Revision control

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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.RustVerificationRequest = exports.RustSASVerifier = exports.RustQrCodeVerifier = void 0;
exports.isVerificationEvent = isVerificationEvent;
exports.verificationMethodIdentifierToMethod = verificationMethodIdentifierToMethod;
var _matrixSdkCryptoWasm = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@matrix-org/matrix-sdk-crypto-wasm"));
var RustSdkCryptoJs = _matrixSdkCryptoWasm;
var _verification = require("../crypto-api/verification");
var _typedEventEmitter = require("../models/typed-event-emitter");
var _ReEmitter = require("../ReEmitter");
var _event = require("../@types/event");
var _utils = require("../utils");
var _types = require("../types");
function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); }
function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && {}, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; }
function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : i + ""; }
function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } /*
Copyright 2023 The Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* An incoming, or outgoing, request to verify a user or a device via cross-signing.
* @internal
class RustVerificationRequest extends _typedEventEmitter.TypedEventEmitter {
* Construct a new RustVerificationRequest to wrap the rust-level `VerificationRequest`.
* @param olmMachine - The `OlmMachine` from the underlying rust crypto sdk.
* @param inner - VerificationRequest from the Rust SDK.
* @param outgoingRequestProcessor - `OutgoingRequestProcessor` to use for making outgoing HTTP requests.
* @param supportedVerificationMethods - Verification methods to use when `accept()` is called.
constructor(olmMachine, inner, outgoingRequestProcessor, supportedVerificationMethods) {
this.olmMachine = olmMachine;
this.inner = inner;
this.outgoingRequestProcessor = outgoingRequestProcessor;
this.supportedVerificationMethods = supportedVerificationMethods;
/** a reƫmitter which relays VerificationRequestEvent.Changed events emitted by the verifier */
_defineProperty(this, "reEmitter", void 0);
/** Are we in the process of sending an `m.key.verification.ready` event? */
_defineProperty(this, "_accepting", false);
/** Are we in the process of sending an `m.key.verification.cancellation` event? */
_defineProperty(this, "_cancelling", false);
_defineProperty(this, "_verifier", void 0);
this.reEmitter = new _ReEmitter.TypedReEmitter(this);
// Obviously, the Rust object maintains a reference to the callback function. If the callback function maintains
// a reference to the Rust object, then we have a reference cycle which means that `RustVerificationRequest`
// will never be garbage-collected, and hence the underlying rust object will never be freed.
// To avoid this reference cycle, use a weak reference in the callback function. If the `RustVerificationRequest`
// gets garbage-collected, then there is nothing to update!
const weakThis = new WeakRef(this);
inner.registerChangesCallback(async () => weakThis.deref()?.onChange());
* Hook which is called when the underlying rust class notifies us that there has been a change.
onChange() {
const verification = this.inner.getVerification();
// Set the _verifier object (wrapping the rust `Verification` as a js-sdk Verifier) if:
// - we now have a `Verification` where we lacked one before
// - we have transitioned from QR to SAS
// - we are verifying with SAS, but we need to replace our verifier with a new one because both parties
// tried to start verification at the same time, and we lost the tie breaking
if (verification instanceof RustSdkCryptoJs.Sas) {
if (this._verifier === undefined || this._verifier instanceof RustQrCodeVerifier) {
this.setVerifier(new RustSASVerifier(verification, this, this.outgoingRequestProcessor));
} else if (this._verifier instanceof RustSASVerifier) {
} else if (verification instanceof RustSdkCryptoJs.Qr && this._verifier === undefined) {
this.setVerifier(new RustQrCodeVerifier(verification, this.outgoingRequestProcessor));
setVerifier(verifier) {
// if we already have a verifier, unsubscribe from its events
if (this._verifier) {
this.reEmitter.stopReEmitting(this._verifier, [_verification.VerificationRequestEvent.Change]);
this._verifier = verifier;
this.reEmitter.reEmit(this._verifier, [_verification.VerificationRequestEvent.Change]);
* Unique ID for this verification request.
* An ID isn't assigned until the first message is sent, so this may be `undefined` in the early phases.
get transactionId() {
return this.inner.flowId;
* For an in-room verification, the ID of the room.
* For to-device verifications, `undefined`.
get roomId() {
return this.inner.roomId?.toString();
* True if this request was initiated by the local client.
* For in-room verifications, the initiator is who sent the `m.key.verification.request` event.
* For to-device verifications, the initiator is who sent the `m.key.verification.start` event.
get initiatedByMe() {
return this.inner.weStarted();
/** The user id of the other party in this request */
get otherUserId() {
return this.inner.otherUserId.toString();
/** For verifications via to-device messages: the ID of the other device. Otherwise, undefined. */
get otherDeviceId() {
return this.inner.otherDeviceId?.toString();
/** Get the other device involved in the verification, if it is known */
async getOtherDevice() {
const otherDeviceId = this.inner.otherDeviceId;
if (!otherDeviceId) {
return undefined;
return await this.olmMachine.getDevice(this.inner.otherUserId, otherDeviceId, 5);
/** True if the other party in this request is one of this user's own devices. */
get isSelfVerification() {
return this.inner.isSelfVerification();
/** current phase of the request. */
get phase() {
const phase = this.inner.phase();
switch (phase) {
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Created:
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Requested:
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Requested;
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Ready:
// if we're still sending the `m.key.verification.ready`, that counts as "Requested" in the js-sdk's
// parlance.
return this._accepting ? _verification.VerificationPhase.Requested : _verification.VerificationPhase.Ready;
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Transitioned:
if (!this._verifier) {
// this shouldn't happen, because the onChange handler should have created a _verifier.
throw new Error("VerificationRequest: inner phase == Transitioned but no verifier!");
return this._verifier.verificationPhase;
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Done:
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Done;
case RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Cancelled:
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Cancelled;
throw new Error(`Unknown verification phase ${phase}`);
/** True if the request has sent its initial event and needs more events to complete
* (ie it is in phase `Requested`, `Ready` or `Started`).
get pending() {
if (this.inner.isPassive()) return false;
const phase = this.phase;
return phase !== _verification.VerificationPhase.Done && phase !== _verification.VerificationPhase.Cancelled;
* True if we have started the process of sending an `m.key.verification.ready` (but have not necessarily received
* the remote echo which causes a transition to {@link VerificationPhase.Ready}.
get accepting() {
return this._accepting;
* True if we have started the process of sending an `m.key.verification.cancel` (but have not necessarily received
* the remote echo which causes a transition to {@link VerificationPhase.Cancelled}).
get declining() {
return this._cancelling;
* The remaining number of ms before the request will be automatically cancelled.
* `null` indicates that there is no timeout
get timeout() {
return this.inner.timeRemainingMillis();
/** once the phase is Started (and !initiatedByMe) or Ready: common methods supported by both sides */
get methods() {
throw new Error("not implemented");
/** the method picked in the .start event */
get chosenMethod() {
if (this.phase !== _verification.VerificationPhase.Started) return null;
const verification = this.inner.getVerification();
if (verification instanceof RustSdkCryptoJs.Sas) {
return _types.VerificationMethod.Sas;
} else if (verification instanceof RustSdkCryptoJs.Qr) {
return _types.VerificationMethod.Reciprocate;
} else {
return null;
* Checks whether the other party supports a given verification method.
* This is useful when setting up the QR code UI, as it is somewhat asymmetrical:
* if the other party supports SCAN_QR, we should show a QR code in the UI, and vice versa.
* For methods that need to be supported by both ends, use the `methods` property.
* @param method - the method to check
* @returns true if the other party said they supported the method
otherPartySupportsMethod(method) {
const theirMethods = this.inner.theirSupportedMethods;
if (theirMethods === undefined) {
// no message from the other side yet
return false;
const requiredMethod = verificationMethodsByIdentifier[method];
return theirMethods.some(m => m === requiredMethod);
* Accepts the request, sending a .ready event to the other party
* @returns Promise which resolves when the event has been sent.
async accept() {
if (this.inner.phase() !== RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationRequestPhase.Requested || this._accepting) {
throw new Error(`Cannot accept a verification request in phase ${this.phase}`);
this._accepting = true;
try {
const req = this.inner.acceptWithMethods(;
if (req) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
} finally {
this._accepting = false;
// phase may have changed, so emit a 'change' event
* Cancels the request, sending a cancellation to the other party
* @param params - Details for the cancellation, including `reason` (defaults to "User declined"), and `code`
* (defaults to `m.user`).
* @returns Promise which resolves when the event has been sent.
async cancel(params) {
if (this._cancelling) {
// already cancelling; do nothing
this._cancelling = true;
try {
const req = this.inner.cancel();
if (req) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
} finally {
this._cancelling = false;
* Create a {@link Verifier} to do this verification via a particular method.
* If a verifier has already been created for this request, returns that verifier.
* This does *not* send the `m.key.verification.start` event - to do so, call {@link Verifier#verifier} on the
* returned verifier.
* If no previous events have been sent, pass in `targetDevice` to set who to direct this request to.
* @param method - the name of the verification method to use.
* @param targetDevice - details of where to send the request to.
* @returns The verifier which will do the actual verification.
beginKeyVerification(method, targetDevice) {
throw new Error("not implemented");
* Send an `m.key.verification.start` event to start verification via a particular method.
* Implementation of {@link Crypto.VerificationRequest#startVerification}.
* @param method - the name of the verification method to use.
async startVerification(method) {
if (method !== _types.VerificationMethod.Sas) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported verification method ${method}`);
// make sure that we have a list of the other user's devices (workaround
if (!(await this.getOtherDevice())) {
throw new Error("startVerification(): other device is unknown");
const res = await this.inner.startSas();
if (res) {
const [, req] = res;
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
// this should have triggered the onChange callback, and we should now have a verifier
if (!this._verifier) {
throw new Error("Still no verifier after startSas() call");
return this._verifier;
* Start a QR code verification by providing a scanned QR code for this verification flow.
* Implementation of {@link Crypto.VerificationRequest#scanQRCode}.
* @param qrCodeData - the decoded QR code.
* @returns A verifier; call `.verify()` on it to wait for the other side to complete the verification flow.
async scanQRCode(uint8Array) {
const scan = RustSdkCryptoJs.QrCodeScan.fromBytes(new Uint8ClampedArray(uint8Array));
const verifier = await this.inner.scanQrCode(scan);
// this should have triggered the onChange callback, and we should now have a verifier
if (!this._verifier) {
throw new Error("Still no verifier after scanQrCode() call");
// we can immediately trigger the reciprocate request
const req = verifier.reciprocate();
if (req) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
return this._verifier;
* The verifier which is doing the actual verification, once the method has been established.
* Only defined when the `phase` is Started.
get verifier() {
// It's possible for us to have a Verifier before a method has been chosen (in particular,
// if we are showing a QR code which the other device has not yet scanned. At that point, we could
// still switch to SAS).
// In that case, we should not return it to the application yet, since the application will not expect the
// Verifier to be replaced during the lifetime of the VerificationRequest.
return this.phase === _verification.VerificationPhase.Started ? this._verifier : undefined;
* Stub implementation of {@link Crypto.VerificationRequest#getQRCodeBytes}.
getQRCodeBytes() {
throw new Error("getQRCodeBytes() unsupported in Rust Crypto; use generateQRCode() instead.");
* Generate the data for a QR code allowing the other device to verify this one, if it supports it.
* Implementation of {@link Crypto.VerificationRequest#generateQRCode}.
async generateQRCode() {
// make sure that we have a list of the other user's devices (workaround
if (!(await this.getOtherDevice())) {
throw new Error("generateQRCode(): other device is unknown");
const innerVerifier = await this.inner.generateQrCode();
// If we are unable to generate a QRCode, we return undefined
if (!innerVerifier) return;
return Buffer.from(innerVerifier.toBytes());
* If this request has been cancelled, the cancellation code (e.g `m.user`) which is responsible for cancelling
* this verification.
get cancellationCode() {
return this.inner.cancelInfo?.cancelCode() ?? null;
* The id of the user that cancelled the request.
* Only defined when phase is Cancelled
get cancellingUserId() {
const cancelInfo = this.inner.cancelInfo;
if (!cancelInfo) {
return undefined;
} else if (cancelInfo.cancelledbyUs()) {
return this.olmMachine.userId.toString();
} else {
return this.inner.otherUserId.toString();
/** Common base class for `Verifier` implementations which wrap rust classes.
* The generic parameter `InnerType` is the type of the rust Verification class which we wrap.
* @internal
exports.RustVerificationRequest = RustVerificationRequest;
class BaseRustVerifer extends _typedEventEmitter.TypedEventEmitter {
constructor(inner, outgoingRequestProcessor) {
this.inner = inner;
this.outgoingRequestProcessor = outgoingRequestProcessor;
/** A deferred which completes when the verification completes (or rejects when it is cancelled/fails) */
_defineProperty(this, "completionDeferred", void 0);
this.completionDeferred = (0, _utils.defer)();
// As with RustVerificationRequest, we need to avoid a reference cycle.
// See the comments in RustVerificationRequest.
const weakThis = new WeakRef(this);
inner.registerChangesCallback(async () => weakThis.deref()?.onChange());
// stop the runtime complaining if nobody catches a failure
this.completionDeferred.promise.catch(() => null);
* Hook which is called when the underlying rust class notifies us that there has been a change.
* Can be overridden by subclasses to see if we can notify the application about an update. The overriding method
* must call `super.onChange()`.
onChange() {
if (this.inner.isDone()) {
} else if (this.inner.isCancelled()) {
const cancelInfo = this.inner.cancelInfo();
this.completionDeferred.reject(new Error(`Verification cancelled by ${cancelInfo.cancelledbyUs() ? "us" : "them"} with code ${cancelInfo.cancelCode()}: ${cancelInfo.reason()}`));
* Returns true if the verification has been cancelled, either by us or the other side.
get hasBeenCancelled() {
return this.inner.isCancelled();
* The ID of the other user in the verification process.
get userId() {
return this.inner.otherUserId.toString();
* Cancel a verification.
* We will send an `m.key.verification.cancel` if the verification is still in flight. The verification promise
* will reject, and a {@link Crypto.VerifierEvent#Cancel} will be emitted.
* @param e - the reason for the cancellation.
cancel(e) {
// TODO: something with `e`
const req = this.inner.cancel();
if (req) {
* Get the details for an SAS verification, if one is in progress
* Returns `null`, unless this verifier is for a SAS-based verification and we are waiting for the user to confirm
* the SAS matches.
getShowSasCallbacks() {
return null;
* Get the details for reciprocating QR code verification, if one is in progress
* Returns `null`, unless this verifier is for reciprocating a QR-code-based verification (ie, the other user has
* already scanned our QR code), and we are waiting for the user to confirm.
getReciprocateQrCodeCallbacks() {
return null;
/** A Verifier instance which is used to show and/or scan a QR code. */
class RustQrCodeVerifier extends BaseRustVerifer {
constructor(inner, outgoingRequestProcessor) {
super(inner, outgoingRequestProcessor);
_defineProperty(this, "callbacks", null);
onChange() {
// if the other side has scanned our QR code and sent us a "reciprocate" message, it is now time for the
// application to prompt the user to confirm their side.
if (this.callbacks === null && this.inner.hasBeenScanned()) {
this.callbacks = {
confirm: () => {
cancel: () => this.cancel()
* Start the key verification, if it has not already been started.
* @returns Promise which resolves when the verification has completed, or rejects if the verification is cancelled
* or times out.
async verify() {
// Some applications (hello, matrix-react-sdk) may not check if there is a `ShowQrCodeCallbacks` and instead
// register a `ShowReciprocateQr` listener which they expect to be called once `.verify` is called.
if (this.callbacks !== null) {
this.emit(_verification.VerifierEvent.ShowReciprocateQr, this.callbacks);
// Nothing to do here but wait.
await this.completionDeferred.promise;
* Calculate an appropriate VerificationPhase for a VerificationRequest where this is the verifier.
* This is abnormally complicated because a rust-side QR Code verifier can span several verification phases.
get verificationPhase() {
switch (this.inner.state()) {
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Created:
// we have created a QR for display; neither side has yet sent an `m.key.verification.start`.
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Ready;
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Scanned:
// other side has scanned our QR and sent an `m.key.verification.start` with `m.reciprocate.v1`
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Started;
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Confirmed:
// we have confirmed the other side's scan and sent an `m.key.verification.done`.
// However, the verification is not yet "Done", because we have to wait until we have received the
// `m.key.verification.done` from the other side (in particular, we don't mark the device/identity as
// verified until that happens). If we return "Done" too soon, we risk the user cancelling the flow.
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Started;
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Reciprocated:
// although the rust SDK doesn't immediately send the `m.key.verification.start` on transition into this
// state, `RustVerificationRequest.scanQrCode` immediately calls `reciprocate()` and does so, so in practice
// we can treat the two the same.
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Started;
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Done:
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Done;
case _matrixSdkCryptoWasm.QrState.Cancelled:
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Cancelled;
throw new Error(`Unknown qr code state ${this.inner.state()}`);
* Get the details for reciprocating QR code verification, if one is in progress
* Returns `null`, unless this verifier is for reciprocating a QR-code-based verification (ie, the other user has
* already scanned our QR code), and we are waiting for the user to confirm.
getReciprocateQrCodeCallbacks() {
return this.callbacks;
async confirmScanning() {
const req = this.inner.confirmScanning();
if (req) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
/** A Verifier instance which is used if we are exchanging emojis */
exports.RustQrCodeVerifier = RustQrCodeVerifier;
class RustSASVerifier extends BaseRustVerifer {
constructor(inner, _verificationRequest, outgoingRequestProcessor) {
super(inner, outgoingRequestProcessor);
_defineProperty(this, "callbacks", null);
* Start the key verification, if it has not already been started.
* This means sending a `m.key.verification.start` if we are the first responder, or a `m.key.verification.accept`
* if the other side has already sent a start event.
* @returns Promise which resolves when the verification has completed, or rejects if the verification is cancelled
* or times out.
async verify() {
await this.sendAccept();
await this.completionDeferred.promise;
* Send the accept or start event, if it hasn't already been sent
async sendAccept() {
const req = this.inner.accept();
if (req) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(req);
/** if we can now show the callbacks, do so */
onChange() {
if (this.callbacks === null) {
const emoji = this.inner.emoji();
const decimal = this.inner.decimals();
if (emoji === undefined && decimal === undefined) {
const sas = {};
if (emoji) {
sas.emoji = => [e.symbol, e.description]);
if (decimal) {
sas.decimal = [decimal[0], decimal[1], decimal[2]];
this.callbacks = {
confirm: async () => {
const requests = await this.inner.confirm();
for (const m of requests) {
await this.outgoingRequestProcessor.makeOutgoingRequest(m);
mismatch: () => {
const request = this.inner.cancelWithCode("m.mismatched_sas");
if (request) {
cancel: () => {
const request = this.inner.cancelWithCode("m.user");
if (request) {
this.emit(_verification.VerifierEvent.ShowSas, this.callbacks);
* Calculate an appropriate VerificationPhase for a VerificationRequest where this is the verifier.
get verificationPhase() {
return _verification.VerificationPhase.Started;
* Get the details for an SAS verification, if one is in progress
* Returns `null`, unless this verifier is for a SAS-based verification and we are waiting for the user to confirm
* the SAS matches.
getShowSasCallbacks() {
return this.callbacks;
* Replace the inner Rust verifier with a different one.
* @param inner - the new Rust verifier
* @internal
replaceInner(inner) {
if (this.inner != inner) {
this.inner = inner;
// As with RustVerificationRequest, we need to avoid a reference cycle.
// See the comments in RustVerificationRequest.
const weakThis = new WeakRef(this);
inner.registerChangesCallback(async () => weakThis.deref()?.onChange());
// replaceInner will only get called if we started the verification at the same time as the other side, and we lost
// the tie breaker. So we need to re-accept their verification.
/** For each specced verification method, the rust-side `VerificationMethod` corresponding to it */
exports.RustSASVerifier = RustSASVerifier;
const verificationMethodsByIdentifier = {
[_types.VerificationMethod.Sas]: RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationMethod.SasV1,
[_types.VerificationMethod.ScanQrCode]: RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationMethod.QrCodeScanV1,
[_types.VerificationMethod.ShowQrCode]: RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationMethod.QrCodeShowV1,
[_types.VerificationMethod.Reciprocate]: RustSdkCryptoJs.VerificationMethod.ReciprocateV1
* Convert a specced verification method identifier into a rust-side `VerificationMethod`.
* @param method - specced method identifier, for example ``.
* @returns Rust-side `VerificationMethod` corresponding to `method`.
* @throws An error if the method is unknown.
* @internal
function verificationMethodIdentifierToMethod(method) {
const meth = verificationMethodsByIdentifier[method];
if (meth === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Unknown verification method ${method}`);
return meth;
* Return true if the event's type matches that of an in-room verification event
* @param event - MatrixEvent
* @returns
* @internal
function isVerificationEvent(event) {
switch (event.getType()) {
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationCancel:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationDone:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationMac:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationStart:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationKey:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationReady:
case _event.EventType.KeyVerificationAccept:
return true;
case _event.EventType.RoomMessage:
return event.getContent().msgtype === _event.MsgType.KeyVerificationRequest;
return false;