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* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM $SRCDIR/netwerk/base/nsINetworkPredictor.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsINetworkPredictor_h__
#define __gen_nsINetworkPredictor_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "js/Value.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIURI; /* forward declaration */
class nsINetworkPredictorVerifier; /* forward declaration */
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class Document; /* webidl Document */
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
typedef uint32_t PredictorPredictReason;
typedef uint32_t PredictorLearnReason;
namespace mozilla {
class OriginAttributes;
/* starting interface: nsINetworkPredictor */
#define NS_INETWORKPREDICTOR_IID_STR "acc88e7c-3f39-42c7-ac31-6377c2c3d73e"
{0xacc88e7c, 0x3f39, 0x42c7, \
{ 0xac, 0x31, 0x63, 0x77, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xd7, 0x3e }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsINetworkPredictor : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsINetworkPredictor;
enum {
/* [implicit_jscontext] void predict (in nsIURI targetURI, in nsIURI sourceURI, in PredictorPredictReason reason, in jsval originAttributes, in nsINetworkPredictorVerifier verifier); */
NS_IMETHOD Predict(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier, JSContext* cx) = 0;
/* [notxpcom] nsresult predictNative (in nsIURI targetURI, in nsIURI sourceURI, in PredictorPredictReason reason, in OriginAttributes originAttributes, in nsINetworkPredictorVerifier verifier); */
NS_IMETHOD PredictNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier) = 0;
enum {
/* [implicit_jscontext] void learn (in nsIURI targetURI, in nsIURI sourceURI, in PredictorLearnReason reason, in jsval originAttributes); */
NS_IMETHOD Learn(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, JSContext* cx) = 0;
/* [notxpcom] nsresult learnNative (in nsIURI targetURI, in nsIURI sourceURI, in PredictorLearnReason reason, in OriginAttributes originAttributes); */
NS_IMETHOD LearnNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes) = 0;
/* void reset (); */
NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD Predict(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier, JSContext* cx) override; \
NS_IMETHOD PredictNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier) override; \
NS_IMETHOD Learn(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, JSContext* cx) override; \
NS_IMETHOD LearnNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes) override; \
NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult Predict(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier, JSContext* cx); \
nsresult PredictNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier); \
nsresult Learn(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, JSContext* cx); \
nsresult LearnNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes); \
nsresult Reset(void);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD Predict(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier, JSContext* cx) override { return _to Predict(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes, verifier, cx); } \
NS_IMETHOD PredictNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier) override { return _to PredictNative(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes, verifier); } \
NS_IMETHOD Learn(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, JSContext* cx) override { return _to Learn(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes, cx); } \
NS_IMETHOD LearnNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes) override { return _to LearnNative(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes); } \
NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) override { return _to Reset(); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD Predict(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier, JSContext* cx) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Predict(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes, verifier, cx); } \
NS_IMETHOD PredictNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorPredictReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes, nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier) override; \
NS_IMETHOD Learn(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, JS::Handle<JS::Value> originAttributes, JSContext* cx) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Learn(targetURI, sourceURI, reason, originAttributes, cx); } \
NS_IMETHOD LearnNative(nsIURI *targetURI, nsIURI *sourceURI, PredictorLearnReason reason, const mozilla::OriginAttributes & originAttributes) override; \
NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Reset(); }
// Wrapper functions to make use of the predictor easier and less invasive
class nsIChannel;
class nsILoadContext;
class nsILoadGroup;
class nsINetworkPredictorVerifier;
namespace mozilla {
class OriginAttributes;
namespace net {
nsresult PredictorPredict(nsIURI *targetURI,
nsIURI *sourceURI,
PredictorPredictReason reason,
const OriginAttributes& originAttributes,
nsINetworkPredictorVerifier *verifier);
nsresult PredictorLearn(nsIURI *targetURI,
nsIURI *sourceURI,
PredictorLearnReason reason,
const OriginAttributes& originAttributes);
nsresult PredictorLearn(nsIURI *targetURI,
nsIURI *sourceURI,
PredictorLearnReason reason,
nsILoadGroup *loadGroup);
nsresult PredictorLearn(nsIURI *targetURI,
nsIURI *sourceURI,
PredictorLearnReason reason,
dom::Document *document);
nsresult PredictorLearnRedirect(nsIURI *targetURI,
nsIChannel *channel,
const OriginAttributes& originAttributes);
} // mozilla::net
} // mozilla
#endif /* __gen_nsINetworkPredictor_h__ */