remember this decision to be able to set a block permission here
await deny(kActionNever);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "camera", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
info("Revoking permission clears microphone grace period.");
await prompt(true, false);
// We need to remember this decision to be able to set a block permission here
await deny(kActionNever);
perms.removeFromPrincipal(null, "microphone", gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
add_task(async function test() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["privacy.webrtc.deviceGracePeriodTimeoutMs", GRACE_PERIOD_MS]],
await runTests(gTests);