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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* This list allows pre-existing or 'unfixable' CSS issues to remain, while we
* detect newly occurring issues in shipping CSS. It is a list of objects
* specifying conditions under which an error should be ignored.
* Every property of the objects in it needs to consist of a regular expression
* matching the offending error. If an object has multiple regex criteria, they
* ALL need to match an error in order for that error not to cause a test
* failure. */
let ignoreList = [
// CodeMirror is imported as-is, see bug 1004423.
{ sourceName: /codemirror\.css$/i, isFromDevTools: true },
// UA-only media features.
errorMessage: /Unknown pseudo-class.*-moz-/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
errorMessage: /Unknown property.*-moz-/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
sourceName: /(scrollbars|xul)\.css$/i,
errorMessage: /Unknown pseudo-class.*-moz-/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
// content: -moz-alt-content is UA-only.
sourceName: /\b(html)\.css$/i,
errorMessage: /Error in parsing value for ‘content’/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
// These variables are declared somewhere else, and error when we load the
// files directly. They're all marked intermittent because their appearance
// in the error console seems to not be consistent.
sourceName: /jsonview\/css\/general\.css$/i,
intermittent: true,
errorMessage: /Property contained reference to invalid variable.*color/i,
isFromDevTools: true,
sourceName: /web\/viewer\.css$/i,
/Unknown property ‘text-size-adjust’\. {2}Declaration dropped\./i,
isFromDevTools: false,
if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") {
errorMessage: /Unknown property.*-moz-osx-font-smoothing/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("layout.css.zoom.enabled")) {
sourceName: /\bscrollbars\.css$/i,
errorMessage: /Error in parsing value for ‘zoom’/i,
isFromDevTools: false,
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("layout.css.scroll-anchoring.enabled")) {
sourceName: /webconsole\.css$/i,
errorMessage: /Unknown property .*\boverflow-anchor\b/i,
isFromDevTools: true,
let propNameAllowlist = [
// These custom properties are retrieved directly from CSSOM
// in videocontrols.xml to get pre-defined style instead of computed
// dimensions, which is why they are not referenced by CSS.
{ propName: "--clickToPlay-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--playButton-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--muteButton-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--castingButton-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--closedCaptionButton-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--fullscreenButton-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--durationSpan-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--durationSpan-width-long", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--positionDurationBox-width", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--positionDurationBox-width-long", isFromDevTools: false },
// These variables are used in a shorthand, but the CSS parser deletes the values
// when expanding the shorthands. See
{ propName: "--bezier-diagonal-color", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--highlighter-font-family", isFromDevTools: true },
// This variable is used from CSS embedded in JS in adjustableTitle.js
{ propName: "--icon-url", isFromDevTools: false },
// These are referenced from devtools files.
propName: "--browser-stack-z-index-devtools-splitter",
isFromDevTools: false,
{ propName: "--browser-stack-z-index-rdm-toolbar", isFromDevTools: false },
// These variables are specified from devtools but read from non-devtools
// styles, which confuses the test.
{ propName: "--panel-border-radius", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--panel-padding", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--panel-background", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--panel-border-color", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--panel-shadow", isFromDevTools: true },
{ propName: "--panel-shadow-margin", isFromDevTools: true },
// These variables are used in JS in viewer.mjs (PDF.js).
propName: "--scale-round-x",
isFromDevTools: false,
propName: "--scale-round-y",
isFromDevTools: false,
// These variables define accent colors for tab group chrome
// and are used in JS in tabgroup.js
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-blue", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-blue-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-blue-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-purple", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-purple-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-purple-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-cyan", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-cyan-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-cyan-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-orange", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-orange-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-orange-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-yellow", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-yellow-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-yellow-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-pink", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-pink-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-pink-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-green", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-green-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-green-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-red", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-red-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-red-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-gray", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-gray-invert", isFromDevTools: false },
{ propName: "--tab-group-color-gray-pale", isFromDevTools: false },
/* Allow design tokens in devtools without all variables being used there */
{ sourceName: /\/design-system\/tokens-.*\.css$/, isFromDevTools: true },
// Add suffix to stylesheets' URI so that we always load them here and
// have them parsed. Add a random number so that even if we run this
// test multiple times, it would be unlikely to affect each other.
const kPathSuffix = "?always-parse-css-" + Math.random();
function dumpAllowlistItem(item) {
return JSON.stringify(item, (key, value) => {
return value instanceof RegExp ? value.toString() : value;
* Check if an error should be ignored due to matching one of the allowlist
* objects.
* @param aErrorObject the error to check
* @return true if the error should be ignored, false otherwise.
function ignoredError(aErrorObject) {
for (let allowlistItem of ignoreList) {
let matches = true;
let catchAll = true;
for (let prop of ["sourceName", "errorMessage"]) {
if (allowlistItem.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
catchAll = false;
if (!allowlistItem[prop].test(aErrorObject[prop] || "")) {
matches = false;
if (catchAll) {
"An allowlist item is catching all errors. " +
if (matches) {
allowlistItem.used = true;
let { sourceName, errorMessage } = aErrorObject;
`Ignored error "${errorMessage}" on ${sourceName} ` +
"because of allowlist item " +
return true;
return false;
var gChromeReg = Cc[";1"].getService(
var gChromeMap = new Map();
var resHandler =
var gResourceMap = [];
function trackResourcePrefix(prefix) {
let uri ="resource://" + prefix + "/");
gResourceMap.unshift([prefix, resHandler.resolveURI(uri)]);
function getBaseUriForChromeUri(chromeUri) {
let chromeFile = chromeUri + "nonexistentfile.reallynothere";
let uri =;
let fileUri = gChromeReg.convertChromeURL(uri);
return fileUri.resolve(".");
function parseManifest(manifestUri) {
return fetchFile(manifestUri.spec).then(data => {
for (let line of data.split("\n")) {
let [type, ...argv] = line.split(/\s+/);
if (type == "content" || type == "skin") {
let chromeUri = `chrome://${argv[0]}/${type}/`;
gChromeMap.set(getBaseUriForChromeUri(chromeUri), chromeUri);
} else if (type == "resource") {
function convertToCodeURI(fileUri) {
let baseUri = fileUri;
let path = "";
while (true) {
let slashPos = baseUri.lastIndexOf("/", baseUri.length - 2);
if (slashPos <= 0) {
// File not accessible from chrome protocol, try resource://
for (let res of gResourceMap) {
if (fileUri.startsWith(res[1])) {
return fileUri.replace(res[1], "resource://" + res[0] + "/");
// Give up and return the original URL.
return fileUri;
path = baseUri.slice(slashPos + 1) + path;
baseUri = baseUri.slice(0, slashPos + 1);
if (gChromeMap.has(baseUri)) {
return gChromeMap.get(baseUri) + path;
function messageIsCSSError(msg) {
// Only care about CSS errors generated by our iframe:
if (
msg instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError &&
msg.category.includes("CSS") &&
) {
let sourceName = msg.sourceName.slice(0, -kPathSuffix.length);
let msgInfo = { sourceName, errorMessage: msg.errorMessage };
// Check if this error is allowlisted in allowlist
if (!ignoredError(msgInfo)) {
ok(false, `Got error message for ${sourceName}: ${msg.errorMessage}`);
return true;
return false;
let imageURIsToReferencesMap = new Map();
let customPropsToReferencesMap = new Map();
let customPropsDefinitionFileMap = new Map();
function neverMatches(mediaList) {
const perPlatformMediaQueryMap = {
macosx: ["(-moz-platform: macos)"],
win: ["(-moz-platform: windows)"],
linux: ["(-moz-platform: linux)"],
android: ["(-moz-platform: android)"],
for (let platform in perPlatformMediaQueryMap) {
const inThisPlatform = platform === AppConstants.platform;
for (const media of perPlatformMediaQueryMap[platform]) {
if (inThisPlatform && mediaList.mediaText == "not " + media) {
// This query can't match on this platform.
return true;
if (!inThisPlatform && mediaList.mediaText == media) {
// This query only matches on another platform that isn't ours.
return true;
return false;
function processCSSRules(container) {
for (let rule of container.cssRules) {
if ( && neverMatches( {
if (rule.styleSheet) {
processCSSRules(rule.styleSheet); // @import
if (rule.cssRules) {
processCSSRules(rule); // @supports, @media, @layer (block), @keyframes, style rules with nested rules.
if (! {
continue; // @layer (statement), @font-feature-values, @counter-style
// Extract urls from the css text.
// Note: always has double quotes around URLs even
// when the original CSS file didn't.
let cssText =;
let urls = cssText.match(/url\("[^"]*"\)/g);
// Extract props by searching all "--" preceded by "var(" or a non-word
// character.
let props = cssText.match(/(var\(\s*|\W|^)(--[\w\-]+)/g);
if (!urls && !props) {
for (let url of urls || []) {
// Remove the url(" prefix and the ") suffix.
url = url.replace(/url\("(.*)"\)/, "$1");
if (url.startsWith("data:")) {
// Make the url absolute and remove the ref.
let baseURI =;
url =, null, baseURI).specIgnoringRef;
// Store the image url along with the css file referencing it.
let baseUrl = baseURI.spec.split("?always-parse-css")[0];
if (!imageURIsToReferencesMap.has(url)) {
imageURIsToReferencesMap.set(url, new Set([baseUrl]));
} else {
for (let prop of props || []) {
if (prop.startsWith("var(")) {
prop = prop.substring(4).trim();
let prevValue = customPropsToReferencesMap.get(prop) || 0;
customPropsToReferencesMap.set(prop, prevValue + 1);
} else {
// Remove the extra non-word character captured by the regular
// expression if needed.
if (prop[0] != "-") {
prop = prop.substring(1);
if (!customPropsToReferencesMap.has(prop)) {
customPropsToReferencesMap.set(prop, undefined);
if (!customPropsDefinitionFileMap.has(prop)) {
customPropsDefinitionFileMap.set(prop, new Set());
.add(container.href || container.parentStyleSheet.href);
function chromeFileExists(aURI) {
let available = 0;
try {
let channel = NetUtil.newChannel({
uri: aURI,
loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true,
let stream =;
let sstream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
available = sstream.available();
} catch (e) {
if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
dump("Checking " + aURI + ": " + e + "\n");
return available > 0;
function shouldIgnorePropSource(item, prop) {
if (!item.sourceName || !customPropsDefinitionFileMap.has(prop)) {
return false;
return customPropsDefinitionFileMap
.some(f => item.sourceName.test(f));
add_task(async function checkAllTheCSS() {
// Since we later in this test use Services.console.getMessageArray(),
// better to not have some messages from previous tests in the array.
let appDir = Services.dirsvc.get("GreD", Ci.nsIFile);
// This asynchronously produces a list of URLs (sadly, mostly sync on our
// test infrastructure because it runs against jarfiles there, and
// our zipreader APIs are all sync)
let uris = await generateURIsFromDirTree(appDir, [".css", ".manifest"]);
// Create a clean iframe to load all the files into. This needs to live at a
// chrome URI so that it's allowed to load and parse any styles.
let testFile = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "dummy_page.html";
let { HiddenFrame } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
let hiddenFrame = new HiddenFrame();
let win = await hiddenFrame.get();
let iframe = win.document.createElementNS(
let iframeLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(iframe, "load", true);
iframe.contentWindow.location = testFile;
await iframeLoaded;
let doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
iframe.contentWindow.docShell.cssErrorReportingEnabled = true;
// Parse and remove all manifests from the list.
// NOTE that this must be done before filtering out devtools paths
// so that all chrome paths can be recorded.
let manifestURIs = [];
uris = uris.filter(uri => {
if (uri.pathQueryRef.endsWith(".manifest")) {
return false;
return true;
// Wait for all manifest to be parsed
await PerfTestHelpers.throttledMapPromises(manifestURIs, parseManifest);
// filter out either the devtools paths or the non-devtools paths:
let isDevtools = SimpleTest.harnessParameters.subsuite == "devtools";
let devtoolsPathBits = ["devtools"];
uris = uris.filter(
uri => isDevtools == devtoolsPathBits.some(path => uri.spec.includes(path))
let loadCSS = chromeUri =>
new Promise(resolve => {
let linkEl, onLoad, onError;
onLoad = () => {
linkEl.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
linkEl.removeEventListener("error", onError);
onError = () => {
"Loading " + linkEl.getAttribute("href") + " threw an error!"
linkEl.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
linkEl.removeEventListener("error", onError);
linkEl = doc.createElement("link");
linkEl.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
linkEl.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
linkEl.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
linkEl.addEventListener("error", onError);
linkEl.setAttribute("href", chromeUri + kPathSuffix);
// We build a list of promises that get resolved when their respective
// files have loaded and produced no errors.
const kInContentCommonCSS = "chrome://global/skin/in-content/common.css";
let allPromises = uris
.map(uri => convertToCodeURI(uri.spec))
.filter(uri => uri !== kInContentCommonCSS);
// Make sure chrome://global/skin/in-content/common.css is loaded before other
// stylesheets in order to guarantee the --in-content variables can be
// correctly referenced.
if (allPromises.length !== uris.length) {
await loadCSS(kInContentCommonCSS);
// Wait for all the files to have actually loaded:
await PerfTestHelpers.throttledMapPromises(allPromises, loadCSS);
// Check if all the files referenced from CSS actually exist.
// Files in browser/ should never be referenced outside browser/.
for (let [image, references] of imageURIsToReferencesMap) {
if (!chromeFileExists(image)) {
for (let ref of references) {
ok(false, "missing " + image + " referenced from " + ref);
let imageHost = image.split("/")[2];
if (imageHost == "browser") {
for (let ref of references) {
let refHost = ref.split("/")[2];
if (!["activity-stream", "browser"].includes(refHost)) {
"browser file " + image + " referenced outside browser in " + ref
// Check if all the properties that are defined are referenced.
for (let [prop, refCount] of customPropsToReferencesMap) {
if (!refCount) {
let ignored = false;
for (let item of propNameAllowlist) {
if (
isDevtools == item.isFromDevTools &&
(item.propName == prop || shouldIgnorePropSource(item, prop))
) {
item.used = true;
if (
!item.platforms ||
) {
ignored = true;
if (!ignored) {
ok(false, "custom property `" + prop + "` is not referenced");
let messages = Services.console.getMessageArray();
// Count errors (the test output will list actual issues for us, as well
// as the ok(false) in messageIsCSSError.
let errors = messages.filter(messageIsCSSError);
"All the styles (" + allPromises.length + ") loaded without errors."
// Confirm that all allowlist rules have been used.
function checkAllowlist(list) {
for (let item of list) {
if (
!item.used &&
isDevtools == item.isFromDevTools &&
(!item.platforms || item.platforms.includes(AppConstants.platform)) &&
) {
ok(false, "Unused allowlist item: " + dumpAllowlistItem(item));
// Clean up to avoid leaks:
doc.head.innerHTML = "";
doc = null;
iframe = null;
win = null;
hiddenFrame = null;
imageURIsToReferencesMap = null;
customPropsToReferencesMap = null;