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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.DeviceTrustLevel = exports.CrossSigningLevel = exports.CrossSigningInfo = void 0;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "UserTrustLevel", {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _cryptoApi.UserVerificationStatus;
exports.createCryptoStoreCacheCallbacks = createCryptoStoreCacheCallbacks;
exports.requestKeysDuringVerification = requestKeysDuringVerification;
var _olmlib = require("./olmlib");
var _logger = require("../logger");
var _indexeddbCryptoStore = require("../crypto/store/indexeddb-crypto-store");
var _aes = require("./aes");
var _cryptoApi = require("../crypto-api");
var _base = require("../base64");
function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : i + ""; }
function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } /*
Copyright 2019 - 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
*/ /**
* Cross signing methods
*/ // backwards-compatibility re-exports
const KEY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000 * 60;
function publicKeyFromKeyInfo(keyInfo) {
// `keys` is an object with { [`ed25519:${pubKey}`]: pubKey }
// We assume only a single key, and we want the bare form without type
// prefix, so we select the values.
return Object.values(keyInfo.keys)[0];
class CrossSigningInfo {
* Information about a user's cross-signing keys
* @param userId - the user that the information is about
* @param callbacks - Callbacks used to interact with the app
* Requires getCrossSigningKey and saveCrossSigningKeys
* @param cacheCallbacks - Callbacks used to interact with the cache
constructor(userId, callbacks = {}, cacheCallbacks = {}) {
this.userId = userId;
this.callbacks = callbacks;
this.cacheCallbacks = cacheCallbacks;
_defineProperty(this, "keys", {});
_defineProperty(this, "firstUse", true);
// This tracks whether we've ever verified this user with any identity.
// When you verify a user, any devices online at the time that receive
// the verifying signature via the homeserver will latch this to true
// and can use it in the future to detect cases where the user has
// become unverified later for any reason.
_defineProperty(this, "crossSigningVerifiedBefore", false);
static fromStorage(obj, userId) {
const res = new CrossSigningInfo(userId);
for (const prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
// @ts-ignore - ts doesn't like this and nor should we
res[prop] = obj[prop];
return res;
toStorage() {
return {
keys: this.keys,
firstUse: this.firstUse,
crossSigningVerifiedBefore: this.crossSigningVerifiedBefore
* Calls the app callback to ask for a private key
* @param type - The key type ("master", "self_signing", or "user_signing")
* @param expectedPubkey - The matching public key or undefined to use
* the stored public key for the given key type.
* @returns An array with [ public key, Olm.PkSigning ]
async getCrossSigningKey(type, expectedPubkey) {
const shouldCache = ["master", "self_signing", "user_signing"].indexOf(type) >= 0;
if (!this.callbacks.getCrossSigningKey) {
throw new Error("No getCrossSigningKey callback supplied");
if (expectedPubkey === undefined) {
expectedPubkey = this.getId(type);
function validateKey(key) {
if (!key) return;
const signing = new global.Olm.PkSigning();
const gotPubkey = signing.init_with_seed(key);
if (gotPubkey === expectedPubkey) {
return [gotPubkey, signing];
let privkey = null;
if (this.cacheCallbacks.getCrossSigningKeyCache && shouldCache) {
privkey = await this.cacheCallbacks.getCrossSigningKeyCache(type, expectedPubkey);
const cacheresult = validateKey(privkey);
if (cacheresult) {
return cacheresult;
privkey = await this.callbacks.getCrossSigningKey(type, expectedPubkey);
const result = validateKey(privkey);
if (result) {
if (this.cacheCallbacks.storeCrossSigningKeyCache && shouldCache) {
await this.cacheCallbacks.storeCrossSigningKeyCache(type, privkey);
return result;
/* No keysource even returned a key */
if (!privkey) {
throw new Error("getCrossSigningKey callback for " + type + " returned falsey");
/* We got some keys from the keysource, but none of them were valid */
throw new Error("Key type " + type + " from getCrossSigningKey callback did not match");
* Check whether the private keys exist in secret storage.
* XXX: This could be static, be we often seem to have an instance when we
* want to know this anyway...
* @param secretStorage - The secret store using account data
* @returns map of key name to key info the secret is encrypted
* with, or null if it is not present or not encrypted with a trusted
* key
async isStoredInSecretStorage(secretStorage) {
// check what SSSS keys have encrypted the master key (if any)
const stored = (await secretStorage.isStored("m.cross_signing.master")) || {};
// then check which of those SSSS keys have also encrypted the SSK and USK
function intersect(s) {
for (const k of Object.keys(stored)) {
if (!s[k]) {
delete stored[k];
for (const type of ["self_signing", "user_signing"]) {
intersect((await secretStorage.isStored(`m.cross_signing.${type}`)) || {});
return Object.keys(stored).length ? stored : null;
* Store private keys in secret storage for use by other devices. This is
* typically called in conjunction with the creation of new cross-signing
* keys.
* @param keys - The keys to store
* @param secretStorage - The secret store using account data
static async storeInSecretStorage(keys, secretStorage) {
for (const [type, privateKey] of keys) {
const encodedKey = (0, _base.encodeBase64)(privateKey);
await`m.cross_signing.${type}`, encodedKey);
* Get private keys from secret storage created by some other device. This
* also passes the private keys to the app-specific callback.
* @param type - The type of key to get. One of "master",
* "self_signing", or "user_signing".
* @param secretStorage - The secret store using account data
* @returns The private key
static async getFromSecretStorage(type, secretStorage) {
const encodedKey = await secretStorage.get(`m.cross_signing.${type}`);
if (!encodedKey) {
return null;
return (0, _base.decodeBase64)(encodedKey);
* Check whether the private keys exist in the local key cache.
* @param type - The type of key to get. One of "master",
* "self_signing", or "user_signing". Optional, will check all by default.
* @returns True if all keys are stored in the local cache.
async isStoredInKeyCache(type) {
const cacheCallbacks = this.cacheCallbacks;
if (!cacheCallbacks) return false;
const types = type ? [type] : ["master", "self_signing", "user_signing"];
for (const t of types) {
if (!(await cacheCallbacks.getCrossSigningKeyCache?.(t))) {
return false;
return true;
* Get cross-signing private keys from the local cache.
* @returns A map from key type (string) to private key (Uint8Array)
async getCrossSigningKeysFromCache() {
const keys = new Map();
const cacheCallbacks = this.cacheCallbacks;
if (!cacheCallbacks) return keys;
for (const type of ["master", "self_signing", "user_signing"]) {
const privKey = await cacheCallbacks.getCrossSigningKeyCache?.(type);
if (!privKey) {
keys.set(type, privKey);
return keys;
* Get the ID used to identify the user. This can also be used to test for
* the existence of a given key type.
* @param type - The type of key to get the ID of. One of "master",
* "self_signing", or "user_signing". Defaults to "master".
* @returns the ID
getId(type = "master") {
if (!this.keys[type]) return null;
const keyInfo = this.keys[type];
return publicKeyFromKeyInfo(keyInfo);
* Create new cross-signing keys for the given key types. The public keys
* will be held in this class, while the private keys are passed off to the
* `saveCrossSigningKeys` application callback.
* @param level - The key types to reset
async resetKeys(level) {
if (!this.callbacks.saveCrossSigningKeys) {
throw new Error("No saveCrossSigningKeys callback supplied");
// If we're resetting the master key, we reset all keys
if (level === undefined || level & CrossSigningLevel.MASTER || !this.keys.master) {
level = CrossSigningLevel.MASTER | CrossSigningLevel.USER_SIGNING | CrossSigningLevel.SELF_SIGNING;
} else if (level === 0) {
const privateKeys = {};
const keys = {};
let masterSigning;
let masterPub;
try {
if (level & CrossSigningLevel.MASTER) {
masterSigning = new global.Olm.PkSigning();
privateKeys.master = masterSigning.generate_seed();
masterPub = masterSigning.init_with_seed(privateKeys.master);
keys.master = {
user_id: this.userId,
usage: ["master"],
keys: {
["ed25519:" + masterPub]: masterPub
} else {
[masterPub, masterSigning] = await this.getCrossSigningKey("master");
if (level & CrossSigningLevel.SELF_SIGNING) {
const sskSigning = new global.Olm.PkSigning();
try {
privateKeys.self_signing = sskSigning.generate_seed();
const sskPub = sskSigning.init_with_seed(privateKeys.self_signing);
keys.self_signing = {
user_id: this.userId,
usage: ["self_signing"],
keys: {
["ed25519:" + sskPub]: sskPub
(0, _olmlib.pkSign)(keys.self_signing, masterSigning, this.userId, masterPub);
} finally {;
if (level & CrossSigningLevel.USER_SIGNING) {
const uskSigning = new global.Olm.PkSigning();
try {
privateKeys.user_signing = uskSigning.generate_seed();
const uskPub = uskSigning.init_with_seed(privateKeys.user_signing);
keys.user_signing = {
user_id: this.userId,
usage: ["user_signing"],
keys: {
["ed25519:" + uskPub]: uskPub
(0, _olmlib.pkSign)(keys.user_signing, masterSigning, this.userId, masterPub);
} finally {;
Object.assign(this.keys, keys);
} finally {
if (masterSigning) {;
* unsets the keys, used when another session has reset the keys, to disable cross-signing
clearKeys() {
this.keys = {};
setKeys(keys) {
const signingKeys = {};
if (keys.master) {
if (keys.master.user_id !== this.userId) {
const error = "Mismatched user ID " + keys.master.user_id + " in master key from " + this.userId;
throw new Error(error);
if (!this.keys.master) {
// this is the first key we've seen, so first-use is true
this.firstUse = true;
} else if (publicKeyFromKeyInfo(keys.master) !== this.getId()) {
// this is a different key, so first-use is false
this.firstUse = false;
} // otherwise, same key, so no change
signingKeys.master = keys.master;
} else if (this.keys.master) {
signingKeys.master = this.keys.master;
} else {
throw new Error("Tried to set cross-signing keys without a master key");
const masterKey = publicKeyFromKeyInfo(signingKeys.master);
// verify signatures
if (keys.user_signing) {
if (keys.user_signing.user_id !== this.userId) {
const error = "Mismatched user ID " + keys.master.user_id + " in user_signing key from " + this.userId;
throw new Error(error);
try {
(0, _olmlib.pkVerify)(keys.user_signing, masterKey, this.userId);
} catch (e) {
_logger.logger.error("invalid signature on user-signing key");
// FIXME: what do we want to do here?
throw e;
if (keys.self_signing) {
if (keys.self_signing.user_id !== this.userId) {
const error = "Mismatched user ID " + keys.master.user_id + " in self_signing key from " + this.userId;
throw new Error(error);
try {
(0, _olmlib.pkVerify)(keys.self_signing, masterKey, this.userId);
} catch (e) {
_logger.logger.error("invalid signature on self-signing key");
// FIXME: what do we want to do here?
throw e;
// if everything checks out, then save the keys
if (keys.master) {
this.keys.master = keys.master;
// if the master key is set, then the old self-signing and user-signing keys are obsolete
delete this.keys["self_signing"];
delete this.keys["user_signing"];
if (keys.self_signing) {
this.keys.self_signing = keys.self_signing;
if (keys.user_signing) {
this.keys.user_signing = keys.user_signing;
updateCrossSigningVerifiedBefore(isCrossSigningVerified) {
// It is critical that this value latches forward from false to true but
// never back to false to avoid a downgrade attack.
if (!this.crossSigningVerifiedBefore && isCrossSigningVerified) {
this.crossSigningVerifiedBefore = true;
async signObject(data, type) {
if (!this.keys[type]) {
throw new Error("Attempted to sign with " + type + " key but no such key present");
const [pubkey, signing] = await this.getCrossSigningKey(type);
try {
(0, _olmlib.pkSign)(data, signing, this.userId, pubkey);
return data;
} finally {;
async signUser(key) {
if (!this.keys.user_signing) {"No user signing key: not signing user");
return this.signObject(key.keys.master, "user_signing");
async signDevice(userId, device) {
if (userId !== this.userId) {
throw new Error(`Trying to sign ${userId}'s device; can only sign our own device`);
if (!this.keys.self_signing) {"No self signing key: not signing device");
return this.signObject({
algorithms: device.algorithms,
keys: device.keys,
device_id: device.deviceId,
user_id: userId
}, "self_signing");
* Check whether a given user is trusted.
* @param userCrossSigning - Cross signing info for user
* @returns
checkUserTrust(userCrossSigning) {
// if we're checking our own key, then it's trusted if the master key
// and self-signing key match
if (this.userId === userCrossSigning.userId && this.getId() && this.getId() === userCrossSigning.getId() && this.getId("self_signing") && this.getId("self_signing") === userCrossSigning.getId("self_signing")) {
return new _cryptoApi.UserVerificationStatus(true, true, this.firstUse);
if (!this.keys.user_signing) {
// If there's no user signing key, they can't possibly be verified.
// They may be TOFU trusted though.
return new _cryptoApi.UserVerificationStatus(false, false, userCrossSigning.firstUse);
let userTrusted;
const userMaster = userCrossSigning.keys.master;
const uskId = this.getId("user_signing");
try {
(0, _olmlib.pkVerify)(userMaster, uskId, this.userId);
userTrusted = true;
} catch (e) {
userTrusted = false;
return new _cryptoApi.UserVerificationStatus(userTrusted, userCrossSigning.crossSigningVerifiedBefore, userCrossSigning.firstUse);
* Check whether a given device is trusted.
* @param userCrossSigning - Cross signing info for user
* @param device - The device to check
* @param localTrust - Whether the device is trusted locally
* @param trustCrossSignedDevices - Whether we trust cross signed devices
* @returns
checkDeviceTrust(userCrossSigning, device, localTrust, trustCrossSignedDevices) {
const userTrust = this.checkUserTrust(userCrossSigning);
const userSSK = userCrossSigning.keys.self_signing;
if (!userSSK) {
// if the user has no self-signing key then we cannot make any
// trust assertions about this device from cross-signing
return new DeviceTrustLevel(false, false, localTrust, trustCrossSignedDevices);
const deviceObj = deviceToObject(device, userCrossSigning.userId);
try {
// if we can verify the user's SSK from their master key...
(0, _olmlib.pkVerify)(userSSK, userCrossSigning.getId(), userCrossSigning.userId);
// ...and this device's key from their SSK...
(0, _olmlib.pkVerify)(deviceObj, publicKeyFromKeyInfo(userSSK), userCrossSigning.userId);
// ...then we trust this device as much as far as we trust the user
return DeviceTrustLevel.fromUserTrustLevel(userTrust, localTrust, trustCrossSignedDevices);
} catch (e) {
return new DeviceTrustLevel(false, false, localTrust, trustCrossSignedDevices);
* @returns Cache callbacks
getCacheCallbacks() {
return this.cacheCallbacks;
exports.CrossSigningInfo = CrossSigningInfo;
function deviceToObject(device, userId) {
return {
algorithms: device.algorithms,
keys: device.keys,
device_id: device.deviceId,
user_id: userId,
signatures: device.signatures
let CrossSigningLevel = exports.CrossSigningLevel = /*#__PURE__*/function (CrossSigningLevel) {
CrossSigningLevel[CrossSigningLevel["MASTER"] = 4] = "MASTER";
CrossSigningLevel[CrossSigningLevel["USER_SIGNING"] = 2] = "USER_SIGNING";
CrossSigningLevel[CrossSigningLevel["SELF_SIGNING"] = 1] = "SELF_SIGNING";
return CrossSigningLevel;
* Represents the ways in which we trust a device.
* @deprecated Use {@link DeviceVerificationStatus}.
class DeviceTrustLevel extends _cryptoApi.DeviceVerificationStatus {
constructor(crossSigningVerified, tofu, localVerified, trustCrossSignedDevices, signedByOwner = false) {
static fromUserTrustLevel(userTrustLevel, localVerified, trustCrossSignedDevices) {
return new DeviceTrustLevel(userTrustLevel.isCrossSigningVerified(), userTrustLevel.isTofu(), localVerified, trustCrossSignedDevices, true);
* @returns true if this device is verified via cross signing
isCrossSigningVerified() {
return this.crossSigningVerified;
* @returns true if this device is verified locally
isLocallyVerified() {
return this.localVerified;
* @returns true if this device is trusted from a user's key
* that is trusted on first use
isTofu() {
return this.tofu;
exports.DeviceTrustLevel = DeviceTrustLevel;
function createCryptoStoreCacheCallbacks(store, olmDevice) {
return {
getCrossSigningKeyCache: async function (type, _expectedPublicKey) {
const key = await new Promise(resolve => {
store.doTxn("readonly", [_indexeddbCryptoStore.IndexedDBCryptoStore.STORE_ACCOUNT], txn => {
store.getSecretStorePrivateKey(txn, resolve, type);
if (key && key.ciphertext) {
const pickleKey = Buffer.from(olmDevice.pickleKey);
const decrypted = await (0, _aes.decryptAES)(key, pickleKey, type);
return (0, _base.decodeBase64)(decrypted);
} else {
return key;
storeCrossSigningKeyCache: async function (type, key) {
if (!(key instanceof Uint8Array)) {
throw new Error(`storeCrossSigningKeyCache expects Uint8Array, got ${key}`);
const pickleKey = Buffer.from(olmDevice.pickleKey);
const encryptedKey = await (0, _aes.encryptAES)((0, _base.encodeBase64)(key), pickleKey, type);
return store.doTxn("readwrite", [_indexeddbCryptoStore.IndexedDBCryptoStore.STORE_ACCOUNT], txn => {
store.storeSecretStorePrivateKey(txn, type, encryptedKey);
* Request cross-signing keys from another device during verification.
* @param baseApis - base Matrix API interface
* @param userId - The user ID being verified
* @param deviceId - The device ID being verified
async function requestKeysDuringVerification(baseApis, userId, deviceId) {
// If this is a self-verification, ask the other party for keys
if (baseApis.getUserId() !== userId) {
_logger.logger.log("Cross-signing: Self-verification done; requesting keys");
// This happens asynchronously, and we're not concerned about waiting for
// it. We return here in order to test.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = baseApis;
const original = client.crypto.crossSigningInfo;
// We already have all of the infrastructure we need to validate and
// cache cross-signing keys, so instead of replicating that, here we set
// up callbacks that request them from the other device and call
// CrossSigningInfo.getCrossSigningKey() to validate/cache
const crossSigning = new CrossSigningInfo(original.userId, {
getCrossSigningKey: async type => {
_logger.logger.debug("Cross-signing: requesting secret", type, deviceId);
const {
} = client.requestSecret(`m.cross_signing.${type}`, [deviceId]);
const result = await promise;
const decoded = (0, _base.decodeBase64)(result);
return Uint8Array.from(decoded);
}, original.getCacheCallbacks());
crossSigning.keys = original.keys;
// XXX: get all keys out if we get one key out
// then change here to reject on the timeout
// Requests can be ignored, so don't wait around forever
const timeout = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, KEY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS, new Error("Timeout"));
// also request and cache the key backup key
const backupKeyPromise = (async () => {
const cachedKey = await client.crypto.getSessionBackupPrivateKey();
if (!cachedKey) {"No cached backup key found. Requesting...");
const secretReq = client.requestSecret("m.megolm_backup.v1", [deviceId]);
const base64Key = await secretReq.promise;"Got key backup key, decoding...");
const decodedKey = (0, _base.decodeBase64)(base64Key);"Decoded backup key, storing...");
await client.crypto.storeSessionBackupPrivateKey(Uint8Array.from(decodedKey));"Backup key stored. Starting backup restore...");
const backupInfo = await client.getKeyBackupVersion();
// no need to await for this - just let it go in the bg
client.restoreKeyBackupWithCache(undefined, undefined, backupInfo).then(() => {"Backup restored.");
// We call getCrossSigningKey() for its side-effects
Promise.race([Promise.all([crossSigning.getCrossSigningKey("master"), crossSigning.getCrossSigningKey("self_signing"), crossSigning.getCrossSigningKey("user_signing"), backupKeyPromise]), timeout]).then(resolve, reject);
}).catch(e => {
_logger.logger.warn("Cross-signing: failure while requesting keys:", e);