Revision control

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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.PHASE_UNSENT = exports.PHASE_STARTED = exports.PHASE_REQUESTED = exports.PHASE_READY = exports.PHASE_DONE = exports.PHASE_CANCELLED = exports.EVENT_PREFIX = exports.DONE_TYPE = exports.CANCEL_TYPE = void 0;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Phase", {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _verification.VerificationPhase;
exports.VerificationRequest = exports.START_TYPE = exports.REQUEST_TYPE = exports.READY_TYPE = void 0;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "VerificationRequestEvent", {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _verification.VerificationRequestEvent;
var _logger = require("../../../logger");
var _Error = require("../Error");
var _QRCode = require("../QRCode");
var _event = require("../../../@types/event");
var _typedEventEmitter = require("../../../models/typed-event-emitter");
var _verification = require("../../../crypto-api/verification");
function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : i + ""; }
function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } /*
Copyright 2018 - 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
*/ // backwards-compatibility exports
// How long after the event's timestamp that the request times out
const TIMEOUT_FROM_EVENT_TS = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes
// How long after we receive the event that the request times out
const TIMEOUT_FROM_EVENT_RECEIPT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes
// to avoid almost expired verification notifications
// from showing a notification and almost immediately
// disappearing, also ignore verification requests that
// are this amount of time away from expiring.
const VERIFICATION_REQUEST_MARGIN = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
const EVENT_PREFIX = exports.EVENT_PREFIX = "m.key.verification.";
const REQUEST_TYPE = exports.REQUEST_TYPE = EVENT_PREFIX + "request";
const START_TYPE = exports.START_TYPE = EVENT_PREFIX + "start";
const CANCEL_TYPE = exports.CANCEL_TYPE = EVENT_PREFIX + "cancel";
const DONE_TYPE = exports.DONE_TYPE = EVENT_PREFIX + "done";
const READY_TYPE = exports.READY_TYPE = EVENT_PREFIX + "ready";
// Legacy export fields
const PHASE_UNSENT = exports.PHASE_UNSENT = _verification.VerificationPhase.Unsent;
const PHASE_REQUESTED = exports.PHASE_REQUESTED = _verification.VerificationPhase.Requested;
const PHASE_READY = exports.PHASE_READY = _verification.VerificationPhase.Ready;
const PHASE_STARTED = exports.PHASE_STARTED = _verification.VerificationPhase.Started;
const PHASE_CANCELLED = exports.PHASE_CANCELLED = _verification.VerificationPhase.Cancelled;
const PHASE_DONE = exports.PHASE_DONE = _verification.VerificationPhase.Done;
* State machine for verification requests.
* Things that differ based on what channel is used to
* send and receive verification events are put in `InRoomChannel` or `ToDeviceChannel`.
* @deprecated Avoid direct references: instead prefer {@link Crypto.VerificationRequest}.
class VerificationRequest extends _typedEventEmitter.TypedEventEmitter {
constructor(channel, verificationMethods, client) {
super(); = channel;
this.verificationMethods = verificationMethods;
this.client = client;
_defineProperty(this, "eventsByUs", new Map());
_defineProperty(this, "eventsByThem", new Map());
_defineProperty(this, "_observeOnly", false);
_defineProperty(this, "timeoutTimer", null);
_defineProperty(this, "_accepting", false);
_defineProperty(this, "_declining", false);
_defineProperty(this, "verifierHasFinished", false);
_defineProperty(this, "_cancelled", false);
_defineProperty(this, "_chosenMethod", null);
// we keep a copy of the QR Code data (including other user master key) around
// for QR reciprocate verification, to protect against
// cross-signing identity reset between the .ready and .start event
// and signing the wrong key after .start
_defineProperty(this, "_qrCodeData", null);
// The timestamp when we received the request event from the other side
_defineProperty(this, "requestReceivedAt", null);
_defineProperty(this, "commonMethods", []);
_defineProperty(this, "_phase", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "_cancellingUserId", void 0);
// Used in tests only
_defineProperty(this, "_verifier", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "cancelOnTimeout", async () => {
try {
if (this.initiatedByMe) {
await this.cancel({
reason: "Other party didn't accept in time",
code: "m.timeout"
} else {
await this.cancel({
reason: "User didn't accept in time",
code: "m.timeout"
} catch (err) {
_logger.logger.error("Error while cancelling verification request", err);
}); = this;
this.setPhase(PHASE_UNSENT, false);
* Stateless validation logic not specific to the channel.
* Invoked by the same static method in either channel.
* @param type - the "symbolic" event type, as returned by the `getEventType` function on the channel.
* @param event - the event to validate. Don't call getType() on it but use the `type` parameter instead.
* @param client - the client to get the current user and device id from
* @returns whether the event is valid and should be passed to handleEvent
static validateEvent(type, event, client) {
const content = event.getContent();
if (!type || !type.startsWith(EVENT_PREFIX)) {
return false;
// from here on we're fairly sure that this is supposed to be
// part of a verification request, so be noisy when rejecting something
if (!content) {
_logger.logger.log("VerificationRequest: validateEvent: no content");
return false;
if (type === REQUEST_TYPE || type === READY_TYPE) {
if (!Array.isArray(content.methods)) {
_logger.logger.log("VerificationRequest: validateEvent: " + "fail because methods");
return false;
if (type === REQUEST_TYPE || type === READY_TYPE || type === START_TYPE) {
if (typeof content.from_device !== "string" || content.from_device.length === 0) {
_logger.logger.log("VerificationRequest: validateEvent: " + "fail because from_device");
return false;
return true;
* Unique ID for this verification request.
* An ID isn't assigned until the first message is sent, so this may be `undefined` in the early phases.
get transactionId() {
* For an in-room verification, the ID of the room.
get roomId() {
get invalid() {
return this.phase === PHASE_UNSENT;
/** returns whether the phase is PHASE_REQUESTED */
get requested() {
return this.phase === PHASE_REQUESTED;
/** returns whether the phase is PHASE_CANCELLED */
get cancelled() {
return this.phase === PHASE_CANCELLED;
/** returns whether the phase is PHASE_READY */
get ready() {
return this.phase === PHASE_READY;
/** returns whether the phase is PHASE_STARTED */
get started() {
return this.phase === PHASE_STARTED;
/** returns whether the phase is PHASE_DONE */
get done() {
return this.phase === PHASE_DONE;
/** once the phase is PHASE_STARTED (and !initiatedByMe) or PHASE_READY: common methods supported by both sides */
get methods() {
return this.commonMethods;
/** the method picked in the .start event */
get chosenMethod() {
return this._chosenMethod;
calculateEventTimeout(event) {
let effectiveExpiresAt = + TIMEOUT_FROM_EVENT_TS;
if (this.requestReceivedAt && !this.initiatedByMe && this.phase <= PHASE_REQUESTED) {
const expiresAtByReceipt = this.requestReceivedAt + TIMEOUT_FROM_EVENT_RECEIPT;
effectiveExpiresAt = Math.min(effectiveExpiresAt, expiresAtByReceipt);
return Math.max(0, effectiveExpiresAt -;
/** The current remaining amount of ms before the request should be automatically cancelled */
get timeout() {
const requestEvent = this.getEventByEither(REQUEST_TYPE);
if (requestEvent) {
return this.calculateEventTimeout(requestEvent);
return 0;
* The key verification request event.
* @returns The request event, or falsey if not found.
get requestEvent() {
return this.getEventByEither(REQUEST_TYPE);
/** current phase of the request. Some properties might only be defined in a current phase. */
get phase() {
return this._phase;
/** The verifier to do the actual verification, once the method has been established. Only defined when the `phase` is PHASE_STARTED. */
get verifier() {
return this._verifier;
get canAccept() {
return (0, _verification.canAcceptVerificationRequest)(this);
get accepting() {
return this._accepting;
get declining() {
return this._declining;
/** whether this request has sent it's initial event and needs more events to complete */
get pending() {
return !this.observeOnly && this._phase !== PHASE_DONE && this._phase !== PHASE_CANCELLED;
/** Only set after a .ready if the other party can scan a QR code
* @deprecated Prefer `generateQRCode`.
get qrCodeData() {
return this._qrCodeData;
* Get the data for a QR code allowing the other device to verify this one, if it supports it.
* Only set after a .ready if the other party can scan a QR code, otherwise undefined.
* @deprecated Prefer `generateQRCode`.
getQRCodeBytes() {
return this._qrCodeData?.getBuffer();
* Generate the data for a QR code allowing the other device to verify this one, if it supports it.
* Only returns data once `phase` is `Ready` and the other party can scan a QR code;
* otherwise returns `undefined`.
async generateQRCode() {
return this.getQRCodeBytes();
/** Checks whether the other party supports a given verification method.
* This is useful when setting up the QR code UI, as it is somewhat asymmetrical:
* if the other party supports SCAN_QR, we should show a QR code in the UI, and vice versa.
* For methods that need to be supported by both ends, use the `methods` property.
* @param method - the method to check
* @param force - to check even if the phase is not ready or started yet, internal usage
* @returns whether or not the other party said the supported the method */
otherPartySupportsMethod(method, force = false) {
if (!force && !this.ready && !this.started) {
return false;
const theirMethodEvent = this.eventsByThem.get(REQUEST_TYPE) || this.eventsByThem.get(READY_TYPE);
if (!theirMethodEvent) {
// if we started straight away with .start event,
// we are assuming that the other side will support the
// chosen method, so return true for that.
if (this.started && this.initiatedByMe) {
const myStartEvent = this.eventsByUs.get(START_TYPE);
const content = myStartEvent && myStartEvent.getContent();
const myStartMethod = content && content.method;
return method == myStartMethod;
return false;
const content = theirMethodEvent.getContent();
if (!content) {
return false;
const {
} = content;
if (!Array.isArray(methods)) {
return false;
return methods.includes(method);
/** Whether this request was initiated by the syncing user.
* For InRoomChannel, this is who sent the .request event.
* For ToDeviceChannel, this is who sent the .start event
get initiatedByMe() {
// event created by us but no remote echo has been received yet
const noEventsYet = this.eventsByUs.size + this.eventsByThem.size === 0;
if (this._phase === PHASE_UNSENT && noEventsYet) {
return true;
const hasMyRequest = this.eventsByUs.has(REQUEST_TYPE);
const hasTheirRequest = this.eventsByThem.has(REQUEST_TYPE);
if (hasMyRequest && !hasTheirRequest) {
return true;
if (!hasMyRequest && hasTheirRequest) {
return false;
const hasMyStart = this.eventsByUs.has(START_TYPE);
const hasTheirStart = this.eventsByThem.has(START_TYPE);
if (hasMyStart && !hasTheirStart) {
return true;
return false;
/** The id of the user that initiated the request */
get requestingUserId() {
if (this.initiatedByMe) {
return this.client.getUserId();
} else {
return this.otherUserId;
/** The id of the user that (will) receive(d) the request */
get receivingUserId() {
if (this.initiatedByMe) {
return this.otherUserId;
} else {
return this.client.getUserId();
/** The user id of the other party in this request */
get otherUserId() {
/** The device id of the other party in this request, for requests happening over to-device messages only. */
get otherDeviceId() {
get isSelfVerification() {
return this.client.getUserId() === this.otherUserId;
* The id of the user that cancelled the request,
* only defined when phase is PHASE_CANCELLED
get cancellingUserId() {
const myCancel = this.eventsByUs.get(CANCEL_TYPE);
const theirCancel = this.eventsByThem.get(CANCEL_TYPE);
if (myCancel && (!theirCancel || myCancel.getId() < theirCancel.getId())) {
return myCancel.getSender();
if (theirCancel) {
return theirCancel.getSender();
return undefined;
* The cancellation code e.g m.user which is responsible for cancelling this verification
get cancellationCode() {
const ev = this.getEventByEither(CANCEL_TYPE);
return ev ? ev.getContent().code : null;
get observeOnly() {
return this._observeOnly;
* Gets which device the verification should be started with
* given the events sent so far in the verification. This is the
* same algorithm used to determine which device to send the
* verification to when no specific device is specified.
* @returns The device information
get targetDevice() {
const theirFirstEvent = this.eventsByThem.get(REQUEST_TYPE) || this.eventsByThem.get(READY_TYPE) || this.eventsByThem.get(START_TYPE);
const theirFirstContent = theirFirstEvent?.getContent();
const fromDevice = theirFirstContent?.from_device;
return {
userId: this.otherUserId,
deviceId: fromDevice
/* Start the key verification, creating a verifier and sending a .start event.
* If no previous events have been sent, pass in `targetDevice` to set who to direct this request to.
* @param method - the name of the verification method to use.
* @param targetDevice.userId the id of the user to direct this request to
* @param targetDevice.deviceId the id of the device to direct this request to
* @returns the verifier of the given method
beginKeyVerification(method, targetDevice = null) {
// need to allow also when unsent in case of to_device
if (!this.observeOnly && !this._verifier) {
const validStartPhase = this.phase === PHASE_REQUESTED || this.phase === PHASE_READY || this.phase === PHASE_UNSENT &&;
if (validStartPhase) {
// when called on a request that was initiated with .request event
// check the method is supported by both sides
if (this.commonMethods.length && !this.commonMethods.includes(method)) {
throw (0, _Error.newUnknownMethodError)();
this._verifier = this.createVerifier(method, null, targetDevice);
if (!this._verifier) {
throw (0, _Error.newUnknownMethodError)();
this._chosenMethod = method;
return this._verifier;
async startVerification(method) {
const verifier = this.beginKeyVerification(method);
// kick off the verification in the background, but *don't* wait for to complete: we need to return the `Verifier`.
return verifier;
scanQRCode(qrCodeData) {
throw new Error("QR code scanning not supported by legacy crypto");
* sends the initial .request event.
* @returns resolves when the event has been sent.
async sendRequest() {
if (!this.observeOnly && this._phase === PHASE_UNSENT) {
const methods = [...this.verificationMethods.keys()];
await, {
* Cancels the request, sending a cancellation to the other party
* @param params
* @param params.reason - the error reason to send the cancellation with
* @param params.code - the error code to send the cancellation with
* @returns resolves when the event has been sent.
async cancel({
reason = "User declined",
code = "m.user"
} = {}) {
if (!this.observeOnly && this._phase !== PHASE_CANCELLED) {
this._declining = true;
if (this._verifier) {
return this._verifier.cancel((0, _Error.errorFactory)(code, reason)());
} else {
this._cancellingUserId = this.client.getUserId();
await, {
* Accepts the request, sending a .ready event to the other party
* @returns resolves when the event has been sent.
async accept() {
if (!this.observeOnly && this.phase === PHASE_REQUESTED && !this.initiatedByMe) {
const methods = [...this.verificationMethods.keys()];
this._accepting = true;
await, {
* Can be used to listen for state changes until the callback returns true.
* @param fn - callback to evaluate whether the request is in the desired state.
* Takes the request as an argument.
* @returns that resolves once the callback returns true
* @throws Error when the request is cancelled
waitFor(fn) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const check = () => {
let handled = false;
if (fn(this)) {
handled = true;
} else if (this.cancelled) {
reject(new Error("cancelled"));
handled = true;
if (handled) {, check);
return handled;
if (!check()) {
this.on(_verification.VerificationRequestEvent.Change, check);
setPhase(phase, notify = true) {
this._phase = phase;
if (notify) {
getEventByEither(type) {
return this.eventsByThem.get(type) || this.eventsByUs.get(type);
getEventBy(type, byThem = false) {
if (byThem) {
return this.eventsByThem.get(type);
} else {
return this.eventsByUs.get(type);
calculatePhaseTransitions() {
const transitions = [{
const phase = () => transitions[transitions.length - 1].phase;
// always pass by .request first to be sure channel.userId has been set
const hasRequestByThem = this.eventsByThem.has(REQUEST_TYPE);
const requestEvent = this.getEventBy(REQUEST_TYPE, hasRequestByThem);
if (requestEvent) {
event: requestEvent
const readyEvent = requestEvent && this.getEventBy(READY_TYPE, !hasRequestByThem);
if (readyEvent && phase() === PHASE_REQUESTED) {
event: readyEvent
let startEvent;
if (readyEvent || !requestEvent) {
const theirStartEvent = this.eventsByThem.get(START_TYPE);
const ourStartEvent = this.eventsByUs.get(START_TYPE);
// any party can send .start after a .ready or unsent
if (theirStartEvent && ourStartEvent) {
startEvent = theirStartEvent.getSender() < ourStartEvent.getSender() ? theirStartEvent : ourStartEvent;
} else {
startEvent = theirStartEvent ? theirStartEvent : ourStartEvent;
} else {
startEvent = this.getEventBy(START_TYPE, !hasRequestByThem);
if (startEvent) {
const fromRequestPhase = phase() === PHASE_REQUESTED && requestEvent?.getSender() !== startEvent.getSender();
const fromUnsentPhase = phase() === PHASE_UNSENT &&;
if (fromRequestPhase || phase() === PHASE_READY || fromUnsentPhase) {
event: startEvent
const ourDoneEvent = this.eventsByUs.get(DONE_TYPE);
if (this.verifierHasFinished || ourDoneEvent && phase() === PHASE_STARTED) {
const cancelEvent = this.getEventByEither(CANCEL_TYPE);
if ((this._cancelled || cancelEvent) && phase() !== PHASE_DONE) {
event: cancelEvent
return transitions;
return transitions;
transitionToPhase(transition) {
const {
} = transition;
// get common methods
if (phase === PHASE_REQUESTED || phase === PHASE_READY) {
if (!this.wasSentByOwnDevice(event)) {
const content = event.getContent();
this.commonMethods = content.methods.filter(m => this.verificationMethods.has(m));
// detect if we're not a party in the request, and we should just observe
if (!this.observeOnly) {
// if requested or accepted by one of my other devices
if (phase === PHASE_REQUESTED || phase === PHASE_STARTED || phase === PHASE_READY) {
if ( && this.wasSentByOwnUser(event) && !this.wasSentByOwnDevice(event)) {
this._observeOnly = true;
// create verifier
if (phase === PHASE_STARTED) {
const {
} = event.getContent();
if (!this._verifier && !this.observeOnly) {
this._verifier = this.createVerifier(method, event);
if (!this._verifier) {
code: "m.unknown_method",
reason: `Unknown method: ${method}`
} else {
this._chosenMethod = method;
applyPhaseTransitions() {
const transitions = this.calculatePhaseTransitions();
const existingIdx = transitions.findIndex(t => t.phase === this.phase);
// trim off phases we already went through, if any
const newTransitions = transitions.slice(existingIdx + 1);
// transition to all new phases
for (const transition of newTransitions) {
return newTransitions;
isWinningStartRace(newEvent) {
if (newEvent.getType() !== START_TYPE) {
return false;
const oldEvent = this._verifier.startEvent;
let oldRaceIdentifier;
if (this.isSelfVerification) {
// if the verifier does not have a startEvent,
// it is because it's still sending and we are on the initator side
// we know we are sending a .start event because we already
// have a verifier (checked in calling method)
if (oldEvent) {
const oldContent = oldEvent.getContent();
oldRaceIdentifier = oldContent && oldContent.from_device;
} else {
oldRaceIdentifier = this.client.getDeviceId();
} else {
if (oldEvent) {
oldRaceIdentifier = oldEvent.getSender();
} else {
oldRaceIdentifier = this.client.getUserId();
let newRaceIdentifier;
if (this.isSelfVerification) {
const newContent = newEvent.getContent();
newRaceIdentifier = newContent && newContent.from_device;
} else {
newRaceIdentifier = newEvent.getSender();
return newRaceIdentifier < oldRaceIdentifier;
hasEventId(eventId) {
for (const event of this.eventsByUs.values()) {
if (event.getId() === eventId) {
return true;
for (const event of this.eventsByThem.values()) {
if (event.getId() === eventId) {
return true;
return false;
* Changes the state of the request and verifier in response to a key verification event.
* @param type - the "symbolic" event type, as returned by the `getEventType` function on the channel.
* @param event - the event to handle. Don't call getType() on it but use the `type` parameter instead.
* @param isLiveEvent - whether this is an even received through sync or not
* @param isRemoteEcho - whether this is the remote echo of an event sent by the same device
* @param isSentByUs - whether this event is sent by a party that can accept and/or observe the request like one of our peers.
* For InRoomChannel this means any device for the syncing user. For ToDeviceChannel, just the syncing device.
* @returns a promise that resolves when any requests as an answer to the passed-in event are sent.
async handleEvent(type, event, isLiveEvent, isRemoteEcho, isSentByUs) {
// if reached phase cancelled or done, ignore anything else that comes
if (this.done || this.cancelled) {
const wasObserveOnly = this._observeOnly;
this.adjustObserveOnly(event, isLiveEvent);
if (!this.observeOnly && !isRemoteEcho) {
if (await this.cancelOnError(type, event)) {
// This assumes verification won't need to send an event with
// the same type for the same party twice.
// This is true for QR and SAS verification, and was
// added here to prevent verification getting cancelled
// when the server duplicates an event (
const isDuplicateEvent = isSentByUs ? this.eventsByUs.has(type) : this.eventsByThem.has(type);
if (isDuplicateEvent) {
const oldPhase = this.phase;
this.addEvent(type, event, isSentByUs);
// this will create if needed the verifier so needs to happen before calling it
const newTransitions = this.applyPhaseTransitions();
try {
// only pass events from the other side to the verifier,
// no remote echos of our own events
if (this._verifier && !this.observeOnly) {
const newEventWinsRace = this.isWinningStartRace(event);
if (this._verifier.canSwitchStartEvent(event) && newEventWinsRace) {
} else if (!isRemoteEcho) {
if (type === CANCEL_TYPE || {
if (newTransitions.length) {
// create QRCodeData if the other side can scan
// important this happens before emitting a phase change,
// so listeners can rely on it being there already
// We only do this for live events because it is important that
// we sign the keys that were in the QR code, and not the keys
// we happen to have at some later point in time.
if (isLiveEvent && newTransitions.some(t => t.phase === PHASE_READY)) {
const shouldGenerateQrCode = this.otherPartySupportsMethod(_QRCode.SCAN_QR_CODE_METHOD, true);
if (shouldGenerateQrCode) {
this._qrCodeData = await _QRCode.QRCodeData.create(this, this.client);
const lastTransition = newTransitions[newTransitions.length - 1];
const {
} = lastTransition;
// set phase as last thing as this emits the "change" event
} else if (this._observeOnly !== wasObserveOnly) {
} finally {
// log events we processed so we can see from rageshakes what events were added to a request
_logger.logger.log(`Verification request ${}: ` + `${type} event with id:${event.getId()}, ` + `content:${JSON.stringify(event.getContent())} ` + `deviceId:${}, ` + `sender:${event.getSender()}, isSentByUs:${isSentByUs}, ` + `isLiveEvent:${isLiveEvent}, isRemoteEcho:${isRemoteEcho}, ` + `phase:${oldPhase}=>${this.phase}, ` + `observeOnly:${wasObserveOnly}=>${this._observeOnly}`);
setupTimeout(phase) {
const shouldTimeout = !this.timeoutTimer && !this.observeOnly && phase === PHASE_REQUESTED;
if (shouldTimeout) {
this.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(this.cancelOnTimeout, this.timeout);
if (this.timeoutTimer) {
const shouldClear = phase === PHASE_STARTED || phase === PHASE_READY || phase === PHASE_DONE || phase === PHASE_CANCELLED;
if (shouldClear) {
this.timeoutTimer = null;
async cancelOnError(type, event) {
if (type === START_TYPE) {
const method = event.getContent().method;
if (!this.verificationMethods.has(method)) {
await this.cancel((0, _Error.errorFromEvent)((0, _Error.newUnknownMethodError)()));
return true;
const isUnexpectedRequest = type === REQUEST_TYPE && this.phase !== PHASE_UNSENT;
const isUnexpectedReady = type === READY_TYPE && this.phase !== PHASE_REQUESTED && this.phase !== PHASE_STARTED;
// only if phase has passed from PHASE_UNSENT should we cancel, because events
// are allowed to come in in any order (at least with InRoomChannel). So we only know
// we're dealing with a valid request we should participate in once we've moved to PHASE_REQUESTED.
// Before that, we could be looking at somebody else's verification request and we just
// happen to be in the room
if (this.phase !== PHASE_UNSENT && (isUnexpectedRequest || isUnexpectedReady)) {
_logger.logger.warn(`Cancelling, unexpected ${type} verification ` + `event from ${event.getSender()}`);
const reason = `Unexpected ${type} event in phase ${this.phase}`;
await this.cancel((0, _Error.errorFromEvent)((0, _Error.newUnexpectedMessageError)({
return true;
return false;
adjustObserveOnly(event, isLiveEvent = false) {
// don't send out events for historical requests
if (!isLiveEvent) {
this._observeOnly = true;
if (this.calculateEventTimeout(event) < VERIFICATION_REQUEST_MARGIN) {
this._observeOnly = true;
addEvent(type, event, isSentByUs = false) {
if (isSentByUs) {
this.eventsByUs.set(type, event);
} else {
this.eventsByThem.set(type, event);
// once we know the userId of the other party (from the .request event)
// see if any event by anyone else crept into this.eventsByThem
if (type === REQUEST_TYPE) {
for (const [type, event] of this.eventsByThem.entries()) {
if (event.getSender() !== this.otherUserId) {
// also remember when we received the request event
this.requestReceivedAt =;
createVerifier(method, startEvent = null, targetDevice = null) {
if (!targetDevice) {
targetDevice = this.targetDevice;
const {
} = targetDevice;
const VerifierCtor = this.verificationMethods.get(method);
if (!VerifierCtor) {
_logger.logger.warn("could not find verifier constructor for method", method);
return new VerifierCtor(, this.client, userId, deviceId, startEvent, this);
wasSentByOwnUser(event) {
return event?.getSender() === this.client.getUserId();
// only for .request, .ready or .start
wasSentByOwnDevice(event) {
if (!this.wasSentByOwnUser(event)) {
return false;
const content = event.getContent();
if (!content || content.from_device !== this.client.getDeviceId()) {
return false;
return true;
onVerifierCancelled() {
this._cancelled = true;
// move to cancelled phase
const newTransitions = this.applyPhaseTransitions();
if (newTransitions.length) {
this.setPhase(newTransitions[newTransitions.length - 1].phase);
onVerifierFinished() {, {});
this.verifierHasFinished = true;
// move to .done phase
const newTransitions = this.applyPhaseTransitions();
if (newTransitions.length) {
this.setPhase(newTransitions[newTransitions.length - 1].phase);
getEventFromOtherParty(type) {
return this.eventsByThem.get(type);
exports.VerificationRequest = VerificationRequest;