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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var { formatDate, formatTime, saveAndCloseItemDialog, setData } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.sys.mjs");
const TITLE1 = "Day View Event";
const TITLE2 = "Day View Event Changed";
const DESC = "Day View Event Description";
add_setup(async function () {
const calendar = CalendarTestUtils.createCalendar();
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
add_task(async function testDayView() {
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2009, 1, 1);
const dayView = document.getElementById("day-view");
// Verify date in view.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
() => dayView.dayColumns[0]?.date.icalString == "20090101",
"Inspecting the date"
// Create event at 8 AM.
let eventBox = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getHourBoxAt(window, 8);
let { dialogWindow, iframeWindow, iframeDocument } = await CalendarTestUtils.editNewEvent(
// Check that the start time is correct.
const someDate = cal.createDateTime();
someDate.resetTo(2009, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0, cal.dtz.UTC);
const startPicker = iframeDocument.getElementById("event-starttime");
Assert.equal(startPicker._datepicker._inputField.value, formatDate(someDate));
Assert.equal(startPicker._timepicker._inputField.value, formatTime(someDate));
// Fill in title, description and calendar.
await setData(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, {
title: TITLE1,
description: DESC,
calendar: "Test",
await saveAndCloseItemDialog(dialogWindow);
// If it was created successfully, it can be opened.
({ dialogWindow, iframeWindow } = await CalendarTestUtils.dayView.editEventAt(window, 1));
await setData(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, { title: TITLE2 });
await saveAndCloseItemDialog(dialogWindow);
// Check if name was saved.
await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => {
eventBox = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getEventBoxAt(window, 1);
if (!eventBox) {
return false;
const eventName = eventBox.querySelector(".event-name-label");
return eventName.textContent == TITLE2;
}, "event was modified in the view");
// Delete event
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(eventBox, {}, window);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, window);
await CalendarTestUtils.dayView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, 1);
Assert.ok(true, "Test ran to completion");
add_task(async function testDayViewDateLabel() {
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 4, 13);
const heading = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getColumnHeading(window);
const labelSpan = heading.querySelector("span:not([hidden])");
await document.l10n.translateRoots();
"Wednesday Apr 13",
"the date label should contain the displayed date in a human-readable string"
add_task(async function testDayViewCurrentDayHighlight() {
// Sanity check that this date (which should be in the past) is not today's
// date.
const today = new Date();
Assert.ok(today.getUTCFullYear() != 2022 || today.getUTCMonth() != 3 || today.getUTCDate() != 13);
// When displaying days which are not the current day, there should be no
// highlight.
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 4, 13);
let container = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getColumnContainer(window);
"the displayed date should not be highlighted if it is not the current day"
// When displaying the current day, it should be highlighted.
await CalendarTestUtils.goToToday(window);
container = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getColumnContainer(window);
"the displayed date should be highlighted if it is the current day"
add_task(async function testDayViewWorkDayHighlight() {
// The test configuration sets Sunday to be a work day, so it should not have
// the weekend background.
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 4, 10);
let container = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getColumnContainer(window);
"the displayed date should not be highlighted if it is a work day"
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 4, 13);
container = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getColumnContainer(window);
"the displayed date should be highlighted if it is not a work day"
add_task(async function testDayViewNavbar() {
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 4, 13);
const intervalDescription = CalendarTestUtils.getNavBarIntervalDescription(window);
"Wednesday, April 13, 2022",
"interval description should contain a description of the displayed date"
await document.l10n.translateRoots();
// Note that the value 14 here tests calculation of the calendar week based on
// the starting day of the week; if the calculation built in an assumption of
// Sunday or Monday as the starting day of the week, we would get 15 here.
const calendarWeek = CalendarTestUtils.getNavBarCalendarWeekBox(window);
"CW: 14",
"calendar week label should contain an indicator of which week contains displayed date"
add_task(async function testDayViewTodayButton() {
// Though this code is cribbed from the CalendarTestUtils, it should be
// duplicated in case the utility implementation changes.
const todayButton = CalendarTestUtils.getNavBarTodayButton(window);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(todayButton, {}, window);
await CalendarTestUtils.ensureViewLoaded(window);
const displayedDate = CalendarTestUtils.dayView.getEventColumn(window).date;
const today = new Date();
"year of displayed date should be this year"
"month of displayed date should be this month"
Assert.equal(, today.getUTCDate(), "day of displayed date should be today");