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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
var { ircAccount } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var input = [
var expectedOutputParams = [
"ACTION test",
"ACTION \\\\test",
"ACTION te\\\\st",
"ACTION test\\\\",
"ACTION \\\\\\\\test",
"ACTION te\\\\\\\\st",
"ACTION test\\\\\\\\",
"ACTION \\\\\\\\\\\\test",
"ACTION te\\\\\\\\\\\\st",
"ACTION test\\\\\\\\\\\\",
"ACTION \\atest",
"ACTION te\\ast",
"ACTION test\\a",
"ACTION \\\\\\\\\\atest",
"ACTION \\\\\\\\atest",
var outputParams = [];
ircAccount.prototype.sendMessage = function (aCommand, aParams) {
equal("PRIVMSG", aCommand);
function run_test() { =>
ircAccount.prototype.sendCTCPMessage("", false, "ACTION", aStr)
// Ensure both arrays have the same length.
equal(expectedOutputParams.length, outputParams.length);
// Ensure the values in the arrays are equal.
for (let i = 0; i < outputParams.length; ++i) {
equal("\x01" + expectedOutputParams[i] + "\x01", outputParams[i]);