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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
var { handleDeleteOccurrencePrompt } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { menulistSelect, saveAndCloseItemDialog, setData } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { dayView, weekView, multiweekView, monthView } = CalendarTestUtils;
const HOUR = 8;
* This test is intended to verify that events recurring on a weekly basis are
* correctly created and displayed. The event should recur on multiple days in
* the week, skip days, and be limited to a certain number of recurrences in
* order to verify that these parameters are respected. Deletion should delete
* all event occurrences when appropriate.
add_task(async function testWeeklyNRecurrence() {
async function setRecurrence(recurrenceWindow) {
const recurrenceDocument = recurrenceWindow.document;
// Select weekly recurrence
await menulistSelect(recurrenceDocument.getElementById("period-list"), "1");
const monLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[1];
const tueLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[2];
const wedLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[3];
const friLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[5];
const satLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[6];
const dayPicker = recurrenceDocument.getElementById("daypicker-weekday");
// Selected date is a Monday, so it should already be selected
"Monday should already be selected"
// Select Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday as additional days for
// event occurrences
// Create a total of four events
recurrenceDocument.getElementById("repeat-ntimes-count").value = "4";
const button = recurrenceDocument.querySelector("dialog").getButton("accept");
button.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "instant" });
// Close dialog
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, recurrenceWindow);
const calendar = CalendarTestUtils.createCalendar();
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2009, 1, 5);
// Create event recurring on a weekly basis
const eventBox = dayView.getHourBoxAt(window, HOUR);
const { dialogWindow, iframeWindow } = await CalendarTestUtils.editNewEvent(window, eventBox);
await setData(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, { title: "Event", repeat: setRecurrence });
await saveAndCloseItemDialog(dialogWindow);
// Verify in the day view that events were created for Monday through Wednesday
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await dayView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, 1);
await CalendarTestUtils.calendarViewForward(window, 1);
// No event should have been created on Thursday because it was not selected
await dayView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, 1);
await CalendarTestUtils.calendarViewForward(window, 1);
// An event should have been created for Friday because it was selected
await dayView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, 1);
await CalendarTestUtils.calendarViewForward(window, 1);
// No event should have been created on Saturday due to four event limit
await dayView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, 1);
// Validate event creation and lack of Saturday event in week view
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "week");
for (let i = 2; i < 5; i++) {
await weekView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, i, 1);
// No event Thursday or Saturday, event on Friday
await weekView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, 5, 1);
await weekView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, 6, 1);
await weekView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, 7, 1);
// Validate event creation and lack of Saturday event in multiweek view
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "multiweek");
for (let i = 2; i < 5; i++) {
await multiweekView.waitForItemAt(window, 1, i, 1);
// No event Thursday or Saturday, event on Friday
await multiweekView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 1, 5, 1);
await multiweekView.waitForItemAt(window, 1, 6, 1);
await multiweekView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 1, 7, 1);
// Validate event creation and lack of Saturday event in month view
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "month");
for (let i = 2; i < 5; i++) {
// This should be the second week in the month
await monthView.waitForItemAt(window, 2, i, 1);
// No event Thursday or Saturday, event on Friday
await monthView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 2, 5, 1);
await monthView.waitForItemAt(window, 2, 6, 1);
await monthView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 2, 7, 1);
// Delete event
const box = await monthView.waitForItemAt(window, 2, 2, 1);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(box, {}, window);
await handleDeleteOccurrencePrompt(window, box, true);
// All occurrences should have been deleted
for (let i = 2; i < 5; i++) {
await monthView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 2, i, 1);
await monthView.waitForNoItemAt(window, 2, 6, 1);
* This test is intended to catch instances in which we aren't correctly setting
* the week start value of recurrences. For example, if the user has set their
* week to start on Saturday, then creates a recurring event running every other
* Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, they expect to see events on the initial
* Saturday, Sunday, Monday, skip a week, repeat. However, week start defaults
* to Monday, so if it is not correctly set, they would see events on the
* initial Saturday and Sunday, nothing on Monday, but an event on the following
* Monday.
add_task(async function testRecurrenceAcrossWeekStart() {
// Sanity check that we're not testing against a default value
const initialWeekStart = Services.prefs.getIntPref("calendar.week.start", 0);
Assert.notEqual(initialWeekStart, 6, "week start should not be Saturday");
// Set week start to Saturday
Services.prefs.setIntPref("calendar.week.start", 6);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("calendar.week.start", initialWeekStart);
async function setRecurrence(recurrenceWindow) {
const recurrenceDocument = recurrenceWindow.document;
// Select weekly recurrence
await menulistSelect(recurrenceDocument.getElementById("period-list"), "1");
// Recur every two weeks
recurrenceDocument.getElementById("weekly-weeks").value = "2";
const satLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[6];
const sunLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[0];
const monLabel = cal.dtz.formatter.shortWeekdayNames[1];
const dayPicker = recurrenceDocument.getElementById("daypicker-weekday");
// Selected date is a Saturday, so it should already be selected
"Saturday should already be checked"
// Select Sunday and Monday as additional days for event occurrences
// Create a total of six events
recurrenceDocument.getElementById("repeat-ntimes-count").value = "6";
const button = recurrenceDocument.querySelector("dialog").getButton("accept");
button.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "instant" });
// Close dialog
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, recurrenceWindow);
const calendar = CalendarTestUtils.createCalendar();
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "day");
await CalendarTestUtils.goToDate(window, 2022, 10, 15);
// Create event recurring every other week
const eventBox = dayView.getHourBoxAt(window, HOUR);
const { dialogWindow, iframeWindow } = await CalendarTestUtils.editNewEvent(window, eventBox);
await setData(dialogWindow, iframeWindow, { title: "Event", repeat: setRecurrence });
await saveAndCloseItemDialog(dialogWindow);
// Open week view
await CalendarTestUtils.setCalendarView(window, "week");
// Verify events created on Saturday, Sunday, Monday of first week
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
await weekView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, i, 1);
// Verify no events created on Saturday, Sunday, Monday of second week
await CalendarTestUtils.calendarViewForward(window, 1);
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
await weekView.waitForNoEventBoxAt(window, i, 1);
// Verify events created on Saturday, Sunday, Monday of third week
await CalendarTestUtils.calendarViewForward(window, 1);
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
await weekView.waitForEventBoxAt(window, i, 1);