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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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* Tests that the time indicator is restarted and scroll position is restored
* when switching tabs or views.
* Wait until the view's timebar shows the given number of visible hours.
* @param {CalendarMultidayBaseView} view - The calendar view.
* @param {number} numHours - The expected number of visible hours.
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves when the timebar has numHours
* visible hours.
function waitForVisibleHours(view, numHours) {
// The timebar is the only scrollable child in its column (the others are
// sticky), so the difference between the scroll area's scrollTopMax and the
// timebar's clientHeight should give us the visible height.
return TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
const timebarHeight = view.timebar.clientHeight;
const visiblePx = timebarHeight - view.grid.scrollTopMax;
const expectPx = (numHours / 24) * timebarHeight;
// Allow up to 3px difference to accommodate accumulated integer rounding
// errors (e.g. clientHeight is a rounded integer, whilst client rectangles
// and expectPx are floating).
return Math.abs(visiblePx - expectPx) < 3;
}, `${} should have ${numHours} hours visible`);
* Wait until the view's timebar's first visible hour is the given hour.
* @param {CalendarMultidayBaseView} view - The calendar view.
* @param {number} hour - The expected first visible hour.
* @returns {Promise} - Promise that resolves when the timebar has the given
* first visible hour.
function waitForFirstVisibleHour(view, hour) {
return TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
const expectPx = (hour / 24) * view.timebar.clientHeight;
const actualPx = view.grid.scrollTop;
return Math.abs(actualPx - expectPx) < 3;
}, `${} first visible hour should be ${hour}`);
* Perform a scroll on the view by one hour.
* @param {CalendarMultidayBaseView} view - The calendar view to scroll.
* @param {boolean} scrollDown - Whether to scroll down, otherwise scrolls up.
async function doScroll(view, scrollDown) {
const scrollPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(view.grid, "scroll");
const viewRect = view.getBoundingClientRect();
viewRect.width / 2,
viewRect.height / 2,
{ deltaY: scrollDown ? 1 : -1, deltaMode: WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE },
await scrollPromise;
add_task(async function () {
const expectedVisibleHours = 3;
const expectedStartHour = 3;
const tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
Assert.equal(tabmail.tabInfo.length, 1);
Assert.equal(Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.daystarthour"), expectedStartHour);
Assert.equal(Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.dayendhour"), 12);
Assert.equal(Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.view.visiblehours"), expectedVisibleHours);
// Open the day view, check the display matches the prefs.
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
const dayView = document.getElementById("day-view");
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(dayView, expectedStartHour);
await waitForVisibleHours(dayView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Scroll down 3 hours. We'll check this scroll position later.
await doScroll(dayView, true);
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(dayView, expectedStartHour + 1);
await doScroll(dayView, true);
await doScroll(dayView, true);
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(dayView, expectedStartHour + 3);
await waitForVisibleHours(dayView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Open the week view, check the display matches the prefs.
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "week");
const weekView = document.getElementById("week-view");
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(weekView, expectedStartHour);
await waitForVisibleHours(weekView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Scroll up 1 hour.
await doScroll(weekView, false);
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(weekView, expectedStartHour - 1);
await waitForVisibleHours(weekView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Go back to the day view, check the timer and scroll position.
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(dayView, expectedStartHour + 3);
await waitForVisibleHours(dayView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Switch away from the calendar tab.
// Switch back to the calendar tab. Check scroll position.
Assert.equal(window.currentView().id, "day-view");
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(dayView, expectedStartHour + 3);
await waitForVisibleHours(dayView, expectedVisibleHours);
// Go back to the week view. Check scroll position.
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "week");
await waitForFirstVisibleHour(weekView, expectedStartHour - 1);
await waitForVisibleHours(weekView, expectedVisibleHours);