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#ifndef __gen_nsIScreen_h__
#define __gen_nsIScreen_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
#include "Units.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
// TODO(zrhoffman, bug 1444515): ScreenColorGamut should be forward-declared
// using `webidl` once the webidl identifier supports enums.
enum class ScreenColorGamut : uint8_t;
} // namespace mozilla::dom
* The display type of nsIScreen belongs to.
enum class DisplayType: int32_t {
DISPLAY_PRIMARY, // primary screen
DISPLAY_EXTERNAL, // wired displays, such as HDMI, DisplayPort, etc.
DISPLAY_VIRTUAL // wireless displays, such as Chromecast, WiFi-Display, etc.
/* starting interface: nsIScreen */
#define NS_ISCREEN_IID_STR "826e80c8-d70f-42e2-8aa9-82c05f2a370a"
#define NS_ISCREEN_IID \
{0x826e80c8, 0xd70f, 0x42e2, \
{ 0x8a, 0xa9, 0x82, 0xc0, 0x5f, 0x2a, 0x37, 0x0a }}
class nsIScreen : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIScreen;
/* void GetRect (out long left, out long top, out long width, out long height); */
NS_IMETHOD GetRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) = 0;
/* void GetAvailRect (out long left, out long top, out long width, out long height); */
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) = 0;
mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntRect GetRect() {
int32_t left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
GetRect(&left, &top, &width, &height);
return {left, top, width, height};
mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntRect GetAvailRect() {
int32_t left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
GetAvailRect(&left, &top, &width, &height);
return {left, top, width, height};
/* void GetRectDisplayPix (out long left, out long top, out long width, out long height); */
NS_IMETHOD GetRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) = 0;
/* void GetAvailRectDisplayPix (out long left, out long top, out long width, out long height); */
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) = 0;
mozilla::DesktopIntRect GetRectDisplayPix() {
int32_t left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
GetRectDisplayPix(&left, &top, &width, &height);
return {left, top, width, height};
mozilla::DesktopIntRect GetAvailRectDisplayPix() {
int32_t left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
GetAvailRectDisplayPix(&left, &top, &width, &height);
return {left, top, width, height};
/* [infallible] readonly attribute long pixelDepth; */
NS_IMETHOD GetPixelDepth(int32_t *aPixelDepth) = 0;
inline int32_t GetPixelDepth()
int32_t result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetPixelDepth(&result);
return result;
/* [infallible] readonly attribute long colorDepth; */
NS_IMETHOD GetColorDepth(int32_t *aColorDepth) = 0;
inline int32_t GetColorDepth()
int32_t result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetColorDepth(&result);
return result;
/* [noscript] readonly attribute ScreenColorGamut colorGamut; */
NS_IMETHOD GetColorGamut(mozilla::dom::ScreenColorGamut * aColorGamut) = 0;
/* [infallible] readonly attribute double contentsScaleFactor; */
NS_IMETHOD GetContentsScaleFactor(double *aContentsScaleFactor) = 0;
inline double GetContentsScaleFactor()
double result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetContentsScaleFactor(&result);
return result;
/* [infallible] readonly attribute double defaultCSSScaleFactor; */
NS_IMETHOD GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(double *aDefaultCSSScaleFactor) = 0;
inline double GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor()
double result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(&result);
return result;
mozilla::DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale GetDesktopToLayoutDeviceScale() {
return mozilla::DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(GetContentsScaleFactor());
mozilla::CSSToLayoutDeviceScale GetCSSToLayoutDeviceScale() {
return mozilla::CSSToLayoutDeviceScale(GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor());
mozilla::CSSToDesktopScale GetCSSToDesktopScale() {
return GetCSSToLayoutDeviceScale() / GetDesktopToLayoutDeviceScale();
/* [infallible] readonly attribute float dpi; */
NS_IMETHOD GetDpi(float *aDpi) = 0;
inline float GetDpi()
float result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetDpi(&result);
return result;
/* [infallible] readonly attribute long refreshRate; */
NS_IMETHOD GetRefreshRate(int32_t *aRefreshRate) = 0;
inline int32_t GetRefreshRate()
int32_t result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetRefreshRate(&result);
return result;
/* [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isPseudoDisplay; */
NS_IMETHOD GetIsPseudoDisplay(bool *aIsPseudoDisplay) = 0;
inline bool GetIsPseudoDisplay()
bool result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = GetIsPseudoDisplay(&result);
return result;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD GetRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetPixelDepth; \
NS_IMETHOD GetPixelDepth(int32_t *aPixelDepth) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetColorDepth; \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorDepth(int32_t *aColorDepth) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorGamut(mozilla::dom::ScreenColorGamut * aColorGamut) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetContentsScaleFactor; \
NS_IMETHOD GetContentsScaleFactor(double *aContentsScaleFactor) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(double *aDefaultCSSScaleFactor) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetDpi; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDpi(float *aDpi) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetRefreshRate; \
NS_IMETHOD GetRefreshRate(int32_t *aRefreshRate) override; \
using nsIScreen::GetIsPseudoDisplay; \
NS_IMETHOD GetIsPseudoDisplay(bool *aIsPseudoDisplay) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult GetRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); \
nsresult GetAvailRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); \
nsresult GetRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); \
nsresult GetAvailRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height); \
using nsIScreen::GetPixelDepth; \
nsresult GetPixelDepth(int32_t *aPixelDepth); \
using nsIScreen::GetColorDepth; \
nsresult GetColorDepth(int32_t *aColorDepth); \
nsresult GetColorGamut(mozilla::dom::ScreenColorGamut * aColorGamut); \
using nsIScreen::GetContentsScaleFactor; \
nsresult GetContentsScaleFactor(double *aContentsScaleFactor); \
using nsIScreen::GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor; \
nsresult GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(double *aDefaultCSSScaleFactor); \
using nsIScreen::GetDpi; \
nsresult GetDpi(float *aDpi); \
using nsIScreen::GetRefreshRate; \
nsresult GetRefreshRate(int32_t *aRefreshRate); \
using nsIScreen::GetIsPseudoDisplay; \
nsresult GetIsPseudoDisplay(bool *aIsPseudoDisplay);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD GetRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return _to GetRect(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return _to GetAvailRect(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return _to GetRectDisplayPix(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return _to GetAvailRectDisplayPix(left, top, width, height); } \
using nsIScreen::GetPixelDepth; \
NS_IMETHOD GetPixelDepth(int32_t *aPixelDepth) override { return _to GetPixelDepth(aPixelDepth); } \
using nsIScreen::GetColorDepth; \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorDepth(int32_t *aColorDepth) override { return _to GetColorDepth(aColorDepth); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorGamut(mozilla::dom::ScreenColorGamut * aColorGamut) override { return _to GetColorGamut(aColorGamut); } \
using nsIScreen::GetContentsScaleFactor; \
NS_IMETHOD GetContentsScaleFactor(double *aContentsScaleFactor) override { return _to GetContentsScaleFactor(aContentsScaleFactor); } \
using nsIScreen::GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(double *aDefaultCSSScaleFactor) override { return _to GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(aDefaultCSSScaleFactor); } \
using nsIScreen::GetDpi; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDpi(float *aDpi) override { return _to GetDpi(aDpi); } \
using nsIScreen::GetRefreshRate; \
NS_IMETHOD GetRefreshRate(int32_t *aRefreshRate) override { return _to GetRefreshRate(aRefreshRate); } \
using nsIScreen::GetIsPseudoDisplay; \
NS_IMETHOD GetIsPseudoDisplay(bool *aIsPseudoDisplay) override { return _to GetIsPseudoDisplay(aIsPseudoDisplay); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD GetRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetRect(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRect(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetAvailRect(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetRectDisplayPix(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetAvailRectDisplayPix(int32_t *left, int32_t *top, int32_t *width, int32_t *height) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetAvailRectDisplayPix(left, top, width, height); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetPixelDepth(int32_t *aPixelDepth) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPixelDepth(aPixelDepth); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorDepth(int32_t *aColorDepth) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetColorDepth(aColorDepth); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetColorGamut(mozilla::dom::ScreenColorGamut * aColorGamut) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetColorGamut(aColorGamut); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetContentsScaleFactor(double *aContentsScaleFactor) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetContentsScaleFactor(aContentsScaleFactor); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(double *aDefaultCSSScaleFactor) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(aDefaultCSSScaleFactor); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDpi(float *aDpi) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDpi(aDpi); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetRefreshRate(int32_t *aRefreshRate) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetRefreshRate(aRefreshRate); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetIsPseudoDisplay(bool *aIsPseudoDisplay) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetIsPseudoDisplay(aIsPseudoDisplay); }
#endif /* __gen_nsIScreen_h__ */