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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at */
const { OAuth2Module } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { OAuth2TestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
* Tests that refresh tokens are correctly retrieved from the login manager.
add_task(async function testGetRefreshToken() {
await storeLogins([
// Some logins we don't ever want to see in this test.
["https://test.test", "test_scope", "charlie@foo.invalid", "WRONG"],
["https://test.test", "test_scope", "mike@mochi.test", "WRONG"],
["oauth://test.test", "unknown_scope", "oscar@mochi.test", "WRONG"],
// Good logins.
["oauth://test.test", "test_scope", "charlie@foo.invalid", "charlie"],
"test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar",
"test_calendar test_addressbook test_mail",
["oauth://test.test", "test_mail", "oscar@bar.invalid", "oscar-mail"],
// charlie@foo.invalid has a token for mochi.test.
info("charlie@foo.invalid: mochi.test");
let mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "charlie@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_scope");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "charlie@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "charlie");
// charlie@bar.invalid does not have a token for mochi.test.
// (Username doesn't match.)
info("charlie@bar.invalid: mochi.test");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "charlie@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_scope");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "charlie@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "");
// charlie@foo.invalid does not have a token for test.test.
// (Domain doesn't match.)
info("charlie@foo.invalid: test.test");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "charlie@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "charlie@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "");
// charlie@bar.invalid does not have a token for test.test.
// (Username and domain don't match.)
info("charlie@bar.invalid: test.test");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "charlie@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "charlie@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "");
// juliet@bar.invalid has a token for all test.test scopes.
info("juliet@bar.invalid: test.test, all scopes");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "juliet@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "juliet@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "juliet");
// mike@bar.invalid has a token for all test.test scopes, in a different order.
// The order should not matter.
info("mike@bar.invalid: test.test, all scopes");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "mike@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "mike@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "mike");
// oscar@bar.invalid has tokens for test.test scopes individually.
// Looking for all the scopes at once will not find a token.
info("oscar@bar.invalid: test.test, all scopes");
mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "oscar@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod._scope, "test_mail test_addressbook test_calendar");
Assert.equal(mod._loginOrigin, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(mod._username, "oscar@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod.getRefreshToken(), "");
* Tests that `OAuth2` objects are correctly cached and reused. An object can
* be reused if:
* - it's for the same endpoint, and
* - it's for the same username, and
* - the scopes it was granted, or the scopes it's requesting if it hasn't
* connected yet, are a superset of the scopes to be requested.
add_task(async function testOAuth2ObjectsReuse() {
// Check that two instances use the same object.
const mod1 = new OAuth2Module();
mod1.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "user1@foo.invalid");
const mod2 = new OAuth2Module();
mod2.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "user1@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod2._oauth, mod1._oauth, "the same object should be used");
// Add another scope to the object and check that creating another new
// instance with the same arguments still uses it.
mod1._oauth.scope = "test_other_scope test_scope";
const mod3 = new OAuth2Module();
mod3.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "user1@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(mod3._oauth, mod1._oauth, "the same object should be used");
// Check that a different set of scopes requires a different object.
// This isn't really supported in practice as we only save one refresh token
// per endpoint/username combination, but check anyway.
const mod4 = new OAuth2Module();
mod4.initFromHostname("test.test", "user1@foo.invalid");
Assert.notEqual(mod4._oauth, mod1._oauth, "the same object must not be used");
// Check that a different username requires a different object.
const mod5 = new OAuth2Module();
mod5.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "user2@foo.invalid");
Assert.notEqual(mod5._oauth, mod1._oauth, "the same object must not be used");
// Check that a different endpoint requires a different object.
const mod6 = new OAuth2Module();
mod6.initFromHostname("", "user1@foo.invalid");
Assert.notEqual(mod6._oauth, mod1._oauth, "the same object must not be used");
* Tests that saved tokens get updated when a new token is issued.
add_task(async function testSetRefreshToken() {
// Create a server that makes a new token every time we use the current token.
await OAuth2TestUtils.startServer({
refreshToken: "romeo",
rotateTokens: true,
// Store a token to be overwritten.
await storeLogins([
["oauth://test.test", "test_scope", "romeo@foo.invalid", "romeo"],
// Connect.
const mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "romeo@foo.invalid");
const deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
mod.connect(false, {
onSuccess: deferred.resolve,
onFailure: deferred.reject,
await deferred.promise;
"refresh token in memory should have been updated"
Assert.equal(mod._oauth.scope, "test_scope");
// Check that the saved token was updated.
const logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins();
Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "another login should not have been added");
Assert.equal(logins[0].hostname, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(logins[0].httpRealm, "test_scope");
Assert.equal(logins[0].username, "romeo@foo.invalid");
Assert.equal(logins[0].password, "romeo_1", "token should have been updated");
* Tests that saved scopes and tokens get updated when a new token is issued
* and the server responds with a different set of scopes.
add_task(async function testSetRefreshTokenWithNewScope() {
// Create a server that makes a new token every time we use the current token.
const oAuth2Server = await OAuth2TestUtils.startServer({
refreshToken: "victor",
rotateTokens: true,
// Tell the server to grant us a new scope. We won't be asking for it, but
// servers are weird.
oAuth2Server.grantedScope = "test_other_scope test_scope";
// Store a token to be overwritten.
await storeLogins([
["oauth://test.test", "test_scope", "victor@foo.invalid", "victor"],
// Connect.
const mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("mochi.test", "victor@foo.invalid");
let deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
mod.connect(false, {
onSuccess: deferred.resolve,
onFailure: deferred.reject,
await deferred.promise;
"refresh token in memory should have been updated"
"test_other_scope test_scope",
"scope in memory should have been updated"
// Check that the saved token was updated.
let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins();
Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "another login should not have been added");
Assert.equal(logins[0].hostname, "oauth://test.test");
"test_other_scope test_scope",
"scope should have been updated"
Assert.equal(logins[0].username, "victor@foo.invalid");
"token should have been updated"
// Pretend the access token has expired, and connect again.
mod._oauth.tokenExpires = 0;
deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
mod.connect(false, {
onSuccess: deferred.resolve,
onFailure: deferred.reject,
await deferred.promise;
"refresh token in memory should have been updated"
Assert.equal(mod._oauth.scope, "test_other_scope test_scope");
// Check that the saved token was updated.
logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins();
Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "another login should not have been added");
Assert.equal(logins[0].hostname, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(logins[0].httpRealm, "test_other_scope test_scope");
Assert.equal(logins[0].username, "victor@foo.invalid");
"token should have been updated"
delete oAuth2Server.grantedScope;
add_task(async function testSetRefreshTokenPreservesOthers() {
// Create a server that makes a new token every time we use the current token.
const oAuth2Server = await OAuth2TestUtils.startServer();
// Tell the server to grant us a new scope. We won't be asking for it, but
// servers are weird.
oAuth2Server.grantedScope = "test_mail test_calendar";
await storeLogins([
["https://test.test", "unknown_scope", "oscar@bar.invalid", "WRONG"],
["oauth://test.test", "test_mail", "oscar@bar.invalid", "oscar-mail"],
// Connect.
const mod = new OAuth2Module();
mod.initFromHostname("test.test", "oscar@bar.invalid");
"there should be no refresh token in memory"
mod._oauth.refreshToken = "refresh_token";
const deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
mod.connect(false, {
onSuccess: deferred.resolve,
onFailure: deferred.reject,
await deferred.promise;
"refresh token in memory should have been updated"
"test_mail test_calendar",
"scope in memory should have been updated"
// Check that the new token was added and tokens it replaces are removed.
// This assumes that `getAllLogins` returns the logins in the order they
// were added. If this changes the test will need updating.
const logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins();
Assert.equal(logins.length, 3, "there should be 3 remaining logins");
// Login with different origin is unchanged.
Assert.equal(logins[0].hostname, "https://test.test");
Assert.equal(logins[0].httpRealm, "unknown_scope");
Assert.equal(logins[0].username, "oscar@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(logins[0].password, "WRONG");
// Token with a scope not granted in this test is unchanged.
Assert.equal(logins[1].hostname, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(logins[1].httpRealm, "test_addressbook");
Assert.equal(logins[1].username, "oscar@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(logins[1].password, "oscar-addressbook");
// Token with the new scopes replaces the individual tokens for those scopes.
Assert.equal(logins[2].hostname, "oauth://test.test");
Assert.equal(logins[2].httpRealm, "test_mail test_calendar");
Assert.equal(logins[2].username, "oscar@bar.invalid");
Assert.equal(logins[2].password, "refresh_token");
delete oAuth2Server.grantedScope;
async function storeLogins(logins) {
for (const [origin, scope, username, token] of logins) {
const loginInfo = Cc[
loginInfo.init(origin, null, scope, username, token, "", "");
await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(loginInfo);