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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var client;
var plugin;
function onLoad()
client = window.arguments[0];
client.installPluginDialog = window;
window.getMsg = client.messageManager.getMsg;
window.MSG_ALERT = client.mainWindow.MSG_ALERT;
hookEvent("chk-name-auto", "command", changeAutoName);
hookEvent("txt-source", "input", sourceChange);
hookEvent("btn-browse", "command", browseForSource);
// Center on CZ:
var ow = client.mainWindow;
window.moveTo(ow.screenX + Math.max((ow.outerWidth - window.outerWidth ) / 2, 0),
ow.screenY + Math.max((ow.outerHeight - window.outerHeight) / 2, 0));
function changeAutoName(event)
var useAutoName = document.getElementById("chk-name-auto");
var pluginName = document.getElementById("txt-name");
if (useAutoName.checked)
pluginName.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
function sourceChange(event)
var useAutoName = document.getElementById("chk-name-auto");
var pluginName = document.getElementById("txt-name");
var sourceLoc = document.getElementById("txt-source");
if (useAutoName.checked)
var ary = sourceLoc.value.match(/([^\/]+?)(\..{0,3}){0,2}$/);
pluginName.value = (ary ? ary[1] : sourceLoc.value);
function browseForSource(event)
var rv = pickOpen(client.mainWindow.MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_SELECT_SOURCE,
if (("file" in rv) && rv.file)
rv.path = rv.file.path;
rv.spec = rv.picker.fileURL.spec;
if (rv.reason == 0)
var sourceLoc = document.getElementById("txt-source");
sourceLoc.value = rv.spec;
function doOK()
var pluginName = document.getElementById("txt-name");
var pluginSource = document.getElementById("txt-source");
if (!pluginName.value)
return false;
client.dispatch("install-plugin", {name: pluginName.value,
url: pluginSource.value});
delete client.installPluginDialog;
function doCancel()
delete client.installPluginDialog;
function hookEvent(id, event, handler)
var item = document.getElementById(id);
item.addEventListener(event, handler, false);